eoi - National Horticulture Mission

eoi - National Horticulture Mission

eoi - National Horticulture Mission


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No.33-63/2011-HortGovernment of IndiaMinistry of AgricultureDepartment of Agriculture & CooperationLETTER OF INVITATION TO EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI)FORENGAGEMENT OF CONSULTANT FOR IMPACT EVALUATION STUDYOF“NATIONAL HORTICULTURE MISSION (NHM)”(To be advertised in at least two <strong>National</strong> News papers)EOI is invited from reputed agencies / organizations / institutions to carry out Impact EvaluationStudy of ‘NHM’ being implemented by the <strong>Horticulture</strong> Division, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation,Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India w.e.f. 2005-06 in 372 districts of 18 Statesduring the X & XI Five Year Plans.Impact evaluation is to be carried out as per the following broad parameters:-i) At least 10% of the districts covered under NHM in each State should be studied and10% villages of each selected district should be covered. The agency is expected tointerview at least 15-20 beneficiaries in a cluster/Panchayat.ii) Impact assessment needs to be made on the impact of implementation of NHMScheme in a particular district since inception of the Scheme in terms of increase inarea, production and productivity of horticultural crops as well as socio-economicimpact including impact due to creation of infrastructure facilities and its utilizationthrough the scheme.iii) While the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation will facilitate in providingsecondary data in terms of funds provided to the States, their progress, the studyshould be based on primary data to be collected by the Agency.iv) Study should be completed in a period of six months from the date of assignmentand 50 copies of its report along with CD, submitted to the <strong>Horticulture</strong> Division,Department of Agriculture & Cooperation.Detailed Terms of Reference (ToR), eligibility criteria and EoI document could bedownloaded from the website of NHM (www.nhm.nic.in).The EOI, duly accompanied with complete details of the agency/organization, auditedfinancial statement/certificate and evidence of experience such as client's certificates, projectcompletion certificates. should reach the office of “Director (NHM), (Telephone No. 011-23389346),Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, Room No.232, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi-110 001 by 15.00 hrs on one month from the date it is issued.Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India,reserves the right to accept or reject any or all EOI(s) without assigning any reason whatsoever.(Shailendra Kumar)Director (<strong>Horticulture</strong>)Department of Agriculture & CooperationGovernment of India232, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.Tele.No- 233893461

EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) DOCUMENTFORENGAGEMENT OF CONSULTANT FOR MID-TERM EVALUATIONOF“NATIONAL HORTICULTURE MISSION (NHM)”1. Background:The Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture isimplementing a Centrally Sponsored Scheme of “ <strong>National</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong>(NHM)” in the country, with effect from 2005-06, for the holistic development ofhorticulture sector duly ensuring horizontal and vertical linkages with the activeparticipation of all the stake-holders. All the States and Union Territories arecovered under the <strong>Mission</strong>, except eight North Eastern States including Sikkimand the States of Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, whichhave been covered under the <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong> for North East and HimalayanStates (HMNEH).The <strong>Mission</strong>’s objectives are to promote the holistic growth of thehorticulture sector through area based regionally differentiated strategies; toenhance horticulture production; improve nutritional security and provide incomesupport to farm households and others; to establish convergence and synergyamong multiple ongoing and planned programmes for horticulture development;to promote, develop and disseminate technologies; to generate employment forskilled and unskilled persons, especially unemployed youth.The thrust of the <strong>Mission</strong> is on area based regionally differentiated clusterapproach for development of horticultural crops having comparative advantage.The mission envisages an end to end approach covering production, post harvestmanagement (PHM), processing and marketing to ensure appropriate returns togrowers/producers, enhance acreage of area under horticulture crops andimprove productivity in potential belts/clusters, adopt a coordinated approachand promote partnership, convergence and synergy among R&D, processing andmarketing agencies in public as well as private sectors at all levels.2

