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BM Fritzie bids politics farewellwww.headlinegl.comnews pagE 3VOLUME II • NO. 10JUNE 25, 2013TUESDAYThe Most Widely Distributed Local Newspaper in Central <strong>Luzon</strong>Willie, maybagong hi-endauto!!!Page 8FRUITFUL YEARS. Vice Gov. Yeng Guiao (center) and Board Members Fritzie David-Dizon, Ric Yabut, WinWin Garbo, Nestor Tolentino, Jun Dimson, Monz Laus and Cris Garboand SP secretary Louie Rivera pose for posterity in front of the provincial Capitol after the event honoring Guiao and six board members on Monday. Joining them are departmentheads and other officials. --Photo by Ric GonzalesRDC wants twin airportplan in PNoy 3rd SONABy Marna Dagumboy-del RosarioCITY OF SAN FERNANDO--The Regional Development Council 3 (RDC-3) wants to hear theproposed development of the Clark International Airport (CIA) in President Benigno S. Aquino III’sstate of the nation address (SONA) at the opening of Congress in July. SONA pagE 7Pampangasports complexrehab urgedBy Marna Dagumboy-del RosarioCITY OF SAN FERNANDO--Officials of the Departmentof Education (DepEd) here areappealing to the Regional DevelopmentCouncil-3 to rehabilitatethe Bren Z. Guiao ConventionCenter and Sports Complexhere.This came in the heels ofPampanga being notified as hostto the Central <strong>Luzon</strong> RegionalAthletic Association (CLRAA)meet slated on December 15 to20 this year.During the RDC-3’s 9th FullCouncil Meeting over the weekend,DepEd Regional DirectorIsabelita Borres announced thatPampanga will be hosting theCLRAA meet come DecemberSPORTS COMPLEX pagE 7By Butch GunioSUBIC BAY FREEPORT--When in Subic, keep in mindnot to feed the monkeys.This is the warning givenby the Subic Bay MetropolitanAuthority (SBMA) to visitorsand residents alike, as it recentlyissued a policy strictlyprohibiting the feeding of monkeysand other wild animals inpursuance of the agency’s wildlifeconservation program.“Feeding the monkeys isnot doing the monkeys a favor,”SBMA chairman and administratorRoberto V. GarciaCapitolfetesoutgoingofficialsBy Marna Dagumboy-del Rosario& Joey PaviaCITY OF SAN FER-NANDO--The provincialgovernment, through theSangguniang Panlalawigan,yesterday honoredoutgoing officials led byVice Governor and FirstOUTGOING pagE 7PAMPANGA’S BETS. Fivelovely ladies from Pampangawere selected last Saturday fromamong 50 aspirants to qualify inthe upcoming national search forMutya Ng Pilipinas (MNP) pageantat Marquee Mall, Angeles City asorganizers held the Pampanga legof the prestigious beauty tilt. Thewinners are (L-R) Shanice Quizonof Magalang, Precious Joy Masiclatof Mabalacat City, Charmaine Dabuof Guagua, Mary Jella Ramirez ofSta. Ana and Kimberly Boyonesof Mabalacat City. Among the five,Dabu automatically becomes acandidate in the national searchas she emerged as the top winner.Joining them are (L to R) JuneMagbalot, MNP Pampanga searchhead, renowned hairstylist JamesCooper, MNP national chairmanRenee Salud and top dance guruDouglas Nierras. --CONTRIBUTED PHOTOSubic prohibits feeding of monkeysstressed, as he announced thepolicy approved by the agency’sboard of directors.“In fact, feeding themteaches them bad habits likeMONKEYS pagE 2

2NEWS<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>JUNE 25, 2013Prize-winning photos keep kids in schoolBy Joelyn G. BaluyutANGELES CITY– Award-winningphotographs of a Kapampanganhave gotten far aheadthan claiming internationalprizes, it helped the students of aUniversity here to continue theirstudies.Multi-talented internationallyrenowned photographer, YenBaet, whose works have been exhibitedin New York City, Europe,and won top prizes in NationalGeographic, Steve McCurryand the Worldwide Photo GalaAwards, opened her month-longphoto exhibit at Holy Angel University(HAU) Saturday.In an interview, Baet told<strong>Headline</strong> <strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong> that shestarted photography as a hobby.“Since we moved to Europe, Iwas only using point and shoot.But, I said to myself, it wouldbe better to get a DSLR (DigitalSingle Lens Reflex camera) tocapture these beautiful sites andI decided to get one, and that’swhere it started and it neverstopped after.”She donated 30 of her photographs--framedand signed byher--which she took over thepast five years. All were sold outand proceeds will be going to thescholarship program of HAU.Specializing in travel and longexposurestype, Baet wanted tosee her photography as somethingserene.“You just look at it and you justwanna be in that place, that is mygoal,” she said. “I thought it wasgreat to combine it (photographyand travel). I love travelling so whynot do some photography. It’s anexcuse to travel more, anyway.”This is her first exhibit in thePhilippines and she is planning todo it every year, not just in Pampangabut also in Manila.Baet is an alumna of HAUwhere she earned her Bachelor inEnglish degree. She became theEditor of The Nexus, official collegepublication of the College ofArts and Sciences, and The Angelite,the university publication.Also, she was Ms. HAU 1985. ●SM Clark tohold bombthreat seminarBy Charlene A. CayabyabFRAMES IN FRAME. Yen Baet poses with two of her 30 photographs exhibited at Holy Angel University in Angeles City. The photo exhibit will run fora month. --Photo by Joelyn G. BaluyutCharred bodiesdiscovered inMabalacat CityBy Rudy J. AbularCAMP OLIVAS, Pampanga – Policeare now looking into the identities of twocharred corpses found Saturday at arice field inside a government resettlementarea in Barangay Dapdap, MabalacatCity.Chief Supt. Edgardo T. Ladao, PoliceRegional Office 3 director, saidthe Pampanga Police Provincial Officeunder Senior Supt. Oscar Albayalde isnow investigating the death of the twovictims.Albayalde said they are now processingthe bodies of the victims to determinetheir identities. Initial reports indicatedthat one of the victims is a female.Police also recovered from the crimescene a pair of blue “Axel” slippers.Earlier, investigators ruled out that