r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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Means to reduce grccureme2t tine should also be sotght.<br />

This might Involve placing the consultant in direct contact with<br />

a procurement agent of the donores choice. By reducing the<br />

3War of people invofvad ir; procursnerrt, the chances fur error,<br />

as well as the t5mes f~volved, are reduced. In addition,<br />

accountability for errors is xore clearly defined.<br />

? , : warehousing<br />

As with pxocurezient, warehause space and warehouse<br />

procedures should be estabPis3ed prior ta initiation of project<br />

activities, and should also ke a tas~ of the advance team.<br />

Attempting ta establish a systex wben the project is already<br />

under way, leads to confssion and loss,<br />

If accountabilfty for supplies is placed with the<br />

consultant, then caqlere zontrol aver those supplies must also<br />

be given. It is virr;;ally ixpossiblt; to account fax a warehouse<br />

af supplies and equipaent where only tzoken control is given.<br />

The key factors izvolved In the Zack of optimum success by<br />

the Planning Uni= were the lack o: qualified staff and the late<br />

initiation. The objectives of planning, monitoring, and<br />

evaluatioa, were ro track constrxction, and operation and<br />

ztaintenance, 05 wells, a2d to nonitor the impacts of the wells<br />

on village cozmunities. Morxa: feedback of information on a<br />

day-to-day basis provided adequate nanitoring of construction,<br />

and operation and aalntenancs activities. #onitsring the<br />

lmpacts of the welis on village cozaunities, h~wever, was<br />

handicrpged by a skorrzqe of qualieied staff.<br />

13 retrospect, the ?ianning anit shouLd have been<br />

established at the beginning of the praject rathex than towards<br />

L ,3e end, All t ~ often, o the Ynit uas regard~d by WDA management<br />

as a resource for use by the pr~ject, rather than far WDA as a<br />

whale. As a resulz, %>e Institulional scpport<br />

.<br />

provided did not<br />

-1<br />

reach the :eve: crIz:naL~y arriclp.zced.<br />

Site seleztian, wkzh the exceg3rio~ of %he hydrogeologic<br />

factsss, was carrie2 out by the BmD? and CRDP personnel.<br />

Acceptance of Eke xeil sire by the viiLzge cozazuzity should be a<br />

priority issue, and be izsured psior to mobilization of<br />

equipment e ~ d perso~nel. Tke estab1Zshzi~nt of a colrtmunity<br />

<strong>part</strong>icipation process

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