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<strong>Headline</strong>BUSINESS 3<strong>Gitnang</strong> LuzonOCTOBER 17, 2013SM Clark treats orphans, cancer patientsBy Charlene A. CayabyabANGELES CITY -- Top officialsof a shopping mall herehave given a treat <strong>to</strong> someyoung orphans and cancerpatients from around theprovince.Officials of the SM CityClark (SMCK), led by MallManager Ana Datu, gave teddybears, provided food andprepared an animal show for50 children composed of orphans,cancer patients andchildren with disabilities.Treats <strong>to</strong> less fortunatechildren were part of SMCares’ “Let’s Do Our Share,Let’s Give a Bear” program.The event was also part ofSM Supermalls’ celebrationof Children’s Month.“This is SM Supermalls’way of thanking the localpeople for their continuedsupport <strong>to</strong> the SM mall intheir community,” Datu said.Datu added that SM Supermallsdo their best <strong>to</strong> helpcommunities where their establishmentsare located.Children who were invited<strong>to</strong> the SMCK event werefrom Sapang Ba<strong>to</strong> Day CareCenter, Duyan ni Maria andCancer Warrior Children inPampanga.The children werebrought <strong>to</strong> the mall by Operationfor Peace FoundationInc. Chairwoman Maribel Sison.Sponsors <strong>to</strong> the event includeJollibee, Greenwich,DQ and Goldilocks.Meanwhile, Zoocobia FunZoo, which is based in ClarkFreeport, hosted an animalshow for the children. ●Family-orientedfun at GrandClark FestBy Marna Dagumboy-del RosarioGIFT GIVING. Top officials of SM City Clark (SMCK), led by Mall Manager Ana Datu and Assistant Mall Manager Mark Herrera (secondand third from left, respectively), conduct the distribution of teddy bears <strong>to</strong> some young cancer patients from Pampanga. The gift givingwas part of SMCK’s celebration of Children’s Month. Also in pho<strong>to</strong> are Maribel Sison (first from left), chairwoman of the Operation for PeaceFoundation Inc., and other SMCK officials.--contributed pho<strong>to</strong>Businessman tells Bataan youth‘Make productive useof social media skills’CLARK FREEPORT – More fun-filled andfamily-oriented activities are slated from Nov.16 <strong>to</strong> 17 for the much-awaited Grand ClarkFestival <strong>to</strong> be held at the CDC Parade Groundshere.On the first day, festival goers will begreeted by a fun run early in the morning <strong>to</strong>be followed by a parade and skydiving exhibitionfrom the Philippine Air Force.Cooking demos and cultural presentationsfrom Nayong Pilipino and ParadiseRanch are also expected <strong>to</strong> add <strong>to</strong> the festiveatmosphere of the two-day celebration here.For music lovers, cap the evening withmelodic concerts from the Korean OrchestraPerformance and the St. Paul AmericanSchool Musicale.Relax and unwind with a fireworks displayand live band performances at the stagearea.On the second day, a fun bike followed bythe celebration of the Holy Mass will jumpstartthe day’s activities.This will be followed by an animal showby Zoocobia and a dog show organized by theClark Development Corporation <strong>to</strong>gether withPET BERO.For more details, interested parties thatwish <strong>to</strong> join the Grand Clark Festival may callthe CDC Tourism Promotions Office at (045)599-9000 and look for Noemi or Ellen. •Republic of the PhilippinesLocal Civil Registry OfficeProvince: PAMPANGACity/Municipality: ARAYATNOTICE TO THE PUBLICBy Michael CigaralBALANGA CITY -- A businessmanand book author urged students here<strong>to</strong> take advantage of their skills insocial media in applying for a job orstarting their own businesses.Paulo Tibig <strong>to</strong>ld his listeners, whowere mostly college students, in the recentlyconcluded 4th University TownSummit of the City Government ofBalanga, that even at the comfort oftheir homes, they can use their cellularphones and online e-commerce <strong>to</strong>earn money like selling their productsin social networking sites such as Facebook,Twitter, YouTube and Linked-In.Tibig who authored the bestsellerentrepreneurial book, “Strategies ofa Champion Entrepreneur,” <strong>to</strong>ld thestudents: ‘’Dapat palaging may mindsetang mga kabataan ngayon napagbutihin ang pag-aaral hindi langpara makapagtrabaho, kundi paramakapagnegosyo rin.’’A well-known business speaker andthe president and owner of a freightservice company, VCargo Worldwide,Tibig said that in some occasions, heis sometimes introduced as a “promdi”who made it big. He hails from Bataanand <strong>to</strong>ok up his college degree in Manila.“I have always been steadfast in myaspirations even if things do not necessarilygo as planned. After college, Iworked hard and literally started fromthe bot<strong>to</strong>m, something that preparedme for the challenges of professionallife. Life was not always easy for someonelike me. Like many of us, I wentthrough the difficulties of makingends meet but I was persistent even ifthings were not always as clear <strong>to</strong> meat the onset of my professional life. Mylife itself can be a good inspiration <strong>to</strong>the youths here and everywhere,” Tibig<strong>to</strong>ld newsmen in an interview. ●In compliance with the publication requirement andpursuant <strong>to</strong> OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 Guidelines in the implementation of the AdministrativeOrder No.1 Series of 2012 (IRR on R.A. 10172),Notice is hereby served <strong>to</strong> the public that KIMBERLYMANALAD LIM has filed with this Office, a petitionfor correction of entry in the sex from “MALE” <strong>to</strong>“FEMALE” in the Certificate of Live Birth of KIMBERLYMANALAD LIM born on APRIL 12, 1993 atArayat, Pampanga and whose parents areTERESITA MANALAD and REYNALDO LIM.Any person adversely affected by said petition mayfile his written opposition with this office not laterthan two weeks.(Sgd) MA. GRETA P. DE ALAMunicipal Civil RegistrarHEADLINE <strong>Gitnang</strong> Luzon: Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 10 & 17, 2013CDC <strong>to</strong> host Sokor’s Hanmadang FestivalBy Charlene A. CayabyabCLARK FREEPORT -- The ClarkDevelopment Corporation (CDC) is set<strong>to</strong> host this year’s Hanmadang Festivalfrom Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 18 <strong>to</strong> 19.According <strong>to</strong> CDC President ArthurTugade, the Hanmadang Festival highlightsthe cultural exchanges betweenSouth Korea and the Philippines.Tugade also said the foreign festivalwill be the precursor <strong>to</strong> the state-ownedcorporation’s upcoming project dubbedthe “Grand Clark Festival” <strong>to</strong> be heldfrom November 16 <strong>to</strong> 17. Both festivalswill be held at the CDC Parade Grounds.Tugade said the hosting of the HanmadangFestival complements Clark’sreputation as a “Work, Live, and Play”environment.In 2011, the Korean Community Associationof Central Luzon led by its presidentEui-Kwon Chung and Han HyoungGyo, the Angeles City local government,and the Department of Tourism regionaloffice held the first Hanmadang Festivalat the Bayanihan Park outside Clark’smain gate.The event featured cultural songand dance presentations from both Koreanand Filipino performing artists.It was also highlighted by Taekwondodemonstrations and the “Ssireum” orKorean-style wrestling, folk dances andperformances from traditional Koreanhanmadang...Page 9

4<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> LuzonOCTOBER 17, 2013EDITORIALResearch neededThings are definitely heating up in the SangguniangPanlungsod of Angeles City withthe members of the minority and the majorityclashing over the passage of a P20-million supplemental budget.Councilor Carmelo “Pogi” Lazatin, Jr. questionedthe requested budget for allegedlybeing railroaded even as the minority is stillscrutinizing details where the fund is intended.Lazatin, son of former congressman TarzanLazatin, is baffled why a certain part of theproposed budget, which is intended <strong>to</strong> payfor the overtime services of some employees,seemed <strong>to</strong> be exorbitant.The councilor is wondering why the overtimepays seemed higher than the actualmonthly salary of the payees.Another official, Councilor Alexander Indiongco,defended the budget saying thatit was above board and that is passed thruthe legal process, having been approvedon three readings and referred <strong>to</strong> his committeefor review where department andprogram heads concerned were invited <strong>to</strong>explain their supplemental appropriations.Lazatin’s intentions look noble as he is trying<strong>to</strong> make sure that the money is allocatedproperly, not spent <strong>to</strong> the detriment of thetaxpayers.However, there seems <strong>to</strong> be discrepancy at howthe two officials computed the amount of overtimepay <strong>to</strong> be paid <strong>to</strong> a particular employee.Lazatin’s assertion that an employee stands<strong>to</strong> receive an overtime pay that is muchhigher than his monthly salary looks flawed.Good thing that he belonged <strong>to</strong> the minoritybloc, otherwise, the requested budget mighthave been delayed <strong>to</strong> the disadvantage ofthe employees who will be granted the overtimepay.On the brighter side, however, the people ofAngeles could rest assured that they havepeople like Lazatin who would not just allowmoney from the city coffers spent withouthim and his allies scrutinizing it. Because ofthis, those who wish <strong>to</strong> defraud the peopleof their money would think twice before doingso.One piece of advice for Lazatin though: If heintends <strong>to</strong> safeguard the people’s money,a little more effort of doing some researchwon’t hurt.HEADLINE <strong>Gitnang</strong> Luzon is a Daily Regional Newspaper“Dumbest are those who let othersfool them and refuse <strong>to</strong> doanything about it.”In the midst of our distress andanger with how things are