r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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to strengthen the water ca~,~ittees, Discussions held during the<br />

question period will cover ways in vhirza the water committee and<br />

local residents can more effsctivsLi- <strong>part</strong>icipate in well<br />

management and other related development zcrivities.<br />

The Annual Well Site Evaluaticn addresses the Cull range of<br />

issues and questions presented in section 3.3. and sumarized in<br />

Table 2.3.4. The evaluation program includes questionnaires on<br />

technical stat~s and operations, water use patterns and on<br />

socioacononic chazge and coa~unity <strong>part</strong>icipation. Data from the<br />

baseline, zonitoring and evaluation surveys will be analyzed to<br />

produce a report for each well rite. Results from all surveyed<br />

viilagss will then be compzred and analyzed in the Annual<br />

Aegional Evaluation. Sevexal villages will be selected for<br />

in-depth study in order to mare fully understand variations<br />

among villages with regard to the quality af technicaL<br />

operations, sacioecanomic change and the distribution of<br />

bcnef its.<br />

The data collection instruments used for the annual<br />

evaPuation aze:<br />

The Annu21 Cornunity Evaluation Forin.<br />

The Annual Well Site Evaluation Form-<br />

The Annual Household Carney Fom.<br />

The Water Point Evaluation Form,<br />

The Annual Regional Evaluation invalves a comparative<br />

anzlysis of results obtained in the Annual Well Site Evaluations<br />

done in cornunities with pump wells and control villages. The<br />

infomaticn will be used to produce a regional evaluation report<br />

based cn comaunity level data and an in-depth analysis of<br />

variations between communities and key issues identified in the<br />

field st~dies. ~opics to be addressed will include:<br />

variations amosg commirnities in regard to the us2 of the<br />

system and the physical condition of the pump and civil<br />

works.<br />

The relationsbig between water development and socioeco~onlc<br />

change.<br />

Differences betwee= villaces a in regard ts the type and<br />

scale of change and the distribution of benefits within<br />

fa~ilies, groups and comunities.<br />

r?<br />

he effectiveness of alternative approaches to community<br />

<strong>part</strong>ictpation in the ~anagenent of the water system.

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