Minutes.... - National Horticulture Mission

Minutes.... - National Horticulture Mission

Minutes.... - National Horticulture Mission


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<strong>Minutes</strong> of the Nineteenth Empowered Committee (EMC) meeting of<strong>National</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong> (NHM) held on 08.01.2013PreliminaryThe Nineteenth meeting of the Empowered Committee (EMC)of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong> (NHM) was held under the Chairmanship ofShri Anup Kumar Thakur, Additional Secretary (A&C) on 08.01.2013 to considerproject proposals of the State <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong>s (SHMs) of Andhra Pradesh,Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra,Odisha, Puducherry, Punjab, Rajasthan and West Bengal.List of participants is annexed.Shri Om Prakash, Additional Commissioner, NHM welcomed the Chairmanand participants. He made a power point presentation giving brief account of theprojects.Opening remarks by ChairmanThe Chairman mentioned that as projects were sanctioned by EMC on therecommendations of State Level Executive Committee (SLEC) and Project AppraisalCommittee of DAC it was imperative that projects were appraised and recommendedwith due diligence at both levels. The chairman observed that EMC meetings shouldconcentrate on reviewing the overall progress of projects and powers for sanction ofsmall projects of individual farmers for post harvest component need to be delegatedto the State Level Executive Committee (SLEC). On the demand of the States forallocation of more funds for protected cultivation and post harvest management,Chairman emphasized that annual action plan is a broad framework forimplementation of various components under NHM. States could send proposals toNHM for interchange of allocations within the approved components and allocations.Shri Sanjeev Chopra, Joint Secretary and <strong>Mission</strong> Director, NHM informedthat the seed infrastructure component under NHM scheme was essentially meantfor supply of planting material and not for value addition or marketing support to theharvested crop. He also suggested that SLEC and Appraisal Committee shouldmake a clear assessment about the quantum of planting material to be produced bynew tissue culture laboratories and rehabilitation of existing laboratories.Based on justifications offered by the SHMs and views expressed bymembers, the following projects have been approved:Andhra Pradesh(Rs. in lakh)S.No.1/19-EMC/APBeneficiary Name/Activity/Project Details/Cost/Means of FinanceName of component - PHMName: M/S. Sri Rama Agri Cold StorageDate of Receipt: 11.09.2012Activity: Cold Storage (6940 MT)Location: Pusalapadu Gram Panchay, Prakasam Distt.Project Cost: Rs. 465.00 lakhProject details: The project was discussed by EMC in its meetingheld on 26.10.2012 and deferred for want of clarification regardingmeans of finance and proper financial closure from SHM. SHMhas submitted the clarifications from lending bank who haverevised the project cost and means of finance with proper financialEligiblesubsidyRemarks120.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.120.00 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.1

Chhattisgarhclosure.This is a private limited company and Shri M. Ramesh Babu is themanaging director, who proposes to set up multi chamber (4),multi-commodity cold storage with the capacity of 6940 MT atDistrict Prakasam for horticulture crops. The data sheet forstandards is enclosed. The promoters are using puf panels forinsulation. Compressor is reciprocating and ceiling suspendedcooling system.Project CostProject cost as per DPR Admissible Project Cost as Subsidyrecommended by SHM(Rs. in lakh)Land 18.00Cost of Civil works 210.00 Building 165.00Plant & Machinery 190.39 Plant & Machinery 135.00Electricals 20.60Others & Misc. 12.95Preli Exp. 13.06Total 465.00 Total 300.00 120.00Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share - Rs. 145.00 lakhTerm Loan - Rs. 320.00 lakhHDFC Bank, Vivekanandanagar Branch have appraised theproject and sanctioned a term loan of Rs. 320.00 lakh vide letterdated 09.02.2012.S.No.2/19-EMC/CHGBeneficiary Name/Activity/Project Details/Cost/Means of FinanceName of Component – Planting MaterialName: M/s Replicon Bio-Tech Pvt. Ltd.Date: 25.10.2012Activity: Setting up of New Tissue Culture UnitsLocation: Village – Nandouri, Tehsil – Dhamdha, Dist. - DurgProject Cost: Rs. 169.00 lakhProject details: This is a private limited company having twodirectors namely Shri Harish Agrawal and Shri Ram Shankar Jha,who proposes to setup a tissue culture lab for production ofdisease free banana plants at Durg District. Cost of project as perDPR is Rs. 218.75 lakh however, as per financial closure the costof Rs 169.00 is available. The project will supply quality plantingmaterial to the farmers at economical rate with minimum capacityof 15 lakh plants/year.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project CostAdm.Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Building 80.00 Building, P & Machinery 100.00Plant & Machinery 80.00Miscellaneous fixed Assets 2.00Pre-Operative Exp. 7.00Total 169.00 Total 100.00 50.00Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs. 69.75 lakhTerm Loan- Rs. 99.00 lakhState Bank of India, Durg Branch have appraised the project andsanctioned a term loan of Rs. 99.00 lakh vide letter dated28.09.2011.EligiblesubsidyRemarks50.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.50.00 lakh @50% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.2

GujaratS.No.3/19-EMC/GUJ4/19-EMC/GUJBeneficiary Name/Activity/Project Details/Cost/Means of FinanceName of Component – Planting MaterialName: ABC Agro Biotechnology Pvt Ltd.Date of Receipt: 21.09.2012Activity: Tissue Culture unitLocation: Block No. 347-744, Sardar Nagar Industrial CooperativeSociety Estate, village Chhapara, Taluka Memdabad,Dist. KhedaProject Cost: Rs. 386.00 lakhProject details: This is a private limited company and Shri MihirPandya is the Director of the company, who proposes to setup atissue culture lab for production of disease free banana plants atMemdabad District at a total cost of Rs. 386.00 lakh with capacity of30 lakh plants/year for supply quality planting material to the farmersat economical rate.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/BankAdmissible Project Cost (Rs. inlakh)Adm.Sub.Land 30.00Building 114.72 Building, Plant & Machinery 100.00Plant & Machinery 166.28Other Fixed Assets 30.00P & P expenses 15.00Contingencies 30.00Total 386.00 Total 100.00 50.00Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share - Rs. 127.00 lakhTerm Loan - Rs. 259.00 lakhBank of India, Khatraj Branch have appraised the project andsanctioned a term loan of Rs. 259.00 lakh vide letter dated22.06.2012.Name of Component – INM/IPMName: Krishi Bio Science Pvt. Ltd.Date of Receipt: 10.09.2012Activity: Bio Control LaboratoryLocation: At Laskana, Tal- Kamrej, Dist SuratProject Cost: Rs. 127.81 lakhProject details: This is a private limited company and ShriParshottambhai Kalahai Ghevariya is the managing director whoproposes to setup a Biocontrol lab for mass production of biopesticides at Distt. Surat. Products to be manufactured areTricoderma spp (1 kg), Verticillium ieccani (1 kg), Bacterial culture(250 gm.), Neem Oil – 1500 ppm (1 ltr) and Tricho card (1 kg)/year.The machinery will include laminar air flow, autoclave, incubator, pHmeter, cyclo mixer etc.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project CostAdm.Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Building 58.11 Building 55.00Plant & Machinery 45.02 Plant & Machinery 20.00Margin 17.43Other expenses 7.25Total 127.81 Total 75.00 37.50Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs. 52.34 lakhTerm Loan- Rs. 75.47 lakhThe Surat People’s Co-op Bank Ltd., Surat Branch has appraised theproject and sanctioned a term loan of Rs. 75.47 lakh vide letter dated20.06.2012.EligiblesubsidyRemarks50.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.50.00 lakh @50% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.37.50 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.37.50 lakh @50% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.3

5/19-EMC/GUJ6/19-EMC/GUJ7/19-EMC/GUJName of component - HRDName: Krishi Vigyan KendraDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Training of SupervisorsLocation: KVK capmpus, GanwadaProject Cost: Rs. 20.00 lakhProject details: Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ganwada has submitted aproposal for Supervisors training at Ganwada for training ofsupervisors (25 trainees batch) in a year. The training will beconducted on advanced technology for development of horticultureand allied sectors. As per the norms of the scheme an amount of Rs.20.00 lakh can be considered which includes stipend (Rs. 4.50 lakh),course material (Rs. 0.25 lakh), operational support (Rs. 5.25 lakh)and one time infrastructure (Rs. 10.00 lakh). The syllabus of thetraining has been finalized as per the norms.Name: Krishi Vigyan KendraDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Training of GardnersLocation: KVK capmpus, GanwadaProject Cost: Rs. 15.00 lakhProject details: Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ganwada has submitted aproposal for gardeners training at Ganwala for training ofgardeners (25 each batch) in two batches in a year. As per thenorms of the scheme an amount of Rs. 15.00 lakh can beconsidered which includes stipend (Rs. 3.00 lakh), course material(Rs. 0.25 lakh), operational support (Rs. 5.25 lakh) and (Rs. 6.50lakh) as the cost for one time infrastructure. The syllabus of thetraining has been finalized as per the norms.Name of component - PHMName: Saraswati cold StorageDate of Receipt: 21.09.2012Activity: Cold Storage (5284 MT)Location: At. Jun Deesa, Dhua Road, Ta. Deesa, Dist.BanaskanthaProject Cost: Rs. 497.97 lakhProject details: This is a partnership firm and Shri LodhaKeshubhai Ramsingbhai is the managing director, who proposesto set up multi chamber (3), multi-commodity cold storage with thecapacity of 5284 MT at District Banaskantha for horticulture crops.The data sheet for standards is enclosed. The promoters areusing EPS for insulation. Compressor is reciprocating and finntype cooling system is being used by promoters.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project CostAdm.Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Land Cost 5.00Storage Building 340.10 Building 165.00Storage Insulation 33.22 Plant & Machinery 135.00Plant & Machineries 62.64Conveyer Belt System 10.00Electrical Installations 30.01Tube Well 2.00Way Bridge 5.00Pre. & Pre-Operative Exp. 10.00Total 497.97 Total 300.00 120.00Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs. 147.97 lakhTerm Loan- Rs. 350.00 lakhAxis Bank, Deesa Branch have appraised the project andsanctioned a term loan of Rs. 350.00 lakh vide letter dated25.07.2012.20.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.20.00 lakh asassistance to theproject subject toselection ofcandidates fortraining shouldbe through SHM.15.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.15.00 lakh asassistant to thetrainingprogramme atKVK, Ganwadasubject toselection ofcandidates fortraining shouldbe through SHM.120.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.120.00 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.4

8/19-EMC/GUJ9/19-EMC/GUJName: Bhagyalaxmi Cold StorageDate of Receipt: 16.10.2012Activity: Cold Storage (5644 MT)Location: At Akhol Moti, Ta. Deesa, Dist. BanaskanthaProject Cost: Rs. 534.25 lakhProject details: This is a partnership firm and Shri SankhalaAshwinkumar Laxmichand is the managing director, who proposesto set up multi chamber (3), multi-commodity cold storage with thecapacity of 5644 MT at District Banaskantha for horticulture crops.The data sheet for standards is enclosed. The promoters areusing puf for insulation. Compressor is reciprocating and finnedtype cooling system.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project Cost(Rs. in lakh)Adm.Sub.Land Cost 21.65Storage Building 282.39 Building 165.00Storage Insulation 88.38 Plant & Machinery 135.00Plant & Machineries 79.52Conveyer Belt System 10.00Electrical Installations 35.31Tube Well 2.00Way Bridge 5.00Preliminary & Pre-Opera. Exp. 10.00Total 534.25 Total 300.00 120.00Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share - Rs. 169.25 lakhTerm Loan - Rs. 365.00 lakhAxis Bank, Deesa Branch have appraised the project andsanctioned a term loan of Rs. 365.00 lakh vide letter dated25.08.2012.Name: M/s Shree G. G. Cold StorageDate of Receipt: 21.09.2012Activity: Cold Storage (5730 MT)Location: Village Akhol (Moti), Ta. Deesa, Dist. BanaskanthaProject Cost: Rs. 577.80 lakhProject details: This is a partnership firm and Shri LodhaKeshubhai Ramsinghbhai is the managing director, who proposesto set up multi chamber (4), multi-commodity cold storage with thecapacity of 5730 MT at District Banaskantha for horticulture crops.The data sheet for standards is enclosed. The promoters areusing PUF for insulation. Compressor is reciprocating and finnedtype cooling system.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project Cost(Rs. in lakh)Adm.Sub.Land 5.00Storage Building 335.07 Building 165.00Storage Insulation 99.46 Plant & Machinery 135.00Plant & Machineries 83.64Conveyer Belt System 10.00Tube well 27.63Electrical Installations Others 17.00Total 577.80 Total 300.00 120.00Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share - Rs. 157.80 lakhTerm Loan - Rs. 390.00 lakhUnsecured Loan - 30.00 lakhAxis Bank, Deesa Branch have appraised the project andsanctioned a term loan of Rs. 390.00 lakh vide letter dated20.07.2012. Unsecured loan is reflected in the bank appraisal.120.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.120.00 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.120.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.120.00 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.5

10/19-EMC/GUJ11/19-EMC/GUJ12/19-EMC/GUJName: V & G Banana Ripening ChamberDate of Receipt: 10.09.2012Activity: Ripening Chamber (112.02 MT)Location: At & Tal – Aankalav, District- AnandProject Cost: Rs. 161.57 lakhProject details: The project was considered by EMC in itsmeeting on 07.02.2012 and sanctioned Rs. 34.00 lakh as 40%credit linked subsidy for project cost of Rs. 85.00 lakh for 5chambers with capacity of 85 MT. SHM has informed thatpromoter has withdrawn the proposal and submitted revisedproposal for 6 chamber with capacity of 112.02 MT with cost ofRs. 185.00 lakh. Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project Cost Adm. Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Building 36.74 Building, P & Machinery 112.02Plant & Machinery 124.83Total 161.57 Total 112.02Rs. 1.00 lakh/MT44.80Means of Finance:Promoter share - Rs. 40.00 lakhTerm Loan - Rs.120.00 lakhAxis Bank Pune, V V Nagar Branch has revised the credit facility,and sanctioned a revised term loan of Rs. 120.00 lakh vide letterdated 17.03.2012.Name: Toral Agencie- Agro Food ProcessorsDate of Receipt: 21.09.2012Activity: Primary Processing UnitLocation: APMC shop number 12/13, Chachak, Ta. Jetpur Pavi,Dist. VodadaraProject Cost: Rs. 15.06 lakhProject details: This is a partnership firm having two partnersnamely Ms. Bhumika Hirenbhai Bhagat and DharmendrakumarKantilal Shah, who proposes to set up a primary processing unitfor pulp making from fruits at a total cost of Rs. 15.06 lakh at Distt.Vodadara.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project CostAdm.Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Building 9.62 Building, P & Machinery 15.00Plant & Machinery 5.44Total 15.06 Total 15.00 6.00Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs. 3.06 lakhTerm Loan- Rs. 12.00 lakhHDFC Bank, Bodeli Branch have appraised the project andsanctioned a term loan of Rs. 12.00 lakh vide letter dated14.07.2012.Name of component – Functional InfrastructureName: SHMDate of Receipt: 16.10.2012Activity: Functional Infrastructure for grading/packing for Potato(17 Units)Project Cost: Rs. 391.00 lakhLocation: Sabarkantha and Kheda Distt.Project details: SHM Gujarat has forwarded 17 projectsproposals of entrepreneurs for setting up of grading and packingunits for potato at Sabarkantha and Kheda district.The total project cost of 17 units is Rs. 391.00 lakh. Theeligible capital cost is Rs. 252.20 lakh for 17 units and cost of eachunit is within the limit admissible limit of Rs. 15.00 lakh. All the44.80 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.44.80 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.6.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.6.00 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.100.88 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.100.88 lakh ascredit linkedback endedsubsidy to 17units of potatograding/packingasperAnnexure – I.6

Haryanaprojects are credit linked. The projects have been appraised andloan has been sanctioned by various nationalized banks.As per the norms of the scheme an amount of Rs. 100.88lakh as 40% credit linked back ended subsidy against project costof Rs. 252.20 lakh for 17 units of potato grading/packing wasconsidered as per details at Annexure – I.S.No.13/19-EMC/HR14/19-EMC/HRBeneficiary Name/Activity/Project Details/Cost/Means of FinanceName of component – Planting MaterialName: M/s BMC Biotech IndiaDate of Receipt: 24.08.2012Activity: New Tissue Culture LabLocation: Village Ajrawar, Ambala Road, Distt. KurukshetraProject Cost: Rs. 95.02 lakhProject details: The project was discussed by EMC in its meetingheld on 26.10.2012 and deferred for want clarification regardingcomponent wise cost, eligible cost, cost recommended by SHM,means of finance and financial closure of the project. SHM hassubmitted the clarifications and submitted revised financialclosure.This is a proprietorship firm of Shri Suresh Kumar S/o Shri MamChand, who proposes to setup a tissue culture lab for productionof disease free banana, potato, sugar cane, alovera andstrawberry plants at Krukshetra District at a total cost of Rs. 95.02lakh for supply quality planting material to the farmers ateconomical rate with minimum capacity of 15 lakh plants/year.Project CostProject cost as per DPR Admissible Project Cost as Subsidyrecommended by SHM(Rs. in lakh)Building 52.50 Building 52.50Plant & Machinery 41.20 Plant & Machinery 41.20Misc. Fixed Assets 1.32 Misc. Fixed Assets 1.32Total 95.02 Total 95.02 47.51Means of Finance:Promoter Share - Rs. 25.02 lakhTerm Loan - Rs. 70.00 lakhUCO Bank, Ismailabad Branch have appraised the project andsanctioned a term loan of Rs. 70.00 lakh vide letter dated29.03.2012.Name of Component – MushroomName: M/s Ashok Kumar Mushroom Span UnitDate of Receipt: 24.08.2012Activity: Mushroom Spawn UnitLocation: 137/1 Kheri Road Gandhi Nagar Gannau, SonepatProject Cost: Rs. 21.46 lakhProject details: This is a proprietorship firm of Shri Ashok KumarS/o Shri Mukhtayar Singh who has proposed to setup a Spawnproduction unit for mushroom.Project CostProject cost as per DPR Admissible Project Cost asrecommended by SHMSubsidy(Rs. in lakh)Land 10.74Building 5.50 Building 5.50Plant & Machinery 5.21 Plant & Machinery 5.21Total 21.46 Total 10.71 5.35EligiblesubsidyRemarks47.51 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.47.51 lakh @50% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.5.35 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.5.35 lakh @50% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.7