thevictims might be killed somewhere andtheir bodies dumped in the said area tomislead the police.The theory was dropped by investigatorsfollowing a disclosure from witnessesidentified as couple Angelito and RufyVillejos and Robert Serano Manuel whowere all residents of said place.The couple said that they saw a maroonvan parked near the area wherethe charred bodies were found at about8 p.m. of June 21, 2013.On the other hand, Manuel narratedto probers he noticed a thick smokefrom the same place where the cadaverswere found but ignored it assumingthe smoke he saw was just caused bya grass fire.Albayalde said Barangay Dapdapofficials said no residents in the villagewere reported missing and concludedthe victims were not residents of saidbarangay. ●Riding tandem hitmenstrike anew in PampangaBy Rudy J. AbularBy Froilan E. MagtotoCAMP OLIVAS, Pampanga– Riding tandem assassinsstruck anew, this timeshooting to death a 23-yearold man in Barangay Dau,Macalacat City on Saturdaybefore fleeing on board twounlicensed motorcycles.In his report to Police RegionalOffice 3 director ChiefSupt. Edgardo T. Ladao, PampangaPolice Provincial Officedirector Senior Supt. OscarAlbayalde identified the victimas Reynaldo TimbangYambao, Jr.Albayalde said the shootingoccurred in front of thevictim’s house at around 6:45p.m.Investigators said the victimwas talking to his fatherinside their house when thethree hooded suspects arrived.Before the two couldcall for police assistance, oneof the suspects with a drawngun of unknown caliberdragged the victim outsidethe house while the two otherCAMP OLIVAS, Pampanga--Asecurity guard is beinghunted by police authoritiesafter he shot dead a farmer in abreeding station of the Departmentof Agriculture (DA) inTarlac City on Saturday.Police identified the victimas Eusebio Criste, a native ofQuezon City and stay-in contractualworker of the breedingstation of DA Regional FieldOffice 3 located at BarangayParaiso, Tarlac City.According to police investigation,the victim was shotaround 9:20 p.m. by JeffersonPalao, a security guard of theTight-Guard Security Agencyand Allied Service Inc. andassigned at the said breedingplace.Police said another securitypersonnel, identified as JonieArano, who was near the areawhere the scene occurred,stood outside as lookouts.The victim’s father triedto stop the suspect but to noavail and in his presence thegunman pumped three bulletsinto the victim’s body.Witnesses claimed the suspectswalked casually awayfrom the crime scene beforeboarding two motorcyclesand sped towards the northdirection.Albayalde said the MabalacatCity police have yet to establishthe motive of the killing.●Hunt on vs. guard in farmer’s shootingheard a gunshot at the guardhouse where the suspect wasposted.When Arano verified the originof the gunshot, he saw thevictim lying near the guardhousewhile the suspect wasnowhere to be found.Recovered from the crimescene was a 12 gauge loadedshotgun. ●PLACE YOUR AD HERE!CLARK FREEPORT--Ashopping mall here is set tohold a bomb threat managementseminar this week.SM City Clark will holda bomb threat managementamong its tenants and mallpersonnel on tomorrow, June26.Venus Manalang, public relationsofficer of the SMCC, saidthe seminar aims to equip mallstaff the knowledge to handlebomb scare incidents.Manalang said the seminaralso aims to keep their mallstaff prepared and alert shoulda crisis arise.Police Senior InspectorEmmeritus Nunag, chief of theSpecial Weapons and TacticsDivision-Explosive OrdnanceDisposal Division, is expectedto lead the seminar.Nunag will discuss properprotocol to tenants, securitypersonnel, maintenance andengineering staff should therebe a bomb threat to the mall.The bomb threat managementis an annual event of SMSupermalls to ensure safety ofcustomers, tenants and staff. ●MONKEY from Page 1stealing food and, more importantly,it creates a dangerous dependencythat diminishes the survivalabilities of these animals,”Garcia explained.“You would actually be doingthe monkeys harm when you givethem food,” he added.Garcia said the SBMA enactedthe policy, firstly, to conservewildlife in the Subic Bay Freeportpursuant to the Subic Bay ProtectedArea Management Plan (SB-PAMP) and in accordance withthe Philippine Wildlife ConservationAct.Secondly, the policy is alsomeant to protect the public fromharm because there have beencases when residents and visitorsin the Freeport were bitten bymonkeys, he added.Garcia said the policy prohibitingthe feeding of wild monkeysand other wild animalshere would be enforced strictly,with members of the SBMA LawEnforcement Department conductingpatrols of areas wheremonkey-human encounters arecommon.Meanwhile, the Ecology Centerwould undertake measures toeducate the public about this policy,disseminate information aboutmonkeys and other Subic wildlife,and promote safety precautions inencounters with Subic wildlife. ●

<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>JUNE 25, 20133Energy firm joinsBrigada EskwelaBy Butch GunioTEARS OF JOY. Outgoing Board Member Fritzie David-Dizon delivers her speech at the Capitol on Monday and she cried after biddingher colleagues goodbye. --Photo by Ric GonzalesFritzie bids politics farewellOLONGAPO CITY--For Victor Chan, SubicbasedRedondo Peninsula Energy corporatesocial responsibility officer, the new schoolyear is more special as his son Kyle Gabrielwill attend a public school inside the SubicBay Freeport Zone where he has often volunteeredas part of the yearly Brigada Eskwelaprogram.According to Chan, “providing a conducivelearning environment for kids is importantespecially if it involves my son. But it’s allthe more special if the company you work foris also involved in the same advocacy. Contributingto the community is part of RP Energy’score values especially if it involves activitiesthat make the community better and stronger.”Brigada Eskwela is a week-long schoolclean-up and maintenance volunteer programorganized by the Department of Educationthat signals the beginning of the school yearin public schools across the country. Victor ledbrigada eskwela Page 7By Joey PaviaCITY OF SAN FERNAN-DO–The last session of theSangguniang Panlalawigan(SP) on Monday ended withSecond District Board MemberOlga Frances “Fritzie”David-Dizon crying whenshe delivered her privilegespeech.The outgoing boardmember decided not to seekre-election “to return to thefold of my family and compensatefor the quality timewhich I have deprived them.”David-Dizon said shealso decided not to join theMay elections because “beingthe eldest among thechildren of the late BoardMember Edna David, muchis needed to be done in puttinginto proper perspectiveall those my parents left behind.”Appointed in MarchBy Michael CigaralMARIVELES, Bataan–The Authority of the Freeportof Bataan (AFAB) and the Departmentof Labor and Employment(DOLE) Regional OfficeNo. 