r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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and private sector developnent- The results of the exploration<br />

and exploitation work are presezted in Volume 1x1, entitled<br />

3ydsoqeoXogy. All basic data related to t5e General Activities<br />

are included in Volt;%e i72, and all. hydrogeologic basic data are<br />

included in VaLume v.<br />

1.2 Previous Re<strong>part</strong>s<br />

Numerous reports were prepared by the tech~ical assistance<br />

team of LBXI/M. The interested reader is advised to refer to<br />

those reports for a more comprehensive review of work completed.<br />

An effort has teec ~ade, however, to incorporate the key<br />

findings of these earlier works into this End of Project Report.<br />

A brief description of these aariier reports is presentsd below.<br />

Copies nP all re<strong>part</strong>s were given to both the WDA and USAXD. The<br />

reports are identifiable by title and year, and in those cases<br />

where an individual team =ember prepared the report, by author,<br />

yazr and title-<br />

Pape, M, 1982, Prelininary Analysis of the Potential<br />

Environmental Iapacts of the Conprehe~~sive Groundwater<br />

Development Pro j ect .<br />

Tkis report was prepared in the eorly stages of the project<br />

to detenni~e If zny serious uzforeseen environmental impacts<br />

would result from the proj,ect, Other than potential rural road<br />

damage, and possible deterjoration of grazing conditions, no<br />

negative iapacts were cited. These were felt to be minor in<br />

relation to the overall benefit of the water supply system.<br />

Gtker psoblens mentioned were potential aquifer contamination by<br />

the ints~duction of materisfs in the well, land subsidence, and<br />

soci~l in~acts.<br />

Pape, M, 1962, Prelizlnary Zconoxkc Analysis of the<br />

~onprehensive Groun~dater Eevelopnent Project.<br />

A preiirizary econoxic azalysis was conducte6, with the main<br />

sb$ecrive cf identifying %etkodalogies for collecting and<br />

analyzing cost and benefit data. These methodoisgies were<br />

subseq?!ently utilized by other tea2 nemberc,<br />

Raark, T.D., l982, Phase I ~ociaeconomic Repert.<br />

This regort provided critical review and discussion of<br />

reports ar-d socicecano~tic data fcr tke Bay Region. It consisted<br />

sf 2 scnyary of relevant +a?a a55 s gresentaticn of:<br />

- *'- &,,e a2nlnistrative structcre cf the 3ay Region;<br />

- Local wazer zanagez-eat systezs;<br />

- PasturaL xanaqenent prectices, and;<br />

- The role of wsaex i!? the Bay Regicz Co~mznizies.

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