r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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".*.The AZ3 f;eoltk pxr3praz vi2i Se Implszented<br />

ia the Bay, Togdher a>d Xudug regims and...wfXl<br />

effectively rompzinent e xrter development<br />

program by providing infomation regarding water<br />

Some discasas and sanitation ... rI<br />

Xn 1983, the 5BSf antkopolagbst cet with the expatriate<br />

health prajact caordf naXor in Ba idaa and t3e discussf ons<br />

fadicatsd EAat they would caoparste in the aullection of health<br />

data fro= CCDP villages, In Juzy 2935, the *LE313 anthropalqiat<br />

3aet with Dr. Rose, L'SAfD health officer, ar?.3 Or. X.T, Thomas,<br />

Director of the Primary Heaftk Care Braject, in an attempt to<br />

obtain epida=iological data. Bath stared they had no knowledge<br />

af where such infomatian could 5e focnd, or even if studies bad<br />

Seen carried out,<br />

BacaQse unkes deve2upnsnr can resuLr in s~brtantial health<br />

Se~efits as we31 as facilitate the transzission aE water borne<br />

diseases, it is szrongly rec~~ended that USAID finance a short<br />

term consultanr with field epfdeafology skills and ~frfcan<br />

experience to dsveZop a strategy to nonitor and evaluate health<br />

impacts, The work. should take abczt tva aonths.<br />

Com~~nities fz which paxps are operating have ~ndergone<br />

aany changes rhar appesr to be directry related ta the Large,<br />

ax$ rellaS:~, supply 3f vater iro~ the CGDP wells. They Include<br />

increases in t3e nuzber of pem.anent househslds, shops, schools<br />

a26 trans~ortatlon. Perhaps the mst In<strong>part</strong>ant impzct, and one<br />

fiat adeqaately reflect& in tke qdan?Ftzttve results, is the new<br />

level 35 security the residents have ak,>ut their lives and<br />

com~zities * 53 past years, It gas not uncaZI=P.on for entire<br />

villages tc move iz search of water when proPonged dry seasons<br />

reduced i@caL m s to dust boxis, Even in normel dry seasons,<br />

sezbers -f every f~zily zFezz zsst of their the collecting<br />

water for docestXc coxsu~prion a ~ d 3erding animals to water.<br />

The new wells have significantiy altered ~ h e eavixomental<br />

situazion and kave stial;lated the canstzxctian of more durable,<br />

structures 223 f5e pe=ment settlezent of hundreds of<br />

f azll ies.<br />

(if Poplatio~ an2 settleaenz cazterns,<br />

The colLecrioz of zccxxare scatistical darz oz tke size and<br />

distribuzlsz of zhe populatlzn I- So~alFa is GifficuLt and time<br />

ccns*~~ix~ beta-~se of the diszersed setzlscent patten and<br />

seas~~zl herdi~~ activities for fro2 the v%lLagc. Yiilage level<br />

data was csl:ected 5y :he Xyotckq sacfcezononic research team,

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