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PORTUGAL EXCURSIE / KABK AFD. INTERIEUR ARCHITECTUUR / 2012PORTUGAL EXCURSIE / KABK AFD. INTERIEUR ARCHITECTUUR / 2012CASA DA MUSICA14OntwerpOMA - REM KOOLHAAS, INSIDE OUTSIDEGegevenslocatie Portofunctie Music theatregebouwd 2001InformatieAfter Porto was selected one of the 2 cultural capitals of Europe in 2001, aninternational competition started, for a new concert hall to be positioned in thehistorical centre. The shape directly derived from ‘programmatic-piling-up’. Twoshoe-box concert halls were piled first, the other public programs were addedonto the shoe-boxes and the ‘remaining’ spaces between the public functionswere filled up with secondary serving spaces, such as foyers, restaurant, terraces,technical spaces and vertical transport. A continuous route connects all functionsand ‘remaining spaces’ by stairs, platforms and escalators: the building becomesan architectural adventure. The loop creates the possibility to use it for festivalswith simultaneous performances. Wave-like corrugated glass is used in boththe 1300 seat grand auditorium and its smaller 350 seat counterpart. Throughmaterial transparency each space reveals its contents to the city; showing anarray of performances and cultural events.Casa da Musica 44445

PORTUGAL EXCURSIE / KABK AFD. INTERIEUR ARCHITECTUUR / 2012PORTUGAL EXCURSIE / KABK AFD. INTERIEUR ARCHITECTUUR / 2012CASA DA MUSICA14OntwerpOMA - REM KOOLHAAS, INSIDE OUTSIDEGegevenslocatie Portofunctie Music theatregebouwd 2001InformatieAfter Porto was selected one of the 2 cultural capitals of Europe in 2001, aninternational competition started, for a new concert hall to be positioned in thehistorical centre. The shape directly derived from ‘programmatic-piling-up’. Twoshoe-box concert halls were piled first, the other public programs were addedonto the shoe-boxes and the ‘remaining’ spaces between the public functionswere filled up with secondary serving spaces, such as foyers, restaurant, terraces,technical spaces and vertical transport. A continuous route connects all functionsand ‘remaining spaces’ by stairs, platforms and escalators: the building becomesan architectural adventure. The loop creates the possibility to use it for festivalswith simultaneous performances. Wave-like corrugated glass is used in boththe 1300 seat grand auditorium and its smaller 350 seat counterpart. Throughmaterial transparency each space reveals its contents to the city; showing anarray of performances and cultural events.Casa da Musica 44445

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