15/19-EMC/HR16/19-EMC/HRKarnatakaMeans of Finance:Promoter’s Share - Rs. 6.46 lakhTerm Loan - Rs. 15.00 lakhUnited Bank of India, Panipat Branch have appraised the project andsanctioned a term loan of Rs. 15.00 lakh vide letter dated 12.03.2012.Name of component - PHMName: M/s Dhingra Ice & Cold Storage Pvt. Ltd.Date of Receipt: 14.12.2012Activity: Expansion of Cold Storage Unit (554 MT)Location: Village Kundil, Distt. SonepatProject Cost: Rs. 35.00 lakhProject details: This is a private limited firm having two directorsnamely Shri Chaman Lal Dhingra and S mt. Neelam Dhingra whointends to expend their existing capacity of 4250 MT with additionof another chamber of 554 MT. The total capacity of the coldstorage will be 4804 MT.Project CostProject cost as per DPR Admissible Project Cost asrecommended by SHM(Rs. in lakh)SubsidyBuilding 19.00 Building 19.00Plant & Machinery 16.00 Plant & Machinery 16.00Total 35.00 Total 35.00 14.00Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share - Rs. 20.00 lakhTerm Loan - Rs. 15.00 lakhJ&K Bank, Azadpur New Delhi Branch have appraised the projectand sanctioned additional term loan of Rs. 15.00 lakh vide letterdated 18.10.2012 for expansion of the project.Name: M/s Value FoodsDate: 31.12.2012Activity: Primary Processing UnitLocation: Village Talheri, Pehowa District KurukshetraProject Cost: Rs. 25.00 lakhProject details: This is a proprietorship firm of Smt. Sona Deviwho intends to setup a primary processing unit for fruits andvegetables like mushroom, tomato, spinach, fruit cocktails,pineapple slices at a total cost of Rs. 25.00 in Kurukshetra.Project CostProject cost as per DPR Admissible Project Cost asSubsidyrecommended by SHMBuilding 14.00 Building 13.00Plant & Machinery 11.00 Plant & Machinery 11.00Total 25.00 Total 24.00 9.60Means of Finance:Promoter share- Rs. 15.00 lakhTerm Loan- Rs. 10.00 lakhState Bank of India, Thanesar Branch has appraised the projectand sanctioned a term loan of Rs. 10.00 lakh vide letter dated23.12.2011.14.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.14.00 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidyfor creation of554 MTadditionalcapacity to theproject.9.60 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.9.60 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.S.No.17/19-EMC/KTKBeneficiary Name/Activity/Project Details/Cost/Means of FinanceName of Component – PHMName: SHMDate of Receipt: 26.10.2012 and 19.11.2012Activity: Primary Processing Units (12 Units) for horticulture cropsLocation: Chickmagalur, Shimoga, Uttara Kannada, Bagalkot,DistrictsEligiblesubsidyRemarks46.66 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.46.66 lakh @40% as credit8

18/19-EMC/KTKProject Cost: Rs. 153.10 lakhProject details: SHM Karnataka have forwarded 12 projectsproposals of entrepreneurs for setting up of primary processingunits for processing of pepper, vanilla, cocoa bean, turmeric andcardmom. An innovative and cost effective technology isemployed. Room type dryer is used, which has advantages ofbeing efficient with more capacity, better quality and fuel efficient(dehusked areca & cocoa pods are used as fuel). Astraovenadvantages are fuel efficient, no pollution and no loss of energy.SHM has submitted details of back ward linkages for sourcing ofraw cashewnut and raw material for other projects from the localfarmers. The forward linkages in the form of tie-up for selling ofproducts has also been established. The viability of the projectshas been worked out based on functioning of the units forminimum of 250 days/year.The total project cost of 12 units is Rs. 153.10 lakh. The eligiblecapital cost as recommended by SHM is Rs. 116.508 lakh andcost of each unit is within the admissible limit of Rs. 24.00 lakh.State Government has recommended subsidy of Rs. 46.66 lakhfor 12 units which is within the admissible limit. The individualprojects by farmers are being setup in production zones and havealready established back ward linkages for sourcing of rawmaterial from the farmers. All the projects are credit linked andloan has been sanctioned by various banks. The details are atAnnexure – II.Name: SHMDate of Receipt: 16.10.2012, 26.10.2012 and 19.11.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration Units (69 Units)Location: Kopal, Bagalkot, Bijapur and Belgaum DistrictsProject Cost: Rs. 718.02 lakhProject details: SHM Karnataka have forwarded 69 projectsproposals of entrepreneurs for setting up of primary processingunits at Bijapur, Bagalkot, Kopal and Belgaum Districts. Theproposals are for grape dehydration units. The projects haveestablished backward linkages with farmers.Raisin production is one of the important activities beingundertaken in Bijapur and Gulberga districts. Generally two typesof drying sheds are constructed i. e. Temporary sheds made ofbamboo sticks (Kacha sheds) and permanent sheds (Puccasheds) constructed with cement and angle iron. Kucha shedsneed to be fabricated every year. For production of quality raisins,grapes are harvested graded, washed and dipped in a solutioncontaining 1 liter of Ethyloleate and 2.0 Kg of Potassiumcarbonate (K 2 CO 3 ) per 100 liter of water (pH 9.5 – 11.0) for 3-5minutes. Bunches of grapes are spread over nylon nets @ 1-1.5kg per sq. ft. After 2-3 days, bunches are sprayed with the abovesolution at 1/3 rd concentration. Some manufactures give sulphurfumigation treatment @ 3g/kg for 3 hours after dipping the grapein above solution to produce yellow colour raisins. The drying iscomplete within 15-21 days. In order to hygienically make raisinout of fresh grapes, using solar energy, the instant proposal is forconstructing permanent structures of angle iron covered withmesh. The life of structure is at least 15 years which can be takenas capital cost.The total project cost of 69 units is Rs. 718.02 lakh. The eligiblecapital cost is Rs. 590.02 lakh and cost of each unit is within theadmissible limit of Rs. 24.00 lakh. State Government hasrecommended subsidy of Rs. 244.14 lakh for 69 units which islinked backended subsidyfor 12 primaryprocessing unitsasperAnnexure - II.244.14 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.244.14 lakh as40% creditlinked backended subsidy to69 projects asper details inAnnexure-III.9

within the admissible limit. The individual projects by farmers arebeing setup in production zones and have already establishedback ward linkages for sourcing of raw material from the farmers.All the projects are credit linked and loan has been sanctioned byvarious banks. The details are at Annexure – III.KeralaS.No.19/19-EMC/KRL20/19-EMC/KRLBeneficiary Name/Activity/Project Details/Cost/Means ofFinanceName of Component – Planting MaterialName: Agricultural Research StationDate: 01.11.2012Activity: Rehabilitation of Existing Tissue Culture UnitLocation: ARS, Anakkayam, MalappuramProject Cost: Rs. 15.00 lakhProject details: Dr. P. Rajendran, Professor & Head ofAgricultural Research Station, Anakkayam has proposed torehabilitate the existing Tissue Culture Lab for large scaleproduction of tissue culture planting material of banana andornamental plants (anthurium orchids and gerbera) by constructan additional culture room with hardening facility for tissueculture in the existing laboratory at a total cost of Rs. 15.00 lakh.The existing capacity of unit will be enhanced from 2 lakh plantsto 15 lakh plants/ year.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project CostAdm.Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Hardening unit 5.50 Hardening unit 5.50Additional culture room 6.00 Additional culture room 6.00Poly house 1.00 Poly house 1.00Recurring 2.50Total 15.00 Total 12.50 12.50Name of Component – MushroomName: Shri A. Sadashiva RaoDate: 01.11.2012Activity: Mushroom Spawn UnitLocation: Manjeshwar, KasaragodProject Cost: Rs. 15.00 lakhProject details: This is a proprietorship firm of Shri A. SadashivaRao, who proposes to establish a spawn lab for production of qualityspawn. For production of mushroom, quality spawn is an importantcomponent which is produced under controlled conditions in wellequipped lab. The unit will make available the quality spawn to thegrowers for production of mushroom.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project Cost(Rs. in lakh)Adm.Sub.Building 8.00 Building 8.00Plant & Machinery 6.85 Plant & Machinery 6.85Misc. Expenses 0.15Total 15.00 Total 14.85 7.42Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share - Rs. 04.00 lakhTerm Loan - Rs. 11.00 lakhKarnataka Bank Ltd, Mangalpady Branch has appraised the projectand sanctioned a term loan of Rs. 11.00 lakh vide letter dated02.03.2012.EligiblesubsidyRemarks12.50 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.12.50 lakh @100% asassistance to theResearchStation.7.42 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.7.42 lakh as50% creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.10

21/19-EMC/KRL22/19-EMC/KRL23/19-EMC/KRLName of Component – HRDName: SHM, KeralaDate: 25.10.2012Activity: Gardeners TrainingLocation: Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Wayand, Kerala AgricultureUniversity, KeralaProject Cost: Rs. 15.00 lakhProject details: Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Wayanad has submitteda proposal for gardeners training at Ganwala for training ofgardeners (25 each batch) in two batches in a year. As per thenorms of the scheme an amount of Rs. 8.50 lakh can beconsidered which includes stipend (Rs. 3.00 lakh), coursematerial (Rs. 0.25 lakh) and operational support (Rs. 5.25 lakh).One time infrastructure cost of Rs. 6.50 lakh has already beenprovided to the KVK. The syllabus of the training has beenfinalized as per the norms.Name of Component - MarketName: Nedumkandam Block Panchayat (Ezhukumvayal)Date: 09.11.2012Activity: Rural MarketLocation: Tehsil: Udumbanchola, Dist. IdukkiProject Cost: Rs. 21.00 lakhProject details: Nedumkandam Block Panchayat,Ezhukumvayal proposes to set up a rural primary market atvillage Ezhukumvayal for fruits and vegetables. Theinfrastructure includes office building, auction/drying platforms,water supply & sanitary arrangements, grading/ washing line,wastage disposal system and boundary wall etc. at a total cost ofRs. 21.00 lakh. SHM has clarified that land is already inpossession of the panchayat and creation of infrastructure willcommence soon after getting sanction from NHM.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project CostAdm.Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Office Building 20.00Aucton/drying platform 0.20 Market Infrastructure 20.00Water and sanitary arrang 0.20Grading and weighting e. 0.20Boundary wall 0.40Total 21.00 Total 20.00 10.00Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share (Block Panchyat) - Rs. 10.00 lakhSubsidy from NHM- Rs. 10.00 lakhName: Nedumkandam Block Panchayat (Rajakumary)Date: 09.11.2012Activity: Rural MarketLocation: Tehsil: Udumbanchola,Project Cost: Rs. 20.00 lakhProject details: Nedumkandam Block Panchayat, Rajakumaryproposes to set up a rural primary market at village Rajakumaryfor fruits and vegetables. The infrastructure includes officebuilding, auction/drying platforms, water supply & sanitaryarrangements, grading/ washing line, wastage disposal systemand boundary wall etc. at a total cost of Rs. 20.00 lakh. SHMhas clarified that land is already in possession of the panchayatand creation of infrastructure will commence soon after gettingsanction from NHM.8.50 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.8.50 lakh asassistant to thetrainingprogramme atKVK, Wayanadsubject toselection ofcandidates fortraining shouldbe through SHM.10.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.10.00 lakh @55%, restrictedto financialclosure asassistance to thePanchyat. SHMshould ensurethat no subsidyhas beenclaimed for thisproject fromother CentralScheme.10.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.10.00 lakh @55%, restrictedto financialclosure asassistance to thePanchyat. SHMshould ensurethat no subsidyhas beenclaimed for thisproject fromother CentralScheme.11

24/19-EMC/KRLMadhya PradeshProject CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project CostAdm.Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Office Building 15.00Auction/drying platform 0.50 Market Infrastructure 20.00Water and sanitary arrange 1.50Grading and weighting e. 0.20Weighing equipments 0.80Boundary wall 2.00Total 20.00 Total 20.00 10.00Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share (Block Panchyat) - Rs. 10.00 lakhSubsidy from NHM- Rs. 10.00 lakhName: Vegetable & Fruit Promotion Council KeralaDate: 31.10.2012Activity: Rural Markets (5 numbers)Location: Mythri Bhawan, Kakkanad, KochiProject Cost: Rs. 100.00 lakhProject details: Vegetable and Fruit Promotion council Keralam(VFPCK) is a registered society registered under societiesregistration act 1860. The society proposes to set up five ruralprimary markets at village Murtholi, Pudukkode, Elavancherry,Mavoor and Chavassery in Kottayam, Palakkad, Calicut andKannur Distt. for fruits and vegetables. The infrastructureincludes office building, auction/drying platforms, water supply &sanitary arrangements, grading/ washing line, wastage disposalsystem and boundary wall and internal roads etc. at a total costof Rs. 20.00 lakh for each market. SHM has clarified that land isalready in possession of the society and creation of infrastructurewill commence soon after getting sanction from NHM.As per norms of NHM scheme Rs. 8.00 lakh @ 40% can beconsidered for one rural primary market.40.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.40.00 lakh @40% asassistance to thesociety forcreating fiverural primarymarket atKottayam,Palakkad(2 Nos), Calicutand KannurDistt. SHMshould ensurethat no subsidyhas beenclaimed for thisproject fromother CentralScheme.S.No.25/19-EMC/MPBeneficiary Name/Activity/Project Details/Cost/Means ofFinanceName of Component – Seed InfrastructureName: M/s Geetanjali, Seed InfrastructureDate: 30.11.2012Activity: Seed Processing InfrastructureLocation: Khatkiya Road, Kumbhraj, Dist. Guna MPProject Cost: Rs. 228.00 lakhProject details: This is a partnership firm, who intend to setup avegetable and spices seed, grading, cleaning unit at a total costof Rs. 228.00 lakh at Guna. The machinery has capacity ofprocessing coriander seeds of 3 ton/hour. The project willencourage farmers to diversify into high value crops to increasefarmer’s income. The machineries will includes complete seedgrader & seperators, BOGE make screw type air compressor,optical sorter, weighbridge etc.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project CostAdm.Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Building 106.10 Building 106.10Plant & Machinery 93.96 Plant & Machinery 93.90Deferred Interest 8.94Working Capital 19.00Total 228.00 Total 200.00 100.00EligiblesubsidyRemarks100.00 EMC deferredthe project.12

26/19-EMC/MPMeans of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs. 71.25 lakhTerm Loan- Rs. 156.75 lakhState Bank of India, Kumbhraj Branch has appraised the projectand sanctioned a term loan of Rs. 156.75 lakh vide letter dated02.03.2012.Name of Component – PHMName: M/s Ganesh Cold StorageDate of Receipt: 26.12.2012Activity: Cold Storage (4488 MT)Location: Gram Karondia, Tehsil & Distt. UjjainProject Cost: Rs. 385.28 lakhProject details: This is a partnership firm and Shri Ashok Kumaris the managing director, who proposes to set up multi chamber(3), multi-commodity cold storage with the capacity of 4488 MTat District Ujjain for horticulture crops. The data sheet forstandards is enclosed. The promoters are using eps forinsulation. Compressor is reciprocating and ceiling suspendedcooling system.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project CostAdm.Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Land & Development 18.33Building 161.83 Building 148.10Insulation 26.50 Plant & Machinery 121.18Steel Racks 68.00Wooden Challis (Planks) 30.50Plant & Machinery 38.00Electrical & Lift 17.50DG set 5.50Others 19.12Total 385.28 Total 269.28 107.71Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs. 110.28 lakhTerm Loan- Rs. 275.00 lakhBank of India, Ujjain Branch have appraised the project andsanctioned a term loan of Rs. 275.00 lakh vide letter dated05.09.2012.107.71 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.107.71 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.MaharashtraS.No.27/19-EMC/MHABeneficiary Name/Activity/Project Details/Cost/Means of FinanceName of Component – Planting MaterialName: Education Society NaigaonDate: 08.10.2012Activity: New Tissue Culture UnitLocation: Naigaon (BZ.), Tal.- Naigaon (KH), Dist.- NandedProject Cost: Rs. 222.40 lakhProject details: This is a society registered under SocitiesRegistration Act. 1860 and Shri Basant Rao Chavhan is thepresident of the society, who proposes to setup a tissue culturelab for production of disease free banana plants at Nanded Districtat a total cost of Rs. 222.40 lakh for supply quality plantingmaterial to the farmers at economical rate with minimum capacityof 15 lakh plants/year. SHM has clarified that MoA of the societyprovides for setting up of tissue culture unit.EligiblesubsidyRemarks50.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.50.00 lakh @50% as backended subsidy tothe project.13

