r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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questions such as how prices should be datemined and how<br />

profits should be distributed andfar invested. In villagas with<br />

high ZeveLs of use, revenues may exceed costs by as much as<br />

100,000 shillings per month, during thc dry season. Resolution<br />

of this issue w ill require substantial dfsc~ssion within WDA and<br />

with members 02 the water connittee, village Leaders and<br />

consumexs.<br />

3-8.3, Case Study: Analysis of Well Use at %aleel<br />

The acalysis af we21 use Is based cn data from several<br />

comuzities, but draws heavily a2 data from one target zane<br />

which includes 15 villages around the vi3Zage of Mzlesl. While<br />

interviews were carried out and observations made in a number of<br />

cornmitiesf Malcel was the only one in which reliable daily<br />

recards on well xse were kept. Tke analysis demonstrates the<br />

importance and utility of accurate water use data.<br />

While the figures vary for each village, the patterns<br />

reflected By data fro& Haleel are siailaz to rhase found in<br />

other villages where data were less compiete,<br />

The analysis considers categories oE well use for different<br />

seasons, per capita water consumption rates, pump operation and<br />

capacity, revenue, and well use for Maleel and four other sites.<br />

The data for Maleel cover February 12-28 and March 1-21, with<br />

figures extrapolated for bath zonths from averages calculated<br />

with the raw data. Conveniently, these t wo months are during a<br />

period af peak demand in the dry season.<br />

The tables are based an data collected f rom an observer at<br />

:he well, uniess otherwise noted. In tzbles 3f human or<br />

dozestic consmption, a.&xzuns refer ta coi~tainera carried mostly<br />

Sy wozen that ranqe in volume from 8-12 liters, with an<br />

estimated average ~f LO liters. Haam are the containers<br />

carried by cnzefs, usutily four of them, ranging on average from<br />

12-28 liters, with an estiaated average of 15 liters. All<br />

calc!*latians are based on fc~r containers per visit, or 60<br />

liters. ~opulation figares are frcn The Socioeconomic Baseljne<br />

S3,rvey of the say Regfoz (Cniv. of Wyoming, 1984) .<br />

ii'j 3-ry sezscn dozestic w ater consu~ptlcn.<br />

Table 2.3.9 gresczts average daily water use at peak demand<br />

during the 6ry seasan, This high level 12sts from three to five<br />

~02th~ in normal years and for longer periods during years when<br />

rainfall is low. TCe figures are considered typical for normal<br />

dry season cse,

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