goingin the PDAF Senate investigationremains our littlest hope that itwill lead <strong>to</strong> something that will upholdthe truth and vindicate us, theFilipino people. But how can we beconvinced that justice will be servedif all that surround this proceedingsare all but speculations and allegationssince Janet Napoles, the socalledmastermind behind one ofthe biggest (if not the direst) governmentscandals in our country, hasnot yet taken the stand in the Senate<strong>to</strong> shed light and once and for all putan end <strong>to</strong> our nation’s never-endingordeal against corruption.It has been almost two monthssince Napoles surrendered inMalacañang last August 28, and allI remember is my skepticism aboutthe chain of events that occurredbefore, during and after her surrender<strong>to</strong> President Aquino. I hoped<strong>to</strong> be proven wrong of my suspicionwhen the Inter-Agency Anti-GraftCoordinating Council or IAAGCCcomposed of DOJ Secretary LeilaDe Lima, Ombudsman ConchitaCarpio-Morales, and COA ChairpersonGrace Pulido-Tan was created <strong>to</strong>lead the PDAF investigation.But, as expected, these people<strong>to</strong>dayinhis<strong>to</strong>ryDumb, dumber, dumbestwhom we pinned our hopes on insolving this problem failed <strong>to</strong> deliverjustice <strong>to</strong> us because we know thattheir hands are tied and are bound <strong>to</strong>accede <strong>to</strong> actions anddecisions of a higherauthority, and that isundoubtedly the verysame entity who commissionedthem. Inthe first place, how canwe expect justice <strong>to</strong> beduly served if the peoplebehind this scamare the same personswho are conductingthe trial?We, the Filipinopeople, are not dumb.We are not dumbenough <strong>to</strong> believe thatBrainwavesMichelle Catap-Lacsonthe pho<strong>to</strong>s showing these sena<strong>to</strong>rswith Janet Napoles only show thatthey “were merely invited <strong>to</strong> her party…and[only] met her in less than 10social gatherings.”We are not dumb enough <strong>to</strong> believethat the Senate Chair is onlysubmitting <strong>to</strong> the Ombudsman’s decisionof not summoning Napoles <strong>to</strong>the Senate probe on the PDAF scam?We are not dumb enough <strong>to</strong> believethat they will settle the issue in acaucus once the Senate resumes sessionon Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 14.We are not dumb enough <strong>to</strong> believethat the Senate will exhaust allpossible legal means through theirpower and authority <strong>to</strong> dissolve thepork barrel system even without theSupreme Court declaring PDAF asunconstitutional? We are not dumb<strong>to</strong> believe that both Senate and Congresshave declared thatthe 2014 national budget isPDAF-free.We are not dumb enough<strong>to</strong> believe that in the proposed2014 national budgetamounting <strong>to</strong> P2.268-trillion,the P25-billion lump sum,which was originally intendedfor pork barrel was realigned<strong>to</strong> six government agenciesnamely the Department ofPublic Works and Highways,Department of Social Welfareand Development, Departmen<strong>to</strong>f Education, Commissionon Higher Education,Department of Labor and Employmentand the Department of Health,will be utilized properly and will bedeservingly enjoyed by the people.We are not dumb enough <strong>to</strong> believethat President Aquino has responded<strong>to</strong> calls of completely abolishingthe pork barrel system in hisspeech last August 23. We are notdumb enough <strong>to</strong> believe that thesepeople responsible for stealing governmentfunds will be prosecutedand jailed.Dumb are those who try <strong>to</strong> foolus. Dumber are those who let othersfool them. Dumbest are those wholet others fool them and refuse <strong>to</strong> doanything about it. ●Olympic protes<strong>to</strong>rs stripped of their medals (Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 17, 1968)General Manager: Atty. Gerome n. TubigAsst. Manager: atty. rOWENA S. CUNANAN-MUNDOEdi<strong>to</strong>r-in-Chief: albert lacanlaleLayout Artist: JP ManalangPho<strong>to</strong>journalist: Leo villacarlosReporters: CHARLENE CAYABYAB /MARNA D. DEL ROSARIOAdministrative Staff: sherylin l. riveraMarketing Head: ELAINE MAPILESMarketing/Circulation: Marlo francoAccount Executive: caren m. garcia/JOAN d. montemayorPublisher: I.N.I. NewspaperEmail: headlinegitnangluzon@gmail.comWebsite: www.headlinegl.comDISCLAIMER: Views expressed by columnists are theirown and do not necessarily reflect the edi<strong>to</strong>rial position ofHEADLINE <strong>Gitnang</strong> Luzon or its internet website: www.headlinegl.com. Thepublisher does not knowingly publish false information and may not be heldliable for the views of its columnists exercising their right <strong>to</strong> free expression.All rights reserved. Subject <strong>to</strong> the conditions provided for by law, no article orpho<strong>to</strong>graph published by HEADLINE GITNANG LUZON may be reprinted orreproduced, in whole or in part, without its prior consent.Office Address: 2nd Floor, U2 Building, MacArthurHighway, Dolores, City of San Fernando, Pampanga, 2000Tel. Nos. (045) 435-0938On Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 17, 1968, Olympic gold medalist Tommie Smith and bronzemedalist John Carlos are forced <strong>to</strong> return their awards because theyraised their fists in a black-power salute during the medal ceremony. Ina press conference the next day, International Olympic Committee PresidentAvery Brundage deplored the athletes’ “outrageous stance”—it repudiated,he said, “the basic principles of the Olympic games.” The APpho<strong>to</strong>graph of the ceremony is one of the most familiar and enduring imagesof a tumultuous era.On Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 16, Smith and Carlos finished first and third in the 200-meterdash at the Mexico City Olympics. Smith set a new world record: 19.83seconds. Their medal-ceremony protest was relatively spontaneous—the pair decided what they’d do while they waited in the athletes’ loungefor the ceremony <strong>to</strong> begin--but the sprinters had been active in the civilrights movement long before they arrived in Mexico City. Along with HarryEdwards, one of their professors at San Diego State University, Smithand Carlos had organized a group called the Olympic Project for HumanRights (OPHR) that tried <strong>to</strong> encourage African-American athletes <strong>to</strong> boycottthe Games. (Even if you won the medal,” Carlos said,” it ain’t going<strong>to</strong> save your momma. It ain’t going <strong>to</strong> save your sister or your children. Itmight give you 15 minutes of fame, but what about the rest of your life?”)When they got <strong>to</strong> the podium for the medal ceremony, Smith and Carloswere wearing OPHR badges on their tracksuits. (Silver medalist PeterNorman, an Australian, wore one <strong>to</strong>o.) They wore no shoes, <strong>to</strong> symbolizethe poverty that plagued so many black Americans. Carlos wore a necklaceof black beads, he said, “for those individuals that were lynched orkilled that no one said a prayer for, that were hung tarred. It was for thosethrown off the side of the boats in the middle passage.” Smith wore a blackscarf. Both bowed their heads, raised their gloved hands and remainedsilent while “The Star-Spangled Banner” played.People in the crowd booed and cursed at the athletes. The IOC convenedthe next day and determined that Smith and Carlos would have<strong>to</strong> forfeit their medals and leave the Olympic Village—and Mexico—immediately.Brundage even threatened <strong>to</strong> boot the entire American teamas punishment. “The untypical exhibitionism of these athletes violates thebasic standards of good manners and sportsmanship, which are so highlyvalued in the United States,” the U.S. Olympic Committee said “Such immaturebehavior is an isolated incident” and “a willful disregard of Olympicprinciples.”Even after the athletes had been disciplined, the backlash continued.Newspapers compared the men <strong>to</strong> Nazis—Brett Musburger, a sportscasterfor ABC, called them “black-skinned s<strong>to</strong>rm troopers.” Time calledtheir act “nasty” and “ugly.” His “un-American activities” got Smith dischargedfrom the Army, and someone threw a rock through a plate-glasswindow at his baby’s crib. The two men received death threats for years.In some quarters, at least, public opinion has recently begun <strong>to</strong> shift,and many people now celebrate the sprinters’ courageous and principledact. In 2005, San José State University unveiled a 20-foot-tall statue honoringthe two men.---HISTORY

