r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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costs applicabre to a3 area sxzk as the Say Region, ~ h e ~ a e<br />

relatively Lam- .# - m .t~&er I o?: wey? ,,s have Seen constructed<br />

relatively close together a$:d accessibPe over good roads, These<br />

costs are shown in sIzmzrl- Ec,m in Table P*4.?, and in detailed<br />

fom In Appendix 4.4.3. :he other version represe~ts the costs<br />

applicable to aE area scch as the Central Range, where a few<br />

wells are spread o ~ t aver r vagc area, end are accessible aver<br />

extre~ely soor roads, These costs are s5own in sumary form in<br />

?able 2-4-93, and in detailed fun In Appendix 4,4.4,<br />

Three eleaents zake G; the a~zs21 operating costs of walls.<br />

In the Bay Region, h e direcr cost of operating the pump<br />

canstitutes 57% of Ebe total; rox:ine maintenance constitutes<br />

afmast 8%; and major averhauls constitute alaost 35% (Figure<br />

2+4.10)* The proportions are ngt sig~ificantly different for<br />

the Cezcral Ranqa, though the actual casts are higher (Figure<br />

2*4-11).<br />

In the follovizg disc~ssion, the overall assximptions are<br />

explained first, foLloxed by a detailed explanation sf the<br />

assuaptions made for e~ck of the three elenents costed.<br />

fonbining t constructioz costs, operation and maintenance<br />

costs, an8 revenues coilecZed, esza3lks3es the amortization<br />

potential, wkicb is discussed iz Section 4-3.<br />

The variables znd asszspcions used in this analyqis are<br />

basically the same as in tke well construction costing model,<br />

2nd are *isczssed in Section 4.2.;. The assuziptions concerning<br />

ve2iclc costs azd life expectancy $re as sec out in Table 9 of<br />

Appe3dlces 4 .4.1 and 4.4.2.<br />

The same wage rates as iz the yell zonstrcctian costing<br />

nods;, wkich are sig2ifican:ly bigher than chose currently paid<br />

to W3A skaff who are zct enployed cn =he Groxndwater Project,<br />

kave been used fcr all staff except gz~p attendants. Using<br />

actual w-" 40 salary rates xed~ces %he total cost of annual<br />

operatic: and naintezexe for o x ciiesei-equipped well in the<br />

3ay Region by So.Sk.2400 (YSS33). This reFresents 1% of tAe<br />

:oral annl~al cost, and Is z3t, tkerefore, significant.<br />

The naintenazce sched~les assuzed are ix line with those<br />

rec~xnended in the well mai~tenance ~anuals produced by the<br />

Fro j ect .<br />

4.2.2. Opesating Costs.<br />

Dperatizg CCS~S f~r a weL1 equl.p_=sd xith a diesel. puap are<br />

considered to consist of rke wzges ?aid ro tke pump aztendant<br />

and assistazt, tke cosz of fue: used by the puap, and the cost

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