r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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changes are viewed by dlfferezt groGps in the comziunity;<br />

and an explanatian of the direct and indirect role of the<br />

water systen in bringing about the changes,<br />

(2) To ~ruvide feedback to regional, sector and national<br />

pxanners, This involves conparativa analysis and<br />

explanati~n of water development strategies and changes<br />

which have occurred anmg the population and in the<br />

environment.<br />

The sajer distinctions between the 3liunitoring and<br />

etaluation activities fs that :aunf.toring is more clusely tied to<br />

the ongoing management; of 9632% prouraas and operational decisions<br />

such as the provision of fuel and repair af water systems,<br />

Evaluation results draw or, data collected irn monitoring surveys<br />

but focus oa longer range fss~ee s~ch as policy fornulation,<br />

technical deoigz chanqex, program planning, and nanagement<br />

strategies<br />

3.3.2. Major TcpLcs, Issues sad QU%S~~OES<br />

The MES system fGcuses on the following factors:<br />

Operations and maintenance<br />

Water use<br />

Sotioeconomic conditions<br />

Camunity <strong>part</strong>icipation,<br />

TZre principle which uaderlies the mozitoring and evaluation<br />

system is that infamaation shauld be related to decisions which<br />

have to he made for the effective planring and management of<br />

operations. while the XES program tries to adhere to this<br />

principle, the systen has not beec adequately tested and is,<br />

therefore, loager znd =ore conplex than it shoufd be. It should<br />

be viewed 6s a pklwt program which requires additional field<br />

testin7 and xodiffcation. The major issues and questions the<br />

systerrr addresses are listed beiaw.<br />

jl) The condition of the water distribution system and the<br />

effectiveness of NDA operatians and management activities.<br />

i ] 'Kqot technical inpszveaents are needed at the well site and<br />

in the csganiratisn of operation znd mainte~azce services?<br />

(33 mat are the effects of the well on patterns of water<br />

consu,~ption 'by pespie acd anizals?<br />

(4) what savings in time azd labor have been achieved and how<br />

are these clilized in other activities?<br />

IS) &;hat changes is, sociot;cor,o~ic c0~2i.r;fclns have occurred in

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