<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> LuzonOCTOBER 17, 20135The first ever National Letter-Writing Day was held lastweek at the SM City Pampangaand drew the attention ofthe young as <strong>to</strong> how the effectiveand most common form of communicationused <strong>to</strong> be. Well, writingletters is an activityalien <strong>to</strong> our generation of<strong>to</strong>day.***Writing letters andmailing it is an antiquatedmode of communicationthat has beenpopular <strong>to</strong> the world forseveral decades. While itstill exists <strong>to</strong>day for somebusiness letters and officialgovernment communications,youngergenerations never experiencedoing it. Theynever had the feeling ofhoping that what one hadwritten will reach the receiverand the latter, inreturn, will make a reply.***The feeling of anticipatinga reply is just apart of this outmoded way of communicating.Though it takes a fewdays for letters then <strong>to</strong> be receivedby their intended receivers, peoplewere given with high expectationsthat they may receive anenveloped missive sooner or later.Earthquakes, flooding, cyclones,hurricanes, wars,and other catastrophicevents continue <strong>to</strong> bludgeon ourso-called not so perfect world.The apocalyptic prophecy isnow close <strong>to</strong> happening. The endof days is getting near and imminentand still we pursue ourmalevolent desires<strong>to</strong> the extent of desecratingnature <strong>to</strong> thefullest.And when natureevens the score, wehave no defenseagainst it.The power of Natureis boundless.Anything can be destroyedin a matter of secondsif she wishes <strong>to</strong> take revenge onman.My heart goes <strong>to</strong> the victimsof the earthquake that rockedthe Visayas region. Footages ofthe devastation sent chills <strong>to</strong> mybones. Roads, buildings and oldchurches are now in ruins.Bohol was one of the worst-hitby the earthquake. Some of theproposed UNESCO World HeritageSites and the Chocolate Hillswere consumed by the earthquakeand left a crumbled markon their facade.Many of the most his<strong>to</strong>ricaland oldest churches in thePhilippines are found in Bohol.They sustained heavy damageA postal experienceiWrite<strong>to</strong>mas m. garcia***Undeniably, letter-writing, atleast for personal communications,is a thing of the past. It hasbeen taken over by various formsof technology such as computersand mobile cellular phones. Sendingmessages through the latter isfaster and cheaper as compared<strong>to</strong> what has been branded as the“snail mail” <strong>due</strong> <strong>to</strong> the fact that ittakes a number of days for letters<strong>to</strong> be handed <strong>to</strong> recipients.“The golden ageof the snail mailwas not onlyexperienced inour country thenbut all over theworld.”***The young oneslikewise do not havemuch idea as <strong>to</strong> whata stamp is, muchmore philately, orthe study of stamps,stamps collecting,postal his<strong>to</strong>ry andother related items.Even the mailbox,the steel boxes madefor the deposi<strong>to</strong>ry ofletters, is foreign <strong>to</strong>the young people of<strong>to</strong>day.***The PhilippinePostal Corporation(Philpost) has somehowgiven youngschoolchildren theexperience of writingletters and sendingthem through themail. It gave them the idea and theawareness as <strong>to</strong> how we used <strong>to</strong>communicate with other peoplethrough the paper, the pen and thepostal services we had back then.***The Philpost was once amongthe most popular governmentagencies during its heydays. Personal,governmental and othertransactions involving the transmissionof letters, documents andother small items in packageswere only coursed through postThe power of natureand some even collapsed <strong>to</strong> theground. Acclaimed <strong>to</strong>urist spotsneed <strong>to</strong>tal rehabilitation <strong>to</strong> attaintheir old glory. Phivolcs classifiedthe temblor as a major one<strong>to</strong> ever hit the country for morethan 20 years afterthe earthquake inBaguio. According“Phivolcs classified the tembloras a major one <strong>to</strong> everhit the country for morethan 20 years after theearthquake in Baguio.”Now WeKnow!<strong>to</strong> them, the earthquakeemanatedELLEZ J. DAVIOfrom the East BoholFault. The fault, which crossesSouthern Bohol Islands, helpsrelieve some of the tec<strong>to</strong>nic pressureon the Philippines, however,the islands are crumplingbetween three crashing tec<strong>to</strong>nicplates: the Philippine, Sunda andEurasia plates.When the faults break, theearth on either side of the fracturesmoves closer <strong>to</strong>gether; oneblock sliding up on <strong>to</strong>p of theother. The compression takesup some of the constant squeezing,which probably caused theearthquake.Powerful aftershocks wereoffices. Private personal carriersfor mails and personal packagesthen were few and are not oftenresorted <strong>to</strong> by letter senders.***The golden age of the snailmail was not only experienced inour country then but all over theworld. In the United States, postmenwere hailed as heroes as theybring in good or bad news <strong>to</strong> people.They were once among themost awaited visi<strong>to</strong>rs of households.***In the Philippines, Philpost wasnot only popular then among lettersenders and snail mail users butwere made no<strong>to</strong>rious, <strong>to</strong>o, becauseof some unscrupulous personnelwho open letters and sometimesget any valuables like cash orchecks that are inside them. Thereare a number of snail mail userswho have complained of missingitems inside letters. Said incidentshave tainted the image of the country’spostal services.***Despite some unpleasant people’sexperiences in the past withthe postal authority, the recentendeavor of the Philpost is worthyof being conducted for the young.It made young people travel backin time <strong>to</strong> have an experience ofwriting letters, posting stampsand dropping them in conventionalmailboxes.***For other opinions, comments,suggestions or adverse reactions,you may reach iWrite at 0919-5107665. ●experienced after the temblor.Power supply was out and someof the major roads were impassable.I still could recall the earthquakethat shook Baguio and res<strong>to</strong>f Luzon in 1990. I was incollege then. People werelike ants looking for possiblesite that could standthe temblor and protectthem from danger. TheHyatt Regency Hotel inBaguio collapsed <strong>to</strong> theground and claimed lives.It was an unforgettableexperience on my partsince I saw the water inthe river adjacent <strong>to</strong> ourhouse swaying like crazy.As days passed by, Icould still feel the dizzinessand the anxiety ofhaving undergone such tremor.I have an aunt living in Boholand, until now, we haven’t receivedany information on theirsituation. Communication is out.I just hope nothing worse happened<strong>to</strong> them.We just find solace in prayers.Nature is calling us. Let us heed<strong>to</strong> her cry and we should not loseour capacity <strong>to</strong> foresee and <strong>to</strong>forestall the alarming signal sherelays <strong>to</strong> us.Love nature as we love ourselves.We cannot command natureso we should start obeyingher. ●commentaryAbout ChikungunyaIam an avid reader of your paper and your newsand opinions on the Chikungunya have caughtmy attention and my interest <strong>to</strong> opine somethingthat may complement what had been written byyour newsmen as well as your opinion writers.Being a nurse by profession, I have been a witness<strong>to</strong> series not of Chikungunya but of Dengue VirusInfection cases, the latter being the more popularand widespread in the country.The Philippines, being a tropical country withvegetation and rainfall, is but a favorite breedingground of mosqui<strong>to</strong>es that are both the carriers ofthe Dengue and the Chikungunya viruses.While the Dengue Virus is said <strong>to</strong> be more popular<strong>to</strong> be deadly, we cannot be <strong>to</strong>o complacent of theChikungunya as it inflicts health harms, <strong>to</strong>o, <strong>to</strong> anyonewho can be infected with it even with a singlebite of the mosqui<strong>to</strong>-carrier.We cannot blame Mariveles Mayor Jesse Concepcion<strong>to</strong> be alarmed as he declared last month an outbreakin his <strong>to</strong>wn <strong>due</strong> <strong>to</strong> a number of Chikungunyavirus infections among his constituents. His municipalityis still on a heightened moni<strong>to</strong>ring <strong>to</strong> thisdate in all its barangays likewise the patients whowere reported <strong>to</strong> have been infected by the virus.According <strong>to</strong> the Department of Health (DOH),there have been less than 3,000 suspected cases ofthe Chikungunya, of which 160 were confirmed <strong>to</strong>be as such.For comparison, the Chikungunya and Dengueare both viral infections spread through bites of theAedes mosqui<strong>to</strong>s. Aedes Aegypti carries Dengue viruseswhile Aedes Albopictus carries the Chikungunya.A person infected with either of the viruses oftenexperience fever, headaches, joint pains and rashes.While there may be highly technical or scientific differencesof what might the two viruses can cause <strong>to</strong>the infected, both may cause deaths <strong>to</strong> anyone bittenby mosqui<strong>to</strong> carriersIn Mariveles <strong>to</strong>wn, as per your news report, foggingoperations have been conducted by the localofficials as their means of fighting Chikungunyacarryingmosqui<strong>to</strong>es. Again, fumigation seemed <strong>to</strong>be an effective measure undertaken by our authoritiesbut, in truth, the fumes emitted by the machinesonly drive away mosqui<strong>to</strong>es but do not actually killand s<strong>to</strong>p them from spreading viruses.The mosqui<strong>to</strong>es only transfer their breeding sites<strong>to</strong> other places but they are as deadly as ever in theirprevious infestations.As always encouraged by the government, nothingcomes first than cleaning the surroundings of driedleaves, discarded bottles and cans and other formsof rubbish in combatting mosqui<strong>to</strong>es that causeDengue and Chikungunya Virus infections.Bottles and cans, worn-out tires, cups or anythingthat might catch and contain water when it rainsare favorite breeding grounds of mosqui<strong>to</strong>es andcontribute <strong>to</strong> their proliferation. Esteros and canalslikewise need <strong>to</strong> be cleaned as the new breed of mosqui<strong>to</strong>escan thrive even on dirty water.The fight against Dengue and Chikungunya viruscarryingmosqui<strong>to</strong>es is everybody’s concern as anyonemay be infected with the two deadly virusesthat may result in<strong>to</strong> death.MS. BELINDA M. CABRERA, R.N., M.A.N.Be heard! Send us yourcomments & opinionsmail US:2nd Floor, U2 Building, Dolores,McArthur, Hi-way, City of San Fernando, PampangaE-MAIL: headlinegitnangluzon@gmail.com