3, recently joined forces inthe forging the Kapatiran Wise-TAV (KWT) Program with locatorsand subcontractors/service2011 after her mother died,David-Dizon is among thefive children of Edna, a formeracting governor, and thelate three-term Porac mayorRoy David. Porac Vice MayorDexter David is one of herfour brothers.In an interview, David-Dizon said her “foremostconsideration” in decidingnot to get a fresh mandatewas “the tender and crucialages of our son and daughter.”Bench is 12-years-oldwho is Grade 8 at the Ateneode Manila University, while10-year-old Iya is Grade 6 atthe Miriam College in QuezonCity.David-Dizon said whenEdna and Roy were both inpublic service she acted asrepresentative of her parentsfor the school graduations ofher brothers and other importantfamily occasions.“We do not want thatFAB locators, subcontractorsenrolled in ‘big bro, small bro’providers of the Freeport locatedin this town.DOLE and AFAB officialsled by its chairman and administrator,Atty. Deogracias Custodiosaid this is another stepcloser towards becoming thefirst ever Freeport zone in thecountry to be hailed as a LaborStandard Compliant Zone.big bro, small bro Page 7to happen to our children,”added David-Dizon. Sheimplied that she may returnand run for an elective postwhen her children “are bigenough.”David-Dizon asked for“deeper understanding forthose I have disappointed”after she had decided not toseek re-election. She addedthat she had done her bestto live up to the name of hermother.David-Dizon describedas “happy, memorable andenjoyable moments of mylife” her more than two yearsstint as board member.“To err is human andnobody is perfect. To thosewhom I have offended, andfor all my shortcomings, Iapologize and please bearwith me. I would like to leavethe Capitol with no enemiesand criticisms,” said David-Dizon, who also shed tearsBy Butch Gunioin front of her scholars at anearlier meeting at the LubaoGym.David-Dizon laudedGov. Lilia Pineda, whomshe considers like her ownmother, for her dedicationand sincerity in public service.She also thanked thegovernor and the rest of thePinedas for treating her “likea member of their family.”David-Dizon alsothanked Vice Gov. JosellerGuiao for his “fatherly imageand guidance.”After David-Dizon’sspeech shortly before lunchtimeon June 24, Guiao said“Board Member Fritzie willnot leave us and she will juststay around.”“But she will be morebusy and tired,” addedGuiao, eliciting smiles fromthe SP members and audienceattending the session.farewell Page 7Tesda trains poor youths for gov’t cash programSTILL SERVING. First District Representativeelectand outgoing Vice-Gov. Yeng Guiao looks after theneed of a physically-challenged elder even as Mondaywas his “last day” at Capitol. -contributed photoBALANGA CITY--The TechnicalEducation and Skills DevelopmentAuthority (Tesda)provided trainings to disadvantagedyouths for own livelihoodor self-employment.The training is part of theCash for Training programof the government for out-ofschoolyouths with the Departmentof Social Welfare andDevelopment as the lead implementingagency.First implemented this summer,the program has engagedin various technical courses forfree with monetary allowanceand tool kit for direct work thebeneficiaries in the province.In the training package,each beneficiary was entitled toP20,000 spread as for schooling(P7,000); tool kit (P6,200);and, transportation allowance(P6,800).Roger Zulueta, administratorof Eastwoods ProfessionalCollege said this program hasgiven hope to youths who wantto study but are held back due tofinancial shortfall.“There are some youths whohave gone astray because theyare financially burdened. But ifwe have more of this program,there will be more youth whocan be helped to make progressnot only for themselves but alsofor their parents and families,”tesda Page 7WE NEED YOU IN OUR TEAM!We are currently looking for those who speak Chinese, Russian, Korean, Arabic, and Spanishfor our call center. Good salary and benefits.BSD TRADE SERVICES CORP.You can text or call at: 09152712297 • 09277132751Address: Unit J and I, OFFICE CENTER 8, BERTHAPHIL III, Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga

4<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>JUNE 25, 2013EDITORIALContinuityThe province of Pampanga, with all itsachievements within the last three years,does not need the change in leadership, but, ifchange is inevitable, then, it is a relief to learnthan those who will be taking on the reins onlythink of continuity of the present programs alreadystarted by the Capitol and its outgoingleaders.At the governor’s level, there is no doubtwe will still be pampered with the same serviceswe had been enjoying for the past 36months. Maybe we’ll expect more now thatthere had already quite a number of programsimplemented and are being fine-tuned toserve a wider spectrum of Kapampangans.Governor Lilia “Nanay” Pineda’s re-election isno surprise because the people of Pampangaare just starting to taste the privileges of aproperly managed and transparent provincialgovernment.Interesting to watch is the “changing of theguards” at the Sangguniang Panlalawigan(SP), with outgoing vice governor Joseller“Yeng” Guiao vacating the