28/19-EMC/MHA29/19-EMC/MHAProject CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project Cost(Rs. in lakh)Adm. Sub.Salary for Staff 22.00Electricity Bill/Water C. 3.50Construction of Lab 78.60Equipments 73.90 Plant & Machinery 100.00Glassware, Chemicals 2.20Furniture 3.00Stationary, Travel 6.00Miscellaneous 25.10Air Conditioning unit 1.90Vehicles two/four wheeler 6.20Total 222.40 Total 100.00 50.00Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share - Rs. 122.00 lakhTerm Loan - Rs. 100.00 lakhAbhyudaya Co-operative Bank Ltd., Nanded Branch haveappraised the project and sanctioned a term loan of Rs. 100.00lakh vide letter dated 21.02.2012.Name: M/s Vidya Pratishthan’s School of Biotechnology,VidyanagariDate: 06.12.2012Activity: Rehabilitation of Existing Tissue Culture LabLocation: Bhigwan Road, Baramati, Tal.- Baramati, Dist.- PuneProject Cost: Rs. 31.66 lakhProject details: Vidya Pratishthan’s School of Biotechnology isthe recent academic venture in pursuit of rural education by VidyaPratishthan’s Trust and Dr. Sushama Chaphalkar is the founderDirector, who proposes to expand the existing Tissue Culture Labfor large scale production of tissue cultured planting material ofbanana by constructing an additional culture room for in theexisting laboratory at a total cost of Rs. 31.66 lakh. As per normsof NHM, assistance of Rs. 7.50 lakh @ 50% of the project costcan be considered, balance amount will be borne by the Trust forproducing 15 lakh plant/year.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project CostAdm. Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Laboratory Equipment 17.85Furniture, Utilities 0.44 Plant & Machinery 15.00Recurring Expenses 13.37Total 31.66 Total 15.00 7.50Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs. 24.16 lakhNHM subsidy- Rs. 7.50 lakhName of Component - PHMName: M/s. Agarwal Cold Storage and WarehouseDate: 10.10.2012Activity: Cold Storage (4060 MT)Location: At- Ajande Khurd, Tal.- Shirpur, Dist.- DhuleProject Cost: Rs. 287.92 lakhProject details: This is a partnership firm and Shri Kamlesh is themanaging director, who proposes to set up multi chamber (3),multi-commodity cold storage with the capacity of 4060 MT atDistrict Dhule for horticulture crops. The data sheet for standardsis enclosed. The promoters are using puf for insulation.Compressor is reciprocating and ceiling suspended coolingsystem. SHM has recommended for 55% subsidy at it is located inscheduled area.7.50 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.7.50 lakh @50% asassistance to theSchool.133.98 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.133.98 lakh @55% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe projectsubject tosubmissioncertificateregardingscheduled area.14

30/19-EMC/MHA31/19-EMC/MHAProject CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project Cost(Rs. in lakh)Adm. Sub.Land & Land Development 2.90Cold Storage Build. & M. 260.00 Building 133.98Preliminary Exp. & Pre-o. 22.92 Plant & Machinery 109.62Office Furniture 2.10Total 287.92 Total 243.60 133.98Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share - Rs. 87.92 lakhTerm Loan - Rs. 200.00 lakhBank of Maharashtra, Shirpur Branch has appraised the project andsanctioned a term loan of Rs. 200.00 lakh vide letter dated22.07.2011.Name: Shri Ramchandra Baban DharakDate: 05.12.2012Activity: Ripening Chamber (11.59 MT)Location: A/p- Nalegaon, Tal. – Dist.- AhmednagarProject Cost: Rs. 12.27 lakhProject details: This is a proprietorshirp firm of Shri Ramchandra B.Dharak, who proposes to set up a unit of three ripening chambers of11.59 MT capacity for fruits at Distt. Ahmednagar. The promotersintend to setup the unit to regulate humidity and temperature alongwith use of ethylene (natural hormone for ripening) for hygienicripening of fruits.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project Cost(Rs. in lakh)Machinery Cost 10.07 Machinery Cost 10.07Crates 2.20 Crates 1.16Total 12.27 Total 11.23As recommended by SHMAdm. Sub.Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs. 3.07 lakhTerm Loan- Rs. 9.20 lakhBank of India, Ahmednagar Branch has appraised the project andsanctioned a term loan of Rs. 9.20 lakh vide letter dated 31.01.2011.Name: M/s A.S. FarmDate: 05.12.2012Activity: Pre-Cooling Unit & Refer Van (6+3 MT)Location: A/p Aarag, Tal. Miraj, Dist. SangliProject Cost: Rs. 33.92 lakhProject details: This is a proprietorshirp firm of Shri AmarsinghAppasaheb Patil, who proposes to set up a unit of pre cooling andpurchased a refer van for transport of fruits and vegetablesat atDistt. Sangli.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project Cost4.49Adm. Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Land & Site Development 3.31Building 2.10Plant & Machinery 8.52 Pre cooling unit 10.62 4.24Reefer Van 16.48 Reefer van 12.00 4.80Misc. Fixed Assets 1.66Pre.- Operative Expenses 1.66Contingency Provision 0.47Margin for Working Capital 0.13Total 33.92 Toatl 22.62 9.04Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs. 19.92 lakhTerm Loan- Rs. 14.00 lakhPalus Co. Op. Bank Ltd. Palus, Aarag Branch has appraised theproject and sanctioned a term loan of Rs. 14.00 lakh vide letterdated 28.02.2011.4.49 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.4.49 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.9.04 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.9.04 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project forone pre-coolingunit and onereefer van.15

32/19-EMC/MHAOdishaName: Shri Ramchandra Shivprasad SabuDate: 10.10.2012Activity: Primary Processing Unit for TurmericLocation: A/P- Warud, Tal. – Jintur, Dist.- ParbhaniProject Cost: Rs. 5.97 lakhProject details: This is a proprietorship firm of Shri RamchandraShivprasad Sabu, who intends to set up a primary processing unitfor turmeric at Distt. Parbhani with an installed capacity of 20MT/day.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project Cost Adm. Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Machinery/Equipment 4.20 Machinery/Equipment 4.20Transportation Charges 0.12Recurring Cost 1.65Total 5.97 Total 4.20 1.68Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs. 2.97 lakhTerm Loan- Rs. 3.00 lakhState Bank of India, Jintur Branch has appraised the project andsanctioned a term loan of Rs. 3.00 lakh vide letter dated16.01.2012.1.68 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.1.68 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.S.No.33/19-EMC/ODHBeneficiary Name/Activity/Project Details/Cost/Means of FinanceName of Component - PHMName: M/s Gram Taran Foods Pvt. Ltd.Date: 04.07.2012/02.01.2013Activity: Processing UnitLocation: Ramaswamipur, Paralakhemundi, Distt. GajapatiProject Cost: Rs. 541.00 lakhProject details: The private limited company propose to setup aplant for extraction of essential oils and oleoresins from spicesflowers and medicinal plants for use in foods, beverages,pharmaceuticals and perfume industry. The company will useSuper Critical Fluid Extraction (SCFE) Technology, hired fromCybertech Engineering, Pune. The technology is superior totraditional solvent extraction and hydro distillation technologies.The main crops to be processed for extraction are turmeric andginger which shall be procured from the farmers. The raw materialrequired will be grown by farmers over an area of 400 ha.EligiblesubsidyRemarksEMC felt thatother avenueslike RKVY,MoFPI andSFAC forfunding theproject may beexplored bySHM as thesupport fromNHM underprimaryprocessingcomponent willbe rather limited.The project has been appraised by Andhra Bank, BerhampurBranch who have worked out project cost of Rs. 565.45 lakhagainst which a term loan of Rs. 300.00 lakh has been sanctionedvide letter dated 11.02.2010.PuducherryS.No.34/19-EMC/PDCBeneficiary Name/Activity/Project Details/Cost/Means of FinanceName of Component – INM/IPMName: SHM, PuducherryDate: 24.07.2012Activity: Bio-control laboratoryLocation: Perunthalaivar Kamaraj Krishi Vigyan Kendra,Kurumbapet, PuducherryEligiblesubsidyRemarks75.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.75.00 lakh @100% as16

PunjabS.No.35/19-EMC/PJB36/19-EMC/PJBProject Cost: Rs. 94.50 lakhProject details: Perunthalaivar Kamaraj Krishi Vigyan Kendra(PKKVK) has proposed to set up a Bio Control Lab in theproduction of various bio control agents and biopesticides forfarming community and to supply bioagents & biopesticides tosmall marginal, medium and large categories of farmers and farmwomen through mass production of Trichogramma japonicum,Trichogramma chilonis, spodoptera litura, helicovepa armigera,Beauveria bassiana, bacillus thuringiensis, Metarrhiziumanisopliae, verticillium lecanii, pseudomonas fluorescens,trichoderma viride and trichoderma harzianum. The plant &machinery will include lyophilizer, deep freezer, phase contrastmicroscope with CCD camera, fermentor, laminar air flow,biological oxygen incubator etc. at a total cost of Rs. 94.50 lakh.Project CostProject cost as per DPR Admissible Project Cost as Subsidyrecommended by SHM(Rs. in lakh)Plant & Machinery 94.50 Building, P & Machinery 75.00Total 94.50 Total 75.00 75.00Beneficiary Name/Activity/Project Details/Cost/Means of FinanceName of Component – Bee KeepingName: M/s Tiwana Bee FarmDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Bee-BreedersLocation: G.T. Road Doraha Distt. LudhianaProject Cost: Rs. 14.25 lakhProject details: This is a proprietorship firm of Shri Jaswant Singh.The proprietor is a registered bee breeder. He intends to setup theinfrastructure for producing bee colonies which includes woodenboxes, extraction machines, extraction tents etc.Project CostProject cost as per DPR Admissible Project Cost as Subsidyrecommended by SHMInfrastructure 14.25 Infrastructure 6.00Total 14.25 Total 6.00 3.00As per norms an amount of Rs. 3.00 lakh as 50% subsidy can beconsidered for registered breeders for production of 3000 beecolonies/year for five years.Name: Pardeep KumarDate: 20.12.2012Activity: Bee-BreedersLocation: VPO Badal Tehsil Malout Distt. Shri Muktsar SahibProject Cost: Rs. 24.75 lakhProject details: This is a proprietorship firm of Shri Pardeep KumarS/o Shri Ashwani Kumar. The proprietor is a registered beebreeder. He intends to setup the infrastructure for producing beecolonies which includes wooden boxes, extraction machines,extraction tents etc.Project CostProject cost as per DPR Admissible Project Cost asrecommended by SHMSubsidyInfrastructure 24.75 Infrastructure 6.00Total 24.75 Total 6.00 3.00As per norms an amount of Rs. 3.00 lakh as 50% subsidy can beconsidered for registered breeders for production of 3000 beecolonies/year for five years.Eligiblesubsidyassistance to theKVK forstrengthening ofbio control lab.Remarks3.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.3.00 lakh @50% as backended subsidy tothe registeredbee breeder forproduction of3000 beecolonies/year forfive years.3.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.3.00 lakh @50% as backended subsidy tothe registeredbee breeder forproduction of3000 beecolonies/year forfive years.17

37/19-EMC/PJB38/19-EMC/PJB39/19-EMC/PJBName of Component - PHMName: Rajinder Pal SinghDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Refrigeration VanLocation: V.P.O. Kalalwala, Tehsil Talwandi Sabbo, DistrictBhatinda (Punjab)Project Cost: Rs. 14.00 lakhProject Details: This is a proprietorship firm of Shri Rajinder palSingh S/o Shri Baldev Singh, who proposes to purchase a refrigeratedvan for handling & transportation of fruits and vegetables. Promoterhas purchased chassis of Mahindra Genie SC.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project CostAdm.Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Cost of vehicle and Insulation 11.83 Cost of vehicle and Insulation 11.83Margin Money for WC 2.17Total 14.00 Total 11.83 4.73Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs. 5.50 lakhTerm Loan- Rs. 8.50 lakhOriental Bank of Commerce, Talwandi Sabo Branch has appraisedthe project and sanctioned a term loan of Rs. 8.50 lakh vide letterdated 26.12.2012.Name: Harpreet KaurDate: 05.12.2012Activity: Pre Cooling Chambers (7 MT)Location: C-72, Phase VI, Industrial Area MohaliProject Cost: Rs. 25.54 lakhProject details: This is a proprietorship firm of Smt. Harpreet Kaur,who proposes to establish a pre-cooling unit for storage and ripeningoc fruits with an installed capacity of 7 MT at Distt Mohali.Project CostProject cost as per DPR Admissible Project Cost asrecommended by SHMSubsidyBuildings 4.18Plant & Machinery 12.06 Building, P & Machinery 15.00Misc. Fixed Assets 4.35Securities 0.28Contigencies/Preop. Ex. 1.50Margin Money For Wor. C. 3.17Total 25.54 Total 15.00 6.00Means of Finance:Capital - Rs. 16.54 lakhTerm Loan - Rs. 9.00 lakhBank of India, Mohali C & P Branch have appraised the project andsanctioned a term loan of Rs. 9.00 lakh vide letter dated15.10.2012.Name: M/s Singla Cold StorageDate: 04.07.2012Activity: Cold Storage (4318 MT)Location: Distt. BhatindaProject Cost: Rs. 319.50 lakhProject details: This is a proprietorship firm of Smt. Seema Singla,who proposes to set up multi chamber (3), multi-commodity coldstorage with the capacity of 4318 MT at District Bhatinda forhorticulture crops. The firm is using the latest technology and hasenclosed the data sheet indicating that the cold storage is being setup as per new technical standards. The promoters are using epsfor insulation. Compressor is reciprocating type and cooling systemis ceiling suspended.4.73 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.4.73 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe projectsubject tosubmissioninsurance andregistrationcertificate.6.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.6.00 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe projectsubject.86.99 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.86.99 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.18

40/19-EMC/PJB41/19-EMC/PJBProject CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project CostAdm.Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Land 20.00Building 220.00 Building 142.49Plant and Machinery 75.00 P & Machinery 75.00Furniture 0.50Pre. Exp. 1.00Electric Security 3.00Total 319.50 Total 217.49 86.99Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs. 131.50 lakhTerm Loan- Rs. 188.00 lakhPunjab & Sindh Bank, Bhatinda Branch has appraised the project andsanctioned a term loan of Rs. 188.00 lakh vide letter dated08.01.2012.Name: M/s P.S. Butter Cold StorageDate: 04.07.2012Activity: Cold Storage (4762 MT)Location: Vill. Kot Karar Khan, Distt. KapurthalaProject Cost: Rs. 347.44 lakhProject details: This is a partnership firm and Shri S. Balbir Singhis the managing partner, who proposes to set up multi chamber (4),multi-commodity cold storage with the capacity of 4762 MT atDistrict Kapurthala for horticulture crops. The firm is using the latesttechnology and has enclosed the data sheet indicating that the coldstorage is being set up as per new technical standards. Thepromoters are using eps for insulation. Compressor is reciprocatingtype and cooling system is ceiling suspended.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project CostAdm.Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Building 212.41 Building 157.14Plant and Machinery 121.43 Plant & Machinery 121.43MFA 8.50Misc 4.10Pre operative Exp. 1.00Total 347.44 Total 278.72 111.42Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs. 112.44 lakhTerm Loan- Rs. 235.00 lakhCanara Bank, Kapurthala Branch has appraised the project andsanctioned a term loan of Rs. 235.00 lakh vide letter dated 12.12.2011.Name: M/s Keshav Cold StorageDate: 04.07.2012Activity: Cold Storage (6090 MT)Location: Vill. Khusrupur, Distt. KapurthalaProject Cost: Rs. 382.91 lakhProject details: This is a partnership firm and Shri Rahul Kawatra isthe managing partner, who proposes to set up multi chamber (4),multi-commodity cold storage with the capacity of 6090 MT at DistrictKapurthala for horticulture crops. The firm is using the latesttechnology and has enclosed the data sheet indicating that the coldstorage is being set up as per new technical standards. The promotersare using eps for insulation. Compressor is reciprocating type andcooling system is ceiling suspended.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project CostAdm.Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Building 241.08 Building 165.00Plant and Machinery 127.09 Plant & Machinery 127.09MFA 9.00Misc 4.24Pre operative Exp. 1.00Total 382.91 Total 292.09 116.83111.42 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.111.42 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.116.83 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.116.83 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.19

42/19-EMC/PJB43/19-EMC/PJBMeans of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs. 122.91 lakhTerm Loan- Rs. 260.00 lakhCanara Bank, Kapurthala Branch has appraised the project andsanctioned a term loan of Rs. 260.00 lakh vide letter dated10.01.2012.Name: M/s Bear Saab Cold StorageDate: 04.07.2012Activity: Cold Storage (5800 MT)Location: Vill. Barsian, Distt. NawanshaharProject Cost: Rs. 500.00 lakhProject details: This is a partnership firm and Shri Palwinder SinghAtwal is the managing partner, who proposes to set up multi chamber(4), multi-commodity cold storage with the capacity of 5800 MT atDistrict Nawanshahar for horticulture crops. The firm is using the latesttechnology and has enclosed the data sheet indicating that the coldstorage is being set up as per new technical standards. The promotersare using eps for insulation. Compressor is reciprocating type andcooling system is ceiling suspended.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project CostAdm.Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Land 1.00Building 395.00 Building 165.00Plant and Machinery 95.50 Plant & Machinery 95.50Furniture 0.50Security 3.00Pre operative Exp. 5.00Total 500.00 Total 260.50 104.20Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs. 167.00 lakhTerm Loan- Rs. 300.00 lakhUnsecured Loan- Rs. 33.00 lakhState Bank of Patiala, Chandiani Khurd Branch has appraised theproject and sanctioned a term loan of Rs. 300.00 lakh vide letter dated24.08.2011.Name: M/s Kissan Cold Storage & Agriculture FarmDate: 04.07.2012Activity: Cold Storage (3117 MT)Location: Vill. Patti Rajpur, Distt. MogaProject Cost: Rs. 271.75 lakhProject details: This is a partnership firm and Shri Stish Kumar is themanaging partner, who proposes to set up multi chamber (2), multicommoditycold storage with the capacity of 3117 MT at District Mogafor horticulture crops. The firm is using the latest technology and hasenclosed the data sheet indicating that the cold storage is being set upas per new technical standards. The promoters are using eps forinsulation. Compressor is reciprocating type and cooling system isceiling suspended.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project Cost(Rs. in lakh)Adm.Sub.Building 167.00 Building 102.86Plant and Machinery 75.00 Plant & Machinery 75.00MFA 8.50Land Development 9.00Security 3.00Pre operative Exp. 1.00Interest 8.25Total 271.75 Total 177.86 71.14Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share - Rs. 96.75 lakhTerm Loan - Rs. 150.00 lakhVenture Capital from SFAC - Rs. 24.00 lakh104.20 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.104.20 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.71.14 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.71.14 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.20