6<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> LuzonOCTOBER 17, 2013Crossword puzzleles.com for hints and solutions!SM PAMPANGA | Cinema 3Mr. Go (2013)PG-13 | 2 hrs 15 ms11:20 AM | 2:05 PMSM PAMPANGA | Cinema 3Ambushed (2013)R-16 | 1 hr 40 ms4:40 PM | 6:50 PM | 9:00 PMSM PAMPANGA | Cinema 4Escape Plan (2013)R-13 | 1 hr 55 ms11:20 AM | 1:45 PM | 4:10 PM | 6:35 PM| 9:00 PMPuzzle ID: #W044DV1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 1617 18 1920 21 2223 24 25 2627 28 29 30 3132 33 34 35 36 3738 39 40 41 4243 44 45 46 4748 49 5051 52 53 5455 56 57 58 59 60 6162 63 64 6566 67 6869 70 71DownDown1. Room in una casa2. With the stroke of ___3. Like a handyman22. Be imminent24. Remove, as a knot28. Jacob's25. Femalewife beforespider’sRachelcreation1. Visi<strong>to</strong>rs 4. <strong>to</strong> Onslaught Jesus29. "The 27. Last Suffix Days with pachy- of Pompeii"5. Brooklyn or Bronx add-on 28. Friendly introduction2. Vidi, in Englishgirl6. Slangy dissent29. Math course with7. “Play it ___ lays”derivatives and integrals3. Currency 8. in “But Capri30. Try this firstthere ___ joy in30. “Vexations” composer4. ___ on (exaggerates)Mudville ...”31. Antiseptic 31. Vibration element9. Watergate figure Peter35. Compact ___5. Braz. neighbor 10. Ref, at times35. Company's36. Rheumatismiconsymp<strong>to</strong>m11. Words before corn6. Eggs, biologically 12. Hawaiian thrush36. Milk, 37. in Rude Marseille look39. Lofty7. Cassidy13.portrayerIt’ll shockWilliamyou 37. ___-ball 41. Mortgage (arcade adjustment, game) for18. Prove falseshort8. Peter Fonda's golden role39. Campy 1960's hit sitcom9. Baggage carrier41. Work on glass, say10. Learned44. Item in an ac<strong>to</strong>r's hand11. Medieval rabbinical writer46. Teasdale and Roosevelt12. Bay window49. Intl. assn. for learning13. Bushels50. Gutta- __18. Maze options51. Offspring22. Ugandan tyrant Idi ___52. Split <strong>to</strong> bond24. 6-3, 5-7 and 6-4, e.g.53. Diminishes in intensity25. Safe place56. CouplesSM PAMPANGA27. Diner sandwiches, for57. | Cinema Place for 1 cogitationCarrie (2013)shortR-13 | 1 hr 45 ms59. Go over 212 degrees11:40 AM | 2:00 PM | 4:20 PM| 6:40 PM | 9:00 PMSM PAMPANGA | Cinema 2Getaway (2013)PG-13 | 1 hr 35 ms11:00 AM | 1:00 PM | 3:00 PM | 5:00 PM |7:00 PM | 9:00 PMSM PAMPANGA | Cinema 5She’s The One (2013)PG-13 | 1 hr 50 ms12:00 PM | 2:30 PM | 5:00 PM | 7:30 PMSM PAMPANGA | Cinema 6She’s The One (2013)PG-13 | 1 hr 50 ms11:00 AM | 1:30 PM | 4:00 PM | 6:30 PM | 9:00 PMRobinsons Starmills |Cinema 1Carrie (2013)R-13 | 1 hr 45 ms12:30 PM | 2:45 PM | 5:00 PM | 7:15 PMRobinsons Starmills |Cinema 2Escape Plan (2013)R-13 | 1 hr 55 ms12:15 PM | 2:45 PM | 5:15 PM |7:45 PMRobinsons Starmills |Cinema 3Ambushed (2013)R-16 | 1 hr 40 ms12:45 PM | 2:50 PM | 4:55 PM | 7:00 PMRobinsons Starmills | Cinema 4She’s The One (2013)PG-13 | 1 hr 50 ms12:30 PM | 2:45 PM | 5:00 PM |7:15 PM44. Gatherings46. Little Euphemia.60. Longhorn49. Pharmacist’sStatevinegarschoolnear 50. the The Mex. “se” border in “per se”61. Hous<strong>to</strong>n51. “They’llplayer,Do It EveryinformallyTime” man52. Elliptical64. Jerry 53. U.S. Lewis World hosts Cup goalie its Tonytelethons 56. Sinew: annually: Comb. form Abbr.57. Being aired, as a sitcom65. ___ 59. Ancient favor: wine please jug (Sp.)60. Tripod’s threesome61. River of Armenia64. Xbox alternative65. PulletSM CLARK | Cinema 1She’s The One (2013)PG-13 | 1 hr 50 ms10:35 AM | 12:50 PM | 3:10 PM |5:30 PM | 7:45 PMSM CLARK | Cinema 2Gravity (2013)PG-13 | 1 hr 45 ms10:40 AM | 12:30 PM | 2:20 PMSM CLARK | Cinema 2She’s The One (2013)PG-13 | 1 hr 50 ms4:30 PM | 6:45 PM | 9:00 PMSM CLARK |D-CinemaCloudy With A Chance OfMeatballs 2 (2013)GP | 1 hr 40 ms | in 3D12:40 PM | 2:45 PM | 4:50 PM |6:55 PM | 9:00 PMSM CLARK |Cinema 4Mr. Go (2013)PG-13 | 2 hrs 15 ms3:40 PM | 6:20 PM | 9:00 PMSM CLARK |Cinema 4Ambushed (2013)R-16 | 1 hr 40 ms10:50 AM | 12:55 PMSM CLARK |Cinema 5Escape Plan (2013)R-13 | 1 hr 55 ms12:00 PM | 2:15 PM | 4:30 PM | 6:45 PM| 9:00 PMSM CLARK |Cinema 6Carrie (2013)R-13 | 1 hr 45 ms11:40 AM | 2:00 PM | 4:20 PM |6:40 PM | 9:00 PMRobinsons Starmills | Cinema 5Getaway (2013)PG-13 | 1 hr 35 ms1:00 PM | 3:00 PM | 5:00 PM | 7:00 PMRobinsons Starmills | Cinema 6Cloudy With A Chance OfMeatballs 2 (2013)GP | 1 hr 40 ms12:00 PM | 2:00 PMRobinsons Starmills | Cinema 6Passion (2013)R-16 | 1 hr 45 ms4:35 PM | 6:45 PMRobinsons Angeles | Cinema 1Getaway (2013)PG-13 | 1 hr 35 ms1:00 PM | 3:10 PM | 5:20 PM | 7:30 PMP491RCLAST ISSUE ANSWERSAcross1. Actress Thompson of TV’s “Family”5. Hovering10. Sunset’s direction14. In ___ (sulking)15. Renaissance poet16. “Ver-ry funny”17. Like Kevin in “Home Alone”19. Seniors’ nest eggs, for short20. Architectural pillars21. Like hard labor23. Detectives’ board game26. In the area27. Old instrument of punishment32. Tikkanen of hockey33. Mystery writers’ award34. Cross, of a sort38. Electrical units40. Blender maker42. Uncle Ben’s specialty43. Ernie Banks’s nickname45. Evangelist McPherson47. Any vessel48. Member of the police51. Class for beginner cooks54. Crack55. Turned off by58. Sardinia, for one62. Elmer Fudd or Porky Pig, e.g.63. Early locomotive66. Valentino co-star ___ Lei67. Liberate68. Laura Davies’s org.69. East Indian vine70. “___ Out” (Billy Joel 1978 hit)71. ___ up (admit)SM CLARK | IMAX CinemaGravity (2013)PG-13 | 1 hr 45 ms | in 3D2:15 PM | 4:40 PM | 7:05 PM |9:30 PMSM CITY SAN FERNANDODown<strong>to</strong>wn | Cinema 1Cloudy With A Chance OfMeatballs 2MTRCB Rating: GP12:20 PM | 2:30 PM | 4:40 PM| 6:50 PM | 9:00 PMSM CITY SAN FERNANDODown<strong>to</strong>wn | Cinema 2Kung Fu DivasMTRCB Rating: PG-1311:00 AM | 1:30 PM | 4:00 PM| 6:30 PM | 9:00 PMSM CITY SAN FERNANDODown<strong>to</strong>wn | Cinema 3GravityMTRCB Rating: PG-1311:00 AM | 1:00 PM | 3:00 PM| 5:00 PM | 7:00 PM | 9:00 PMMARQUEEMALL | Cinema 1Carrie (2013)R-13 | 1 hr 45 ms12:30 PM | 2:45 PM | 5:00 PM | 7:15 PM |9:30 PMMARQUEEMALL | Cinema 2Getaway (2013)PG-13 | 1 hr 35 ms1:15 PM | 3:15 PM | 5:15 PM | 7:15 PM |9:15 PMMARQUEEMALL | Cinema 3Gravity (2013)PG-13 | 1 hr 45 ms12:50 PM | 2:55 PM | 5:00 PM | 7:05 PM| 9:10 PMMARQUEEMALL | Cinema 4She’s The One (2013)PG-13 | 1 hr 50 ms12:40 PM | 2:50 PM | 5:00 PM | 7:10 PM| 9:20 PMRobinsons Angeles | Cinema 2Carrie (2013)R-13 | 1 hr 45 ms12:45 PM | 3:00 PM | 5:15 PM | 7:40 PMRobinsons Angeles | Cinema 3She’s The One (2013)PG-13 | 1 hr 50 ms12:30 PM | 2:50 PM | 5:10 PM | 7:30 PMRobinsons Angeles Cinema 4Gravity (2013)PG-13 | 1 hr 45 ms1:00 PM | 3:10 PM | 5:20 PM | 7:30 PM( Cinema schedules are subject <strong>to</strong>change without prior notice.)HOROSCOPELAST ISSUE solutionAQUARIUS (JAN. 20 - FEB. 18)You tend <strong>to</strong> be radical when it comes <strong>to</strong> self-analysis, which includes health care, food and physical wellbeing.Serving and caring for yourself and others is a primary source of inner growth and change. You aresensitive <strong>to</strong> criticism. Today, at work, you may have <strong>to</strong> make some adjustments--someone could be in a criticizingmood. Decide <strong>to</strong> make whatever changes you need and then move forward. This evening a loved oneor friend is receptive and will listen <strong>to</strong> your words. You love social life and relationships of all kinds--partners,marriages, teachers, etc. You are very responsive yourself and value this in others. You do not play favoritesand are quite impersonal when it comes <strong>to</strong> your responsibilities. Your good attitude is an influence on others.ARIES (MAR. 21-APR. 19)For those of you who are not married or attached <strong>to</strong> a loved one for now--there are upcoming opportunities<strong>to</strong> meet your special love this week. A more meaningful relationship could be coming your way soon. Those ofyou that have experienced problems in your love relationship will find answers soon. A deepening and moreconcrete foundation is in the works. Find ways in which <strong>to</strong> appreciate just who you are and what you are doingwith your life. The happier you are with your life and your accomplishments and goals, the happier the peoplearound you will become. Your positive outlook is catching! Your intuitive powers are strong <strong>to</strong>ward makingthings work in your favor. This is a good time <strong>to</strong> ask for a raise.CANCER (JUN 22- JUL 22)Vacation time will be most comfortable if taken or begun early <strong>to</strong>day. However, it is possible that you will betraveling in order <strong>to</strong> tend <strong>to</strong> business. Who owes what, who owns what and who decides these things are someof the major issues now. Understanding inner motivations, seeing through <strong>to</strong> the core is where your real pathof power and enlightenment is at this time. You love the truth and you may peruse through news articles andcompare notes <strong>to</strong> find a truth. You find that you can really use your mind <strong>to</strong> think through things and make clearchoices. If you are not traveling, your workday may move in<strong>to</strong> overtime this afternoon. Make this evening a timeof relaxation--if possible, a massage could be quite enjoyable for you and your mate.CAPRICORN (DEC. 22 - JAN 19)You may be trying <strong>to</strong> understand some technical side of business <strong>to</strong>day. You may even be thinking of ways inwhich you could go in<strong>to</strong> business for yourself. You may decide <strong>to</strong> consult with a professional that can give yousome important information on the steps that are needed <strong>to</strong> follow this idea of yours. The power of organizationon a social scale seems <strong>to</strong> take on some meaning <strong>to</strong>day and it could all be political. If you are involved ina competition with someone regarding this change of profession, think about where your dreams are, notwhere or how you compare with this other person. If your profession is something that you believe in and thatyou can enjoy; you are on the right track. Tonight is good for popcorn and a movie!GEMINI (MAY 21-JUN 21)If you work, it may be part-time. Your day is full of satisfying