The Scheme has been approved ‘in principle’ for implementation upto the end ofXII Five Year Plan. During X Plan, an amount of Rs 1575.29 crore was released to 18States and 11 <strong>National</strong> Level Agencies (NLAs) for implementation of NHM programme.Against this, an amount of Rs 864.88 crore was spent. During XI Plan an amount of Rs8809 crore was approved for implementation of the scheme. Against this, an amount ofRs 3698.69 crore was released up to 2010-11 and an amount of Rs. 4378.08 crore wasspent, including the unspent balance of Rs 710.42 crore of X Plan. An amount of Rs 1004crore has been released for implementation of the scheme during 2011-12(till 16 thmarch, 2012).NHM has been in operation effectively for more than six years. Therefore, it isnecessary to quantify the impact of Scheme. Therefore, it is proposed to conduct theImpact Evaluation Study (IES) of the scheme. Besides, to evaluate the impact of thescheme in terms of increase in area, production and productivity of various horticulturecrops covered under NHM, it also needs to evaluate the infrastructure created for INM/IPM, post harvest management and marketing. The study will also deal with the overallperformance of the programme implementation and indicate that whether the Scheme isbeing implemented in various States by adopting cluster approach ensuring an end toend approach. It will also indicate that whether the provisions and norms of the Schemeare being followed. The findings of the study will suggest necessary corrective measuresto be taken to improve the implementation of NHM during the XII Five Year Plan.The Government desires to evaluate the intervention specific effectiveness of the schemein terms of its objectives besides delivery of services, record keeping, reporting &monitoring systems and institutional capacity building during the period from 2005-2011.2. Objective: In pursuance of the existing guidelines of NHM, the services of an eminent“Bidder” (Institutions/Consultant /Agencies) need be outsourced as per the provisionscontained in "Manual of policies and Procedure of Employment of Consultant" issued byDepartment of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India read with relevantinstructions issued from time to time by other wings of government” by invitingExpression of Interest (EOI) from3

eputed & qualified “Bidders” for short-listing as a pre-requisite for RFP for providingservices for carrying out Impact Evaluation Study of NHM.3. Purpose of EOI: The purpose of this EOI is to provide interested “bidders” with thenecessary information to enable them to prepare and submit their responses for theservices to be rendered to the ‘Employer’ in conformity with the TOR as a pre--requisitefor RFP.4. Terms of Reference: The agency shall:-(1)Evaluate the efficacy of planning at district, state & national level in terms of itsadequacy for enhancing the productivity of component crops (parameters have beengiven in Annexure – I);(2) Analyze effectiveness of existing administrative and technical set up with the State<strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong>s in administering the Scheme at the district levels;(3) Analyze adequacy and timeliness of fund flow and delivery mechanism;(4) Analyze extent of adherence to intervention specific norms;(5) Evaluate the effectiveness of stakeholders involved in delivery of services;(6) Evaluate effectiveness of collaboration among line departments at district and statelevel;(7) Assess extent of convergence with other schemes;(8) Analyze efficacy of monitoring & reporting mechanism;(9) Assess the status, extent & effectiveness of existing institutional building in thestates;(10) Analyze Intervention specific physical and financial achievements vis-à-vis targets;(11) Analyze extent of improvement in area, production and yield of component cropsover the base year ( 2004-05);(12) Analyze effectiveness of publicity, mass media and information technology increating awareness of NHM;(13) Analyze scope of operational guidelines including cost norms and recommendmodification, if any;(14) Analyze extent to which employment opportunities have been created; and(15) Analyze the change in the farm level income over the base year ( 2004-05).Other broad parameters applicable for the study are given in Annexure – II.Summary schedule of procedure for conducting the IES of NHM is given is Annexure –III. Detailed procedure for selection of agencies for conducting the IES is given atAnnexure - IV.4

5. Submission of Reports-The Evaluating Agency shall complete the evaluation study within four monthstime from the date of award of the study.Submission of reports and schedule of payment are as under:(i) Evaluation Agency will submit 10 copies of draft report (duly supported withtables, graphs and photographs) within five months from the date of award ofassignment and make presentation of draft reports on a specified date, if required.(ii) Submit 100 copies of Final report along with soft copy of the report in word andin PDF format within 30 days from the receipt of suggestions / comments afterincorporating the suggestions / comments made at the time of presentation orprovided by the MoA.6. Schedule of PaymentThe schedule of payment will be as under:(i)(ii)(iii)First installment of 40% of the total cost as an advance at the time of approvalof the study.Second installment of 30% of the total cost on the submission of 10 copies of adraft report.Third and final installment of 30% of the total cost on submission, acceptanceof final report.All these payments will be released by the <strong>National</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> Board (NHB).Penalty Clause @ 5% of the released amount will be imposed on the EvaluatingAgency in the event of delay in submission of the Reports as per schedule given above,for which no justification is provided. There should normally, be very strong and genuinegrounds for waiver of penalty on account of delay. The Joint Secretary (NHM) will be theauthority for waiving of penalty.7. Instructions to the Bidders:7.1 Definitions:(a) “Employer” means “NHM Cell, <strong>Horticulture</strong> Division, Department of Agriculture &Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi-110001”.(b) “Bidder” means any entity or person or associations of persons who have submittedtheir application in the prescribed Form-I in response to EOI document intending toprovide the services to the “Employer” as specified therein.(c) “Day” means calendar day.(d) “Government” means the Government of India.(e) “Application Form” means the prescribed Form to be submitted by the “Bidder(s)” forshort-listing as a pre-requisite to RFP.5