44/19-EMC/PJB45/19-EMC/PJBUnion Bank of India, Moga Branch has appraised the project andsanctioned a term loan of Rs. 150.00 lakh vide letter dated28.01.2012.Name: M/s Gill Cold StorageDate: 04.07.2012Activity: Cold Storage (2320 MT)Location: Bhambri, Amloh, Fatehgarh Sahib, PunjabProject Cost: Rs. 184.83 lakhProject details: This is a partnership firm and Shri Karam Singh isthe managing partner, who proposes to set up multi chamber (2),multi-commodity cold storage with the capacity of 2320 MT atDistrict Fatehgarh Sahib for horticulture crops. The company isusing the latest technology and has enclosed the data sheetindicating that the cold storage is being set up as per new technicalstandards. The promoters are using puf panels for insulation.Compressor is reciprocating type and cooling system is ceilingsuspended.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project CostAdm.Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Civil Constructions 142.83 Building 76.56Plant and Machinery 40.00 Plant & Machinery 40.00Misc. Fixed Assets 1.00Electric Secutiry 1.00Total 184.83 Total 116.56 46.62Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs. 46.83 lakhTerm Loan- Rs. 138.00 lakhCanara Bank, GT Road, Khanna Branch has appraised the projectand sanctioned a term loan of Rs. 138.00 lakh vide letter dated21.07.2011.Name: M/s D. S. Cold StorageDate: 04.07.2012Activity: Cold Storage (5000 MT)Location: Salana Jiwan Singh Wala, Distt. Fatehgarh SahibProject Cost: Rs. 421.50 lakhProject details: This is a partnership firm and Shri Chandan Sood isthe managing partner, who proposes to set up multi chamber (4),multi-commodity cold storage with the capacity of 5000 MT at DistrictFatehgarh Sahib for horticulture crops. The company is using thelatest technology and has enclosed the data sheet indicating that thecold storage is being set up as per new technical standards. Thepromoters are using puf panels for insulation. Compressor isreciprocating type and cooling system is ceiling suspended.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project CostAdm.Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Land 14.00Building 280.00 Building 165.00Plant and Machinery 120.00 Plant & Machinery 120.00Misc. Fixed Assets 1.50Tools & Implements 1.25Preliminary & Pre op. Exp. 1.50Electric Secutiry 1.75WC 1.50Total 421.50 Total 285.00 114.00Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs. 110.00 lakhTerm Loan- Rs. 300.00 lakhUnsecured Loan- Rs. 11.50 lakhBank of India, Khanna Branch has appraised the project andsanctioned a term loan of Rs. 300.00 lakh vide letter dated16.07.2011.46.62 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.46.62 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.114.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.114.00 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.21

46/19-EMC/PJB47/19-EMC/PJBName: M/s Amrit Cold StorageDate: 04.07.2012Activity: Cold Storage (5520 MT)Location: Bhadal Thua, Amloh, Distt. Fatehgarh SahibProject Cost: Rs. 428.71 lakhProject details: This is a partnership firm and Shri Karnail Singh isthe managing partner, who proposes to set up multi chamber (4),multi-commodity cold storage with the capacity of 5520 MT atDistrict Fatehgarh Sahib for horticulture crops. The company isusing the latest technology and has enclosed the data sheetindicating that the cold storage is being set up as per new technicalstandards. The promoters are using puf panels for insulation.Compressor is reciprocating type and cooling system is ceilingsuspended.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project CostAdm.Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Land 25.40Building 192.20 Building 165.00Plant and Machinery with insulation Plant & Machinery 135.00159.34Misc. Fixed Assets 1.25Security 4.50Preliminary & Pre op. Exp. 0.75Electric Security 42.36WC 2.90Total 428.71 Total 300.00 120.00Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs. 128.71 lakhTerm Loan- Rs. 300.00 lakhING Vysya Bank, Chandigarh Branch has appraised the project andsanctioned a term loan of Rs. 300.00 lakh vide letter dated20.10.2011.Name: M/s Jas Cold StorageDate: 04.07.2012Activity: Expansion of Cold Storage (1432 MT)Location: Sidhwan Bed to Jagraon Raod, LudhianaProject Cost: Rs. 99.00 lakhProject details: This is a partnership firm and Shri S. PrabhjeetSingh is the managing partner, who intends to expand the existing 3chamber cold storage with capacity of 4374 MT to a 4 chamber byaddition of 1432 MT capacity for horticulture crops at LudhianaDistrict. Total capacity of the cold storage will be 5806 MT. The datasheet for standards is enclosed. The company is using the latesttechnology and has enclosed the data sheet indicating that the coldstorage is being set up as per new technical standards. The promotersare using puf panels for insulation. Compressor is reciprocating typeand cooling system is ceiling suspended.Project CostProject cost as per DPR Admissible Project Cost asSubsidyrecommended by SHMBuilding 70.00 Building 47.25Plant & Machinery 29.00 Plant & Machinery 29.00Total 99.00 Total 76.25 12.79Asrecommended bySHMMeans of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs. 29.00 lakhTerm Loan- Rs. 70.00 lakhOriental Bank of Commerce, Kishanpura Kalan, Moga Branch hasappraised the project and sanctioned a term loan of Rs. 70.00 lakhvide letter dated 06.02.2012.120.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.120.00 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.12.79 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.12.79 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.22

48/19-EMC/PJB49/19-EMC/PJBName: M/s Kissan Cold StorageDate: 04.07.2012Activity: Expansion of Cold Storage (1720 MT)Location: VPO Ekalgada, Distt. TarantaranProject Cost: Rs. 105.00 lakhProject details: This is a proprietorship firm of Shri Satpal Singh,who intends to expand the existing 2 chambers cold storage withcapacity of 3440 MT to a 3 chamber by addition of 1720 MTcapacity for horticulture crops at Tarantaran District. Total capacityof the cold storage will be 5160 MT. The data sheet for standardsis enclosed. The company is using the latest technology and hasenclosed the data sheet indicating that the cold storage is being setup as per new technical standards. The promoters are using EPSfor insulation. Compressor is reciprocating type and cooling systemis ceiling suspended.Project CostProject cost as per DPR Admissible Project Cost as Subsidyrecommended by SHMBuilding 70.00 Building 56.76Plant & Machinery 35.00 Plant & Machinery 35.00Total 105.00 Total 91.76 36.70Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs. 45.00 lakhTerm Loan- Rs. 60.00 lakhPunjab and Sindh Bank, Amritsar Branch has appraised the projectand sanctioned an additional term loan of Rs. 60.00 lakh vide letterdated 23.03.2012.Name: M/s Surindera Cold StorageDate: 04.07.2012Activity: Expansion of Cold Storage (2980 MT)Location: VPO Sah Jhangi, P. O. Gakhla, JalandharProject Cost: Rs. 215.00 lakhProject details: This is a partnership firm and Shri Surinder Nathis the managing partner, who intends to expand the existing 2chambers cold storage with capacity of 4738 MT to a 4 chamber byaddition of 2980 MT capacity for horticulture crops at JalandharDistrict. Total capacity of the cold storage will be 7718 MT. Thedata sheet for standards is enclosed. The company is using thelatest technology and has enclosed the data sheet indicating thatthe cold storage is being set up as per new technical standards.The promoters are using EPS for insulation. Compressor isreciprocating type and cooling system is ceiling suspended.Project CostProject cost as per DPR Admissible Project Cost asrecommended by SHMSubsidyBuilding 160.00 Building 98.34Plant & Machinery 55.00 Plant & Machinery 55.00Total 215.00 Total 153.34 24.55Asrecommended bySHM.Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share - Rs. 80.00 lakhTerm Loan - Rs. 118.50 lakhUnsecured loan - Rs. 16.50 lakhOriental Bank of Commerce, G. T. Road, Jalandhar Branch hasappraised the project and sanctioned an additional term loan of Rs.118.50 lakh vide letter dated 16.11.2008.36.70 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.36.70 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.24.55 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.24.55 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.23

50/19-EMC/PJB51/19-EMC/PJB52/19-EMC/PJBName of Component – Functional InfrastructureName: Sukhjit Singh Bhatti Agriculture Marketing InfrastructureDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Functional InfrastructureLocation: Village Alipur, P.O. Mithapur, District JalandharProject Cost: Rs. 30.00 lakhProject details: This is a proprietorship firm of Shri Sukhjit SinghBhatti, who proposes to establish a functional infrastructure unitwith grading and packing machine for potato at a total cost of Rs.30.00 lakh at Jalandhar Distt. The machinery will include potatograder, radial grading machine and bagging machine.Project CostProject cost as per DPR Admissible Project Cost as Subsidyrecommended by SHMPlant & Machinery 30.00 Plant & Machinery 15.00Total 30.00 Total 15.00 6.00Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share - Rs. 8.00 lakhTerm Loan - Rs. 22.00 lakhCanara Bank, BMC Chowk Jalandhar Branch have appraised theproject and sanctioned a term loan of Rs. 22.00 lakh vide letter dated01.02.2011.Name: Gurdip Singh SanghaDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Functonal InfrastructureLocation: Village & PO Quadianwali, Tehsil and Distt JalandharProject Cost: Rs. 15.39 lakhProject details: This is a proprietorship firm of Shri Gurdip SinghSangha, who proposes to establish a functional infrastructure unit withgrading and packing machine for potato at a total cost of Rs. 15.39lakh at Jalandhar Distt. The machinery will include mobile potatograder.Project CostProject cost as per DPR Admissible Project Cost asrecommended by SHMSubsidyPlant & Machinery 15.39 Plant & Machinery 15.00Total 15.39 Total 15.00 6.00Means of Finance:Own sources - Rs. 5.39 lakhTerm Loan - Rs. 10.00 lakhPunjab <strong>National</strong> Bank, Urban Estate Ph.II Jalandhar Branch haveappraised the project and sanctioned a term loan of Rs. 10.00 lakhvide letter dated 20.10.2010.Name: Sh. Dharampal SoodDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Functonal Infrastructure (Potato Grader)Location: Amloh, Distt. FatehgarhProject Cost: Rs. 13.50 lakhProject details: This is a proprietorship firm of Shri Dharampal SoodS/o Shri Lal Chand Sood, who proposes to establish a functionalinfrastructure unit with grading and sorting machine for potato at atotal cost of Rs. 13.50 lakh at Fatehgarh Distt.Project CostProject cost as per DPR Admissible Project Cost asrecommended by SHMSubsidyPlant & Machinery 13.50 Plant & Machinery 13.50Total 13.50 Total 13.50 5.40Means of Finance:Partner’s Contribution - Rs. 6.25 lakhTerm Loan - Rs. 7.25 lakhBank of India, Khanna Branch have appraised the project andsanctioned a term loan of Rs. 7.25 lakh vide letter dated 07.07.2012.6.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.6.00 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe projectsubject.6.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.6.00 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe projectsubject.5.40 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.5.40 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe projectsubject.24

RajasthanS.No.53/19-EMC/RAJ54/19-EMC/RAJBeneficiary Name/Activity/Project Details/Cost/Means of FinanceName of Component – Seed InfrastructureName: M/s. Swastika Agrocom Pvt. Ltd.Date: 20.12.2012Activity: Seed Infrastructure for SpiceLocation: G-228, Agro Food Park phase – 2, Ranpur, KotaProject Cost: Rs. 408.68 lakhProject details: This is a private limited company having threedirector namely Shri Anil Kumar Nyati, Shri Sunil Nayati and ShriVandit Nayati, who intends to setup a seed grading, cleaning unitat a total cost of Rs. 408.68 lakh at Kota for horticulture crops likecoriander, fenugreek, vegetables and other spices. The machineryhas capacity of processing coriander seeds of 4 ton/hour. The unitalso provided assured market to farmers and encourages farmersto diversify into high value crops to increase farmer’s income. Themachinery will includes color sorting machine, cleaner classifier,aspiration box, gravity separator, permanent magnet, dry destoner,sortex bin etc.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project Cost(Rs. in lakh)Adm.Sub.Land 86.40Building 113.77 Building, P & Machinery 200.00Plant & Machinery 180.01Furniture & Fixtures 2.50Computer and printer 1.00Margin money 25.00Total 408.68 Total 200.00 100.00Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share - Rs. 136.68 lakhTerm Loan - Rs. 272.00 lakhPunjab <strong>National</strong> Bank, Industrial Estate, Kota Branch has appraisedthe project and sanctioned a term loan of Rs. 272.00 lakh vide letterdated 03.12.2012.Name of Component - FLDName: Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural UniversityDate: 17.10.2012Activity: Front Line DemonstrationLocation: A.R.S. Durgapura, JaipurProject Cost: Rs. 23.15 lakhProject Details: Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan AgriculturalUniversity proposes to conduct front line demonstration onintensive and commercial orchard cultivation with moderntechniques on an area of 3 ha. at A.R.S, Durgapura, Jaipur. Thehigh-tech cultivation shall be with close spacing and cultivationusing proper tools with saplings protected from scorching weatherconditions with indicidual shade nets. IPM, INM techniques shallbe used to ensure judicious use of fertilizers and pesticides. Inter –cultivation with short duration crops like seasonal vegetables andpapaya shall be undertaken during the gestation period.SHM has recommended for 100% assistance i. e. Rs. 23.15 lakhas the demonstration is to be laid in the Swami KeshwanandRajasthan Agricultural University, ARS, Durgapura, Jaipur.EligiblesubsidyRemarksEMC deferredthe project.23.15 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.23.15 lakh asassistance forfront linedemonstrationon public farm atARS Durgapura,Jaipur Distt.25

55/19-EMC/RAJ56/19-EMC/RAJ57/19-EMC/RAJName of component - HRDName: Krishi Vigyan Kendra, TankardaDate: 18.10.2012Activity: One year Supervisor trainingLocation: Tankarda, Chomu, JaipurProject Cost: Rs. 10.00 lakhProject details: Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tankarda has submitted aproposal for Supervisors training at Jaipur for training ofsupervisors (25 trainees batch) in a year. As per the norms of thescheme an amount of Rs. 10.00 lakh can be considered whichincludes stipend (Rs. 4.50 lakh), course material (Rs. 0.25 lakh),operational support (Rs. 5.25 lakh). An amount of Rs. 10.00 lakhas the cost for one time infrastructure has already been provided tothe training centre. The syllabus of the training has been finalizedas per the norms.Name of Component – PHMName: Suresh MeenaDate: 14.12.2012Activity: Refrigerated VanLocation: Ajad Chok, Vill Narayana, Tahsil Phulera, JaipurProject Cost: Rs. 23.99 lakhProject details: This is a proprietorship firm of Shri Suresh MeenaS/o Shri Ram Chandra Meena, who proposes to purchase arefrigerated van for handling & transportation of fruits andvegetables. Promoter has purchased chassis of TATALPT909/38/CAB.Project CostProject cost as per DPR Admissible Project Cost as Subsidyrecommended by SHMVehicle and Equipments 23.83 Vehicle and Equipments 23.83Misc. Exp. 0.16Total 23.99 Total 23.83 9.53Means of Finance:Promoter’s Contribution - Rs. 6.00 lakhTerm Loans - Rs. 17.99lakhPunjab <strong>National</strong> Bank, Marwa Branch have appraised the projectand sanctioned a term loan of Rs. 17.99 lakh vide letter dated15.10.2012.Name: Mr. Yoginder MukimDate: 14.12.2012Activity: Refrigerated VanLocation: Khareta, Mundawar, AlwarProject Cost: Rs. 36.00 lakhProject details: This is a proprietorship firm of Shri YogindeMukim S/o Shri Gouri Shanker Mukim, who proposes to purchasea refrigerated van for handling & transportation of fruits andvegetables. Promoter has purchased chassis of TATA SE1613 697BS III with a capacity of 6 MT.Project CostProject cost as per DPR Admissible Project Cost asrecommended by SHMSubsidyRefrigerated Van 24.00 Refrigerated Van 24.00Pre Cooling Chamber 12.00Total 36.00 Total 24.00 9.60Means of Finance:Promoter’s Contribution - Rs. 9.00 lakhTerm Loans - Rs. 18.00lakhUnion Bank of India, Chandni Chowk Branch have appraised theproject and sanctioned a term loan of Rs. 18.00 lakh vide letterdated 27.07.2012.10.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.10.00 lakh asassistant to theproject subject toselection ofcandidates fortraining shouldbe through SHM.9.53 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.9.53 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe projectsubject tosubmission ofinsurance andregistrationcertificate.9.60 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.9.60 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe projectsubject tosubmission ofinsurance andregistrationcertificate.26

