r - part - usaid

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r - part - usaid


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Figure 2.3.4- presents a nodel for the proposed 8ES<br />

approach. This approac3 is the one racommen6ed For the NDA<br />

Planning Unit. In cornunities for which baseline data is not<br />

available, a cross sacrional survey in which baseline data is<br />

collected retrospectively in project azd control -rillages is<br />

suggestad.<br />

The MS systen f:-.c:udes a package of forms and<br />

guestionnairas for baselilre st~dies, nonitoring surveys, and<br />

evaluatiens. Soae funs are adninistered in both project and<br />

centtul communities, others aze only used in communities w ith<br />

new water tacilities. Surveys conducted in both type. of<br />

communities cover aocioecononic conditions and the utilization<br />

of major water sources. They are: the Colnaunity bocioecanomic<br />

Surveys, the Coarmunfty Water Point Sweys, and the Household<br />

Surveys. Each Corm is slightly different according to i ts use<br />

in baeezine research, sonitert3g. or evaluation. forms and<br />

questionnaires adzinistered in target zones only deal with the<br />

activities of the cornunity well comaittee, the construction and<br />

operation of the water supply system, and the pump operator.<br />

Sunreys af control villages during different stages of project<br />

inpleaentation ace outlined ir, Table 2.3.3.<br />

3.5. Data CoZlection Instrznents and Survey Forms<br />

This section outlines the contents of survey forms and<br />

describes the uses ei the infornation they provide.<br />

Vethodologicsl issues and some of the problems involved in the<br />

coliection of infomation ate also dfscussed. An outline of the<br />

data collection ir.stnmer.Zs, and, a gull sef of Corms, is<br />

included in the Appendix, VoLcae /V.<br />

3 . 5 . Baseline Surveys<br />

Baseline surveys are used to obtain socioeconomic and water<br />

use int~~mation for villages in the tarpet area (in general,<br />

%hose vithin a 5 to 6 kilo~eter radius of the well site) before<br />

interventions occur. They provide. benc3munarks against which<br />

changes are ireasured. kiile eoae baseline i~formation should be<br />

collected baiolte drilling becjins, much of the data can be<br />

complete& any tize before the sysrra starts to operate. If<br />

necessary, Sasel ine ccrzditi~~s carr be established<br />

retrospectively but %.*.is i.?fcrration viil be less reliable.<br />

Infcrnaticrr. in regional sfubie?, project documents, and<br />

agency reports, can also be csed tc generate baseline data for<br />

project areas. This approach fs pceticulzt+i?, applicable to the<br />

Bay Region and the Central 28n$elan5s, for which a great deal all<br />

data was, and is Seizg, collected. The problem is that village<br />

Level data fs not yet avaiLab?e for the Bay Region, and the

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