(f) “Terms of Reference” (TOR) means the aspects of evaluation for information of the“Bidder (s)”.5.2 Submission of the application in response to EOI: This EOI is advertised throughselect Newspapers and is also posted on website of NHM(www.nhm.nic.in), Departmentof Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India to give widepublicity and invite a large number of eligible “Bidders” who have the capability todeliver such services, for their participation in the process of Expression of Interest.Selected “Bidder”, who the ‘Employer’ believes, has the capability to deliver services asshall be requested in the “Request for (RFP)”. The information provided by the“Bidder(s)” will be used by the ‘Employer’ to select potential “Bidder”.(i) Last date & method of submission of application by the “Bidder(s)”: The “Bidder (s)”shall properly seal the envelope through which application is being submitted indicatingthe address of the ‘Employer’ thereupon super scribing “CONFIDENTIAL-Application forImpact Evaluation Study of NHM”. The envelope so sealed be shall be inserted in theanother envelope addressed to the ‘Employer’ at the following address and should besent by registered post or delivered in person ,so as to reach the ‘Employer’ within onemonth from the date of issue, being the last date for submission of the application forEOI:-“Director (NHM), Department of Agriculture & Co-operation, Ministry ofAgriculture, Government of India, Room No. 232, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi-110001.(ii) The responsibility for ensuring that the applications are delivered in time vests withthe “Bidders”.(iii) The ‘Employer’ may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for the submission ofapplication, in which case, all rights and obligations of the ‘Employer’ and Bidder(s)previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subjected to the deadline asextended.(iv) Any application received by the ‘Employer’ after the deadline for submission asprescribed by the ‘Employer’, shall be rejected by the ‘Employer’.(v) The applications submitted by the respective “Bidder(s)” in response to this EOI shallbe valid until the award of the contract by the ‘Employer’ and the “Bidders” shall bebound by their bids until such period.(vi) The application(s) and material(s) submitted by the Bidder(s) in response to this EOIwill become the property of the ‘Employer’.6

(vii) The ‘Employer’ shall neither be responsible nor pay any expenses or losses whichmay be incurred by the “Bidder(s)” in the preparation and submission of theirapplication.(viii) The application submitted by “Bidders” shall be treated as private and confidentialdocuments, whether or not the ‘Employer’ accepts an application.7.2 Expression of Non-Interest: If the “Bidder(s)”, at any point of time, wishes notto participate in this EOI, the same information may be communicated to the ‘Employer’within one week of the receipt of this EOI by the “Bidder(s)”. In such circumstances, theBidder(s) shall return to ‘Employer’ all the documents/materials provided by the‘Employer’, without publicizing / using the contents of this EOI.7.3 Facilities to be extended by the ‘Employer’ to the “Bidder(s)” : The‘Employer’ shall share the requisite information/data pertaining to NHM, available withthe Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Government ofIndia with the “Bidder(s)” for the purpose of submitting application in response to EOI.7.4 Period of completion of Impact Evaluation Study of NHM: The “Bidder” to bedeclared successful after submission of RFP would complete the Impact Evaluation Studyof the NHM within four (4) months from the date of declaration. The successful “Bidder”so declared shall submit inception report within fifteen (15) days from the date of awardof the contract followed by submission of draft report after 150 days from the date ofaward of the contract.8. Pre-qualification criteria: “Bidders” interested in taking up the Impact EvaluationStudy of the scheme in question must fulfill the following criteria:-(i) It must be an agency/organization either private or government incorporated in Indiawith a minimum of ten (10) years experience in evaluation of government/publicprojects / schemes in agriculture & allied sectors and should have successfully carriedthree (3) studies in the said field (s) at national level.(ii) Total value of the projects completed should not be less than Rupees one crore ineach year, during preceeding three (3) years.(iii) The Team leader of the study should possess the minimum educational qualificationof Post-graduate in agriculture/management disciplines, preferably PhD in agriculture.He should also have a minimum of ten (10) years of experience in agriculture/alliedsectors related to implementation/monitoring/ evaluation of public sector projects. Heshould have at least handled three (3) numbers of projects, out of which two (2)projects should be in the capacity of Team leader.7