presiding officer’sseat in favor of Dennis “Delta” Pineda. As faras policies are concerned, the two officialsmay not differ as they are both geared towardscomplementing the services of the executivedepartment via legislations that would make iteasier for the governor to implement her programs.What is worth watching, too, is how theyounger Pineda would become an effectivehead of the legislative body with many ofthe board members are relatively new in thefield. A consolation for him, though, is that themembers of the board are all supportive of theadministration.What lies heavily on the incoming vice governor’sshoulders now is how to motivate theboard members to work not just on the premisethat they are allied with the governor orthe vice governor but more so on their swornduties to be real voices of their constituents intheir respective duties.Dennis Pineda has vowed to allow theboard members work based on their own convictionsand that the sanctity of the balance ofpower between the legislative and the executivewill be held with the highest esteem.It’s time to work for all Kapampangans--those who voted from them or otherwise.HEADLINE <strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong> is a Daily Regional NewspaperGeneral Manager: Atty. Gerome n. TubigEditor-in-Chief: albert lacanlaleLayout Artist: JP ManalangReporters: CHARLENE CAYABYAB /MARNA D. DEL ROSARIOAdministrative Staff: sherylin l. riveraMarketing Head: ELAINE MAPILESAccount Executive: jelyn m. reyesAuditor: Marlo francoPhotographer: Leo villarcarlosCirculation: JIMMY TAPANG / ATO CRUZPublisher: I.N.I. NewspaperEmail: headlinegitnangluzon@gmail.comWebsite: www.headlinegl.comDISCLAIMER: Views expressed by columnists are theirown and do not necessarily reflect the editorial position ofHEADLINE <strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong> or its internet website:www.headlinegl.com. The publisher does not knowinglypublish false information and may not be held liable for theviews of its columnists exercising their right to free expression.All rights reserved. Subject to the conditions providedfor by law, no article or photograph published byHEADLINE GITNANG LUZON may be reprinted orreproduced, in whole or in part, without its prior consent.Office Address: 2nd Floor, U2 Building, MacArthurHighway, Dolores, City of San Fernando, Pampanga, 2000Tel. Nos. (045) 435-0938Has DepEd lost its mind?Undoubtedly, the main thrust and goalof DepEd’s K-12 program is to improve thecurrent education system that we havehad for how many decades already.Statistics show that the DepEdstill lacks over 150,000 classrooms,over 100,000 teachers, over 95 milliontextbooks, and 13 million seats.Notwithstanding all these glaringunfortunate realities that beset theeducation sector today, DepEd stillchose to add two more years in theBasic Education program throughthis K-12 program, which commencedthis academic year 2012-2013, which many critics analogizedas fixing a boat while sailing it.Has DepEd lost its mind?The poor performance of theFilipino students in the exams,which test their intellectual capabilities,is one of the main reasonsfor this hasty implementation of K-12program this school year. The results inthe National Achievement Tests (NAT)for Grade Six students in the academicyear 2009-2010 show that only 69.21 %of the examinees passed, while the NATfor High School students show a worseresult – only 46.38% examinees passed.Also in the same breadth, internationalstudies likewise show almost the samecontextual results. In the recent examinationsof Basic Education students in theTrends in International Mathematics andScience Study (TIMSS), the Philippinesranked 34th in High School Mathematicsout of the 38 countries who participatedin the said examinations and 43rd in HighSchool Science out of the 46 countries;for Grade Four, the Philippines ranked23rd out of the 25 in both Math and Sciencesubjects. In 2008, even with onlyArmed forces from communist North Koreasmash into South Korea, setting off the KoreanWar. The United States, acting under the auspicesof the United Nations, quickly sprang to thedefense of South Korea and fought a bloody andfrustrating war for the next three years.Korea, a former Japanese possession, hadbeen divided into zones of occupation followingWorld War II. U.S. forces accepted the surrenderof Japanese forces in southern Korea, while Sovietforces did the same in northern Korea. Likein Germany, however, the “temporary” divisionsoon became permanent. The Soviets assistedin the establishment of a communist regime inNorth Korea, while the United States became themain source of financial and military support forSouth Korea.On June 25, 1950, North Korean forces surprisedthe South Korean army (and the smallOnce more on K-12the Science High Schools participating inthe Advanced Mathematics category, thePhilippines ranked the lowest.The million dollar question now isthis: Is K-12 the solution to these poor performanceresults of theFilipino students?Towardsthe LightABEL SOTO“We should not also forget thefact that the countries whoranked lower than our rank(35th, 36th, 37th, and 38th)have the K-12 program in theirBasic Education”I doubt if it is.It’s pig simple:QUANTITY or QUAL-ITY? Does quantityspell quality? It’s not really the quantityof time a student spends learning in theclassroom, but the quality of instruction,school facilities, and textbooks that willreally make a big difference in the dramaticimprovement of our country’s rankin these international examinations, andin a broader scope, in the quality of oureducation.If we ranked 34th out of the 38 countriesand we are the last country in Asiathat has the ten-year education cycle inthe Basic Education program, we shouldnot also forget the fact that the countrieswho ranked lower than our rank (35th,36th, 37th, and 38th) have the K-12 programin their Basic Education. Doesn’tthis fact present a tension of opposite,which should also be taken into significantconsideration on why this K-12 programshould not have been