Lesson 6: Elisha Raises a Dead Boy to Life

Lesson 6: Elisha Raises a Dead Boy to Life

Lesson 6: Elisha Raises a Dead Boy to Life


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<strong>Elisha</strong> <strong>Raises</strong> a <strong>Dead</strong> <strong>Boy</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Pre-Session Warm Up(2 Kings 4:8-37)Have you ever made a promise you knew you couldn’t keep? (“If youbuy me this, I’ll never ask for another thing the rest of my life, Ipromise!”) It’s easy <strong>to</strong> make promises, and it’s easy <strong>to</strong> break them.God gives you and me lots of promises in His Word, the Bible.Although some may seem impossible for Him <strong>to</strong> keep, God is faithful;He will always keep His promises.One day a promise was made <strong>to</strong> a woman in the Bible that seemed<strong>to</strong>tally impossible for God <strong>to</strong> keep. God’s Word doesn’t tell us hername – only that she lived in the <strong>to</strong>wn of Shunem.Opening PrayerFather, thank You for being a faithful God who never breaks Hispromises. I pray that you will inspire us with the desire <strong>to</strong> be faithful,<strong>to</strong>o. Please Lord, teach us <strong>to</strong> be honest and thoughtful in everythingthat we do. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.Memory VerseRemember that the LORD your God is the only God and that he isfaithful. (Deuteronomy 7:9a)<strong>Lesson</strong>Two weeks ago we learned that a man by the name of <strong>Elisha</strong> becamethe Prophet of God after Elijah was miraculously taken up <strong>to</strong> heavenin a chariot of fire by a whirlwind. <strong>Elisha</strong> had been a farmer, but nowhe traveled through the country teaching people about God andhelping them.2 Kings 4:8Now it happened one day that <strong>Elisha</strong> went <strong>to</strong> Shunem, where there wasa notable woman, and she constrained him <strong>to</strong> eat some food. So it was,as often as he passed by, that he turned in there <strong>to</strong> eat some food.<strong>Elisha</strong> often visited a <strong>to</strong>wn called Shunem. A woman who lived thereinvited <strong>Elisha</strong> and his servant, Gehazi, <strong>to</strong> eat dinner with her and herhusband whenever <strong>Elisha</strong> traveled through Shunem.One day the woman shared an idea with her husband.2 Kings 4:9-10And she said <strong>to</strong> her husband, “Look now, I know that this is a holy manof God, who passes by us regularly. Please, let us make a small upperroom on the wall; and let us put a bed for him there, and a table and achair and a lamp stand; so it will be, whenever he comes <strong>to</strong> us, he canturn in there.”This Shunammite woman was so fond of <strong>Elisha</strong> that she and herhusband decided <strong>to</strong> build a guest room for him and furnish it with abed, a table, a chair and a lamp. They wanted <strong>to</strong> show <strong>Elisha</strong>kindness and hospitality.2 Kings 4:11-12And it happened one day that he came there, and he turned in <strong>to</strong> theupper room and lay down there. Then he said <strong>to</strong> Gehazi his servant,“Call this Shunammite woman.” When he had called her, she s<strong>to</strong>odbefore him.The next time <strong>Elisha</strong> arrived, the lady showed him his new room.<strong>Elisha</strong> was so thankful for her kindness, he asked the lady what hecould do for her.2 Kings 4:13And he said <strong>to</strong> him, “Say now <strong>to</strong> her, ‘Look, you have been concerned forus with all this care. What can I do for you? Do you want me <strong>to</strong> speak onyour behalf <strong>to</strong> the king or <strong>to</strong> the commander of the army?’” And sheanswered, “I dwell among my own people.”Prophets <strong>Lesson</strong> #6 Page 31

