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r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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But 2% is >at inclzde3 i their f ina; re'po: ;-, rzur is it<br />

zvailabla at AID or in t3e 3WDF ~Xfice in Baldsa. The<br />

populatfan fiq~ras presented are estimates based on beel level<br />

data Eran the Socieeco~~air Study of the Bay Regha (Univ- of<br />

Wyoaing 1984) and froz CSD? sociolagicaX studicr and<br />

avaiuatians. There azs be-eez $0 and 12O villagas in the ten<br />

*k<br />

casmunitl@s visited by ,,,e Plazning Ucit a d there vas - not - - -<br />

axough time or aa3pcGer ro c$:lect accurate data oa the nunbar<br />

~i hauseholds or azi~nis.<br />

Dam %.awe been, zn? are bei~g, co:lecled by the extension<br />

team i~ the Centual Zzzgelasds project and results from a few<br />

geegang arc ava liable. Pxe:fninary data from the Cantra:<br />

Rangelands isdicatcs tkaz water davef~paazt does result in a<br />

pepularion iwrease and overgratizg ic the area around the water<br />

facllilyc The seriouszess cf the ~roblez, however, has nat yet<br />

been dotemized, Cze of tke principle activities recumended<br />

15.<br />

for 5 XCA rrazr:Ln5 t'*'* ,s ",3e acqdisiticn of the<br />

socioeean~zic daca<br />

pra:ects.<br />

bases gezerated by the 3fWDP and CROP<br />

4. r,<br />

The acczrazy 25 %~-e<br />

data =R ckazges in the number af<br />

Souseholds i~ a we:: size ~33zz2ity (a Target zsne] was Limited<br />

ky 55e facs zkaz Inrarzlevs were oziy rorx5tzted kr? the villages<br />

near tbe xnll. 3eprcsczta:ic~ fro= =:her villages was low in<br />

=?os~ cases. P~~ottwr ~r~blea xas that statements about<br />

?op~.htian grow%> cfzez reflected a skiPz in residence of<br />

faailler witkin t5e tarqez area to sizes closer ra the wall.<br />

T3e Lack Q? tize a-d :r~~:?ed reserrch skills of tke focal field<br />

persgnnel aade iz difflcz'lz to c~nduct the s)"s%ematic intervkews<br />

zeeded to get accurara fzf~rnazion. In s!-~crz, the figures far<br />

zew kcusehslds shzzld be vieved as fndfcarive sf trends rather<br />

thaz aczzal rztes sf izzrease.<br />

These ase apgroxFzate.iy 2tS vlLlegss in the 20<br />

. .<br />

target<br />

zcnes, or cszmz:-tzas, iz xhick diesel azf hand pumps have Seen<br />

fr,steaLz$* x-,s-, -- we- -- * - .-.=.*-a-,-

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