projects. Talking with co-workers you may becomeaware of a concern that the quality of education in your city, state and perhaps country needs attention.You could help in the area of research. Research begins in the corners of the classroom where math,geography, language or science is taught. All the energies are working <strong>to</strong> encourage your discoveries. Youhave the confidence <strong>to</strong> follow-up with this subject through your own moni<strong>to</strong>ring, volunteering and above all. . . Keeping detailed notes with dates. Bravo <strong>to</strong> your future efforts. Change names <strong>to</strong> protect the innocent andculminate your findings through writing. You have excellent ideas. These students are the future.LEO (JUL 23 - AUG. 23)You may find it an easy effort <strong>to</strong> obtain a loan <strong>to</strong>day. Think first on the energy and time it takes <strong>to</strong> repay thatloan and see if you would not like <strong>to</strong> postpone or trade that loan for a part-time job. A part-time job will helpyou pay off a large bill. This extra work may help you earn the extra income faster than it would take <strong>to</strong> pay offa loan. There are all sorts of opportunities <strong>to</strong> express yourself. Discovering new ways <strong>to</strong> improve your healththrough your diet has provided you with all sorts of good discoveries. Obtaining and exchanging informationtakes on more emotional significance for you now. Being more involved with neighbors or siblings this eveningsatisfies an emotional need--perhaps a social affair is being planned. Loved ones are agreeable.LIBRA (SEP. 23 - OCT. 23)Today brings with it opportunities <strong>to</strong> understand and heal any physical or mental situations, changing attitudesand bringing new goals in<strong>to</strong> focus. Today the energies are working with you <strong>to</strong> begin a new diet orhealth plan. This is a good time for making amends, making peace with the past and meditating on thingsunseen. Financial gain and material well-being are among the brighter prospects before you. This is a goodtime <strong>to</strong> focus in on how much things really mean <strong>to</strong> you. A family member or friend will be getting marriedsoon and you might be giving a lot of thought in<strong>to</strong> giving a party before the event. Get with some of the othermembers of the family or with other friends and work as a group; results will be wonderful.PISCES (FEB. 19 - MAR. 20)Many doors of opportunity open up for you at this time. Unfinished projects can be completed. A co-workerfriend or a cus<strong>to</strong>mer has put in a good word for you. This little boost is quite a compliment <strong>to</strong> your work and youare wise <strong>to</strong> show your gratefulness. Take a little trip or get outside during the day. You may want <strong>to</strong> break yourroutine occasionally. This will take you away from the stress and help you <strong>to</strong> regain a focus. You may discoverinsights that will be of great value later. On the way home this afternoon you may think about how fortunateyou are <strong>to</strong> have the challenges that you do and that you do not have another person’s challenges. You have anappreciation for the skills and knowledge that you have gained.SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22 - DEC. 21)Your mind is so busy <strong>to</strong>day that you may not be aware of a phone ringing or someone calling your name. Thisnew cycle that you seem <strong>to</strong> have begun will set in motion a powerful need <strong>to</strong> work harder, work longer, concentrateand find the answers needed for particular projects. It would be wise <strong>to</strong> start each day with some plannedbreaks; perhaps an occasional lunch away from the workplace. You will be working harder and that will meanthere will be more of an importance <strong>to</strong> take good care of yourself. Enjoy your work by seeing the importance aswell as the pleasant opportunities <strong>to</strong> work with great people. Power becomes a compelling idea, perhaps even anaphrodisiac--you have a stronger than usual supply of it now; easy. Value each day.SCORPIO (OCT. 24- NOV. 21)Many of us clip coupons <strong>to</strong> save money but at this time you will be able <strong>to</strong> save money by throwing awaysome of those harsh chemicals you have been purchasing. The old way of cleaning worked very well and theinternet should be full of ideas on how <strong>to</strong> clean with vinegar, newspaper, orange oil and all sorts of naturalitems. Today is a good day for work and progress and learning new things. You may be sought after as thebest person for a particular job. Whether you work in an office or home, you are the most likely person <strong>to</strong> dothis job better than most anyone else. If you do not have the time, take a little time <strong>to</strong> teach the techniquesor special qualities that you have <strong>to</strong> someone that will have more time <strong>to</strong> follow through with the request.TAURUS (APR. 20-MAY 20)This is a great time <strong>to</strong> work in groups or teams. You may be sought after as just the person for a particular job.Your management and directional abilities are in high focus. Good fortune and plain old luck surrounds you.It is easy for you <strong>to</strong> make correct decisions, find the right path and move forward where career and success areconcerned. Life’s problems seem manageable and easy <strong>to</strong> solve. You could be most persuasive with othersand this afternoon you just might be able <strong>to</strong> convince a group of teenagers <strong>to</strong> change the destination of somequestionable party. You are wise <strong>to</strong> help them make a change of plans, perhaps by taking a few of them <strong>to</strong>the site so they can see the condition or area in question. Have a backup plan ready. Whew! A rewarding day.VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEP.22)If professional advice is needed, <strong>to</strong>day is the most productive time <strong>to</strong> seek that advice. You could find ateacher or guide and gain a new approach <strong>to</strong> your career, etc. Career insight and breakthroughs are possible.You might discover that unconventional solutions <strong>to</strong> life’s problems or new directions and paths are in order.Emotional seriousness, a sober orientation and a practical awareness of the nature of time are the keynotesof your deepest feelings. Realizing you may be on the right path but becoming a bit <strong>to</strong>o strict on yourselfjust now, you could make a gradual adjustment as you move <strong>to</strong>ward the home front this evening. There isa beautiful sunset, a bicycle s<strong>to</strong>re or any numbers of friends <strong>to</strong> call--tell a joke or hear a s<strong>to</strong>ry. Hum a tune.

<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> LuzonOCTOBER 17, 2013SHOWBIZ7Rufa Mae does jacuzziscene with young ac<strong>to</strong>rKahit pala pinayagan ngGMA 7 si Rufa Mae Quin<strong>to</strong>na lumabas sa TV 5paminsan-minsan, nasisita parin daw siya. Kagaya ngangayon, palabas na sa TV 5yung Positive na isa siya samga bida.“Nasisita rin ako butthen, ayokong ma-involvesa network wars,” sabi niya.“Freelancer naman ako.Noon, pinayagan nila ako<strong>to</strong> do Willie’s show, then‘Enchanted Garden’ andnow, ‘Positive’. Sayang namankasi maganda ang roleko ri<strong>to</strong>, magdadrama ako.”Di siya sanay sa dramakaya bago i<strong>to</strong> para sa kanya.“Sinabihan ko nga si Direk EricQuizon, comedian ako, ha, buthe said kaya mo ‘yan. ‘Yungcharacter ko, married ako ri<strong>to</strong>kay Ramon Chris<strong>to</strong>pher at maymga anak kami, pero nakipagaffairako kay Martin Escudero.O, ’di ba, cougar ang dating ko?Tapos, nang magingHIV positivesiya, sinabi niyasa’kin, siyempre,galit na galit akokasi nga, maypamilya akong tao.Paano kung nahawaako? Anonggagawin ko sapamilya ko?”She even has alove scene withMartin. “Yes, saJacuzzi pa. Nakaboxerssiya. Ako, naka-bra atpanty lang. Nanibago rin akokasi ang tagal ko nang hindinakagawa ng gani<strong>to</strong>ng eksena.Last time was noong i-launchpa ako ng Viva sa ‘Gloria Labandera’noong late ‘90s. Dahilsobrang sikip noong Jacuzzi atpaikot-ikot kami, natamaan ngtuhod ko yung harapan niya.Ewan ko kung nasaktan siya,pero sabi niya, siya na lang bahalangmagdala ng eksena kasinga hindi ko alam ang gagawinko dahil never pa ako nakipaglovescene sa TV.”So how is it working withMartin? “Nagulat ako dahil 23lang pala siya, pero magalingsiya magdala ng eksena. Pati‘yung paghalik sa’kin, carryniya. Dahan-dahan, una saneck, sa cheek, sa lips. But I canfeel gentleman siya. Right afterthe scene, pag-ahon namin sajacuzzi, binigyan niya agad akong tuwalya <strong>to</strong> cover myself withat ang ginaw-ginaw kasi, nanginginigako.”●rufa maequin<strong>to</strong>Vice Ganda inagawan ngtrono ng baguhang badingKahapon sa presscon ngBekikang, inanunsyo niDirek Wenn Deramasna i<strong>to</strong> na ang number two sapinakapabori<strong>to</strong> niyang pelikulangnagawa at na-dislodge rawni<strong>to</strong> ang Praybeyt Benjamin niVice Ganda.“Napanood ko ho nang buo, eh(ang Bekikang), noong Sabado,mixed na, tapos na tapos na angpelikula, hindi kami naghabolsa pelikulang i<strong>to</strong> at magigingvery honest ako sa inyo naang pinakapabori<strong>to</strong> ko pa ringpelikula ay Ang Tanging Ina 1,pangalawa na po i<strong>to</strong>.