(iv) The members of the study team commensurate to the requirement should be postgraduate in agriculture/management disciplines. They should also possess a minimum ofthree (3) years of experience in agriculture/allied sector projects. He should have beenassociated as team member with at least two (2) numbers of projects in agriculture &allied sectors.The applications received will be evaluated for short listing of “Bidders” based on theirpast experience of handling similar types of projects, man power and financial health.The following criteria (Table.1) will be adopted while short listing of the “Bidder(s)”:-Table.1: Pre-qualification criteria for short-listing of “Bidders” on the basis ofEOI.S. No. Parameters Weight age1 Past Experience of the Firm:- 60%1.1 Number of years of experience. 20%1.2 Past Experience of studies of similar nature. 50%1.3 Past experience in carrying out studies in related 20%sector.1.4 Studies carried out in India. 10%2 Experience of Key Personnel:- 25%2.1 Qualifications 30%2.2 Relevant Experience 70%3 Financial Strength of the Consultant:- 15%3.1 Turnover figure for Last three Years. 50%3.2 Net Profit Figure for Last three years 50%The ‘Employer’ shall short list those “Bidder(s)” who secure a minimum of 60% marksbased on above allocation.9. Composition of Consultancy Selection Committee (CEC):For identification, short listing and selection of Consultant/agency for conductingImpact Evaluation Study, there will be a Consultancy Selection Committee with thefollowing composition:Additional Secretary (<strong>Horticulture</strong>)Joint Secretary (NHM)<strong>Horticulture</strong> CommissionerDirector (NHM)Deputy Secretary (Fin), IFDChairmanMemberMemberMemberMember8

Under Secretary (Hort.)Member SecretaryThe Agency/Institute selected by the Committee and with lowest financial offer willbe awarded the assignment of IES under NHM.The above Committee will also be responsible for monitoring the progress of theevaluation study.10. Format for submission of EOI application: The format for submission of EOIapplication is enclosed as Form– I to Form VII.11. Procuring & Contracting details: The EOI should be accompanied by complete detailsof the agency / organization, audited financial statement / certificate, evidence ofexperience such as client's certificates, project completion certificates or any otherrelevant document and details of remittance of the cost of EOI document.‘Employer’ reserves the right to accept or reject any or all EOIs at any point oftime without assigning any reason whatsoever.12. Validity: The “Bidder(s)” acknowledge that the application submitted in responseto this EOI shall constitute an offer to the ‘Employer’ which shall remain open foracceptance until the contact is awarded by the ‘Employer’. For the avoidance of doubt,neither this EOI nor any response submitted by the “Bidder(s)” in response to this EOIshall constitute a legally binding agreement unless and until accepted by the ‘Employer’in writing in the form of a contract executed between the ‘Employer’ and the successful“Bidder”.13. Confidentiality: This EOI must not be reproduced in whole or in part without theprior written consent of the ‘Employer’. All information contained within this EOI is givenin strict confidence. It should not be divulged, irrespective of whether the recipient“Bidder (s)” proposes to submit an application to the ‘Employer’ or to any third party,without the prior written authority of the ‘Employer’.14. Proprietary Information: All restrictions on the use of data contained within anapplication and all confidential information must be clearly stated by the “Bidder (s)”.Proprietary information submitted in an application, or in response to the EOI, will behandled in accordance with the applicable law(s) of the government.9

FORM-1FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FOR EXPRESSION OFINTEREST FORENGAGEMENT OF CONSULTANT FOR IMPACT EVALUATION STUDY OF NHM1 Name of bidding agency/ firm/ individual:2 Headquarter3 Addresses for Correspondence:4 Date & country of incorporation (enclose copy of relevant document)5 Past experience of the firm:-5.1 No. of years in having experience in carrying out Impact Evaluation Studies:5.2 Impact Evaluation Studies carried out:-5.2.1 in agriculture and allied sectors:5.2.2 in horticulture sector:6 Professional strength:-6.1 No of full time professional engaged:6.2 Location of offices in other part of India:7 Annual Financial strength:7.1 Turnover for last 3 years (Rs. in crore) (enclose audited financial statement):(Project completion certificates for projects completed during last 10 years to beattached in support of experience).Authorised Signatory10

