r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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Templerr, and a W3X construction supe-~isor. Solutions to these<br />

and other tec9??ical problans were ~d4ressad in a revised set of<br />

specf f ications s~bzicte2 ta 3,S,ADP azb %>a CW2P.<br />

h'o wafer metera hare bear. installed ct any sLte, although<br />

%%ey are availabie at the W& warehouse in Saidoa. Water asters<br />

are essential ts well. site aonitorfnq and should be installed as<br />

soen at porslbla. Tl'oy can pravide an accurate measure on the<br />

vcl-une of water puageb, ?his JnZof'rrration is needed to check<br />

fxel cansumption and vater use dara eoliezCeci by other nethoBs.<br />

Tie lack c: civil works at tie?; sitas cozpleted with diesel<br />

pumps are a majar problsa. Several 3eXI sftas in the Say<br />

Region. a3d al: sites fz the CR. ara without storage an9<br />

distrfbutlen aystens, Presectzy, the water at these sites is<br />

p'teped iG%# abandoned oud pits cr reservoirs dug in the ground.<br />

fhaee conditions are inadequbca and unsanitary.<br />

The puxps appear to be we:: nainrained, aithough in many<br />

cases they have nar been operating Long enough to have had<br />

severe prublezs- "us: suppries kave been adequate, but there<br />

ksve Seen soze interrzptiozs. Xost viliages have purchased<br />

diesel frcs private suppliers iz addition %c tke fuel obtainad<br />

cx33 X3A.<br />

Gzl~ a fe*. ue'l sites had eT:er. a zizfaai s;r;ip?y ci oil, and<br />

zcze tad repLasezezz ci? fllf~rs. PLX? ooperazors protect and<br />

T .<br />

clear. the puzp carefz*iy, but rtelr skills ace limited to<br />

; +r<br />

turni-9 -- on and oft. Rcvt5r.r ~ai~tsnance, including filter<br />

c>angea, in-~olves the irZe-n*ent :oz cf Ki3A techziciana .<br />

scne ir.:orsa.?rs szazed Ztaz GD:, was slow to respond to<br />

reqi;ests for assistar;ce. W2Az,'s capacity to supply inputs and<br />

re vide ~aiztnrtczce ax3 repair services is already limited and<br />

could becone a zore ser:ot;s iasxe as the nunbar of diesel pumps<br />

increases. The lack cf supplies such as oil and filters 1s a<br />

sroblez and c*ese izezs skcilld be available af each site so that<br />

proper zainienazce proceSurer can 3e ioilowed. The involvement<br />

of %he private aectsz zc --A y-~tdhe -;? zain~enance and repair services<br />

uou;d s*sr --zrlally i~.,grr;;~e tk effectivertess af we51<br />

operaticzs, A prograz to tralz ~echzicians azd fi~anze<br />

co~zercial ~air.tei.ance 3r.d r-qazr ca~cractors irould ircreasc the<br />

o;tior,s available co villagers azd facilitate the continuity of<br />

pcz-z opezat ions.<br />

A feu a szall leaks were foand ix 3o.r storage tanks but<br />

1355 sf uafer does z-r see- to he a ter:ocs prriblea. Troughs in<br />

severar vf l lages 5ave beyx ED crack 2nd i:: a few instances<br />

these are, cr xsy sooc Seccze, =a;zr strucrzral defects. Almost

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