“Kung wala pong TangingIna 1, baka i<strong>to</strong> ang no. 1 ko. ’Pagnapanood n’yo ho ang pelikula,magdala kayo ng panyo o tissuekasi hindi puwedeng hindi kayoiiyak,” sabi ni Direk Wenn.Asked kung hindi kaya magtamponaman si Vice Ganda sasinabi niyang i<strong>to</strong>, aniya, hindinaman siguro dahil maturednaman ang komedyante at alamniyang maiintindihan ni<strong>to</strong>.Pero siyempre, hindi rinnaman daw niya makakalimutanna ang Praybeyt Benjaminang kauna-unahang pelikulangPilipino na naka-P300 million satakilya.Say ni Direk, balimbing namansiya, kaya anong malay natin,baka ’pag naipalabas na angGirl, Boy, Bakla, Tomboy ninaVice Ganda at Maricel Soriano,filmfest entry, baka i<strong>to</strong> na angnumber two niya at ma-dislodgenaman ang Bekikang.Asked kung hinog na ba talagasi Joey Paras para magbida saisang pelikula, biro ni Direk,malapit na nga raw mabulok.“’Yung ganyang klaseng talent,kailangang ma-experience n’yona, kasi na-experience ko na, eh.Fair si Lord, tingnan n’yo siya(Joey), pero punumpuno po ngtalent,” he said.Showing na sa Oct. 23 angBekikang at kasama rin di<strong>to</strong> siTom Rodriguez as Joey’s loveinterest, Tirso Cruz III, CarlaHumphries, Nikki Valdez, MiguelAguila, Lassy Marquez, Atak,Malou de Guzman, Maricar deMesa at marami pang iba.●Piolo Pascual ayawpumasok sa pulitikaSa kabila ng hecticschedule ni Piolo Pascual,naisisingit pa rin niya angpagkahilig sa sports lalo nasa running, especially nowna malapit na ang SunpiologyColor Run, proyek<strong>to</strong> ngak<strong>to</strong>r at ng Sunlife Philippines.Sa presscon para sa naturangproyek<strong>to</strong>, naikuwen<strong>to</strong>ni Piolo na nagsimula anghilig niya sa pagtakbo noong2009 at ang usual targetdaw nila ay 10 kilometers inan hour.Makakasama ni Piolo sapagtakbo ang iba pang StarMagic celebrities tulad ninaDawn Jimenez, Joem Basconat Young JV.This is Piolo’s 4th Sunpiologyproject, na angproceeds ay napupunta saHebreo Foundation para sapag-aaral ng mahihirap nakabataan.Kung nahihilig mansi Papa P. sa literal na pagtakbo,ang pagtakbo raw sapulitika, walang-wala sa isipniya.“Masyado nang magulo,masyado nang marumi,” hesaid. “And I’m happy na walasa puso ko ang pagpasok sapolitics. Ayoko talaga. Evenin my family, my siblings,my mom, ayaw nila,” he said.Sakaling wala na rawsiya sa showbiz, marami siyangnaiisip na fallback. But,of course, hindi kasali ri<strong>to</strong>ang pulitika.Puwede raw siyangmaging producer. Ngayonnga, ginagawa na niya i<strong>to</strong>although hindi pa talagangfull-time.Aminado naman angak<strong>to</strong>r na kasama rin sa iniisipniya for the future angpagkakaroon ng sarilingpamilya. Nakakahiya namandaw na ma-reach niyaang edad na 50 na wala pasiyang pamilya.“Gus<strong>to</strong> ko rin namangmagkaroon ng maraminganak, sayang naman ’yunggenes ko. Gus<strong>to</strong> ko ng apatna anak,” he said.At dahil nasa pagaasawana rin lang angusapan, klinaro na rin ngmga reporter kay Piolo angtungkol sa larawan nila niShaina Magdayao kungpiolo pascual... Page 9

8 NATIONAL OCTOBER<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> Luzon17, 2013P6.33-M aid provided <strong>to</strong>flood victims in VisMinMANILA -- The Departmen<strong>to</strong>f Social Welfare andDevelopment (DSWD) saidon Wednesday a <strong>to</strong>tal of P6.33million worth of relief assistancehave been extended <strong>to</strong>the victims of flooding <strong>due</strong> <strong>to</strong>heavy rains <strong>due</strong> <strong>to</strong> IntertropicalConvergence Zone (ITCZ)last Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 5-8 in Visayasand Mindanao Regions.In a statement, theDSWD said that the P6.33million worth of relief assistancewere from the combinedresources of DSWD(P3.39 million), local governmentunits (P2.35 million)and non-government organizations(P581,370).As of noon Wednesday,the DSWD said some 47evacuation centers remainedopen temporarily sheltering4,361 families or 18,927 personswhile 22,875 familiesor about 104,171 persons areoutside the evacuation centersand also being providedwith relief assistance.The evacuation centersare located in one in Region 6with four families; 35 in Zamboangadel Norte, ZamboangaSibugay and ZamboangaCity with 3,049 families; 30families in Bukidnon; two inSultan Kudarat and Cotaba<strong>to</strong>with 49 families; eight in Basilanand Sulu, 1,229 families.The DSWD in CentralVisayas said that it is scheduled<strong>to</strong> distribute 7,179 familypacks <strong>to</strong> the affected familiesin Sta. Catalina, Sia<strong>to</strong>n, Basay,Dumaguete City, andBayawan, Negros Oriental.(PNA)Comelec <strong>to</strong> decide postponement ofbarangay elections in Bohol, CebuMANILA -- The Commission on Elections(Comelec) is giving itself until theweekend <strong>to</strong> decide on whether or not <strong>to</strong>postpone the Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 28 Barangay electionsin areas affected by the 7.2 magnitudeearthquake that hit Bohol andCebu on Tuesday.Comelec Chairman Six<strong>to</strong> Brillantessaid they are still waiting for the reportsfrom the affected areas before they comeup with a decision whether or not <strong>to</strong> pushthrough with polls in the two provinces.“We have two days more <strong>to</strong> determine,decide. Pwede din naman beyond18, 19 pwede pa, we are not sure but wewill discuss this sa en banc so we canhave a more comprehensive report onthe real situation on the areas affectedby the quake,” he said in a press briefing.Brillantes added, “We will have <strong>to</strong>decide on the basis of that. In clear casesna hindi na pwede ituloy (ang) elections,like nawala ang school house, walang access,we will probably postpone it.”He noted if they decided <strong>to</strong> postponethe polls in the two province, theyare likely <strong>to</strong> follow the same rule in thepostponement of polls in ZamboangaCity.Earlier, the poll body decided <strong>to</strong>postpone the village polls in ZamboangaCity, <strong>due</strong> <strong>to</strong> the recent conflict betweenthe government and the Moro IslamicLiberation Front (MILF).However, the Comelec has yet <strong>to</strong> announcethe date for the special polls inthe province.Brillantes added that if ever theydecide not <strong>to</strong> push through with the Barangaypolls they would want <strong>to</strong> limit it<strong>to</strong> specific areas.“As much as possible, we will onlylimit in areas in the event that wepostpone the elections. It will probablybe only specific areas. Its veryimportant for us <strong>to</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r whereare areas na tinamaan matindi. Onthe part of the commission, we observeday-<strong>to</strong>-day. We will just moveforward <strong>to</strong> resolving issues as we getreports,” he said. (PNA)PHL s<strong>to</strong>cks rise on USbudget deal hopesMANILA –- Philippine s<strong>to</strong>cks rallied anewon Wednesday, bucking the downtrend takenby Asian markets, as optimism grew thatthe United States Congress would craft abudget deal before the Oct. 17 deadline.The barometer Philippine s<strong>to</strong>ck exchangeindex (PSEi) gained 40.87 points <strong>to</strong>6,483.57 from Monday’s 6,442.70.Financial markets were closed on Tuesdayin obser vance of the Muslim Feast of Sacrifice.”Less than 24 hours before raising theUS debt limit deadline expires, active marketsin the broad Asian region shows confidencean agreement will be reached at the11th hour,” said Accord Capital EquitiesCorp.It believes that a positive resolution<strong>to</strong> the US fiscal stand-off and governmentshutdown should easily propel the main indexback above the 6,500 terri<strong>to</strong>ry and evenposit a return <strong>to</strong> the 6,700 level on the backof the earnings season.Brokerage firm 2tradeasia.com saidmarket players will continue <strong>to</strong> be on tightguard over the US Senate’s vote on the federaldebt cap hike given its repercussion onglobal funds flow movement.Fitch Ratings has shed some light onthe possible ill-effects of failing <strong>to</strong> come <strong>to</strong>a compromise by the deadline, pulling itsoutlook for the US’ AAA rating <strong>to</strong> negative.The market’s ascent was led mainly byfinancials sec<strong>to</strong>r that increased 1.41 percent.Industrial and services defied the trend,dropping 0.03 percent and 0.02 percent.Total volume turnover reached 1.62 billionvalued at P7.48 billion.Advancers led decliners, 87 <strong>to</strong> 55, while52 issues were unchanged. (PNA)SEMINAR. Presidential Communications Operations Office(PCOO) Secretary Herminio “Sonny” B. Coloma, one of the speakers during the NIB-PNA Strategic Performance Management SystemSeminar at the PNA Business Center, 2nd Fl. PIA Bldg., Visayas Ave., Quezon City on Friday (Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 11, 2013). Also in pho<strong>to</strong> are NIB Asst.Direc<strong>to</strong>r Danilo S. Jamora, NIB OIC-FAD Efren B. Santelices,PNA Acting Executive Edi<strong>to</strong>r Ms. Faye Velasco (2nd from right), PNA OIC Managing Edi<strong>to</strong>r Felomina F. Cayaba, NIB-OIC Personnel Marife A. Baniquet, and PNA Provincial Bureau Chiefs. --PNAIBP asks SC <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p release of DAP fundsMANILA -- The IntegratedBar of the Philippines (IBP)Wednesday asked the SupremeCourt (SC) <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p therelease of funds from the DisbursementAcceleration Programand declare it as unconstitutional.In a 24-page petition forprohibition, the IBP, throughcounsel former Universityof the Philippines Law DeanPacifico Agabin, said that unlessrestrained, the taxpayerswill suffer irreparable injurybecause the money they havepaid the government were illegallyutilized.The IBP said that its disbursementis not only graveabuse of discretion but caneven be considered a criminalact such that it is technicalmalversation under the RevisedPenal Code.The petitioner explainedthe 1987 Philippine Constitutionlimited the power of theExecutive Department as adisbursing authority by releasingonly funds that are listedin the General AppropriationsAct passed by Congress.In the case of DAP, it wasnever mentioned in the 2011,2012 and 2013 GAA.