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PORTUGAL EXCURSIE / KABK AFD. INTERIEUR ARCHITECTUUR / 2012PORTUGAL EXCURSIE / KABK AFD. INTERIEUR ARCHITECTUUR / 2012SAO BENTO8OntwerpMarques da SilvaGegevenslocatie Portofunctie Stationgebouwd 1896InformatieThe first train arrived here in 1896, but the building (designed with a FrenchRenaissance touch) was only officially inaugurated in 1916 where a conventonce stood.This is the city’s most central station, standing downtown just around the cornerfrom the monumental Avenida dos Aliados.Around 20,000 magnificent tiles alluding to the history of transport and Portugalcover most of the atrium. They’re the work of artist Jorge Colaço and date from1916.The most remarkable panels are those showing King João I and Queen Philippa ofLancaster by the city’s cathedral in 1387, Prince Henry the Navigator conqueringCeuta in Morocco, and a representation of the Battle of Arcos de Valdevez.Trains arrive here and depart to the major cities of the north of Portugal, while theservice to Lisbon is at Campanhã Station which is easily reached by Metro fromthe center of Porto, including from São Bento Station.3233

PORTUGAL EXCURSIE / KABK AFD. INTERIEUR ARCHITECTUUR / 2012PORTUGAL EXCURSIE / KABK AFD. INTERIEUR ARCHITECTUUR / 2012SAO BENTO8OntwerpMarques da SilvaGegevenslocatie Portofunctie Stationgebouwd 1896InformatieThe first train arrived here in 1896, but the building (designed with a FrenchRenaissance touch) was only officially inaugurated in 1916 where a conventonce stood.This is the city’s most central station, standing downtown just around the cornerfrom the monumental Avenida dos Aliados.Around 20,000 magnificent tiles alluding to the history of transport and Portugalcover most of the atrium. They’re the work of artist Jorge Colaço and date from1916.The most remarkable panels are those showing King João I and Queen Philippa ofLancaster by the city’s cathedral in 1387, Prince Henry the Navigator conqueringCeuta in Morocco, and a representation of the Battle of Arcos de Valdevez.Trains arrive here and depart to the major cities of the north of Portugal, while theservice to Lisbon is at Campanhã Station which is easily reached by Metro fromthe center of Porto, including from São Bento Station.3233

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