Annexure – IDetails of physical and financial progress and qualitative and quantitativeimpact of component-wise interventions for the various activities undertakenunder <strong>National</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong>The study should evaluate physical and financial progress, and determine thequalitative and quantitative impact of various interventions taken up in the <strong>Mission</strong>during last six years of X and XI Plan in respect of following components:1. Planting Materialsa) Nursery - The study should indicate that numbers of nurseries (Model and Small)have been setup, both in public and private sector, number of plants being producedper year, whether planting material generated from these nurseries are of goodquality and will be sufficient to meet the future demand of the State. How manynurseries have been acreditated, so far.b) New Tissue culture lab and rehabilitation of Existing Tissue Culture Lab/unit – The study should indicate that how many new TC labs have been set up andhow many of existing tissue culture labs/units have been rehabilitated both in publicand private sector and output thereof. Whether all of them are acreditated as perDBT norms/procedure.c) Vegetable Seed Production – The study should indicate the quantum ofvegetable seed produced alongwith name of vegetable crops and hybrid, vegetableseeds production alongwith details of area covered under both, public and privatesector, and whether output is sufficient to meet future demand of the State.d) Seed Infrastructure - The study should indicate the details of seed infrastructuredeveloped under the Scheme in different States under both in public & private sectorand the manner in which the facility are being utilized.2. Establishment of New Gardens – Area Coverage and ProductionThe study should indicate the details of pre-project (2004-05) and current level ofarea coverage, production and productivity of various horticulture crops, including Fruits,Flowers, Spices, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Plantation Crops etc. covered under NHMin different States. Survival and growth of horticulture crops together with theirproduction and productivity also need to be indicated. It should also be indicated thathow many crop clusters have been formed.3. Rejuvenation / replacement of Senile PlantationThe study should indicate the progress of rejuvenation / replanting of varioussenile orchards taken up under the Scheme in various States alongwith the likelyenhancement in production and productivity of these orchards after post NHMintervention.4. Creation of Water ResourcesThe study should indicate the progress of community water sources along withlining and individual water sources created vis-a-vis target in the Scheme in different11

States alongwith increased area under irrigation and ground water recharge due to thesestructures. The study should also indicate the manner in which the structure is beingmaintained by the local community.5. Protected CultivationThe study should indicate the progress of protected cultivation and its comparativeadvantage over open-cultivation of various horticulture crops taken up under theScheme in different States. The study should also indicate whether the revised costnorms provided under protected cultivation are adequate. If not, proposed cost norms inthis regard may be suggested.6. Promotion of INM/IPMThe study should indicate the progress made under promotion of INM/IPMcomponent taken up in the Scheme in different States alongwith infrastructure created inrespect of sanitary and phytosanitary labs, bio control labs, diseases forecasting units,plant health clinics and leaf tissue analysis labs and benefits accrued from theinfrastructure created.7. Organic FarmingThe study should indicate the progress of area brought under organic cultivation,vermi-compost units and organic certification alongwith the variation in the productionand productivity vis-a-vis conventional cultivation and marketability of the organicproduce in various NHM States. The study should also indicate the level of awarenessgenerated among farmers in respect of organic farming. Whether, certificates have beenissued in respect of certification projects.8. Pollination Support through BeekeepingThe study should indicate the progress of beekeeping activity and likely benefits inrespect of additional income generation to the farmers and its impact on yield of the cropas compared to the yield in the area without pollination support in various NHM States.9. Human Resources DevelopmentThe study should indicate the details of training programme organised for farmers,gardeners, entrepreneurs, supervisors trained in different NHM States in respect of thebetter understanding of various aspects of horticulture development alongwith number offarmers trained Details of farmer’s visit to inside/outside State also to be indicated. Thelevel of awareness generated among farmers after training/exposure visits also to beindicated.10. Technology Dissemination through Demonstration/FrontlineDemonstrationThe study should indicate the number of technology dissemination cum frontlinedemonstrations taken up in farmer’s field as well as on public sector farms and thespread effect of these demonstrations for adoption of improved package of practices andinnovative technologies developed in various NHM States.12

11. Post Harvest ManagementThe study should indicate the achievement made in respect of infrastructuredeveloped for post harvest management viz. Establishment of pack houses, cold storage/C A Storage units, ripening chambers, pre cooling units, onion storage structures, zeroenergy cool chambers, refer vans, mobile/primary processing /value addition units etc.both in public and private sector in different NHM States and also future planning in thisregard. The study should also indicate the likely impact of the infrastructure created / tobe created for reducing the post harvest losses and increasing the shelf life of theproduce.12. Marketing InfrastructureThe study should indicate the achievement made in respect of infrastructuredeveloped for marketing like rural markets, apni mandies, wholesale markets, terminalmarkets, vending carts, functional infrastructure for collection, sorting, grading, washing,packing etc. in both public and private sector for handling the increased production dueto NHM intervention in different States and also future planning of the States in thisregard.13

