r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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kL% costs of bported ecpipnext a ater rials include<br />

freight eksrges to Saza"LEa. For the project, the bulk of this<br />

has been purchased under FTDC 5y VSAXD, a total 0 some<br />

$9,088,000 t3roughtxZ the ii5e of the p e t . Because the<br />

United Stazas govemaans carries its awn Lns~rance , nu insurance<br />

c3arge has been FnsZuded. The ficpres quoted, therefore, are<br />

not nc.i.f.m, but "CXFU, cost iccfuding freight.<br />

4. JIX13. Travel Time<br />

Xn estiaa:lzq the tie take= far each stage of well<br />

construction, same CZze 3as 5eez alioved for travel to and from<br />

the site. As a qenerizl rule, one day has been allawed each way<br />

far work is the Bay Ragion, azd two days each way for work in<br />

the Central Range3ands. In a31 czses, a day is assumed to be a<br />

working day; a nonth consists 05 25 working days; a week, six<br />

working days; 8nd for the sake of zcnveaience, a year is assumed<br />

ta cansist GE 309 uarkizg days.<br />

Casts<br />

The node1 has beec designed zo assist WCA iz estimating the<br />

'** 4%-<br />

cost ~f well d r z ~ ~ psaqrazs, , ~ ~ ~ rather tkon for determining the<br />

cost of an indivlduaL weLi. Za52e 21 OE the model is<br />

specificaLLy desigmC =a dea; uic3 the three-year project<br />

Subgeclng procsduxe rewired of XDA, [Appendix 4.4.1). Though<br />

:he zedel can be csed for costing individual wells, the figures<br />

derl~*ed will not be cs accurate because of the way in which the<br />

%ode1 &eaLs vith casrizg the use of vehicles and equipment.<br />

Al; ve2icle ane eq-2Lpmezt casts, incf~ding fuel, are<br />

calcalazed oz :he ~ E S ~ cf S a dai3y use charge averaged over the<br />

expected Life and total usage of tae *~ehicfe. In ctlculating<br />

the cost cf a program sgecificafly for the Central Rangelands,<br />

for exanple, tke . . variaS9es cozcerned with average life<br />

expectancy azd k-~oxeters per year are different from those used<br />

in the Bzy Reqiox ;Xp~en5Fces 4.4.: and 4.4.2, Table 9).<br />

Because of z5.e rozg5 rerrain of t5e Cen~raf Range, vehicles used<br />

%here are expeczed to kzve z shcrter life, and to coxtplete less<br />

" T - 7 ..h;<br />

kr~ometers during zkaz Life. ST*terit-~, ,-.-s nethod LE felt to be<br />

aare acc:rate, az5, more i-pcrZazzLy, iz allows W3A to recover<br />

t3e realis3lc tar21 scerz~fzg cost of any program.

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