58/19-EMC/RAJWest BengalName: M/s Ram Chandra Om Prakash SainiDate: 27.12.2012Activity: Ripening Chamber (18 MT)Location: Shop No. 43, Sabji Mandi, Chomu, JaipurProject Cost: Rs. 71.05 lakhProject details: This is a proprietorshirp firm of Shri RamChandra Saini, who proposes to set up a unit of four ripeningchambers of 18 MT capacity for fruits at Distt. Chomu. Thepromoters intend to setup the unit to regulate humidity andtemperature along with use of ethylene (natural hormone forripening) for hygienic ripening of fruits.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project Cost(Rs. in lakh)Building 20.00 Building, P & Machinery 18.00Plant & Machinery 49.05Pre Operative Exp. 0.50WC Margin 1.50Total 71.05 Total 18.00Rs. 1.00 lakh/MTAdm. Sub.Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs. 21.00 lakhTerm Loan- Rs. 50.00 lakhOriental Bank of Commerce, Sikar Road, Chomu Branch hasappraised the project and sanctioned a term loan of Rs. 50.00 lakhvide letter dated 24.12.2012.7.207.20 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.7.20 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project.S.No.59/19-EMC/WBBeneficiary Name/Activity/Project Details/Cost/Means of FinanceName of Component - PHMName: M/S Virtuoso Agro Pvt. Ltd.Date: 09.11.2012Activity: Multipurpose Cold Storage (7000 MT)Location: Mouze & Vill. Islampur, Post Office: Islampur, PoliceStaton: Jagatballbhpur, District Howrah (W.B.)Project Cost: Rs. 2010.19 lakhProject details: This is a private limited company and ShriRishabh Agarwal is the managing director who proposes to set upmulti chamber (12), multi-commodity multipurpose storage with thecapacity of 7000 MT at District Howrah for horticulture crops likepotato, onion, garlic, ginger, spices, beet, apple, cabbage, carrot,lemon, Ice cream butter, marine products and farm products etc.The data sheet for standards is enclosed. The promoter are usingAmmonia refrigerant as a primary media and PUF panels forconstruction and insulation of chambers.Project CostProject cost as per DPR/Bank Admissible Project CostAdm.Sub.(Rs. in lakh)Land and its Registration 210.58Civil Const. & wooden rocks. 698.34 Building 165.00Plant & Machinery, ele. 487.60 Plant & Machinery 135.00Insulation 342.13MFA 80.09Uitilites & Auxiliaries 34.92Election, Comm. & testing 29.00Contingencies 40.05Preliminary Exp. 15.00Pre operative exp 72.50Total 2010.19 Total 300.00 120.00EligiblesubsidyRemarks120.00 EMC approvedthe project andsanctioned Rs.120.00 lakh @40% as creditlinked backended subsidy tothe project. ChiefAdvisor, NCCDwill visit WestBengal forinspection of theinstant projectand submit areport to NHM.NHM and SHMwill facilitate thevisit.27

Means of Finance:Promoter’s Share- Rs.810.19 lakhTerm Loan- Rs.1200.00 lakhIndian Overseas Bank, Baguiati Branch has appraised the projectand sanctioned a term loan of Rs. 1200.00 lakh and cash credit ofRs. 300.00 lakh vide letter dated 18.06.2012.During the course of the deliberations, the following general decisions werealso taken by the Empowered Committee.i. Project Appraisal Committee, DAC and SLEC need to appraise the projectsminutely and ensure financial closure of each project before placing them forsanction.ii.iii.iv.All SHMs must ensure that the projects are appraised at State Level withdue diligence, subsidy should be commensurate with promoter’s share andin no case subsidy should exceed the term loan sanctioned by the lendingbank. The loan amount should be higher than the subsidy amount.States may submit proposals for interchange of allocations within theapproved components and allocations.NHM will process the proposal for delegation of more powers to SLEC forsanction of projects.v. SHM, Gujarat will submit required clarifications in respect of pending CA/MAstorage projects.vi.vii.All SHMs will regularly update the website giving details of expenditure andphysical progress of projects sanctioned under NHM.Old projects which are complete and have started commercial productionshould not be recommended to NHM just for reimbursement of subsidy.viii. For credit linked projects, especially post harvest, cold storage, processingetc. subsidy will be released in two installments after verification regardingconfirmation of technical standards issued by this Department whereverissued in the matter. First installment will be released by SHM after verifyingthe location and authenticity of entrepreneur and second installment will bereleased after submission of satisfactory progress report by Joint InspectionTeam comprising of members from lending bank, SHM and Districtadministration.ix.SHMs will attach with every proposal the following documents without whichthe proposal will be treated as incomplete:a. Techno-economic feasibility report.b. Copy of bank sanction letter and appraisal note.28

c. In case of cold storage, CA and MA storage projects – Data sheet,Certificate from Engineer/Architect regarding adoption of technicalstandards and protocol as per GOI guidelines should be part of theproject. The details like business model (rental, arbitrage etc.),backward, forward linkages, number of crops to be stored (monthwise), capacity utilization vis-à-vis breakeven point and viability of theproject. All States will submit details of total cold storages in the State,functioning projects, storages which have been declared NonProductive Assets (NPA) and cold storage capacity required in-terms ofproduction of perishable in the State.d. Letter of sanction of loan by bank to the project.The Chairman reiterated the need for proper utilization of funds released forvarious projects and for submission of progress reports and utilization certificates ontime. This will ensure proper cash flow and facilitate proper monitoring so as toachieve desired objectives and goals of the <strong>Mission</strong>.The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to and from the Chair.29

Meeting of the Empowered Committee (EMC) of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong>(NHM) January 8, 2013S. Name and DesignationNo.1. Shri. Anup Kumar Thakur,Additional Secretary (A&C)2. Shri Sanjeev Chopra,Joint Secretary and <strong>Mission</strong> Director,NHM, DAC3. Shri Om Prakash,Additional Commissioner4. Dr. Satya Vir Singh,DG, <strong>Horticulture</strong>5. Shri M.S. Devankar,Managing Director6. Smt. P SinghDirector ( Marketing)7. Shri Sanjeev Chadha,<strong>Mission</strong> Director8. Shri N.K SuriChief Director (Cold Storage)9. Shri A.S Rawat,General Manager10. Dr. K. Prathapan,Director11. Shri D. D. Singh,<strong>Mission</strong> Director12. Shri Ved Singh,Director13. Shri Sita Ram Jat,Deputy Director14. Shri. L. S. Brar,Director <strong>Horticulture</strong>15. Shri M.K Jangate,P.M16. Shri M. P Khare,Assistant Director17. Shri B.S Patel,<strong>Mission</strong> Director18. Shri C.M PatelJoint Director19. Shri Om KarManaging Director20. Shri Ashok KumarIn-charge ED21. Dr. V. S Yadav,Marketing Officer22. Dr. P.K PramanickDirector (<strong>Horticulture</strong>)23. Shri Kuldeep SinghDDH(NHM)24. Dr. Jagadesh. K.G<strong>Mission</strong> Director25. Shri Jayaprakash .RExecutive DirectorOrganisation/DepartmentDepartment of Agriculture & CooperationDepartment of Agriculture & CooperationDepartment of Agriculture & CooperationDirectorate of <strong>Horticulture</strong>, HaryanaMSSHMPB, MaharashtraDepartment of Agriculture & CooperationState <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong> , OdhishaNCDC, New DelhiAPEDA, DelhiState <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong> , KeralaState <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong> , ChhattisgarhState <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong> , RajasthanState <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong> , RajasthanState <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong> , PunjabMSSHMPB, MaharashtraState <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong>, MadhyaPradeshState <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong> , GujaratState <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong> , GujaratDepartment of Agriculture, BhubaneshwarState <strong>Horticulture</strong> <strong>Mission</strong>, AndhraPradeshDMI, FaridabadGovt of West BengalSHM HaryanaSHM KarnatakaKSHMA, Karnataka30

26. Smt. Sadhna Khanna,Under Secretary, <strong>Horticulture</strong>27. Shri P. Kohli,Chief Advisor28. Shri. Jose C SamuelChief Consultant29. Shri H.V.L BathlaChief Consultant30. Shri R.C UpadhyaChief ConsultantDepartment of Agriculture & CooperationNCCD, DACDepartment of Agriculture & CooperationDepartment of Agriculture & CooperationDepartment of Agriculture & Cooperation31

Details of Functional Infrastructure (Grading/Sorting units) of GujaratSl.NoName/Location/ Date of Receipt of theproject1 Name: Ashvinkumar Chandubhai PatelDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grading/Sorting UnitLocation: Survey No. 273 / 20 At VillageManipura Kampa, Ta: Modasa, Dist:SabarkanthaProject Cost: ` 15.00 lakh2 Name: Jitendrakumar Ravjibhai PatelDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grading/Sorting UnitLocation: Village Manipura Kampa, Ta:Modasa, Dist: SabarkanthaProject Cost: ` 15.00 lakh3 Name: Parsotambhai Harjibhai PatelDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grading/Sorting UnitLocation: Village Manipura Kampa, Ta:Modasa, Dist: SabarkanthaProject Cost: ` 15.00 lakh4 Name: Natvarlal Vashrambhai PatelDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grading/Sorting UnitLocation: Village Manipura Kampa, Ta:Modasa, Dist: SabarkanthaProject Cost: ` 15.00 lakhBank DetailsState Bank of India, ModasaBranchAmount:Rs.11.25 lakhDate: 19.07.2012State Bank of India, ModasaBranchAmount:Rs.11.25 lakhDate: 19.07.2012Union Bank of India, ModasaBranchAmount:Rs.11.25 lakhDate: 17.07.2012State Bank of India, ModasaBranchAmount:Rs.11.25 lakhDate: 17.07.2012Cost as perthe DPR and Recommended by SHMProject cost as per DPR(` in lakhs)Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMShed and Floring Work 7.50 Shed and Floring Work 7.50Plant & Machinery 6.50 Plant & Machinery 6.50Contingecies 0.20Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25 Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25Plastic Bucket 0.55 Plastic Bucket 0.55Total 15.00 Total 14.80Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMShed and Floring Work 7.50 Shed and Floring Work 7.50Plant & Machinery 6.50 Plant & Machinery 6.50Contingecies 0.20Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25 Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25Plastic Bucket 0.55 Plastic Bucket 0.55Total 15.00 Total 14.80Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMShed and Floring Work 7.50 Shed and Floring Work 7.50Plant & Machinery 6.50 Plant & Machinery 6.50Contingecies 0.20Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25 Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25Plastic Bucket 0.55 Plastic Bucket 0.55Total 15.00 Total 14.80Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMShed and Floring Work 7.50 Shed and Floring Work 7.50Plant & Machinery 6.50 Plant & Machinery 6.50Contingecies 0.20Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25 Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25Annexure -IAdmissibleSubsidy5.925.925.925.9232

5 Name: Gangarambhai Dhanjibhai PatelDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grading/Sorting UnitLocation: Village Gandhipura Kampa, Ta:Himatnagar, Dist: SabarkanthaProject Cost: ` 15.00 lakh6 Name: Premalbhai Vasantbhai PatelDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grading/Sorting UnitLocation: At & Post Vaghpur Ta. Prantij,Dist. SabarkanthaProject Cost: ` 15.18 lakh7 Name: Sangitaben Jagdishbhai PatelDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grading/Sorting UnitLocation: At Nava Ta: Talod, Dist.SabarkanthaProject Cost: ` 15.00 lakh8 Name: Vijaykumar Kantibhai PatelDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grading/Sorting UnitLocation: At Vadagam Ta: Dhansura,Dist. SabarkanthaProject Cost: ` 15.00 lakh9 Name: Gunvantiben Nanjibhai PatelDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grading/Sorting UnitLocation: At Borvai Ta: Dhansura, Dist.Dena Bank, Chandarni BranchAmount:Rs.11.25 lakhDate: 25.06.2012Bank of India, Sadra BranchAmount:Rs.11.39 lakhDate: 06.09.2012Dena Bank, Ranasan BranchAmount:Rs.11.25 lakhDate: 06.09.2012Dena Bank, Dhansura BranchAmount:Rs.11.25 lakhDate: 31.08.2012Dena Bank, Dhansura BranchAmount:Rs.11.25 lakhDate: 31.08.2012Plastic Bucket 0.55 Plastic Bucket 0.55Total 15.00 Total 14.80Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMShed and Floring Work 7.50 Shed and Floring Work 7.50Plant & Machinery 6.50 Plant & Machinery 6.50Contingecies 0.20Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25 Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25Plastic Bucket 0.55 Plastic Bucket 0.55Total 15.00 Total 14.80Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMBuilding 8.18 Building, P & M 15.00Plant & Machinery 6.40Misc. Fixed Assets 0.10Plastic Bucket 0.50Total 15.18 Total 15.00Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMShed and Floring Work 7.50 Shed and Floring Work 7.50Plant & Machinery 6.50 Plant & Machinery 6.50Contingecies 0.20Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25 Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25Plastic Bucket 0.55 Plastic Bucket 0.55Total 15.00 Total 14.80Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMShed and Floring Work 7.50 Shed and Floring Work 7.50Plant & Machinery 6.50 Plant & Machinery 6.50Contingecies 0.20Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25 Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25Plastic Bucket 0.55 Plastic Bucket 0.55Total 15.00 Total 14.80Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMShed and Floring Work 7.50 Shed and Floring Work 7.50Plant & Machinery 6.50 Plant & Machinery 6.505.926.005.925.925.9233

SabarkanthaProject Cost: ` 15.00 lakh10 Name: Chandrakan Ambalal PatelDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grading/Sorting UnitLocation: Village Vadagam Ta: Dhansura,Dist. SabarkanthaProject Cost: ` 15.00 lakh11 Name: Ratilal Jethabhai PatelDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grading/Sorting UnitLocation: Village Khilodiya Ta: Dhansura,Dist. SabarkanthaProject Cost: ` 15.00 lakh12 Name: Ambalal Kunjibhai PatelDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grading/Sorting UnitLocation: Village Dolpur Ta: Dhansura,Dist. SabarkanthaProject Cost: ` 15.00 lakh13 Name: Shantaben Chhaganbhai PatelDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grading/Sorting UnitLocation: Village Dolpur Ta: Dhansura,Dist. SabarkanthaProject Cost: ` 15.00 lakhBank of Baroda, DhansuraBranchAmount:Rs.11.25 lakhDate: 31.08.2012Bank of Baroda, DhansuraBranchAmount:Rs.11.25 lakhDate: 31.08.2012Bank of Baroda, DhansuraBranchAmount:Rs.11.25 lakhDate: 13.08.2012Bank of Baroda, DhansuraBranchAmount:Rs.11.25 lakhDate: 13.08.2012Contingecies 0.20Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25 Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25Plastic Bucket 0.55 Plastic Bucket 0.55Total 15.00 Total 14.80Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMShed and Floring Work 7.50 Shed and Floring Work 7.50Plant & Machinery 6.50 Plant & Machinery 6.50Contingecies 0.20Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25 Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25Plastic Bucket 0.55 Plastic Bucket 0.55Total 15.00 Total 14.80Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMShed and Floring Work 7.50 Shed and Floring Work 7.50Plant & Machinery 6.50 Plant & Machinery 6.50Contingecies 0.20Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25 Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25Plastic Bucket 0.55 Plastic Bucket 0.55Total 15.00 Total 14.80Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMShed and Floring Work 7.50 Shed and Floring Work 7.50Plant & Machinery 6.50 Plant & Machinery 6.50Contingecies 0.20Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25 Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25Plastic Bucket 0.55 Plastic Bucket 0.55Total 15.00 Total 14.80Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMShed and Floring Work 7.50 Shed and Floring Work 7.50Plant & Machinery 6.50 Plant & Machinery 6.50Contingecies 0.20Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25 Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25Plastic Bucket 0.55 Plastic Bucket 0.55Total 15.00 Total 14.805.925.925.925.9234

14 Name: Bhaveshkumar Chandubhai PatelDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grading/Sorting UnitLocation: Village Dolpur Ta: Dhansura,Dist. SabarkanthaProject Cost: ` 15.00 lakh15 Name: Kantibhai Dahyabhai PatelDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grading/Sorting UnitLocation: Village Dolpur Ta: Dhansura,Dist. SabarkanthaProject Cost: ` 15.00 lakhBank of Baroda, DhansuraBranchAmount:Rs.11.25 lakhDate: 13.08.2012Bank of Baroda, DhansuraBranchAmount:Rs.11.25 lakhDate: 13.08.2012Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMShed and Floring Work 7.50 Shed and Floring Work 7.50Plant & Machinery 6.50 Plant & Machinery 6.50Contingecies 0.20Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25 Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25Plastic Bucket 0.55 Plastic Bucket 0.55Total 15.00 Total 14.80Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMShed and Floring Work 7.50 Shed and Floring Work 7.50Plant & Machinery 6.50 Plant & Machinery 6.50Contingecies 0.20Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25 Misc. Fixed Assets 0.25Plastic Bucket 0.55 Plastic Bucket 0.55Total 15.00 Total 14.8016 Name: Patel Arvindbhai Narsihbhai6.00Date of Receipt: 21.09.2012Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project CostActivity: Functional Infrastructure ofUnion Bank of India, Barejaas recommended by SHMPotato Grading, Sorting, Weighting &Civil Work 8.00 Building, P & M 15.00BranchPacking unit.Plant & Machinery 6.45Amount : Rs. 11.29 lakhLocation: Survey No. 676 C/o. UmiyaMisc. Fixed Assets 0.10Farm - 1 At: & Post. Nayka, Ta. & Dist:Date 25.08.2012Plastic Begs (200 Nos) 0.50KhedaProject Cost: ` 15.05 lakhTotal 15.05 Total 15.0017 Name: Patel Kanakben Ambalal Patel6.00Date of Receipt: 21.09.2012Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project CostActivity: Functional Infrastructure ofUnion Bank of India,as recommended by SHMPotato Grading, Sorting, Weighting &Civil Work 8.18 Building, P & M 15.00AhmedabadPacking unit.Plant & Machinery 6.40Amount : Rs. 11.39 lakhLocation: Survey No. 1460 C/o. UmiyaMisc. Fixed Assets 0.10Farm - 2 At: Radhu Ta- Kheda, Dist:Date 25.08.2012Plastic Begs (200 Nos) 0.50KhedaProject Cost: ` 15.18 lakhTotal 15.18 Total 15.00Total Project Cost 391.00 Eligible Project Cost 252.20 100.885.925.9235