(x) The Agency will keep the Ministry of Agriculture apprised with developments andprogress of the work relating to the study so as to enable the NHM of the Ministryto depute its officers to verify the reported activities including investigation work.(xi) Agency having prepared and delivered, the completed typed/ soft copy of theassigned work to the NHM, after examining and having decided to undertake itspublications, it shall print, produce, publish and distribute the Report at its owncost and expenses in such a manner and style as the NHM may at its discretiondeem fit. The aforesaid work will be the property of the Government of India(Department of Agriculture & Cooperation) and all the copy rights will vest in it.(xii) If any question, difference or dispute shall arise, between the agency and the NHMrelating to this agreement or any matter arising there of or incidental thereto, thematter shall be referred to the sole authority i.e. Joint Secretary & <strong>Mission</strong> Director(NHM) in the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, and the award given byhim/ her shall be final and binding on both parties.15

The cost to be incurred by the prospective Evaluation Agency/Consultant toprepare the proposals and for negotiating the contract, including any visits toMinistry of Agriculture is not reimbursable as a direct cost of the assignment.Information relating to evaluation of proposals and recommendations concerningaward shall not be disclosed to the Evaluation Agency/Consultant who submittedthe proposals or to other persons not officially concerned with the process.Ministry of Agriculture reserves the right to accept or reject any of the proposalssubmitted without assigning any reasons thereof.The Agencies would be given the option to conduct the study for covering theStates in particular zone or for the whole country as per their choice andcapability.17

Annexure – IVPROCEDURE FOR SELECTION OF AGENCIES FOR CONDUCTING IMPACTEVALUATION STUDY (IES) OF NATIONAL HORTICULTURE MISSION DURINGTHE ELEVENTH FIVE YEAR PLANThe proposals for Impact Evaluation (IES) study will be considered from theidentified Institute/Agencies in the country subject to the fulfillment of the followingrequirements:1. Procedure for Selection of Evaluation AgencyFor inviting proposals for conducting the Impact Evaluation study of NHM from theinterested Institute/Agencies/Consultants, the following procedure will be followed:-A two-stage procedure viz. Quality and Cost Based System (QCBS) would beadopted with the technical and financial proposals submitted separately in sealedenvelopes. The technical evaluation will be completed before the financial proposals areassessed. For this purpose, application seeking offers will be invited from the short-listedAgencies. Seeking technical and financial bids in separate envelopes.Evaluators of technical proposals will not have access to the financial proposalsuntil the technical evaluation is concluded. The envelope containing the financial proposalwill not be opened till the technical evaluation is complete. The financial proposal of onlysuch bidders will be opened which have obtained minimum qualifyingweightage/standards prescribed for the technical proposal.2. Selection of the AgencyThe process of final selection of consultants will start by adopting following steps.(a) Preparation of Terms of Reference (ToR);(b) Preparation of cost estimate and the budget;(c) Preparation and issuance of the Request for Proposals (RFP);(d) Receipt of proposals;(e) Evaluation of technical proposals: consideration of quality;(f) Public opening of financial proposals;(g) Evaluation of financial proposal;(h) Selection of the winning proposal;(i) Negotiations with the selected Consultant, if required;(j) Award of the contract to the selected firm.3. Cost Estimate (Budget)The cost estimate shall be based on the assessment of the resources needed tocarry out the assignment; staff time, logistical support and physical inputs (for example,vehicles, laboratory equipment, etc.). The cost of study should be indicated in absolutemonitory terms on turnkey basis.18

4. Standard formats for Technical proposalThe standard formats for Technical proposals include:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)Format for Letter of Proposal submission (Form-I).Format for Consultant’s organization and experience (Form-II).Format for Approach and Methodology (Form-III).Format for Team Composition (Form-IV).Format for Curriculum Vitae of key professionals (Form-V).Format for Work Schedule (Form-VI).The standard format for financial proposal includes:(i) A summary sheet of the cost estimate to be quoted by the Consultant(Form-VII).5. Late Bids: A late bid, that is received after the specified date and time of receipt.Late bid shall not be considered in the selection process.6. Evaluation of Proposals: Consideration of responsivenessThe evaluation of the proposals shall be carried out in two stages: At the firststage, evaluation of technical proposals would be taken up. The unsigned and incompleteproposal (not responding to the ToR fully and properly) will be summarily rejected asbeing non-responsive, before taking up the appraisal of the technical proposal forevaluation of quality. Evaluators of technical proposals shall not have access to thefinancial proposals until the technical evaluation is concluded. The envelope containingthe financial proposal is not opened till the technical evaluation is complete. Thefinancial proposal of only such bidders will be opened which obtain minimum qualifyingmarks/standards prescribed for the technical proposal. The evaluation shall be carriedout in full conformity with the provisions of the ToR.7. Evaluation of the qualityThe Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (DAC) shall evaluate each technicalproposal (using the Evaluation Committee, taking into account criteria as prescribed inthe RFP; (a) the Agency’s relevant experience for the assignment, (b) the quality of themethodology proposed, (c) the qualifications of the key staff proposed and (d) capabilityfor transfer of knowledge. The list of key positions (CVs) is given in Appendix-I. Each ofthe Responsive technical proposal will be evaluated for the criteria prescribed in the RFPby awarding marks so as to make total maximum technical score as 100. The criteriaand Weightage to each criteria or sub-criteria would depend on the requirements of eachcase and may be fixed objectively.List of key position (CVs) are given in Appendix-I. The criteria for assigningWeightage to key personnel are given in Appendix-II.A minimum of 60 marks is essential to qualify for participation in the bid.19