“There is no appropriationfor such a program, nor wasthere any allocation made byCongress therefor. Obviously,this is not a program submitted<strong>to</strong> Congress for its approval,”the petition said.The IBP argued even Budgetand Management SecretaryFlorencio “Butch” Abadadmitted the DAP was not inthe GAA.“Secretary Abad’s declarationsalone render the legalityof the DAP doubtful andanomalous,” it said.The IBP further arguedthe Executive Departmentcannot justify DAP’s legalityby citing Article VI, Section25(5) of the 1987 Constitutionwhich provides all appropriationbills shall emanate fromthe House of Representatives.Likewise, the same provisionfurther restricts onlyitems in the GAA allocated forthe respective Offices of thePresident, the Senate President,the House Speaker, theSC Chief Justice, and theheads of Constitutional Commissions,may be augmentedby its own savings.In this case, the DAPfunds were, according <strong>to</strong> theDBM re-aligned budgets fromslow moving items, which,petitioners said “can neverbe considered as one that hasbeen completed, abandoned ordiscontinued.”Only completed, abandonedor discontinued projectscan be utilized for augmentationof savings, as statedunder the GAA.Moreover, the IBP saidthe DBM failed <strong>to</strong> give exactdetails of expenditures whereDAP was used nor it specifiedthe “slow moving” projectswhere it <strong>to</strong>ok the DAP funds.It also questioned whysena<strong>to</strong>rs were also providedDAP allocations when theyalready have their PriorityDevelopment Assistance Fundwhich was already under theGAA.“Hence, respondent violatedthe Constitution whichstates that the President mayonly use savings <strong>to</strong> augmentan item ‘for their respective offices’…”the petition said.This is the fifth petition filedbefore the SC seeking <strong>to</strong> declareDAP as unconstitutional.Others who filed separatepetitions are former Iloilocongressman and erstwhileTechnical Education andSkills Development AuthorityDirec<strong>to</strong>r General Augus<strong>to</strong>“Buboy” Syjuco Jr., Manueli<strong>to</strong>Luna, Jose Malvar Villegasand the Philippine ConstitutionAssociation. (PNA)

<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> LuzonOCTOBER 17, 20139RELOCATED from Page 1Binay joined Gov. LiliaPineda, Arayat Mayor EmmanuelBonifacio Alejandrinoand PampangaMayors’ League PresidentOscar Tetangco, Jr. in theinspection of Purok 7, BarangaySan Juan Bañowhere thousands of rocks,some of which are as bigas cars in size, rolled downfrom the mountain andjammed streets.Pineda’s efforts in remindingmayors and resi-dilg grants from Page 1budget.DILG Pampanga Direc<strong>to</strong>r MyrviFabia disclosed that each of the11 <strong>to</strong>wns, namely: Minalin, Candaba,Mexico, San Simon, Masan<strong>to</strong>l,Guagua, Lubao, Apalit, San Luis, Macabebeand this city, will receive P15million worth of projects or a <strong>to</strong>tal ofP145 million for the province.Fabia said these local governmentunits (LGUs) had met the requirementsfor the BuB.The LGUs are recipients of theDILG Seal of Good Housekeeping(SGH); have made substantial progressin implementing Public Financialaid <strong>to</strong> quake from Page 1ting their lives back <strong>to</strong> normal,”the Vice President <strong>to</strong>ldthe media in his visit <strong>to</strong> Pampangayesterday.Binay instructed the Pag-IBIG branches in Bohol andCebu <strong>to</strong> deploy roving officesso members in the areas declaredunder state of calamitycould easily apply for calamityloans and for loan mora<strong>to</strong>rium.Under the calamity loanprogram, Pag-IBIG membersmay avail of up <strong>to</strong> 80 percen<strong>to</strong>f their <strong>to</strong>tal savings. The loanmay be paid over two yearsnolcom from Page 1pine Army’s 7th InfantryDivision in Fort Magsaysay,Nueva Ecija and the CampAquino in Tarlac.It was reported thatSanti had destroyed at leastP3 billion worth of propertiesand agricultural productsin Nueva Ecija and astate of calamity was declaredin Tarlac provinceshortly after the typhoonexited west via Zambaleson Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 12.“The problem now isrebuilding. We don’t reallyhave funds for rebuildingour bases,” said Catapang,who visited Pampanga Gov.hanmadang from Page 3percussion quartet. Foodand other culinary delightsfrom the two countries werealso showcased during theevent.For this year’s HanmadangFestival, Tugadesaid dignitaries from SouthKorea will be visiting theFreeport <strong>to</strong> represent KoreanAmbassador Hyuk Lee,who flew <strong>to</strong> Korea <strong>to</strong> helpprepare for the arrival ofPresident Benigno SimeonC. Aquino III on Oct. 17.100Th birth from Page 2er, Ocampo was also a writer.He authored the book “PhilippineChurches and Other Scenes,” and coauthored“The Art of the Philippines”which is the first coffee table book thattraces the his<strong>to</strong>ry of the art industrydents <strong>to</strong> exercise pre-emptivemeasures paid off as nocasualty and serious injurieswere reported shortlyafter typhoon Santi hit theprovince on Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 12.Mayor Alejandrinoand Pineda, through theProvincial Disaster RiskReduction ManagementOffice (PDRRMO), on Oc<strong>to</strong>ber11 evacuated 776families living at the foot ofMt. Arayat.In 2009, at least 12 peopledied in a landslide tha<strong>to</strong>ccurred in San Juan Baño.Binay, housing czar of thecountry, said the NationalHousing Authority (NHA)will assist the Pampangagovernment in the developmen<strong>to</strong>f a relocation centerin a 10-hectare land in BarangayTelapayong, Arayat.The village is more than10 kilometers away fromSan Juan Baño and MayorAlejandrino said “it’s a safeplace for a relocation site.”Lilia Pineda and checkedon the situation in Arayat<strong>to</strong>wn where landslides occurredat the height of thetyphoon.Catapang said they werecaught unaware as the PhilippineAtmospheric Geophysicaland AstronomicalServices Administration(Pagasa) had reported thatSanti would primarily hit“a more northern area inLuzon and not Tarlac andNueva Ecija.”Catapang also felt sorryfor the livelihood projectshe had started at the 7thID Fort Magsaysay, whichwere adversely affected bythe typhoon.He transformed certainareas of Fort Magsaysay in<strong>to</strong>eco-<strong>to</strong>urism sites and introducedagricultural and livelihoodproductions <strong>to</strong> retiringsoldiers.Catapang said that thecamp of the 703rd Division atthe foot of Mt. Arayat in Arayat<strong>to</strong>wn also suffered <strong>damages</strong>.Pineda and ArayatMayor Emmanuel BonifacioAlejandrino were studyingthe option of forciblyevacuating all residents livingnear the slopes of Mt.Arayat. ● Joey PaviaPresident Aquino will bein Korea <strong>to</strong> accept a plaqueof appreciation from PresidentPark Gyeun-hye inbehalf of his late father,former Sena<strong>to</strong>r Benigno“Ninoy”Aquino, Jr., whowas a news correspondentduring the Korean War.Tugade said AmbassadorHyuk Lee had assured theCDC that he will help enticemore Korean businesses <strong>to</strong>pour their investments inthe Clark Freeport. He addedthat Lee cited Clark as apremier investment haven.Tugade added that Clarkis ready <strong>to</strong> welcome no<strong>to</strong>nly Korean inves<strong>to</strong>rs butalso businesses from otherAsian neighbors like China,Singapore, Malaysiaand those from the UnitedStates and other Europeancountries.Earlier, the CDC reportedthat in the first six monthsof 2013, Korean firm PhoenixSemiconduc<strong>to</strong>r Phils.from the pre-colonial <strong>to</strong> contemporaryperiod.He served as professor in the USTCollege of Fine Arts from 1940-1971and became the dean of the Instituteof Fine Arts of Far Eastern UniversityBinay said that thethreatened residents ofArayat and people living inflood-prone areas in Pampangawill be housed in theproposed resettlement centerin Telapayong.In a report, at least 381families in San Juan Bañoand 500 families in SanMateo, both in Arayat, wereaffected by the landslide.Binay said “it’s good I sawit and could decide what weneed <strong>to</strong> provide fast.” ●Management (PFM) ImprovementPlan as determined by DBM; and, haveno unliquidated cash advances fromparticipating agencies based on existingauditing rules and regulations.The direc<strong>to</strong>r explained that thepriority projects were identified by theLGUs with participation from the civilsociety organizations.“BuB is the grassroot participa<strong>to</strong>rybudget process of the nationalgovernment. The identification of theprojects <strong>to</strong> be implemented came directlyfrom the people through theLGU,” Fabia explained.She also stressed that the LGUbeneficiariesmust have the technicalcapacity <strong>to</strong> implement the project, asdetermined by the concerned participatingagency.“If the LGU is incapable of implementingthe project, it will be executedby the concerned national governmentagency (NGA),” Fabia said.Fabia further said that DILG Pampangais targeting other municipalities<strong>to</strong> qualify in the next BuB awarding.“There are criteria <strong>to</strong> meet beforebeing eligible for the award but theDILG Pampanga is working closelywith other LGUs <strong>to</strong> help them qualify,”she said. ●with a 3-month’s grace periodat an interest of 5.95 percentper annum.Pag-IBIG also imposeda 3-month mora<strong>to</strong>rium onthe payment of housing loanamortizations. Borrowersmust file their application formora<strong>to</strong>rium within 90 daysafter their area was declaredunder state of calamity.Binay also said the NationalHousing Authority(NHA) will provide home materialsassistance for residentswhose homes were partiallydamaged. For those with <strong>to</strong>tallyruined houses that are indanger zones, NHA will offerresettlement.The Vice President is set<strong>to</strong> visit on Thursday the areasin Cebu and Bohol that werebadly hit by the 7.2 magnitudeearthquake.Earlier, he asked the public<strong>to</strong> pray for the safety of thesurvivors of the earthquakesand the recent typhoons, andfor the country <strong>to</strong> be sparedfrom further calamities.He also pledged relief assistancefrom his office, andencouraged the public <strong>to</strong> donatefood, water, medicines,clothes, blankets and basic<strong>to</strong>iletries.