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PORTUGAL EXCURSIE / KABK AFD. INTERIEUR ARCHITECTUUR / 2012PORTUGAL EXCURSIE / KABK AFD. INTERIEUR ARCHITECTUUR / 2012ATELIER SIZA, SOUTO DEMOURA, FERNANDO TÁVORA22OntwerpALVARO SIZA VIEIRAGegevenslocatie Portofunctie Ateliergebouwd 1998InformatieThe office of Alvaro Siza is located in a five-story building overlooking the DouroRiver in Porto, between the historical center and the Atlantic ocean. In the 19thcentury this was a small fishing village on the outskirts of the city, and in manyways the place still retains its character, with boats moored in the harbor, fishbeing sold on the streets, and a ferry crossing the river every few minutes to theneighboring village of Afurada.In plan, the building is a U-shape, opening to the south. It occupies the center ofthe lot and maintains the setbacks required by local building codes. The first floor,which was initially intended for commercial purposes, is partially undergroundand covers almost the entire site. It receives light and ventilation from Rua doAleixo and via two patios which are at the same level as the interior spaces. Theservice facilities and the stairs, which provide access to all levels and a roof terrace,are located on the northern side of the building.Siza shares the Aleixo office building with several other architects, who alsocontributed to its design. The basement floor has been partially given over to thearchive, while the terrace was intended to house a cafe. Each floor, with spacefor 25 or 30 people, is occupied by either one or two offices, and apparently thesomewhat random configuration of window openings is a result of each of thearchitect’s needs. The1.30 x 1.80m pivoting windows, sheltered on the easternfacade by horizontal concrete awnings, provide carefully framed views of thesurrounding landscape – the steep hillside to the east, the river Douro and the oldcity center beyond. The soft light produced in the interior, the constant presenceof water, and the building’s dominant position in the neighborhood, which helpsto cut out the noise of people and traffic below, create a peaceful workingatmosphere in the office.6061

PORTUGAL EXCURSIE / KABK AFD. INTERIEUR ARCHITECTUUR / 2012PORTUGAL EXCURSIE / KABK AFD. INTERIEUR ARCHITECTUUR / 2012ATELIER SIZA, SOUTO DEMOURA, FERNANDO TÁVORA22OntwerpALVARO SIZA VIEIRAGegevenslocatie Portofunctie Ateliergebouwd 1998InformatieThe office of Alvaro Siza is located in a five-story building overlooking the DouroRiver in Porto, between the historical center and the Atlantic ocean. In the 19thcentury this was a small fishing village on the outskirts of the city, and in manyways the place still retains its character, with boats moored in the harbor, fishbeing sold on the streets, and a ferry crossing the river every few minutes to theneighboring village of Afurada.In plan, the building is a U-shape, opening to the south. It occupies the center ofthe lot and maintains the setbacks required by local building codes. The first floor,which was initially intended for commercial purposes, is partially undergroundand covers almost the entire site. It receives light and ventilation from Rua doAleixo and via two patios which are at the same level as the interior spaces. Theservice facilities and the stairs, which provide access to all levels and a roof terrace,are located on the northern side of the building.Siza shares the Aleixo office building with several other architects, who alsocontributed to its design. The basement floor has been partially given over to thearchive, while the terrace was intended to house a cafe. Each floor, with spacefor 25 or 30 people, is occupied by either one or two offices, and apparently thesomewhat random configuration of window openings is a result of each of thearchitect’s needs. The1.30 x 1.80m pivoting windows, sheltered on the easternfacade by horizontal concrete awnings, provide carefully framed views of thesurrounding landscape – the steep hillside to the east, the river Douro and the oldcity center beyond. The soft light produced in the interior, the constant presenceof water, and the building’s dominant position in the neighborhood, which helpsto cut out the noise of people and traffic below, create a peaceful workingatmosphere in the office.6061

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