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PORTUGAL EXCURSIE / KABK AFD. INTERIEUR ARCHITECTUUR / 2012PORTUGAL EXCURSIE / KABK AFD. INTERIEUR ARCHITECTUUR / 2012CASA DAS ARTES15OntwerpEDUARDO SOUTO DE MOURAGegevenslocatie Portofunctie Auditorium, cinema, exposition spacegebouwd 1981InformatieThe building is located in the gardens of a neo-classical mansion in Porto,dating from the beginning of the 20th century. The program for the competitionproposed a cinema, an auditorium and an exhibition gallery, as well as theconservation of the gardens as they were. This is one of the first built projects ofEduardo Souto Moura. It’s mainly composed of two parallel granite stone walls,with all the programin the middle. With a very minimalistic approach, this buildingis composed of great building details, reminding some of Mies Van der Rohe’scharacteristics.4647

PORTUGAL EXCURSIE / KABK AFD. INTERIEUR ARCHITECTUUR / 2012PORTUGAL EXCURSIE / KABK AFD. INTERIEUR ARCHITECTUUR / 2012CASA DAS ARTES15OntwerpEDUARDO SOUTO DE MOURAGegevenslocatie Portofunctie Auditorium, cinema, exposition spacegebouwd 1981InformatieThe building is located in the gardens of a neo-classical mansion in Porto,dating from the beginning of the 20th century. The program for the competitionproposed a cinema, an auditorium and an exhibition gallery, as well as theconservation of the gardens as they were. This is one of the first built projects ofEduardo Souto Moura. It’s mainly composed of two parallel granite stone walls,with all the programin the middle. With a very minimalistic approach, this buildingis composed of great building details, reminding some of Mies Van der Rohe’scharacteristics.4647

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