Sl.NoName/Location/ Date of Receipt of theproject1. Name: M/s DSR Multipurpose AgroProcessing UnitDate: 19.11.2012Activity: Hi tech Processing of pepper,Cocoa, Vanilla and areca nutLocation: Nambala Village, Muthuruhobli, Thirthahally Tq, Shimoga dist.Project Cost: ` 7.46 lakh2. Name: M/s Natesh Multipurpose AgroProcessing UnitDate: 19.11.2012Activity: Processing of pepper, Cocoa,Vanilla and areca nutLocation: Hun Village, Thirthahally Tq,Shimoga dist.Project Cost: ` 11.16 lakh3. Name: M/s Saptagiri CashewProcessing UnitDate: 19.11.2012Activity: Cashew Primary Processing& PackingLocation: Hodikeshiroor Village,Honnavar Taluk, Uttara KannadaDistrictProject Cost: ` 33.50 lakh4. Name: M/s TRD Multipurpose AgroProcessing UnitDate: 19.11.2012Details of Primary Processing Units of KarnatakaBank DetailsState Bank of Mysore,Thirthahalli BranchAmount:Rs.3.50 lakhsDate: 05.09.2012Karnataka Bank Ltd, ThirthahalliBranchAmount:Rs.5.58 lakhsDate: 24.08.2012Karnataka State FinancialCorporation, Karwar BranchAmount:Rs.20.00 lakhsDate: 21.04.2012State Bank of Mysore,Thirthahalli BranchAmount:Rs.3.50 lakhsCost as perthe DPR and Recommended by SHM(` in lakhs)Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMBuilding 3.80 Building 3.80Plant & Machinery 3.06 Plant & Machinery 3.06Working capital 0.60Total 7.46 Total 6.86Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMBuilding 4.00 Building 4.00Plant & Machinery 6.56 Plant & Machinery 6.56Working capital 0.60Total 11.16 Total 10.56Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMBuilding 12.936 Building, P&M 24.00Plant & Machinery 17.611Working capital 2.95Total 33.50 Total 24.00Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMBuilding 3.00 Building 3.20Plant & Machinery 3.80 Plant & Machinery 3.575Annexure -IISubsidySanctioned2.7444.229.602.7136

Activity: Hi tech processing of Pepper,vanilla, cocoa & Areca nutLocation: Nambala Village, Muthuruhobli Thirthahalli Tq, Shimoga DistProject Cost: ` 7.40 lakh5. Name: M/s Tharathari Mobile TurmericProcessing Unit by Sri MahammadsabR. TharathariDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Processing of Fresh rhizomesin to dried turmericLocation: A/P Terdal, Jamkhandi Tq.,Bagalkot Dist.,Project Cost: ` 5.15 lakh6. Name: M/s Dapalapur Mobile TurmericProcessing Unit by Sri Shrishail B.DapalpurDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Processing of Fresh rhizomesin to dried turmericLocation: A/P Gothe Village,Jamkhandi Tq., Bagalkot Dist.,Project Cost: ` 4.20 lakh7. Name: M/s Destot Mobile TurmericProcessing Unit by Danappa R. DestotDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Processing of Fresh rhizomesin to dried turmericLocation: A/P Terdal Village,Jamkhandi Tq., Bagalkot Dist.,Project Cost: ` 5.15 lakh8. Name: M/s Ganesh KrupaMultipurpose Agro Processing Unit byShri Y. T. YogishDate: 26.10.2012Date: 14.08.2012 Working capital 0.60Total 7.40 Total 6.775Karnataka Vikas GrameenaBank, Terdal BranchAmount:Rs.3.85 lakhsDate: 28.03.2012State Bank of India, ADBJamkhandi BranchAmount:Rs.2.75 lakhsDate: 01.03.2012Karnataka Vikas GrameenaBank, Terdal BranchAmount:Rs.3.85 lakhsDate: 05.03.2012Karnataka Bank Ltd.,Kammaradi BranchAmount:Rs.10.00 lakhsProject cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMPlant and Machinery 5.15 Plant and Machinery 4.765Total 5.15 Total 4.765Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMPlant and Machinery 4.20 Plant and Machinery 4.20Total 4.20 Total 4.20Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMPlant and Machinery 5.15 Plant and Machinery 4.766Total 5.15 Total 4.766Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMBuilding 7.20 Building 3.60Plant and Machinery 8.95 Plant and Machinery 5.551.901.681.903.6637

Activity: Hi-tech Processing of Pepperan ArcanutLocation: A/P Kammaradi Post,Thirthahalli Tq., Shimoga Dist.,Project Cost: ` 17.35 lakh9. Name: M/s BanashankariMultipurpose Agro Processing Unit byShri H.V. Rajendra PrasadDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Processing of Pepper andArcanutLocation: Talagodu Village, KalasaHobli, Mudigere Tq., ChickmagalurDist.,Project Cost: ` 19.85 lakh10. Name: M/s Abhi Multipurpose AgroProcessing Unit by Smt. VanajakshiDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Hi-tech Processing of Ginger,Pepper, Vanilla, Cocoa and ArcanutLocation: Thalale Village, SingabidrePost, Thirthahally Taluk, Shimoga Dist.,Project Cost: ` 10.80 lakh11. Name: M/s Dattaprabha MultipurposeAgro Processing Unit by Sri D. R.Krishna JoisDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Hi-tech Processing of Pepperand ArcanutLocation: Hiresara Village, KasabaBobli, Thirthahally Taluk, ShimogaDist.,Project Cost: ` 20.80 lakh12. Name: M/s Mobile Multipurpose AgroProcessing Unit by Sri D. R. KrishnaDate: 24.02.2012 Working capital mar. 1.20Total 17.35 Total 9.15Syndicate Bank, BasarikatteBranchAmount:Rs.10.00 lakhsDate: 31.10.2011SDCC Bank Ltd., Tuduru BranchAmount:Rs.5.00 lakhsDate: 13.09.2011Karnataka Bank Ltd.,Thirthahalli BranchAmount:Rs.10.40 lakhsDate: 28.05.2012Corporation Bank, ThirthahalliBranchProject cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMBuilding 10.60 Building 7.39Plant and Machinery 8.15 Plant and Machinery 6.389Working capital 1.07Pre operative expen. 0.03Total 19.85 Total 13.779Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMBuilding 3.77 Building 3.00Plant and Machinery 5.98 Plant and Machinery 3.689Working capital marg. 0.65Pre operative expen. 0.40Total 10.80 Total 6.689Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMBuilding 10.20 Building 8.984Plant and Machinery 9.80 Plant and Machinery 6.99Working capital 0.80Total 20.80 Total 15.784Project cost as per DPRAdmissible Project Costas recommended by SHM5.512.676.393.6838

JoisDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Hi-tech Processing of Pepperand ArcanutLocation: Thimmakapura Village,Shimoga Tq., & Dist.,Project Cost: ` 10.28 lakhAmount:Rs.4.60 lakhsDate: 15.11.2011Bolero Mahindra P. v. 5.54 Bolero Mahindra P. v. 5.54Plant and Machinery 3.66 Plant and Machinery 3.66Working capital 1.08Total 10.28 Total 9.20Total Project Cost 153.10 Eligible Project Cost 116.508 46.66439

Sl.NoName/Location/ Date of Receipt of theproject1. Name: M/s Revankar Fruit ProcessingUnitDate: 19.11.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: Gudikalkeri Village, KushtagiTq, Koppal DistProject Cost: ` 13.196 lakh2. Name: M/s Aishwarya Fruit ProcessingUnitDate: 19.11.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: Muttaldinni, A/P Girisagar,Bilagi Tq., Bagalkot Dist.Project Cost: ` 12.48 lakh3. Name: M/s Revadigar Dehydration(Manuka) UnitDate: 19.11.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: A/P & Tq., Bilagi, BagalkotDist.Project Cost: ` 13.83 lakhDetails of Grape Dehydration Units of KarnatakaBank DetailsSyndicate Bank, KushtagiBranchAmount:Rs.8.00 lakhsDate: 13.09.2011Prathamika Krishi PattinSahakari Sangha Niyamita, RolliBilagi BranchAmount:Rs.6.00 lakhsDate: 26.12.2011Vijay Souhard Credit SahakariLtd., Bilagi BranchAmount:Rs.6.00 lakhsDate: 04.02.2012Cost as perthe DPR and Recommended by SHMProject cost as per DPR(` in lakhs)Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Sha. 9.796 Raisin unit with Sha 9.796HTP sprayers 0.30 HTP sprayers 0.30Grading Machine 1.40 Grading Machine 1.40Plastic Crates (500 N. 1.00 Plastic Crates (500 N. 0.43Chemical Mix. Tank 0.20 Chemical Mix. Tank 0.20Cartoon boxes 0.50Total 13.196 Total 12.13Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Sha. 9.24 Raisin unit with Sha. 7.856HTP sprayers 0.51 HTP sprayers 0.15Stolls & Trolleys 0.20 Stolls & Trolleys 0.20Chemical Mix. Tank 0.16 Chemical Mix. Tank 0.16Weighing Scale 0.105 Weighing Scale 0.105Grading Machine 1.05 Grading Machine 0.945Water Tank 0.324 Water Tank 0.25Plastic crates 1.25 Plastic crates 0.50Total 12.48 Total 10.166Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Sha. 11.023 Raisin unit with Sha. 9.08HTP sprayers 0.20 HTP sprayers 0.20Stolls & Trolleys 0.10 Stolls & Trolleys 0.10Plastic crates 1.00 Plastic crates 0.50Weighing Scale 0.105 Weighing Scale 0.11Grading Machine 1.05 Grading Machine 1.05Water Tank 0.225 Water Tank 0.225Chemical Mixing Tank 0.13 Chemical Mixing Tank 0.13Annexure -IIISubsidySanctioned4.8523.924.55640

4. Name: M/s Muttur Raisin IndustryDate: 19.11.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: A/P Kuragod, JamkhandiTq., Bagalkot Dist.Project Cost: ` 14.596 lakh5. Name: M/s Veerabadreshwar FruitProcessing UnitDate: 19.11.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: A/P Bidari Jamkhandi Tq.,Bagalkot Dist.Project Cost: ` 16.39 lakh6. Name: M/s Dalawayi Manuka (Raisin)unitDate: 19.11.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: A/P Gadiyal Jamkhandi Tq.,Bagalkot Dist.Project Cost: ` 11.33 lakhSyndicate Bank, Savalagi BranchAmount:Rs.5.00 lakhsDate: 11.11.2011Bank of Maharastra, JamkhandiBranchAmount:Rs.8.00 lakhsDate: 16.09.2011SBI, Jamkhandi BranchAmount:Rs.9.00 lakhsDate: 23.09.2011Total 13.83 Total 11.395Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Sha. 6.742 Raisin unit with Sha. 6.74Supply of Trays 0.666 Supply of Trays 0.42Weighing Scale 0.165 Weighing Scale 0.08HTP sprayers 0.410Jambu trays (510 N.) 0.077Grading Machine 1.200 Grading Machine 0.95Chemical Mixing Tank 0.310Water Tank 0.443 Water Tank 0.25Pack House 4.583Total 14.596 Total 8.44Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Sha. 12.84 Raisin unit with Sha. 12.82HTP sprayers 0.35Grading Machine 1.05 Grading Machine 0.95Stools & Trolleys 0.225 Stools & Trolleys 0.14Weighing Scale 0.075 Weighing Scale 0.08Chemical Mixing Tank 0.25 Chemical Mixing Tank 0.20Plastic crates 1.25 Plastic crates 0.50Water Tank 0.35 Water Tank 0.25Total 16.39 Total 14.94Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Sha. 8.510 Raisin unit with Sha. 8.519HTP sprayers 0.205Grading Machine 1.05 Grading Machine 0.95Stools & Trolleys 0.20 Stools & Trolleys 0.14Weighing Scale 0.105 Weighing Scale 0.08Chemical Mixing Tank 0.108 Chemical Mixing Tank 0.18Water Tank 0.45 Water Tank 0.25Plastic crates 0.625 Plastic crates 0.50Total 11.33 Total 10.6197. Name: M/s Talasanghi Raisin PKPS Sangh, Gothe Branch Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Cost 2.9643.375.974.24741

Date: 19.11.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: A/P Gothe, Jamkhandi Tq.,Bagalkot Dist.Project Cost: ` 8.56 lakh8. Name: M/s Anusha Raisin IndustryDate: 19.11.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: A/P Todalabagi, JamkhandiTq., Bagalkot Dist.Project Cost: ` 12.63 lakh9. Name: M/s Wadeyer Raisin IndustryDate: 19.11.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: A/P Chikkalaki, JamkhandiTq., Bagalkot Dist.Project Cost: ` 11.68 lakh10. Name: M/s Baireswar Fruit ProcessingUnitDate: 19.11.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitAmount:Rs.5.00 lakhsDate: 03.11.2011PKPS Sangh, Todalabagi BranchAmount:Rs.5.00 lakhsDate: 04.11.2011Bank of Maharashtra,Jamkhandi BranchAmount:Rs.4.00 lakhsDate: 06.08.2011SBI, ADB Jamkhandi BranchAmount:Rs.8.00 lakhsDate: 18.11.2011as recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Sha. 3.87 Raisin unit with Sha. 3.87HTP sprayers 0.20Supply of Trays 0.225 Supply of Trays 0.21Jumbo trays 0.05Weighing Scale 0.12 Weighing Scale 0.08Chemical Mixing Tank 0.155Water Tank 0.443 Water Tank 0.25Pack House 3.50 Pack House 3.00Total 8.56 Total 7.41Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Sha. 5.34 Raisin unit with Sha. 4.70HTP sprayers 0.41Supply of Trays 0.258 Supply of Trays 0.258Jumbo trays 0.04Weighing Scale 0.15 Weighing Scale 0.08Grading Machine 1.25 Grading Machine 0.95Water Tank 0.44Chemical Mixing Tank 0.16Pack House 4.58 Pack House 3.00Total 12.63 Total 8.988Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Sha. 8.10 Raisin unit with Sha. 8.10HTP sprayers 0.436Supply of Trays 1.05 Supply of Trays 0.42Weighing Scale 0.15 Weighing Scale 0.075Grading Machine 1.25 Grading Machine 0.95Water Tank 0.443 Water Tank 0.25Chemical Mixing Tank 0.25 Chemical Mixing Tank 0.20Total 11.68 Total 10.00Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Sha. 7.31 Raisin unit with Sha. 6.21HTP sprayers 0.413.5954.003.32442

Location: A/P Gadyal, Jamkhandi Tq.,Bagalkot Dist.Project Cost: ` 10.225 lakh11. Name: M/s Bajantri Raisin Industry UnitDate: 19.11.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: A/P Todalabagi, JamkhandiTq., Bagalkot Dist.Project Cost: ` 3.00 lakh12. Name: M/s Pujari Rasin Industry UnitDate: 19.11.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Gothe, JamkhandiTq., Bagalkot Dist.Project Cost: ` 7.11 lakh13. Name: M/s Ullagaddi Fruit ProcessingUnitDate: 19.11.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: TodalbagiJamakhandi Tq., Bagalkot Dist.Project Cost: ` 14.63 lakh14. Name: M/s Hugar Rasin Industry UnitDate: 19.11.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitBank of Maharashtra, TodalbagiBranchAmount:Rs.2.00 lakhsDate: 22.08.2011P.K.P.S. Sangh, Gothe BranchAmount:Rs.5.00 lakhsDate: 03.12.2011Bank of Maharashtra,Jamkhandi BranchAmount:Rs.8.00 lakhsDate: 24.12.2011State Bank of India (ADB),Jamakhandi BranchAmount:Rs.6.20 lakhsSupply of Trays 0.60 Supply of Trays 0.60Jumbo trays 0.0765 Jumbo trays 0.077Weighing Scale 0.165 Weighing Scale 0.075Grading Machine 1.22 Grading Machine 1.05Water Tank 0.443 Water Tank 0.30Total 10.225 Total 8.312Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Sha. 3.00 Raisin unit with Sha. 3.00Total 3.00 Total 3.00Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Sha. 2.54 Raisin unit with Sha. 1.682HTP sprayers 0.15Supply of Trays 0.30 Supply of Trays 0.30Weighing Scale 0.10 Weighing Scale 0.075Water Tank 0.443 Water Tank 0.25Packing material 0.078Pack House 3.50 Pack House 3.50Total 7.11 Total 5.307Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Sha. 11.753 Raisin unit with Sha. 8.427HTP sprayers 0.15Stolls & Trolleys 0.15 Stolls & Trolleys 0.14Plastic crates 0.625 Plastic crates 0.25Weighing Scale 0.105 Weighing Scale 0.075Grading Machine 1.05 Grading Machine 1.0Jumbo trays 0.40 Jumbo trays 0.050Water Tank 0.344 Water Tank 0.25Total 11.33 Total 10.192Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Sha. 5.813 Raisin unit with Sha. 5.8061.202.1224.0762.60843

