r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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operations and to provide feedback to the planning process at<br />

all levels, locaL, regional and national. The framework for<br />

manitcring and evaluation is presented in figure 2-3.3.<br />

The proposed monitoring and evaluation system follows<br />

events from the Co~munity Orientation and Assessment Stage<br />

through the Operations and Maintenance Stage. A distinguishing<br />

feature is the integration of technological, socioeconamic and<br />

management variables. The underlying premise is that<br />

technological factors (hours of pumping, the design of<br />

distribution systens), socioPo5ical factors (utilization<br />

patterns, cornxiunity attitudes) and insti2utional factors (fuel<br />

supply, water fee policies] axe relzted and should be analyzed<br />

in ~elatio~~ship to one another. Far example, the rate of water<br />

xtilization could be a function of fees charged, the<br />

availability of water at other aaurces, the supply of fuel,<br />

management decrsions lo limit the water supply andfor socia;<br />

conflict. Similarly the canditicn of the pump and civil works<br />

might be related to the q~ality of the construction, the<br />

technical knoxledge and skill of the pump operator and/or the<br />

ability of the water comxunity to or$anize control and<br />

maintenance procedures.<br />

3,3.1, Purpose and Goals<br />

Monitoring and evaluatian are relzted activities which<br />

provide WDA with infomation needed to guide operational<br />

decisions an2 plzn future programs. The proposed program is<br />

not, however, a comprehensive project or management information<br />

system for all WDA hydrological, construction or administrative<br />

activities, While the system could be used in connection w ith<br />

*he monitoring and evaluation of specific projects such as the<br />

CGD?, it is primarly designed to monitor the recurrent<br />

activities 2nd evaluate i nterim and long term effects of WDA<br />

Frograms in alL regions of Somalia.<br />

The main goals of the monitoring component are:<br />

(1) To provije infomation on the progress of construction,<br />

cornunity <strong>part</strong>icipation and operations and maintenance<br />

activities.<br />

(23<br />

To describe and assess the effects of the new water systems<br />

on the population and environment.<br />

The main goals of the evaluations are:<br />

(1 To provide feedback to WDA adninistrators ~n the effects<br />

and Impact of the water system on the population. This<br />

involves: a co~parison between initial conditions and<br />

objectives, 2nd current conditions; infomation on how the

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