implementedU.S. force stationed in the country), and quicklyheaded toward the capital city of Seoul. TheUnited States responded by pushing a resolutionthrough the U.N.’s Security Council callingfor military assistance to South Korea. (Russiawas not present to veto the action as it was boycottingthe Security Council at the time.) Withthis resolution in hand, President Harry S. Trumanrapidly dispatched U.S. land, air, and seaforces to Korea to engage in what he termeda “police action.” The American interventionturned the tide, and U.S. and South Koreanforces marched into North Korea. This action,however, prompted the massive interventionof communist Chinese forces in late 1950. Thewar in Korea subsequently bogged down into abloody stalemate. In 1953, the United States andNorth Korea signed a cease-fire that ended theconflict. The cease-fire agreement also resultedKorean War beginsJune 25, 1950yet?I think it does!Moreover, quality education is aboutthe quality of teachers more than anythingelse. And we have lots of these teachers,which is why Filipino teachers are quite indemand to teach in the public schools atUncle Sam’s vineyard,which, again, is anotherunfortunate realitythat Juan dela Cruzneeds to confront headon. If a teacher whoteaches 45 studentsin a class and onlyvery few learn due tothe many abovementionedshortages in oureducation sector, whatmore if a teacher in a public school has toteach 70 to 90 students in a class?The ideal ratio and proportion is 1:30(one teacher is to 30 students) in class, andwe can at least count on instructional efficiencyand effectiveness. But due to thebig number of shortages in classroomsand teachers, how could we be ensured ofquality education to happen in our country?Fixing two problems at a time is anotherproblem in itself. You can’t sail andfix the boat at the same time. Fairy taleswill remain as such: fairy tales! Andwe have no doubt about this! DepEdshould have fixed the more pressing anddamaging problem first, which is to addressthe many shortages in its household,and it could have only been onlythat time (AND REALLY ONLY THATTIME) could DepEd have talked aboutthe implementation of this K-12 programin our education system……and that is plain and simpleLOGIC. ●in the continued division of North and South Koreaat just about the same geographical point asbefore the conflict.The Korean War was the first “hot” war of theCold War. Over 55,000 American troops werekilled in the conflict. Korea was the first “limitedwar,” one in which the U.S. aim was not the completeand total defeat of the enemy, but rather the“limited” goal of protecting South Korea. For theU.S. government, such an approach was theonly rational option in order to avoid a third worldwar and to keep from stretching finite Americanresources too thinly around the globe. It provedto be a frustrating experience for the Americanpeople, who were used to the kind of total victorythat had been achieved in World War II. Thepublic found the concept of limited war difficultto understand or support and the Korean Warnever really gained popular support.--HISTORY

After just only a few days afterher appointment as the chief of theProvincial Disaster RiskReduction and ManagementOffice (PDRRMO),Angelina “Angie” Blancohas started working for heroffice’s disaster concern byidentifying last week themunicipalities as “crucial”during rainy season.***Blanco, the newly-appointedchief of the PDR-RMO, said that of all thedistricts in Pampanga,the Fourth District needsto be given extra careduring typhoon season,wherein all its municipalitiesare ordinarilysubmerged to floodwater.***According to her,among the flood-pronemunicipalities in the districtare Candaba, SanLuis, San Simon, Apality,Macabebe, Sto. Tomas,Masantol and Minalin.Being a former provincialdirector of Department of Interiorand Local Government (DILG)of Bataan and Pampanga, she caneasily identify the problems besettingthe province especially in theirrainy days’ needs.Now WeKnow!ELLEZ J. DAVIO“Personalsatisfaction isnot guaranteedbecause ourdesires alwaysdisappoint usonce we getthem”iWritetomas m. garcia“She started herfirst few daysof her officesystematicallyand right byidentifying themost vulnerablelocalities duringflooding.”***Blanco, who has replaced Engr.Lulu Alingcastre, who was reassignedto her previous post as departmenthead of the General ServicesOffice (GSO) of the ProvincialGovernment, said that she starts herwork by identifying theworse flood-affected barangaysin order to determinethe assistance to begiven in extreme cases.***The newly appointedchief of the PDRRMO saidshe would likewise prioritizeinformation disseminationcampaign to reachremote communities involvingwarnings and otherannouncements neededduring calamities. Shestarted her first few daysof her office systematicallyand right by identifyingthe most vulnerablelocalities during flooding.Her approach to one ofthe Pampanga’s concernby identifying the problemsand thinking fortheir solutions is impressive.***Just as crucial to whatand how she has started,her role in the provincial governmentof Pampanga is so importanttoo now that we experience weatherdisturbances and flashfloods. Withher appointment, I am sure that weare in safe hands in terms of calamitiesand disaster-related concerns.