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r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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maintenance- Table 2.3,s av=3ri~as tke findings from tan sites<br />

in *te Bay Rsgioz and one $3 the Central Rangehands, The<br />

paragraphs below brfefly address the 'indings in rsl~tiars ro the<br />

evaluation issses ?resented in Section 3.3.<br />

(i) Adequacy of desfgrr.<br />

In naet villages, the capacity of the puap, tanks and<br />

distribution eystema are adecpatc to neet the daaand daring the<br />

dry seasan, The ~ajor problem noted by the pump operators and<br />

cananittee ~ltex&ers is the slw rate at uhfch troughs fill.. The<br />

srnaZ1 dfasster of the pipe between the storage tank and the<br />

troughs was idenSified as tke causa ef t3is problem.<br />

Category<br />

Rarl~gs and %umber af Villages<br />

-----------------1-------*r.II--.II-.II-I<br />

Good Pair Poor<br />

----------------------------------------"---------*----**-*---*<br />

Pump system ;I]*<br />

Maintenance 9 (21<br />

Wap a~aralrf~n suppries<br />

Storage tank - j .-<br />

3istribution system: dszesric 6<br />

DiscxibxEfan systcz: a2iaals 5<br />

Contr~l and pretection 7<br />

------------------I*I-----~I+-~-----LLLLLLL-----------------------<br />

* ~iguxes in pcrentheses are for rhe Central Rangelands. Civil<br />

works axe found at 7 of 10 sites in the Bay Reqion and axe not<br />

prerene rn tke CenzraL FtangePcnds.<br />

----------------------------------------------------+------mw*-<br />

TWO other serious pxoblezs are tke lack of tank covers and<br />

Lhe fnabilizy of shee agd goats t,s use the troughs, Covers are<br />

needed to prevex dixt and &&ria fro= entering the tanks and to<br />

slaw the rate of algae ~ rowth. The wall of rhe watering troughs<br />

Ere too t3ick (a$c~t 2C csj for thea to be used by small<br />

rzi2ants. A% several sites, residerts scoop water from the<br />

" 5<br />

troughs a~d f ~ i r WOOZ~E bug~~ts GZ sails frm which the animals<br />

dr.' --..k. - Villagers s-gqest tha+ a t%rd trough! adapted to the<br />

needs of sheep and goats, 5e added to the distribution system.<br />

These and severai ather design issues, were identified<br />

during an sval~azior visit zade by LBII sraff that included an<br />

a~thxopologist, 3r. Rozald S ~~WZYZ, E civil engineer, Mr. Petex

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