8. Evaluation of costAfter completion of evaluation of quality, those agencies will be notified whoseproposal did not meet the minimum qualifying standard, indicating that their financialproposal will be returned unopened after completing the selection process. In case ofQuality and Cost Based System (QCBS), Consultants who have successfully satisfied thequalifying standard and obtained the minimum qualifying marks, the date and time setfor opening the financial proposals shall be notified. In such a case, the opening dateshall not be later than three weeks after the notification date. The financial proposalsshall be opened publicly in presence of the representatives of the technically qualifiedconsultants who choose to attend. The name of the Consultant, the quality scores, andthe proposed prices shall be read aloud and recorded when the financial proposals areopened. The CEC shall prepare the minutes of the public opening.For the purpose of evaluation, the total cost shall include all taxes and duties forwhich the employer makes payments to the Consultant and other reimbursable expensesincluded in the total cost, such as travel, translation, report printing or secretarialexpenses.If conditions attached to any financial proposal, which shall have bearing on thetotal costs as indicated in the proposal, the CEC shall reject any such proposal as nonresponsivefinancial proposal. However, if the CEC feels it necessary to seek clarificationon any financial proposals regarding taxes, duties or any such matter, the CEC may doso by inviting responses in writing.9. Selection of the Winning AgencyUnder the QCBS procedure, the financial proposals will be ranked in terms of theirtotal evaluated cost. The least cost proposal will be ranked as L-1 and the next higherand so on will be ranked as L-2, L-3 etc. The least cost proposal (L-1) will be consideredfor award of contract. The CEC will put up a report on financial evaluation of thetechnically qualified consultants to the competent finance authority along with therecommendation that the least cost proposal (L-1) can be approved / invited fornegotiation and for and awarding of final contract.10. Negotiations and Award of ContractNegotiations are not an essential part of the selection process. In many cases,however, it is felt necessary to conduct negotiations with the selected agency.Negotiations shall include discussions of the TOR, the methodology, staffing, ProvidingGovernment Ministry / Department’s inputs, and special conditions of the contract. Thesediscussions shall not substantially alter the original TOR or the terms of the contract, lestthe quality of the final product, its cost and the relevance of the initial evaluation beaffected. The final TOR and the agreed methodology shall be incorporated in “Descriptionof Services,” which shall form part of the contract.Financial negotiations shall only be carried out if negotiations as mentioned above,seeks any change in scope of work having financial bearing on the final prices or of thecosts/ cost elements quoted are found not reasonable. In such negotiations, the selectedfirm may also be asked to justify and demonstrate that the prices proposed in thecontract are not out of line with the rates being charged by the Consultant for other20

similar assignments. However, in no case such financial negotiation should result intoincrease in the financial cost as originally quoted by the Consultant.11. Rejection of all proposals and re-invitationThe Union Ministry/ Department will have the right to reject any all proposalsimportant agency any reason.21

Appendix -ILIST OF KEY POSITIONS (CVs)List of Key CVsThe list of CVs to be provided as part of the Proposal:Principal Consultant Should have at least 10 years of experience of leading<strong>Horticulture</strong>/Agriculture related Governance projects of which the last 2years should be in the capacity of Principal Consultant. Should be a post graduate in Technical/Management Discipline. Should have extensive experience of working with Central and StateGovernments. Should have led assignments in <strong>Horticulture</strong>/Agriculture relatedProject/Programme. Number of similar Projects handled: Five of which one in the capacity ofPrincipal Consultant. Working with the Agency for at least Two years.Project Manager(s) (at least 4) Should have at least 5 years of experience of <strong>Horticulture</strong>/Agriculturerelated Governance projects of which the last 2 years should be in thecapacity of Senior Consultant. Should be a post graduate in Technical/Management Discipline. Should have extensive experience of working with Central and StateGovernments. Should have led assignments in <strong>Horticulture</strong>/Agriculture relatedProject/Programme. Should have been working with the Company for at least Two years.Team Members (at least 10) Should have at least 3 years of experience in the areas of<strong>Horticulture</strong>/Agriculture related Projects/Programme. Work Experience 2 years on similar projects. Working with the Company for at least one year.22