<strong>Elisha</strong> <strong>Raises</strong> a <strong>Dead</strong> <strong>Boy</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Life</strong> 2 Kings 4:8-37<strong>Elisha</strong> wanted <strong>to</strong> return kindness <strong>to</strong> the woman, but she <strong>to</strong>ld him thatshe was happy with what she had and didn’t need anything else.2 Kings 4:14So he said, “What then is <strong>to</strong> be done for her?” And Gehazi answered,“Actually, she has no son, and her husband is old.”Even though she <strong>to</strong>ld <strong>Elisha</strong> that she didn’t need anything, he stillwanted <strong>to</strong> do something for her. When Gehazi <strong>to</strong>ld <strong>Elisha</strong> that thewoman was childless, it gave him an idea of how <strong>to</strong> bless her.2 Kings 4:15-16And he said, “Call her.” When he had called her, she s<strong>to</strong>od in thedoorway. Then he said, “About this time next year you shall embrace ason.” And she said, “No, my lord. Man of God, do not lie <strong>to</strong> yourmaidservant!”The prophet promised the birth of a son. The Shunammite womanand her husband were old; they had given up all hope of ever havingchildren. This news was <strong>to</strong>o good <strong>to</strong> be true! Children are a gift fromGod. She said <strong>to</strong> <strong>Elisha</strong>, “Don’t be kidding me about this!”Then it happened just as <strong>Elisha</strong> promised. The Lord gave her a sonas a special gift. Can you imagine how very happy this made thewoman? God had promised her a son and He was faithful <strong>to</strong> keep thatpromise.But that’s not the end of the s<strong>to</strong>ry. The baby grew in<strong>to</strong> a boy. Then,one morning something terrible happened <strong>to</strong> this little boy.2 Kings 4:18-19So the child grew. Now it happened one day that he went out <strong>to</strong> hisfather, <strong>to</strong> the reapers. And he said <strong>to</strong> his father, “My head, my head!” Sohe said <strong>to</strong> a servant, “Carry him <strong>to</strong> his mother.”Quickly a servant carried the boy back <strong>to</strong> the house.2 Kings 4:20-21When he had taken him and brought him <strong>to</strong> his mother, he sat on herknees till noon, and then died. And she went up and laid him on the bedof the man of God, shut the door upon him, and went out.The woman held her son on her lap. But about noontime, the boydied. How sad, her promised son was dead.What went wrong? Had God broken His promise? When somethingbad happens that you don’t understand, is God still in control?[Teacher, discuss hard situations the children are facing at home,school, and so on.] Even in these hard situations, God is faithful, Healways keeps His promises. God has promised <strong>to</strong> love us with aneverlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3) and that He will never leave us(Hebrews 13:5).God loves you and is always with you, no matter what happens.Hebrews 13:6 says, “The Lord is my helper.” He will help you throughthe hard times. He promises that “all things work <strong>to</strong>gether for good”(Romans 8:28). Somehow, some way, He will cause good <strong>to</strong> comeout of the worst situation.Do you think the Shunammite woman wondered what good wouldcome out of this situation as she held her dead son in her arms? Thismother was so sad! She carried the boy upstairs <strong>to</strong> <strong>Elisha</strong>’s room andlaid him on the bed.Then she decided <strong>to</strong> get on her fastest donkey and go find <strong>Elisha</strong>.She hadn’t lost hope; she trusted that God had a plan.2 Kings 4:24Then she saddled a donkey, and said <strong>to</strong> her servant, “Drive and goforward; do not slacken the pace for me unless I tell you.”She wanted <strong>to</strong> get there as fast as she could.When the mother arrived, she <strong>to</strong>ld <strong>Elisha</strong> all that had happened, andabout the cold little form that lay on his bed.Page 32 Prophets <strong>Lesson</strong> #6

2 Kings 4:8-37 <strong>Elisha</strong> <strong>Raises</strong> a <strong>Dead</strong> <strong>Boy</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Life</strong>2 Kings 4:29Then he said <strong>to</strong> Gehazi, “Get yourself ready, and take my staff in yourhand, and be on your way. If you meet anyone, do not greet him; and ifanyone greets you, do not answer him; but lay my staff on the face of thechild.”<strong>Elisha</strong> <strong>to</strong>ld his servant <strong>to</strong> run as fast as he could <strong>to</strong> the dead boy andnot <strong>to</strong> get distracted by anyone along the way. Then he tells him <strong>to</strong> doa strange thing: lay his staff across the boys face.2 Kings 4:31Now Gehazi went on ahead of them, and laid the staff on the face of thechild; but there was neither voice nor hearing. Therefore he went back <strong>to</strong>meet him, and <strong>to</strong>ld him, saying, “The child has not awakened.”As soon as <strong>Elisha</strong> got <strong>to</strong> the house he went upstairs. He entered hisroom, shut the door and prayed.2 Kings 4:32-33And when <strong>Elisha</strong> came in<strong>to</strong> the house, there was the child, lying dead onhis bed. He went in therefore, shut the door behind the two of them, andprayed <strong>to</strong> the Lord.He knew that only God had the power <strong>to</strong> bring this promised son back<strong>to</strong> life, and he believed that God would.Hard things will happen in your life that you won’t understand. ButGod is faithful—that means He will always do what He has promised.You can depend on Him no matter what. He is in control of everysituation. Sometimes things don’t always turn out the way you want orexpect. But you can still thank God that He loves you and that He iswith you and will help you. You can trust that He has the power <strong>to</strong>cause good <strong>to</strong> come out of bad situations.As <strong>Elisha</strong> s<strong>to</strong>od by the bedside of the dead little boy, he believedGod’s power could bring this boy back <strong>to</strong> life.2 Kings 4:34And he went up and lay on the child, and put his mouth on his mouth, hiseyes on his eyes, and his hands on his hands; and he stretched himselfout on the child, and the flesh of the child became warm.The body of the boy began <strong>to</strong> grow warm. But, there was still no signof life.2 Kings 4:35He returned and walked back and forth in the house, and again went upand stretched himself out on him; then the child sneezed seven times,and the child opened his eyes.<strong>Elisha</strong> stretched himself again upon the child. Suddenly the boyawoke, sneezed seven times and opened his eyes.2 Kings 4:36-37And he called Gehazi and said, “Call this Shunammite woman.” So hecalled her. And when she came in<strong>to</strong> him, he said, “Pick up your son.” Soshe went in, fell at his feet, and bowed <strong>to</strong> the ground; then she picked upher son and went out.<strong>Elisha</strong>, by God’s power, brought this little boy back <strong>to</strong> life! Herpromised son was alive! What other promised Son did God bring back<strong>to</strong> life? (Jesus!)The Shunammite woman had trusted God even in this hard situation.When you are having a hard time at home or school, you can trustthat God will cause good <strong>to</strong> come out of what seems like a badsituation. God is faithful.The woman fell at <strong>Elisha</strong>’s feet and bowed <strong>to</strong> the ground <strong>to</strong> show hergratefulness <strong>to</strong> God. Then she picked up her son. God had given him<strong>to</strong> her once and now He had given the son back <strong>to</strong> the mother asecond time. God is a faithful God! He always keeps His promises.Prophets <strong>Lesson</strong> #6 Page 33