Location: At/Post: Gadyal Taluk:Jamakhandi, Bagalkot Dist.Project Cost: ` 7.87 lakh15. Name: M/s Kasar Fruit Processing UnitDate: 19.11.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Todalabagi Taluk:Jamakhandi, Bagalkot Dist.Project Cost: ` 16.29 lakh16. Name: M/s Basav Rasin Industry UnitDate: 19.11.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Gadyal Taluk:Jamakhandi, Bagalkot Dist.Project Cost: ` 27.385 lakh17. Name: M/s Laxmi Fruit ProcessingUnitDate: 19.11.2012Date: 28.10.2011 HTP sprayers 0.35Stolls & Trolleys 0.10 Stolls & Trolleys 0.10Supply of trays 0.50 Supply of trays 0.25Weighing Scale 0.15 Weighing Scale 0.075Jumbo trays 0.45Water Tank 0.327 Water Tank 0.25Packing materi. & ch. 0.175Total 7.87 Total 6.521Bank of Maharashtra,Jamakhandi BranchAmount:Rs.9.00 lakhsDate: 16.06.2011State Bank of India (ADB),Jamakhandi BranchAmount:Rs.13.40 lakhsDate: 29.11.2011Syndicate Bank, Savalagi BranchAmount:Rs.5.00 lakhsDate: 22.11.2012Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 10.62 Raisin unit with Shadenet 8.709HTP sprayers 0.12Stolls & Trolleys 0.16 Stolls & Trolleys 0.14Supply of trays 0.28 Supply of trays 0.25Weighing Scale 0.12 Weighing Scale 0.075Granding Machine 1.00 Granding Machine 1.00Jumbo trays 0.045 Jumbo trays 0.040Water Tank 0.342 Water Tank 0.25Packing materi. & 0.20Pack House 3.40 Pack House 3.00Total 16.29 Total 13.464Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 19.281 Raisin unit with Shadenet 9.190HTP sprayers 0.30Supply of trays 0.537 Supply of trays 0.25Weighing Scale 0.165 Weighing Scale 0.075Granding Machine 1.22 Granding Machine 1.00Jumbo trays 0.255Water Tank 0.443 Water Tank 0.25Packing materi. & 0.60Pack House 4.583 Pack House 3.00Total 16.29 Total 13.765Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 13.341 Raisin unit with Shadenet 9.7985.3855.5064.72944

Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Savalagi Taluk:Jamakhandi, Bagalkot Dist.Project Cost: ` 16.83 lakh18. Name: M/s Bapakar Fruit ProcessingUnitDate: 19.11.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Kuragod Taluk:Jamakhandi, Bagalkot Dist.Project Cost: ` 7.28 lakh19. Name: M/s Sooragond Rasin IndustryUnitDate: 19.11.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Todalbagi Taluk:Jamakhandi, Bagalkot Dist.Project Cost: ` 8.74 lakh20. Name: M/s Babar Rasin Industry UnitDate: 19.11.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Kalabilagi Taluk:Jamakhandi, Bagalkot Dist.Project Cost: ` 7.476 lakh21. Name: M/s Teli Rasin Industry UnitDate: 19.11.2012Syndicate Bank, Savalagi BranchAmount:Rs.4.00 lakhsDate: 12.01.2012Bank of Maharashtra, TodalbagiBranchAmount:Rs.3.50 lakhsDate: 20.08.2011SBM, Jamakhandi BranchAmount:Rs.3.20 lakhsDate: 19.10.2011SBI, ADB Jamakhandi BranchAmount:Rs.7.80 lakhsHTP sprayers 0.41Plastic crates 0.80 Plastic crates 0.60Weighing Scale 0.165 Weighing Scale 0.075Granding Machine 1.35 Granding Machine 1.050Jumbo trays 0.055Water Tank 0.443 Water Tank 0.30Pack House 0.265Total 16.83 Total 11.823Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 5.328 Raisin unit with Shadenet 9.328Plastic crates 0.60 Plastic crates 0.50Granding Machine 1.35 Granding Machine 1.00Total 7.28 Total 6.828Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 5.814 Raisin unit with Shadenet 3.317HTP sprayers 0.35Stolls & Trolleys 0.40 Stolls & Trolleys 0.14Weighing Scale 0.15 Weighing Scale 0.075Granding Machine 1.30 Granding Machine 1.05Jumbo trays 0.40 Jumbo trays 0.40Water Tank 0.327 Water Tank 0.30Total 8.74 Total 5.282Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 5.86 Raisin unit with Shadenet 4.50HTP sprayers 0.166Stolls & Trolleys 0.20 Stolls & Trolleys 0.14Weighing Scale 0.15 Weighing Scale 0.075Plastic crates 0.75 Plastic crates 0.25Water Tank 0.35 Water Tank 0.25Total 7.476 Total 5.215Project cost as per DPRAdmissible Project Costas recommended by SHM2.732.1122.0862.6745

Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Gadyal Taluk:Jamakhandi, Bagalkot Dist.Project Cost: ` 9.83 lakh22. Name: Shri Tammanna LaxmanSabakaleDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Nandaganva Taluk:Athani, Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 6.95 lakh23. Name: Shri Sadashiv Gurling SattiDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Chamakeri Taluk:Athani, Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 3.61 lakh24. Name: Shri Shrisail YamanappaChikkattiDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Balligeri Taluk:Athani, Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 1.29 lakh25. Name: Shri Shekhar Appanna BedagiDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Badachi Taluk:Athani, Dist. BelgaumDate: 21.10.2011 Raisin unit with Shadenet 6.855 Raisin unit with Shadenet 5.10Plastic crates 0.559 Plastic crates 0.25HTP sprayers 0.41Weighing Scale 0.15 Weighing Scale 0.075Jumbo trays 0.05Water Tank 0.443 Water Tank 0.25Packing materi. & 0.165Grading Machine 1.20 Grading Machine 1.00Total 9.83 Total 6.675Shri Siddeshwar MultiporposeCo-Op Credit Society, AthaniBranchAmount:Rs.6.95 lakhsDate: 02.04.2011Mahalaxmi Multiporpose Co-Operative Society, Ltd. AthaniBranchAmount:Rs.2.70 lakhsDate: 02.04.2011Adahalli Vyavasay SevaSahakari Sangha Nyt., AdahalliBranchAmount:Rs.2.14 lakhsDate: 05.04.2011Shri Siddeshwar MultiporposeCo-Op Credit Society, AthaniBranchAmount:Rs.3.82 lakhsProject cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 5.37 Raisin unit with Shadenet 4.80Weighing Scale 0.08 Weighing Scale 0.08Miscellaneous 1.50Total 6.95 Total 4.88Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 2.02 Raisin unit with Shadenet 1.62Weighing Scale 0.15Plastic Crates 0.70Boxes 0.14Miscellaneous 0.60Total 3.61 Total 1.62Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 0.71 Raisin unit with Shadenet 0.71Grading & Desel Ma. 0.47 Grading & Desel Ma. 0.37Plastic Crates 0.11 Plastic Crates 0.11Total 1.29 Total 1.19Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 5.02 Raisin unit with Shadenet 3.60Weighing Scale 0.05 Weighing Scale 0.05Plastic Crates 0.28 Plastic Crates 0.281.950.640.471.5746

Project Cost: ` 6.10 lakh Date: 09.04.2011 Boxes 0.14Miscellaneous 0.6126. Name: Shri Paris SatyappaJeevappagolDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Aigali Taluk: Athani,Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 5.47 lakh27. Name: Shri Appasab ShankarappMakaniDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Aigali Taluk: Athani,Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 3.33 lakh28. Name: Shri Tavanappa YamanappaSavadiDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Aigali Taluk: Athani,Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 5.41 lakh29. Name: Smt. Sushila Appasab MakaniDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Aigali Taluk: Athani,Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 3.33 lakh30. Name: Smt. Satyavya Ramappa AskiDate: 16.10.2012Pragati Multipurpose-Co-Operative Society Ltd., AigaliBranchAmount:Rs.4.26 lakhsDate: 15.04.2011Pragati Multipurpose-Co-Operative Society Ltd., AigaliBranchAmount:Rs.2.497 lakhsDate: 15.04.2011Pragati Multipurpose-Co-Operative Society Ltd., AigaliBranchAmount:Rs.4.062 lakhsDate: 15.04.2011Pragati Multipurpose-Co-Operative Society Ltd., AigaliBranchAmount:Rs.2.497 lakhsDate: 15.04.2011Kannal P K P S Bank, KannalBranchTotal 6.10 Total 3.93Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 4.51 Raisin unit with Shadenet 2.70Weighing Scale 0.15 Weighing Scale 0.12Plastic Crates 0.07 Plastic Crates 0.07Boxes 0.14Miscellaneous 0.60Total 5.47 Total 2.89Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 2.36 Raisin unit with Shadenet 2.36Weighing Scale 0.15 Weighing Scale 0.12Plastic Crates 0.07 Plastic Crates 0.07Boxes 0.14Miscellaneous 0.61Total 3.33 Total 2.55Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 4.45 Raisin unit with Shadenet 2.16Weighing Scale 0.15 Weighing Scale 0.12Plastic Crates 0.07 Plastic Crates 0.07Boxes 0.14Miscellaneous 0.60Total 5.41 Total 2.35Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 2.36 Raisin unit with Shadenet 2.36Weighing Scale 0.15 Weighing Scale 0.12Plastic Crates 0.07 Plastic Crates 0.07Boxes 0.14Miscellaneous 0.61Total 3.33 Total 2.55Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHM1.561.020.941.020.7047

Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Kannal Taluk:Athani, Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 3.33 lakh31. Name: Shri Shripati Hariba BoradeDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Telsong Taluk:Athani, Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 4.81 lakh32. Name: Shri Parashuram Ranga MoreDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Madabhavi Taluk:Athani, Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 7.08 lakh33. Name: Shri Hindurao Antu BesurkarDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Madabhavi Taluk:Athani, Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 4.92 lakh34. Name: Shri Shishail Sabu SheleppagolDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Telsong Taluk:Athani, Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 3.07 lakhAmount:Rs.2.50 lakhsDate: 15.04.2011Hajimastan MinorityMultipurpose Co-OperativeSociety Ltd., Telsong BranchAmount:Rs.3.61 lakhsDate: 18.04.2011Sangameshwar MultipurposeCo-Operative Society Ltd.,Athani BranchAmount:Rs.5.30 lakhsDate: 19.04.2011Sangameshwar MultipurposeCo-Operative Society Ltd.,Athani BranchAmount:Rs.3.69 lakhsDate: 19.04.2011Hajimastan MinorityMultipurpose Co-OperativeSociety Ltd., Telsong BranchAmount:Rs.2.31 lakhsDate: 20.04.2011Raisin unit with Shadenet 2.20 Raisin unit with Shadenet 1.56Weighing Scale 0.10Plastic Crates 0.30 Plastic Crates 0.19Boxes 0.14Miscellaneous 0.59Total 3.33 Total 1.75Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMPlant & Machinery 4.81 Plant & Machinery 3.84Total 4.81 Total 3.84Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 5.02 Raisin unit with Shadenet 3.60Grading & Desel M. 1.40 Grading & Desel M. 1.33Weighing Scale 0.10Plastic Crates 0.42 Plastic Crates 0.14Boxes 0.14Total 7.08 Total 5.07Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 2.25 Raisin unit with Shadenet 1.80Grading & Desel M. 1.40 Grading & Desel M. 1.33Weighing Scale 0.10Plastic Crates 0.56 Plastic Crates 0.14Boxes 0.14Miscellaneous 0.47Total 4.92 Total 3.27Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 1.90 Raisin unit with Shadenet 1.54Weighing Scale 0.15Plastic Crates 0.28Boxes 0.14Miscellaneous 0.601.512.021.300.6148

35. Name: Shri Rakamaji LaxmanDashawantDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Telsong Taluk:Athani, Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 2.93 lakh36. Name: Smt. Sharanappa GurupadKavatagiDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Telsong Taluk:Athani, Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 2.86 lakh37. Name: Shri Basappa BanappaKaryagolDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Kottalagi Taluk:Athani, Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 2.50 lakh38. Name: Shri Vittal Rayagond PatilDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Aratal Taluk: Athani,Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 4.39 lakh39. Name: Shri Nagappa SomannaShelleppagolHajimastan MinorityMultipurpose Co-OperativeSociety Ltd., Telsong BranchAmount:Rs.2.20 lakhsDate: 20.04.2011Hajimastan MinorityMultipurpose Co-OperativeSociety Ltd., Telsong BranchAmount:Rs.2.14 lakhsDate: 21.04.2011P K P S Bank, Kottalagi BranchAmount:Rs.1.877 lakhsDate: 25.04.2011P K P S Bank, Aratal BranchAmount:Rs.2.15 lakhsDate: 25.04.2011K V G Bank, Telsong BranchAmount:Rs.8.75 lakhsTotal 3.07 Total 1.54Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 1.90 Raisin unit with Shadenet 1.80Weighing Scale 0.15Plastic Crates 0.14Boxes 0.14Miscellaneous 0.60Total 2.93 Total 1.80Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 1.83 Raisin unit with Shadenet 1.44Weighing Scale 0.15Plastic Crates 0.14Boxes 0.14Miscellaneous 0.60Total 2.86 Total 1.44Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 1.47 Raisin unit with Shadenet 1.25Weighing Scale 0.15Plastic Crates 0.14Boxes 0.14Miscellaneous 0.60Total 2.50 Total 1.25Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 2.87 Raisin unit with Shadenet 2.52Grading & Desel M. 0.60Weighing Scale 0.10 Weighing Scale 0.10Plastic Crates 0.07 Plastic Crates 0.07Boxes 0.14Miscellaneous 0.61Total 4.39 Total 2.69Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 8.99 Raisin unit with Shadenet 6.720.610.5760.501.7563.36849

Date: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Telsong Taluk:Athani, Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 11.67 lakh40. Name: Shri Gurappa SiddappaMugganavrDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Kottalagi Taluk:Athani, Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 11.76 lakh41. Name: Shri Egappa Kallappa KattimaniDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Kottalagi Taluk:Athani, Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 3.02 lakh42. Name: Shri Suresh Honnappa IchariDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Nandaganva Taluk:Athani, Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 7.98 lakh43. Name: Shri Girimalla BharamappaMuchandiDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Athani Taluk:Athani, Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 8.10 lakhDate: 25.05.2011 Grading & Desel M. 1.40 Grading & Desel M. 1.40Weighing Scale 0.15Plastic Crates 0.28 Plastic Crates 0.28Boxes 0.14 Boxes 0.02Miscellaneous 0.71Total 11.67 Total 8.42P K P S Bank, Kottalagi BranchAmount:Rs.8.82 lakhsDate: 09.06.2011P K P S Bank, Kottalagi BranchAmount:Rs.3.02 lakhsDate: 11.06.2011Varadaman Multipurpose Co-Operative Society Ltd., AthaniBranchAmount:Rs.1.44 lakhsDate: 18.06.2011Sangameshwar MultipurposeCo-Operative Society Ltd.,Athani BranchAmount:Rs.7.00 lakhsDate: 01.12.2011Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 8.81 Raisin unit with Shadenet 3.24Grading & Desel M. 1.40Weighing Scale 0.15Plastic Crates 0.56 Plastic Crates 0.28Boxes 0.14Miscellaneous 0.70Total 11.76 Total 3.52Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 2.10 Raisin unit with Shadenet 1.56Grading & Desel M. 0.81Miscellaneous 0.11Total 3.02 Total 1.56Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 4.99 Raisin unit with Shadenet 3.60Grading & Desel M. 2.65Miscellaneous 0.34Total 7.98 Total 3.60Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 5.39 Raisin unit with Shadenet 3.38Grading & Desel M. 1.40Weighing Scale 0.10Plastic Crates 0.60Boxes 0.10Miscellaneous 0.51Total 8.10 Total 3.381.400.621.441.3550

44. Name: Shri Sadappa BhimappaMudashiDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Balligeri Taluk:Athani, Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 3.07 lakh45. Name: Shri Mahesh BalakrishnaVijapuraDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: Balligeri Taluk:Athani, Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 5.99 lakh46. Name: Shri Adiveppa Kedareppa ButaliDate: 16.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: At/Post: & Taluk: Athani,Dist. BelgaumProject Cost: ` 8.16 lakh47. Name: M/s Basav Fruit processing unitby Sri Umesh A. MallanavarDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: Kamabagi Post, Bijapur Tq.,Bijapur Dist.Project Cost: ` 17.466 lakh48. Name: M/s Akash Fruit Processing unitby Smt Channavva M. MadarkhandiKarnataka Vikas GrameenaBank, Athani BranchAmount:Rs.2.00 lakhsDate: 13.03.2012Karnataka State Govt.Employees Multipurpose Co-opSociety Ltd., Athani BranchAmount:Rs.4.494 lakhsDate: 28.02.2012Shri Jyotirling Multipurpose CoopSociety Niyamita, AthaniBranchAmount:Rs.6.126 lakhsDate: 02.03.2012SBI, Kolhar BranchAmount:Rs.6.68 lakhsDate: 26.05.2011SBI, Kolhar BranchProject cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 1.97 Raisin unit with Shadenet 1.66Weighing Scale 0.15Plastic Crates 0.14 Plastic Crates 0.05Boxes 0.14Miscellaneous 0.67Total 3.07 Total 1.71Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 4.94 Raisin unit with Shadenet 4.80Weighing Scale 0.15Plastic Crates 0.16Boxes 0.14Miscellaneous 0.60Total 5.99 Total 4.80Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 5.49 Raisin unit with Shadenet 3.40Grading & Desel M. 1.50 Grading & Desel M. 1.40Weighing Scale 0.15 Weighing Scale 0.10Plastic Crates 0.28 Plastic Crates 0.28Boxes 0.14Miscellaneous 0.60Total 8.16 Total 5.18Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 14.64 Raisin unit with Shadenet 14.64Grading & Desel M. 1.40 Grading & Desel M. 1.40Stool and Trolleys 0.10 Stool and Trolleys 0.10HTP sprayers 0.205 HTP sprayers 0.205Weighing Scale 0.055 Weighing Scale 0.055Plastic Crates 0.625 Plastic Crates 0.625Water Tank & S. Tank 0.441 Water Tank & S. Tank 0.441Total 17.466 Total 17.466Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHM0.681.922.076.688.4251