Classification of Weightage for conducting IESAppendix-II1. Overall Experience of Firm 20a. No. and complexity of <strong>Horticulture</strong>/Agriculture related Project/Programme 10(Technical & Agronomic)- Private Sector 04- Government including PSU 06b. Similar <strong>Horticulture</strong> /Agri Related Project/Programme 06Monitoring Assignment- Private Sector 03- Government including PSU 03c. Experience of working for States 042. Approach and Methodology 40 Understanding of scope 10 Detailed approach and methodology 15 Work Plan and Staffing Schedule 10 Assessment of Risk and Mitigation Plan 053. CVs of Key Staff 30 Principal Consultant 05 Project Manager 10 Team Members 15- Years of relevant experience 04- Professional Education and Qualification 07- Years with the firm 044. Track Record of previous projects 10- No. of projects completed on time 04- Training capability 03- Capability for transfer of knowledge 0323

FORM- IImpact Evaluation Study of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong>Format for Letter of ProposalRef. No.DateToThe Director (<strong>Horticulture</strong>),Ministry of Agriculture,Department of Agriculture &Cooperation232, Krishi Bhavan,New Delhi-110001Subject: Expression of Interest (EOI) for conducting Impact Evaluation study of<strong>National</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong> (NHM)Sir,With reference to your letter to invitation No. 33-63/2011- Hort dated………. on thesubject cited above, we wish to apply for conducting the Impact Evaluation Study ofNHM. In this connection, the following documents are submitted in two separateenvelopes:1. Technical bid (duly marked as Envelope No. 1-Technical Bid) containing briefabout- Our organization and experience- Approach & Methodology of study- Team composition and CV of key personnel- Staffing schedule- Work schedule2. Financial bid (duly marked as Envelope No. 2-Financial Bid) containing FinancialBid- Cost estimateEnclosures: as aboveYours faithfully,Authorized Signatory24

FORM- IIImpact Evaluation Study of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong>1. Name of bidding agency/ firm/individual:2. Headquarter3. Address for Correspondence:4. Date & country of incorporation (enclose copy of relevant document)5. Past experience of the firm:5.1 No. of years experience in carrying out Impact Evaluation Studies:5.2 Impact Evaluation Study studies carried out:-5.2.1 In agriculture and allied sectors:5.2.2 In horticulture:(Project completion certificates for projects completed during last10 years to be attached in support of experience)6. Professional strength6.1 No. of full time professional engaged6.2 Location of offices in other parts of India, if any:7. Financial Strength7.1 Annual Turnover for last three years (enclose audited financialstatement)Authorized Signatory25

FORM- IIIImpact Evaluation Study of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong>Format for furnishing details about Approach & Methodology of ImpactEvaluation Study1. Understanding about the study by the Agency (Maximum 500 words):2. Approach (500 words)3. Methodology of study (Details of methodology proposed to be adopted for variousaspects of the study viz. selection of location, selection of beneficiaries, samplingmethod, source of data collection, its documentation, analysis and interpretation,including time period involved, to be provided here).Authorized Signatory26

FORM- IVImpact Evaluation Study of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong>Format for furnishing details about Team Composition(Key personnel proposed to be engaged in the study)1. Name of Agency2. No. of full time professional staff available with the agency3. Team composition for the studySl.No. Area ofExpertizePositionassignedDuration(months)Authorized Signatory27

FORM- VImpact Evaluation Study of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong>Format for furnishing CV of Key personnel proposed to be engaged in the study(Separate sheet for each staff proposed to be engaged)1. Name:2. Date of Birth:3. Educational Qualification:4. Experience:5. Position held, starting with the latest position:6. Position assigned in the proposed study; and duration:Authorized Signatory28

FORM- VIImpact Evaluation Study of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong>Format for work scheduleS.No.ActivityMonths1 2 3 --Authorized Signatory29

FORM- VIIImpact Evaluation Study of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong>Format for Financial ProposalRef. No.Date1. Name of Agency:2. Reference No. of Technical Proposal:3. Total amount proposed:4. Break up of Expenditure:Sl.No. and anyother liabilityGrand TotalAuthorized Signatory30

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