***Angie, as fondly called by hispeers, rose from the ranks while atthe Local Government Department.What if you could be anything, or anybody?Who would you chose to be? Wouldyou be a famous politician who could rulethe world with an iron fist. Unity among nationsand total eradication of poverty mustbe your utmost objective.A prolific business leader who could controland monopolize every industry to gainpower?A movie star who could achieve all thelaurels of every award giving bodies and liveaccording to your whims?A lawyer who could defend the poor andfight for the rights of every human being?A doctor who could cure all the sick andfind alleviation to all afflictions ever known?A celebrated athlete who could gain admiration,fame and glory from all walks oflife?A policeman who could capture all thelawless individuals and make them pay forall the crimes they have committed?A superhero who could save mankindfrom disasters and global warming?Or, someone with a silver spoon on hismouth who does not have to sweat his buttoff to sustain his lifestyle?Imagine yourself being one of them. Andthen ask yourself, what would you do next?Are you satisfied with what have you donefor yourself and for mankind? Do you expectmore recognition and applaud? Or, you stillwould want more other than redeeming theWant to broaden your business horizon?Angie BlancoFinding your real selfLET US HELP YOU!CALL US: (045)435-0938 • 436-1576 • EMAIL US: headlinegitnangluzon@gmail.comVISIT US: 2nd Floor U2 Bldg., MacArthur Hiway, Dolores, City of San Fernando (P)She is much familiar with local officials,with municipalities, barangaysand the terrain of Pampanga thatsuch will be most useful in addressingdisaster related matters. Congratulationsto her on her appointment.***Speaking of disasters, I nearly metone when I nearly hit two evidentlydrunk men who are crossing the busyJose Abad Santos Avenue (JASA). No,they did not use the pedestrian overpassthat was opened early this yearand instead crossed the street withoutany caution on their part. It’s my secondtime to encounter such carelesscitizens who seemed not to care fortheir lives while crossing the JASA.***With the hardheadedness of manypedestrians, a fence should be constructedin the middle plant boxes thatdivide the westbound and eastboundlanes of the road. Chicken or cyclonewires should be put with the plants todiscourage people from dangerouslycrossing the road and putting theirlives and that of motorists in peril.***Before any disaster strikes onpedestrians and motorists, the citygovernment of San Fernando or theDepartment of Public Works and Highwaysshould install fences at the lanedividers that were made into plant boxes.Paging said government agencies.***For other opinions, comments,suggestions or adverse reactions, youmay reach iWrite at 0919-5107665. ●world from the ferocity of humans. Greedinesstakes place every now and then. Remember,you could never be a saint or a sinnerat the same time. Personal satisfaction isnot guaranteed because our desires alwaysdisappoint us once we get them.Take for example, when a buying a vehicle,you want your car to be on top of theline, the envy of all, however, there is alwaysa glitch in either the car performance orthe comfort it offers. Though we meet withsomething that gives us satisfaction, it neverreally answers all our expectation.Same thing in life. We seldom positionour life where it should be. We love adventuresso much that we fail to see what we reallywant in life. We could have everythingyet still something is still missing. Indeed,enough is not enough. Contentment is notin our dictionary anymore. More is what wewant. There is never us. What we portray inour life is what other people’s definition of us.Sometimes as we look forward on thingsthat we think make us complete, the furtherwe go to the real definition of what makes ustrue. Finding your real self takes a while. Nevertheless,when the time comes, the ebb andflow in life would be like ice cubes. They meltas you race to the finish line. No more stormsand thunders would break you into pieces.You could be whatever you want to be.But have you been to yourself lately? The realyou. In my case, I haven’t been until now. ●<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>JUNE 25, 2013MAILI TA PA!Romeo S. RodriguezMagician Ing KaylanganBayntau ne’y Caru ala ya pang nobyaAnya labis-labis ita nang dirya na’karing kaluguran ampong kakilalaKaretang babai, magaling pumorma.Anya minisip ya nung nanung paralanManakit babaing sukat nang luguranatin nang maglolo ampong mamanikanKaring kakilalang malwat o bayu man.Dapot ing masakit e pa magsalitaBabastedan da ne ban tuknang neng kusaKauli na bale magmukmuk nyang saryaKing metung a suluk ala neng agawa.O ninu mo kayang makaburi kayaBukud keng kulagat, maragul ya mataAnya ding babai potang akit da yaMimiwas lang agad anting tatakut la.Misan ati’nemang aisip a planuIdalan king sulat itang pamaglolo‘tsaka ne iyabe ing kayang letratuA ipaayus na ketang fotografu.Agad nang migsarya ketang letratistaA malwat na namang kayang kakilalaAt mekisabi ya ban apasanting naItang letratu na agyang matsura ya.Mengamus yang buntuk itang pekisabyanpapiling piling ya’t ‘ting kayabe timan“Ing katutwan Caru e mu ku kaylanganKing tapat ka munta atin lang magician.”Aske ning kauran5Linub ne ing kauran, ing panawun ning makabangpamanuran. Metung a katunayan a babyesinyalis ning pamanyatang nang iti deng lingkasa ane (termites) deng mikapakpak na at nengsisilim at kabengyan ilanang limpad-limpad karingsulu, karing mangasalangbombilya at florisent.Ngara ping sasabideng makatwa, patse lintono reng ayup-ayupang areti, kauran na.At nung marakal lakanu deti maragul inguran a daratang. Nungobserban mo reti ngeningpanawun a iti, utu noman mong makapal atmangaragul deti, burin among sabyan na taganangmatindi ne ing kayarap tamungkauran?Metung a kawatasan akidta ku banwang 2005,ing parikil keng panyatang,ing pamipaspas ning antimouran a sasalake nengpanawun na pin ning kauran.Kabang lalangutan taya ing mapaling ligang kamutina maki-marayuputa gatas keng arap ning awing,migale ta pa abe.KAURANMagbalaweAleesus Manarang“Ngara pingsasabi dengmakatwa, patselinto no rengayup-ayupang areti, kauran na.”TikLintikPapatik, lintikUtik-utik, tik patikLintik-lintik papatik titikatikPasikan nang pasikan, masikanUran lalung mesikanUran kasikanMesikanBulusMabugnusPulu-pulung bulusMadagus mangaluslusKukulam mala-karayum bubusbusmagbalawe Page 7