<strong>Elisha</strong> <strong>Raises</strong> a <strong>Dead</strong> <strong>Boy</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Life</strong> 2 Kings 4:8-37Closing PrayerFather, we want <strong>to</strong> thank You for always being there for us when wego through difficult situations. Teach us <strong>to</strong> trust that You can turn thebad things in our lives in<strong>to</strong> blessings. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.Learning ActivitiesCraft CornerThank-You CardsMaterials: Construction paper; markers, variety of materials <strong>to</strong>decorate cards (stickers, glitter glue, puff paint, ribbon, decorativeedgescissors, textured paper, dried flowers, but<strong>to</strong>ns, etc.)In our lesson <strong>to</strong>day, <strong>Elisha</strong> said Thank you <strong>to</strong> the Shunammite womanby asking God <strong>to</strong> give her a son. What are some ways we can sayThank you and show God’s love <strong>to</strong> someone who has been kind <strong>to</strong>us? (Bake cookies for them. Give them a present. Invite them <strong>to</strong> dosomething fun with you. Help them with something they have <strong>to</strong> do.)Today we’re going <strong>to</strong> make Thank-You cards for someone you’d like<strong>to</strong> bless.[Teacher, send home a letter <strong>to</strong> the parents explaining that the cardmade in class is meant <strong>to</strong> be sent <strong>to</strong> someone the family wishes <strong>to</strong>thank. Encourage parents <strong>to</strong> work with their child <strong>to</strong> do something kindfor the person they wish <strong>to</strong> thank.]Game CenterUse the following questions in a game of your choice:1. What was the name of the <strong>to</strong>wn where the woman lived that<strong>Elisha</strong> often visited? (Shunem.)2. What did the woman and her husband do <strong>to</strong> show God’s love <strong>to</strong><strong>Elisha</strong>? (They built him and his servant a guest room and invitedhim <strong>to</strong> stay with them.)3. What did <strong>Elisha</strong> do <strong>to</strong> show God’s love <strong>to</strong> the Shunammite family?(He thanked them and asked God <strong>to</strong> give them a son.)4. In what ways can we show God’s love <strong>to</strong> each other? (Pray foreach other. Help each other. Think about other’s feelings. Do whatsomeone else wants. Give up something you care about <strong>to</strong> helpsomeone else. Be kind.)5. What terrible thing happened <strong>to</strong> the little boy? (He died.)6. Does God ever break a promise? (No!)7. What are some of the promises of God? (He will love us with aneverlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3); He will never leave us or forsakeus (Hebrews 13:5); that He’ll be our helper (Hebrews 13:6); allthings work <strong>to</strong>gether for good (Romans 8:28))8. What did the woman do with the body of her son after he died?(She carried him up <strong>to</strong> <strong>Elisha</strong>’s room and laid him on the bed.)9. After she laid the boy on <strong>Elisha</strong>’s bed, what did the woman do?(She saddled up her fastest donkey and went <strong>to</strong> find <strong>Elisha</strong>.)10. What did <strong>Elisha</strong> tell his servant <strong>to</strong> do? (Run as fast as he could <strong>to</strong>the dead boy and lay his staff on the face of the child.)11. What did <strong>Elisha</strong> do when he got <strong>to</strong> the house? (He entered theroom, shut the door and prayed.)12. After he prayed, what did <strong>Elisha</strong> do <strong>to</strong> bring warmth back <strong>to</strong> theboy’s body? (He lay on the child and put his mouth on his mouth,his eyes on his eyes, and his hands on his hands. He stretchedhimself out on the child.)Page 34 Prophets <strong>Lesson</strong> #6

<strong>Elisha</strong> <strong>Raises</strong> a <strong>Dead</strong> <strong>Boy</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Life</strong> 2 Kings 4:8-37Page 36 Prophets <strong>Lesson</strong> #6

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