r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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Appendices 4,4,1 azd 4.4.2 i", is possible to ~onstruct a2<br />

estinate of the the taken to co~g:ete me pr~cbaztion well. The<br />

ass~mptions are that noma1 breakdawn problems remain the same,<br />

bgt that e logistics of havixg one operation follow<br />

immediately when the previous is coxpleted are satisfied.<br />

Travel time between each operation is tkerefore excluded. This<br />

is shown in Tabie 2.4-5. below- No time is included for<br />

logging since this takes place during the drilling phase. For<br />

the sane reasons, the tota3 t he take3 by the hydrogeolooists is<br />

reduced,.<br />

An additianal set ef estimates Is included in the table<br />

showing the lacptinumq+ tine t3 complete a well equipped with a<br />

diesel pump i~ Ihe Bay Regio2- Fcr this, it is assumed that nu<br />

downtime occurs, that civil works can be cozpleted in less tine,<br />

and that pump installation can 5e carried out at the same time<br />

as the civil trorks are being hiit. These figures are offered<br />

as a realistic estimate of the tize required for an intensive<br />

proqran or an emergency sit~ation.<br />

Table Z,d-$ Net Time Fake3 tc Co~pLete Production Wells<br />

Site seleccfm<br />

Drilling<br />

Lo~ging<br />

Well Testizg<br />

Civil W Q ~ ~ S<br />

Pdmp Xnstallatio~<br />

8ay Region Central Range Opt inum<br />

Diesel Hand Diesel Hand Diesel<br />

Actual drillinq is the aost costly ?base af well<br />

constrcction, and the =os: sigzificant cost savings can be<br />

acaieved by The recuctior. or elininafion of lowntime. Holding<br />

all other varlabies constant, tke increase in the total cost of<br />

cmstructing a weii equipped with a diesel pump, against an<br />

increase in the number of bays the rig is on-site, from a<br />

possible siniic~m of 15 to an excessive 90, is shown in Figure<br />

2.4-8 fox the 3ay Region, azd Figure 2.4.9 for the Central<br />

Range. Between these dlffere~ces, the total cost is<br />

aggraxinately doubled,<br />

4.2. Well Operatien and Mai~tenence<br />

Based on the cozputerized madel for estixatinq the cast of<br />

well constrllcthc, a slzilar zodel has been set up for<br />

deter'ining the azzual czerating costs of yells in Somalia, Two<br />

versions of the eats are presenred, Oze version represents the

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