6<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>JUNE 25, 2013CROSSWORD PUZZLEles.com for hints and solutions!Puzzle ID: #I361PH1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 1617 18 1920 21 2223 24 25 2627 28 29 30 3132 33 34 35 36 3738 39 40 41 4243 44 45 46 4748 49 5051 52 53 5455 56 57 58 59 60 6162 63 64 6566 67 6869 70 71Down1. ___ onto (seize)24. Powerful auto engineDown 2. Rinse28. Peter 25. Fonda Make ready role for use, as3. Broken inlibrary books1. Gala affair4. Exhilarate29. Springsteen's27. Museum"___extensionFire"2. L.A.-based 5. Abbr. petroleum akin to alias giant 30. Like 28. ___ List-ending (probably) letters6. ___ -TURN: road sign29. Terrific3. Combust7. Cloth texture31. Stiff 30. and Occipital stonypoint8. “A Clockwork Orange”31. Attached using a hammer4. Electrode-relatedprotagonist35. ___bene35. Mischief-making Norse5. March or 9. Roach Antenna shelter 36. Hair god roller result10. Soprano harmonies36. Shorebound newts6. Nothing's 11. opposite “My times __ thy hand”: 37. Greeting 37. Word to after Hitler Near, MiddlePsalm 31or Far7. Gershwin's12. Step"___afterPlentyshampooingo' 39. Ensued39. Gained an advantage overNuttin'" 13. Through41. Opposite 41. The of ___ well-done Bitty Book Light8. Oppose18. Carries44. Deadly missile22. Heliport site, often 44. Auto 46. commuter's “It ___ fit night bane out...”:9. Basic stuff46. Invitation requests10. Source of cold cubes49. Confection11. Bugsy of crime50. Darwin's ship12. Grade school adhesive51. Color lightly13. Trusty mount52. "Spenser for Hire" star18. Sri __SM PAMPANGA | Cinema 153. Nebraska tribeWorld War Z22. Darn, as socks MTRCB Rating: PG-13 56. Piano key11:00 AM | 1:30 PM | 4:00 PM | 6:3024. Midwest Indians PM | 9:00 PM 57. Bushels25. Some blenders59. Gallagher of Oasis27. Test item: Abbr. SM PAMPANGA | Cinema 2Man Of Steel in 60. 3D First-aid plantMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:30 PM | 3:20 PM | 6:10 PM |9:00 PMSM PAMPANGA | Cinema 3Man Of SteelMTRCB Rating: PG-1310:20 AM | 1:00 PM | 3:40 PM | 6:20PM | 9:00 PMSM PAMPANGA | Cinema 4After EarthMTRCB Rating: GP12:20 PM | 2:30 PM | 4:40 PM | 6:50 PM| 9:00 PMSM PAMPANGA | Cinema 5GambitMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:20 PM | 2:30 PM | 4:40 PM | 6:50 PMW.C. Fields61. MMMVIII 49. Canis and ÷ IIFelis50. Poem divisions64. "__51.Kapital":Sow, perhapsMarx65. __ 52. glance “___ well it were donequickly”: “Macbeth”53. Name repeated in a 1963hit song56. Albuquerque’s state: Abbr.57. “Gimme an A!...,” e.g.59. Alley Oop’s companion60. Two taker61. Those, in Mexico64. “Sorry, laddie”65. Prefix with -lexicSM CLARK| Cinema 1After EarthMTRCB Rating: GP1:45 PM | 4:10 PM | 6:35 PM | 9:00 PMSM CLARK | Cinema 2Man Of SteelMTRCB Rating: PG-1311:00 AM | 2:00 PM | 5:00 PM| 8:00 PMSM CLARK |D-CINEMAWorld War Z in 3DMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:10 PM | 2:30 PM | 4:50 PM | 7:10 PM| 9:30 PMSM CLARK | Cinema 4GambitMTRCB Rating: PG-1311:00 AM | 1:40 PM | 4:20 PMBangungotMTRCB Rating: PG-137:10 PM | 9:00 PMSM CLARK | Cinema 5World War ZMTRCB Rating: PG-1311:10 AM | 1:30 PM | 3:50 PM | 6:10PM | 8:30 PMSM CLARK| Cinema 6Man Of SteelMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:00 PM | 3:00 PM | 6:00 PM | 9:00 PME002KLAcross1. Excess supply5. Menachem’s 1978 co-Nobelist10. “I double-dog ___ you!”14. Place for mascara15. Melbourne marsupial16. Racecar driver Crocker17. Made like new19. Infatuate, in slang20. Newspapers, TV, radio,etc.21. Free from evil spirits23. Disposable diaper brand26. Bellyached27. Lennon, on a bright future32. Japanese name33. College near Albany, NY34. N.J. city38. iPod model40. Mid-1st-century date42. Living room seat43. Close in film45. Battery inventorAlessandro47. Chess pieces that can jumpothers: Abbr.48. Oregonian biologist51. MDs’ patron54. ___Flex: exercise productsbrand55. Nail size58. Fed. loan paper62. Enlist again, for short63. Correctors of texts.66. Iroquois enemy67. Meet event68. Butterine69. Unwanted garden growth70. Wheel shafts71. AssertsLAST ISSUE ANSWERSSM CITY SAN FERNANDODowntown | Cinema 1Man Of SteelMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:15 PM | 3:10 PM | 6:05 PM | 9:00 PMSM CITY SAN FERNANDODowntown | Cinema 2Man Of SteelMTRCB Rating: PG-1311:00 AM | 1:55 PM | 4:50 PM | 7:45 PMSM CITY SAN FERNANDODowntown | Cinema 3After EarthMTRCB Rating: GP12:00 PM | 2:15 PM | 4:30 PM | 6:45 PM |9:00 PMMARQUEEMALL | Cinema 1World War ZMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:30 PM | 3:05 PM | 5:40 PM | 8:15 PMMARQUEEMALL | Cinema 2World War Z in 3DMTRCB Rating: PG-131:45 PM | 4:20 PM | 6:55 PM | 9:30 PMMARQUEEMALL | Cinema 3Man Of SteelMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:40 PM | 3:40 PM | 6:40 PM | 9:45 PMSudokuPuzzle7SudokuPuzzle8Sudoku Puzzle 1 SolutionSudoku Puzzle 2 Solution8 2 1 3 5 9 6 7 4 2 5 6 3 8 4 1 9 77 5 3 4 8 6 2 9 1 1 9 7 2 6 5 4 3 89 6 4 7 2 1 8 3 5 8 4 3 1 9 7 5 2 63 1 7 8 6 2 5 4 9 6 1 9 8 2 3 7 5 44 8 2 5 9 7 1 6 3 5 7 8 9 4 1 3 6 25 9 6 1 4 3 7 8 2 4 3 2 5 7 6 9 8 16 4 9 2 1 8 3 5 7 7 2 4 6 3 9 8 1 52 3 5 6 7 4 9 1 8 9 6 5 7 1 8 2 4 31 7 8 9 3 5 4 2 6 3 8 1 4 5 2 6 7 9Medium Sudoku Puzzles 4www.printablesudoku99.comSudoku Puzzle 3 SolutionSudoku Puzzle 4 Solution4 9 7 8 2 5 6 3 1 1 7 3 9 6 2 4 8 51 6 2 9 7 3 8 4 5 9 2 6 5 8 4 7 3 18 5 3 6 1 4 7 2 9 5 4 8 1 7 3 2 9 62 7 1 4 5 6 9 8 3 7 8 5 3 9 6 1 4 26 8 4 2 3 9 1 5 7 2 6 1 8 4 7 9 5 35 3 9 1 8 7 2 6 4 4 3 9 2 5 1 8 6 73 2 5 7 6 1 4 9 8 6 5 7 4 2 9 3 1 87 4 6 5 9 8 3 1 2 3 9 2 6 1 8 5 7 49 1 8 3 4 2 5 7 6 8 1 4 7 3 5 6 2 9Sudoku Puzzle 5 SolutionLAST ISSUE solutionSudoku Puzzle 6 Solution3 6 8 4 9 2 5 1 7 4 6 7 8 2 3 1 5 95 9 7 1 8 3 6 2 4 5 1 9 6 4 7 8 3 24 2 1 6 5 7 3 8 9 2 8 3 9 1 5 6 7 41 7 5 2 6 8 4 9 3 6 5 2 7 9 8 3 4 19 3 2 7 4 5 1 6 8 9 7 8 4 3 1 5 2 68 4 6 3 1 9 2 7 5 1 3 4 5 6 2 7 9 86 8 9 5 3 1 7 4 2 7 2 1 3 8 9 4 6 52 5 4 8 7 6 9 3 1 3 9 6 1 5 4 2 8 77 1 3 9 2 4 8 5 6 8 4 5 2 7 6 9 1 37 2 6 9 38 21 4 67 5 9 8 15 81 8 2 5 42 3 85 29 6 8 1 5 27 2 3Sudoku Puzzle 7 SolutionHOROSCOPESudoku Puzzle 8 Solution7 5 2 1 4 8 6 9 3 7 2 3 1 4 5 6 8 98 6 3 9 7 2 4 1 5 8 9 4 6 2 3 1 5 79 1 4 3 6 5 8 2 7 6 5 1 7 8 9 2 4 36 2 7 5 9 4 3 8 1 5 1 8 4 9 2 3 7 6AQUARIUS (JAN. 5 4 20 8 - 2 FEB. 3 1 18) 7 6 9 3 6 2 8 1 7 5 9 4You could have difficulty1 3getting9 7your8ideas6across2 5to4others today. You9may4have7doubts5 3about6 8those2 1who talk too much and have little to back up their claims. Your inner self-confidence may be lackingand 9 you could try 6 to 2 overcome 7 21 6 this 35 by 3 defensive 914 8 aggressiveness--careful. 