r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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This sectfoa is 2resenteC i . ~ an effarc ta aid those persons<br />

pLanning future vater devefcp=ent prcjects. These comments and<br />

opinions are applicable ta any Xizfs'ry or Agency planning to<br />

conducz water resource develap;e;lt pra?ects. What has happened<br />

during the coarse GZ +%;- ,,A= proSect is history, and cannot be<br />

ckanged. The experience mzst, hexever, serve as a guide to what<br />

could be iz the future.<br />

A prerequisite $or ---"ect P.+-~A success is that those responsible<br />

for iapLe3aztlon kave the a~tkcrity xecassary to exercise<br />

co~trol over al: aspects cf the project. When this function is<br />

divided, the chzzces of szccess in tke project are greatly<br />

reduced. Xn tae fgPLo~ing sectkczs, those aspects af the<br />

p~ofect that were<br />

discussed.<br />

affected by s L4~A, 12ck of control are<br />

A11 nezrSers of the Cozs~l:a:~~s staff expressed the same<br />

feeling with regard to psrson~el - frustration at the lack of<br />

co3trol experie~ced frcm nat being . - able to hire and fire. On<br />

nsr,erous occasiozs, certzix in2:vzduals were reported to be nut<br />

perforning zdetpazefy, Q zat at arl. Although frequently<br />

repor:ed, these i~5ividurls xere alloyed to remain on the job,<br />

3 . . - 4<br />

ostezsibly bect~se af tke :zaDL~;zy to Sicd replacements.<br />

*'<br />

~ne<br />

conszitzxr was azare of Eke<br />

T*<br />

-~oSl~z,s faced by WDA in<br />

not being able ta offer zdequ~le salaries to attract and retain<br />

qualified staff. 0z 5cture pzc:ects, it wozl5 be advantageous<br />

co pr~vir2e the csnsulxant wirh rhe means to hire the staff<br />

. .<br />

regired to get t5e 205 dcne. XLter~atiueTy, the consultant<br />

shasld have equal right of zcceptapce or dismissal of staff and<br />

countergarts pxcvided.<br />

&-%- 6 -? -,<br />

Ose cf tkb dlfficxlties in ,4A,i~~i~g<br />

.<br />

The objeczives of the<br />

?zoject was tke failure of ap2rocriare szpplies and equipment to<br />

be delivered in a cizely zazner. ff possibSe, the team selected<br />

ro iaslezie~t rhe project s3scli be responsible for eqipment<br />

. .-<br />

sefecrion. Zceei-y, an advance zeaz shoxLd be brs~ght in to set<br />

~3 uhatsver Izfrastr:c~:re Is rezuixed to carry - ost the work,<br />

-I<br />

,nls yea2 ~.igfi= z~nsisz of tke ;rs>ec% F-~nzger, acd one or two key -erson~el r zf disci~l Ixes a>prcpsiste zo zhe prcject being<br />

cozsldered. where delive rlv tims are kxoxn to be ug to a year, -<br />

this sdvance tea; shs-cld be zobilized for a short t e n of one or<br />

tuo zozths, ace t5es recalled ziZh Eke fclZ team when basic<br />

sxp2Lies azd eq-:iszent axrive i~-co~.i~tr~.

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