Date: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: Kamabagi Post, Bijapur Tq.,Bijapur Dist.Project Cost: ` 21.069 lakh49. Name: M/s Yalladagi Fruit processingunit by Sri Sidaray I. YalladagiDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: Kanamadi Post, Bijapur Tq.,Bijapur Dist.Project Cost: ` 26.79 lakh50. Name: M/s Dodamani Fruit processingunit by Sri Dundappa B. DodamaniDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: Jumanal Post, Bijapur Tq.,Bijapur Dist.Project Cost: ` 12.11 lakh51. Name: M/s Shivagiri Fruit processingunit by Sri Beerappa N. PujariDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: Jumanal Post, Bijapur Tq.,Bijapur Dist.Project Cost: ` 13.06 lakhAmount:Rs.8.94 lakhsDate: 26.05.2011Prathamik Krushi PattinSahakari Sangha Niyamit,Kottalgi BranchAmount:Rs.10.00 lakhsDate: 06.04.2011Canara Bank, New Vittal MandirRoad Main BranchAmount:Rs.5.00 lakhsDate: 28.10.2011Canara Bank, Bijapur BranchAmount:Rs.5.00 lakhsDate: 02.08.2011Raisin unit with Shadenet 17.49 Raisin unit with Shadenet 17.49Grading & Desel M. 1.40 Grading & Desel M. 1.40Stool and Trolleys 0.20 Stool and Trolleys 0.20HTP sprayers 0.205 HTP sprayers 0.205Weighing Scale 0.155 Weighing Scale 0.155Plastic Crates 1.00 Plastic Crates 1.00Water Tank & S. Tank 0.619 Water Tank & S. Tank 0.619Total 21.069 Total 21.069Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 23.60 Raisin unit with Shadenet 21.00Grading Machine 1.05 Grading Machine 1.05Stool and Trolleys 0.20 Stool and Trolleys 0.20HTP sprayers 0.305 HTP sprayers 0.305Weighing Scale 0.105 Weighing Scale 0.105Plastic Crates 1.25 Plastic Crates 1.25Water Tank 0.225 Water Tank 0.225Others 0.05Total 26.79 Total 24.00Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 8.77 Raisin unit with Shadenet 8.77Grading Machine 1.35 Grading Machine 1.35Stool and Trolleys 0.20 Stool and Trolleys 0.20HTP sprayers 0.305 HTP sprayers 0.305Weighing Scale 0.105 Weighing Scale 0.105Plastic Crates 0.75 Plastic Crates 0.75Water Tank & Solution T. 0.63 Water Tank & Solution T. 0.63Total 12.11 Total 12.11Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 9.28 Raisin unit with Shadenet 9.28Grading Machine 1.35 Grading Machine 1.35Stool and Trolleys 0.20 Stool and Trolleys 0.20HTP sprayers 0.305 HTP sprayers 0.305Weighing Scale 0.20 Weighing Scale 0.20Plastic Crates 0.875 Plastic Crates 0.8759.604.845.0052

52. Name: M/s Bellad Fruit processing unitby Sri Basavaraj S. BelladDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: Rudagi Post, MuddebihalTq., Bijapur Dist.,Project Cost: ` 14.99 lakh53. Name: M/s Math Fruit processing unitby Sri Paramanand S. MathDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: Kannolli Post, Sindagi Tq.,Bijapur Dist.,Project Cost: ` 10.43 lakh54. Name: M/s Renuka Fruit processingunit by Sri Siddaling T. JendeDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: Tikota Post, Bijapur Tq.,Bijapur Dist.,Project Cost: ` 11.34 lakh55. Name: M/s Gadiyal Fruit processingunit by Sri Sukadav I. GadiyalDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitSiddasiri Pattin SouhardaSahakari Niyamit, MuddebihalBranchAmount:Rs.8.00 lakhsDate: 08.05.2011Syndicate Bank,Devarahipparagi BranchAmount:Rs.5.50 lakhsDate: 19.09.2011Bank of India, Bijapur BranchAmount:Rs.5.00 lakhsDate: 13.05.2011Syndicate Bank, Bijaragi BranchAmount:Rs.6.00 lakhsDate: 16.06.2011Water Tank & Solution T. 0.846 Water Tank & Solution T. 0.846Total 13.06 Total 13.06Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 11.14 Raisin unit with Shadenet 11.14Grading Machine 1.35 Grading Machine 1.35Stool and Trolleys 0.20 Stool and Trolleys 0.20HTP sprayers 0.350 HTP sprayers 0.350Weighing Scale 0.105 Weighing Scale 0.105Plastic Crates 1.25 Plastic Crates 1.25Water Tank & Solution T. 0.594 Water Tank & Solution T. 0.594Total 14.99 Total 14.99Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 7.72 Raisin unit with Shadenet 7.72Grading Machine 1.35 Grading Machine 1.35Stool and Trolleys 0.10 Stool and Trolleys 0.10HTP sprayers 0.25 HTP sprayers 0.25Weighing Scale 0.10 Weighing Scale 0.10Plastic Crates 0.625 Plastic Crates 0.625Water Tank & Solution T. 0.288 Water Tank & Solution T. 0.288Total 10.43 Total 10.43Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 7.79 Raisin unit with Shadenet 7.79Grading Machine 1.05 Grading Machine 1.05Store Rooms 0.40 Store Rooms 0.40HTP sprayers 0.385 HTP sprayers 0.385Weighing Scale 0.105 Weighing Scale 0.105Plastic Crates 0.625 Plastic Crates 0.625Water Tank & Solution T. 0.55 Water Tank & Solution T. 0.55Others 0.434Total 11.34 Total 10.905Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 7.45 Raisin unit with Shadenet 7.45Grading Machine 1.25 Grading Machine 1.255.994.174.3624.2053

Location: Kalkavatagi Post, BijapurTq., Bijapur Dist.,Project Cost: ` 10.52 lakh56. Name: M/s Ananthpur Fruit processingunit by Sri Ashok A. AnanthpurDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: Kanamadi Post, Bijapur Tq.,Bijapur Dist.,Project Cost: ` 3.40 lakh57. Name: M/s Jakangoudra Fruitprocessing unit by Smt. Shankremma SPatilDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: Shegumeshi Post, BijapurTq., Bijapur Dist.,Project Cost: ` 27.36 lakh58. Name: M/s Kani Fruit processing unitby Sri Rukmuddin H. KaniDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: Mamadapur Post, BijapurTq., Bijapur Dist.,Project Cost: ` 15.57 lakh59. Name: M/s Matapati Fruit processingunit by Sri Shivaputra R. MatapatiDate: 26.10.2012Primary Co-op Agriculrural &Rural Development Bank Ltd,Bijapur BranchAmount:Rs.1.35 lakhsDate: 23.11.2011Bilagi Tq., Primary Co-opAgriculrural & RuralDevelopment Bank Ltd, BilagiBranchAmount:Rs.11.70 lakhsDate: 10.07.2011Primary Agriculture Co-op.Credit Society Ltd, MamadapurBranchAmount:Rs.7.00 lakhsDate: 25.10.201105.11.201130.11.2011Syndicate Bank, MamadapurBranchStool and Trolleys 0.20 Stool and Trolleys 0.20HTP sprayers 0.205 HTP sprayers 0.205Weighing Scale 0.105 Weighing Scale 0.105Plastic Crates 0.750 Plastic Crates 0.750Water Tank & Solution T. 0.56 Water Tank & Solution T. 0.56Total 10.52 Total 10.52Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 2.69 Raisin unit with Shadenet 2.69Stool and Trolleys 0.15 Stool and Trolleys 0.15HTP sprayers 0.205 HTP sprayers 0.205Weighing Scale 0.105 Weighing Scale 0.105Plastic Crates 0.25 Plastic Crates 0.25Total 3.40 Total 3.40Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 19.35 Raisin unit with Shadenet 14.50Grading Machine 1.05 Grading Machine 1.05Stool and Trolleys 0.40 Stool and Trolleys 0.40HTP sprayers 0.305 HTP sprayers 0.305Weighing Scale 0.105 Weighing Scale 0.105Plastic Crates 5.00 Plastic Crates 5.00Water Tank & Solution T. 1.15 Water Tank & Solution T. 1.15Total 27.36 Total 22.51Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 12.66 Raisin unit with Shadenet 12.66Grading Machine 1.05 Grading Machine 1.05Stool and Trolleys 0.20 Stool and Trolleys 0.20HTP sprayers 0.20 HTP sprayers 0.20Weighing Scale 0.105 Weighing Scale 0.105Plastic Crates 1.00 Plastic Crates 1.00Water Tank & Solution T. 0.35 Water Tank & Solution T. 0.35Total 15.57 Total 15.57Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 7.79 Raisin unit with Shadenet 7.791.359.006.224.1454

Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: Kambagi Post, Bijapur Tq.,Bijapur Dist.,Project Cost: ` 10.35 lakh60. Name: M/s Biradar Fruit processingunit by Sri AiyyanagoudaSanganagoudaDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: Harnal Post, Sindhagi Tq.,Bijapur Dist.,Project Cost: ` 10.43 lakh61. Name: M/s Meti Fruit processing unitby Sri Hemareddy B MetiDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: Basarkoda Village,Muddebihal Tq., Bijapur Dist.,Project Cost: ` 25.67 lakh62. Name: M/s Dangong Dehydration unitby Sri Mallappa S. DangondDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: A/P Honawad, Bijapur Tq., &Dist.,Project Cost: ` 4.41 lakh63. Name: M/s Math Dehydration unit bySri Girimallayya M. MathAmount:Rs.5.00 lakhsDate: 24.01.2012Syndicate Bank,Devarahipparagi BranchAmount:Rs.5.50 lakhsDate: 01.02.2012The Karnataka Co-op. Bank Ltd,Muddebihal BranchAmount:Rs.12.00 lakhsDate: 02.08.2011/ 24.09.2011/ 10.10.2011KVGB Bank, Honawad BranchAmount:Rs.2.00 lakhsDate: 25.01.2012Corporation Bank, BijapurBranchGrading Machine 1.05 Grading Machine 1.05Stool and Trolleys 0.15 Stool and Trolleys 0.15HTP sprayers 0.20 HTP sprayers 0.20Weighing Scale 0.105 Weighing Scale 0.105Plastic Crates 0.625 Plastic Crates 0.625Water Tank & Solution T. 0.43 Water Tank & Solution T. 0.43Total 10.35 Total 10.35Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 7.72 Raisin unit with Shadenet 7.72Grading Machine 1.35 Grading Machine 1.35Stool and Trolleys 0.10 Stool and Trolleys 0.10HTP sprayers 0.25 HTP sprayers 0.25Weighing Scale 0.100 Weighing Scale 0.100Plastic Crates 0.625 Plastic Crates 0.625Water Tank & Solution T. 0.288 Water Tank & Solution T. 0.288Total 10.43 Total 10.43Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 21.76 Raisin unit with Shadenet 21.76Grading Machine 1.05 Grading Machine 1.05Stool and Trolleys 0.20 Stool and Trolleys 0.20HTP sprayers 0.35 HTP sprayers 0.35Weighing Scale 0.085 Weighing Scale 0.085Plastic Crates 1.50 Plastic Crates 1.50Water Tank & Solution T. 0.72 Water Tank & Solution T. 0.72Total 25.67 Total 24.00Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 3.99 Raisin unit with Shadenet 3.99Tools and Trolleys 0.10 Stool and Trolleys 0.10Weighing Scale 0.050 Weighing Scale 0.050Plastic Crates 0.25 Plastic Crates 0.25Water Tank & Solution T. 0.02Total 4.41 Total 4.39Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHM4.179.601.7564.89655

Date: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: A/P Sidapur K., Bijapur Tq.,& Dist.,Project Cost: ` 12.24 lakh64. Name: M/s Badri Dehydration unit bySri Vijaykumar alias Rajkumar S. BadriDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: A/P Kambagi, Bijapur Tq., &Dist.,Project Cost: ` 15.36 lakh65. Name: M/s Hosagan Dehydration unitby Sri Siddagond R. HosaganDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: A/P Siddapur K, Bijapur Tq.,& Dist.,Project Cost: ` 10.73 lakh66. Name: M/s SomlingeshwarDehydration unit by Sri Somming S.HosaganDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: A/P Siddapur K, Bijapur Tq.,& Dist.,Project Cost: ` 12.22 lakhAmount:Rs.7.00 lakhsDate: 10.02.2012Primary Agriculture Co-opCredit Society Ltd., ShegunashiBranchAmount:Rs.7.00 lakhsDate: 30.12.201105.01.201216.01.2012 (Disbursementdate)Union Bank of India, BijapurBranchAmount:Rs.5.00 lakhsDate: 17.02.2012Corporation Bank, BijapurBranchAmount:Rs.8.00 lakhsDate: 14.02.2012Raisin unit with Shadenet 9.288 Raisin unit with Shadenet 9.288Grading Machine 1.05 Grading Machine 1.05Tools and Trolleys 0.15 Tools and Trolleys 0.15HTP sprayers 0.20 HTP sprayers 0.20Weighing Scale 0.105 Weighing Scale 0.105Plastic Crates 0.75 Plastic Crates 0.75Water Tank & Solution T. 0.697 Water Tank & Solution T. 0.697Total 12.24 Total 12.24Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 11.41 Raisin unit with Shadenet 11.41Grading Machine 1.05 Grading Machine 1.05Tools and Trolleys 0.25 Tools and Trolleys 0.25HTP sprayers 0.305 HTP sprayers 0.305Weighing Scale 0.155 Weighing Scale 0.155Plastic Crates 0.75 Plastic Crates 0.75Water Tank & Solution T. 1.44 Water Tank & Solution T. 1.44Total 15.36 Total 15.36Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 7.79 Raisin unit with Shadenet 7.79Grading Machine 1.05 Grading Machine 1.05Tools and Trolleys 0.15 Tools and Trolleys 0.15HTP sprayers 0.20 HTP sprayers 0.20Weighing Scale 0.105 Weighing Scale 0.105Plastic Crates 1.00 Plastic Crates 1.00Water Tank & Solution T. 0.43 Water Tank & Solution T. 0.43Total 10.73 Total 10.73Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 9.28 Raisin unit with Shadenet 9.28Grading Machine 1.05 Grading Machine 1.05Tools and Trolleys 0.20 Tools and Trolleys 0.20HTP sprayers 0.25 HTP sprayers 0.25Weighing Scale 0.105 Weighing Scale 0.105Plastic Crates 0.75 Plastic Crates 0.75Water Tank & Solution T. 0.58 Water Tank & Solution T. 0.586.1444.2924.88856

67. Name: M/s Mokashi Dehydration unitby Sri Babulal Aminasab MokashiDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: A/P Siddapur K, Bijapur Tq.,& Dist.,Project Cost: ` 15.36 lakh68. Name: M/s Kanaka Dehydration unit bySri Sahadev B. KareDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: A/P Arjunagi, Bijapur Tq., &Dist.,Project Cost: ` 22.42 lakh69. Name: M/s RevanshedeshwarDehydration unit by Sri Sharnappa S.KempwadDate: 26.10.2012Activity: Grape Dehydration UnitLocation: A/P Siddapur, Bijapur Tq., &Dist.,Project Cost: ` 12.24 lakhSyndicate Bank, Bijapur BranchAmount:Rs.6.00 lakhsDate: 30.12.2011Bank of Maharashtra,Jamkhandi BranchAmount:Rs.12.00 lakhsDate: 05.02.2012Corporation Bank, BijapurBranchAmount:Rs.8.00 lakhsDate: 10.02.2012Total 12.22 Total 12.22Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 11.41 Raisin unit with Shadenet 11.41Grading Machine 1.05 Grading Machine 1.05Tools and Trolleys 0.25 Tools and Trolleys 0.25HTP sprayers 0.31 HTP sprayers 0.31Weighing Scale 0.155 Weighing Scale 0.155Plastic Crates 0.75 Plastic Crates 0.75Water Tank & Solution T. 1.44 Water Tank & Solution T. 1.44Total 15.36 Total 15.36Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 13.186 Raisin unit with Shadenet 13.186Grading Machine 1.35 Grading Machine 1.35Tools and Trolleys 0.20 Tools and Trolleys 0.20HTP sprayers 0.305 HTP sprayers 0.305Weighing Scale 0.20 Weighing Scale 0.20Plastic Crates 1.25 Plastic Crates 1.25Water Tank & Solution T. 1.13 Water Tank & Solution T. 1.13Grading house 4.80Total 22.42 Total 17.62Project cost as per DPR Admissible Project Costas recommended by SHMRaisin unit with Shadenet 9.29 Raisin unit with Shadenet 9.29Grading Machine 1.05 Grading Machine 1.05Tools and Trolleys 0.15 Tools and Trolleys 0.15HTP sprayers 0.20 HTP sprayers 0.20Weighing Scale 0.105 Weighing Scale 0.105Plastic Crates 0.75 Plastic Crates 0.75Water Tank & Solution T. 0.69 Water Tank & Solution T. 0.69Total 12.24 Total Project Cost 718.023 Eligible Project Cost 588.15 235.28457

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