•FOR SMARTPHONES& TABLETS!You can grabour Digital EditionCopy viawww.headlinegl.com& click Cover TodayCorp. (PSPC) <strong>to</strong>pped the lis<strong>to</strong>f best exporting countrieswith $196 million or 58 percen<strong>to</strong>f Clark’s <strong>to</strong>tal exportvolume.PSPC’s feat was followedby Nanox Phils, Inc., with$59 million or 18 percent;Yokohama Tire Philippines,Inc. with $18 million or 5percent; and HLD ClarkSteel Pipe Co, Inc., with$11 million or 3 percent inthe CDC’s September 2013e-ED report. •in 1971.Ocampo holds the distinction of beingthe only Filipino <strong>to</strong> study heraldryabroad and <strong>to</strong> hold membership in theInternational Institute of Genealogyand Heraldry in Madrid. ● (PIA 3)piolo pascual from Page 7saan ay magka-holding-hands silang umaalis saMarikina Sports Center pagkatapos ng ASAP 18kamakailan.Natawa si Piolo at say niya, hindi niya alamkung paano sasagutin.“We’re not officially <strong>to</strong>gether pero natutuwanaman ako kay Shai kasi she lets me do that <strong>to</strong>her, kasi, affectionate akong tao, eh. Pero siguro,out of respect din ’yun. It’s a gentleman’s ano,pero if there’s anything naman between me andher, I’m sure, lalabas at lalabas din naman ’yun,”paliwanag niya.Aminado rin ang ak<strong>to</strong>r na gus<strong>to</strong> niyangkasama si Shaina at close sila kaya wala raw masamakung magka-holding hands sila.Samantala, gaganapin ang Sunpiology ColorRun sa November 23 sa Bonifacio Global City.●bonifacio from Page 10hall,” he added.He said that the current leadership of Balibagohas been frequently at odds with the administrationof Angeles City Mayor EdgardoPamintuan because of politics.“The current barangay chairman has notbeen shy about his ambitions <strong>to</strong> become mayorof the city, which pre-occupied him since 2007,”Bonifacio said.Mamac ran for mayor and lost in 2010against Pamintuan. He and Bonifacio ran forvice mayor in May 2013 but both lost.“We need a leadership that heals, ratherthan one that promotes rift,” Bonifacio added.He vowed <strong>to</strong> work closely with city hall <strong>to</strong> furtherspur development in Balibago, where mos<strong>to</strong>f the city’s commercial and <strong>to</strong>urist-oriented establishmentsare located.Team Bonifacio is running under a fivepointprogram with the acronym SMILE, coveringdelivery of quality services, health, businessand economic development, anti-crime and anti-corruption,and active coordination with thecity government.Bonifacio is running with Tom Aguas, GraceUrbano David, Clara “Karen” Gueco, Bong “Pektus”Nicdao, Kim “Kuya Kim” Timbol, TriningTrinidad at Mar Velasco, his candidates forkagawad. ●continuous power from Page 10The circular, likewise, states that the saidenergy agencies and power industry players arerequired <strong>to</strong> submit <strong>to</strong> concerned DOE offices accuratehourly reports on power situation duringthe elections.The issuance of such circular is in line withthe DOE’s mandate <strong>to</strong> provide a mechanism forthe integration, rationalization, and coordinationof the various activities <strong>to</strong> carry out the energypolicy of the national government.Power updates will be available <strong>to</strong> the publicthrough the DOE’s Twitter account (@DOE_PH)and the DOE website (www.doe.gov.ph), as wellas in various social networking site accounts ofthe said energy agencies. ●GUNS, GRENADE from Page 2munitions and violation of the Omnibus ElectionCode.Albayalde said this accomplishment was a resul<strong>to</strong>f the intensified checkpoints, Oplan BakalSita and serving of warrants of arrest in the province.“I keep on reminding the chiefs of police ofthe cities and municipalities <strong>to</strong> strengthen theircampaign against criminal elements and loosefirearms in their areas as <strong>to</strong> ensure secured andsafe barangay elections on Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 28,” Albayaldesaid. ●ROAD MISHAP from Page 2with sidecar bearing plate number 3598CX.Investigation showed the mo<strong>to</strong>rcycle withsidecar driven by De Leon suddenly appeared inthe other mo<strong>to</strong>rcycle’s lane causing the accident.The minor sustained serious injuries in thedifferent parts of the body and was brought <strong>to</strong>the Bataan Provincial Hospital in Balanga City.De Leon sustained minor injuries. Policefound him under the influence of liquor andwithout driver’s license.He is under the cus<strong>to</strong>dy of the Mariveles police.Charges are being readied against him. ●WORLD-CLASS from Page 2ting ready <strong>to</strong> be globally competitive.”“This summit will be the stepping s<strong>to</strong>ne for usstudents, <strong>to</strong> be globally competitive not only inthe province. We should be very thankful that wehave something that helps us as future professionals,”said Joey del Mundo, 4th year educationstudent in Bataan Peninsula State University-Balanga campus. • (PIA 3)

NEWSVOLUME II • NO. 92 • OCTOBER 17, 2013 • THURSDAYFIRST 100 DAYS. City of San Fernando Mayor Edwin Santiago (6th from left) turns-over <strong>to</strong> DILG Region 3 Direc<strong>to</strong>r Florida Dijan (7th from left) his accomplishment report within his first 100days as local chief executive of Pampanga’s capital city. With them are other elected city officials. (ABL)EdSa administration plants12,000 trees in 100 daysBy Marna Dagumboy-delRosarioCITY OF SAN FERNAN-DO --In his bid <strong>to</strong> makeSan Fernando a “GreenCity”, Mayor Edwin Santiagobared that he initiatedthe planting of 12,021 fruitbearing trees, exceeding histarget of 10,000 trees, forhis first 100 days in office.Santiago made the announcementduring hisstate of the city address deliveredat the mini-conventioncenter of the Heroes’Hall here.He said that the city wasable <strong>to</strong> plant 12,021 fruitbearing trees along riverchannels, along the FVRMegadike and other openpublic areas.Santiago said his administrationstarted treeplanting activities last July6, in every barangay, evenreaching up <strong>to</strong> Bamban,Tarlac.The tree planting activityis one of Santiago’sthrusts in his administrationin order <strong>to</strong> preventflooding in the area.“Ipinagmamalaki natingnakamit at malampasanpa ang mithiin natin sa loobng aking unang isang daangaraw. Ang susunod na hakbangnatin ay ang pagsigurona tutubo ng maayos angating mga itinanim,” Santiagosaid. ●Continuous powersupply sought forbarangay pollsBy Charlene A. CayabyabMABALACAT CITY -- The Department ofEnergy (DOE) has asked energy suppliers acrossthe country <strong>to</strong> ensure continuous power supplyduring the 2013 barangay elections.Through circular No. 2013-10-0026, theDOE asked energy agencies and electric powerindustry participants <strong>to</strong> ensure stable and continuouspower supply from Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 21 <strong>to</strong> November4, 2013, seven days before and after theOc<strong>to</strong>ber 28 local elections.The DOE called on the National Grid Corporationof the Philippines (NGCP), NationalElectrification Administration (NEA), NationalPower Corporation and its Small Utilities Group(NPC-SPUG), Power Sec<strong>to</strong>r Assets and LiabilitiesManagement Corp. (PSALM), power generationcompanies, and distribution utilitiesfor their full support of the government’s aim <strong>to</strong>hold a successful election.continuous power... Page 9TEAM BONIFACIO. Former Angeles City councilor Alfie Bonifacio and his slate show copies of their certificates of candidacy (CoC)before their supporters in front of the local Comelec office. --contributed pho<strong>to</strong>Former AC councilor batsfor Balibago chairmanshipBy Charlene A. CayabyabANGELES CITY – Former city councilorAlfie Bonifacio, along with hisentire slate, filed their certificates ofcandidacy (CoC) yesterday before theCommission on Elections office hereas candidate for barangay chairman ofBalibago.Bonifacio formalized his plan <strong>to</strong>challenge incumbent Balibago barangaychairman Rodelio “Tony” Mamacwho filed his CoC earlier.Running with the slogan “Pagbabagosa Balibago,” Bonifacio said BarangayBalibago needs new and dynamicleaders.He said new leaders could leadBalibago, the center of business and<strong>to</strong>urism of the city, <strong>to</strong> attain its true potentials.“Balibago has more <strong>to</strong> give in termsof the economic and socio-cultural developmen<strong>to</strong>f Angeles City,” said Bonifacio.“However, local policies in terms ofbusiness, cleanliness, peace and orderand other matters must be in congruencewith policies emanating from citybonifacio... Page 9Bishop seeks donationsfor earthquake victimsBy Michael CigaralBALANGA CITY -- The Diocese of Balangahas acted <strong>to</strong> help the Archdiocese of Cebu andDioceses of Tagbilaran and Talibon in Bohol aftera destructive earthquake that hit the areason Tuesday.Bataan Bishop Ruper<strong>to</strong> San<strong>to</strong>s called onBataenyos who want <strong>to</strong> help the victims of the7.2-magnitude earthquake that killed dozensof residents in Bohol and nearby provinces ofCebu, Siquijor and Tagbilaran.“We are one with them in this time of destructionand death. We appeal <strong>to</strong> our parishionersand we accept their generous monetarycontributions,” San<strong>to</strong>s said in a press statement.“We also pray for the safety of all, moralstrength of those victims and eternal rest ofthose beloved departed. We hold on <strong>to</strong> God andtrust His guidance and protection,” San<strong>to</strong>s concluded.●

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