1 3 You 5 9 probably 7 8 wish 4 6 you 2had more of the self-assurance 3 8 5 your 4 2 fiery 9 acquaintances 1 7 6 have. You could 2 have 8 9 difficulty 3 6 getting 4 7 outer 1 5recognition for your efforts14 9 or86 accomplishments. 8 1 7 52 3 This 2 does not mean they34 are 7 not 6 recognized--it 2 5 1 9 does 3 8mean, however, that you should throw your efforts into work or ventures you really love doing. Youhave an average amount of change present in life, neither too much nor too little. Lighten up on yourworkload. You deserve a little break--go dancing.ARIES (MAR. 21-APR. 19)Abundance 6 2 is in the air! Tap into and use a prosperous 5 9 attitude to create wealth. A co-worker or customermay be just a little too sensitive today. There may be some difficulty in controlling a situation.Consider the person is probably afraid of something that does not relate to the present surroundings.Your 4 interest 7 in probing the 3 secrets of others is very 2 energetic, but this may not be the proper time.Devote time and energy to a creative project this afternoon. You can be very effective as you play.Young people like 9 to visit and be with you when you 6 are not in a serious tone. It is worth a changeof plans, to take time for love this evening. There are opportunities to have an understanding and adeeper bonding with those you love.CANCER (JUN 22- JUL 22)This tuesday, you will find it easier to work with others than most days. You tend to pour a lot ofenergy into those around you. Your home and surroundings reflect your tender loving care as well.Your loved ones and perhaps your birds or other animals keep you company. When it comes toteaching or coaching young people, you are a natural and this is an area in which you may want tobecome involved this evening. You are always able to motivate and inspire others. Your social lifeseems to have increased and because you are able to get along well with all sorts of people, you maybe learning about another country through someone you just met while traveling. You have an easymanner and find it easy to communicate with just about anyone.5 1 2 72 3 7 14 2 5CAPRICORN (DEC. 22 - JAN 19)There are challenges this morning, but you know the details--now is the time to just forge ahead.Your organizational abilities and sense of accountability will be what guides you and proves successful.Your career could assume a much more determined form. This is a time of good fortunewhen things open up naturally. Working overtime is hard to avoid today. You may, however, findthat you want to do almost everything. Circumstances should work together to help bring out yourideals--make it easier to make your dreams real. Overall, this is a good time to project your image.Whatever you ask for is granted--within reason. Real estate matters may be important soon. Tonightyou learn a new trick to make your technical work easier.GEMINI (MAY 21-JUN 21)Everything seems to put you in the limelight today. You come off well in group matters. The areasin which you enjoy doing the best work are with the written and spoken word and with ideas in alltheir flavors. Your enthusiasm for mind, the intellect and the world of ideas makes it easy for you tocommunicate these things to others. You have no trouble putting your feelings into words and whatyou say always carries a lot of content. You could have difficulty getting outer recognition for yourefforts or accomplishments. This does not mean they are worthless but it does mean you shouldthrow your efforts into work or ventures from which you take great pleasure. You enjoy mental effortand discipline and will find your efforts successful.LEO (JUL 23 - AUG. 23)Not a great starter today, you may have trouble initiating things and getting them moving. You mayneed help from friends or others to motivate you into becoming more aggressive and outgoing whennecessary. After you get your motor going, however, it could be hard to slow you down. As you becomemotivated, situations are almost specialized so that you can see which path is the one for youto take. This is a time of good fortune when things open up naturally. Garage sales, home repairs,talk of investing and visiting with neighbors make up most of this day. Opportunities flourish and youfeel that you could do almost everything. Later this afternoon you will probably exhibit your ability tobe a smooth talker with a quick wit.LIBRA (SEP. 23 - OCT. 23)You may be sought after for your advice and counsel. You seem to magically cut through the red tapeand get at what is hidden. This is a great time to be with others--in play or work. Success is indicated ineducation, politics or the law. You know how to attack and solve problems, whether they are personalor public difficulties. Chances are that your social skills mean you are popular with almost everyone.Your energies run effectively toward making yourself felt in the material, tangible outer world. You arean action-person who gains the attention of others and seems to get things moving. The circumstancesof your life suggest extroversion. Social gatherings of all types are possible and enjoyable this evening.PISCES (FEB. 19 - MAR. 20)You could be an excellent teacher in areas requiring discipline. You value order and place a highpremium on hard work and effort. You like to get down to the bare bones, to what is essential. Whateveris most practical is best--you appreciate things that are durable and long lasting. You love truth,philosophy, law and the like. This afternoon you may be able to pick up a little extra pay because ofsome processing machine that you have. You can either loan it out or use it to process some productfor others. This doesn’t happen often but it is nice when you can get the extra cash. While you areworking a bit of fun music fills the air--not too loudly now. More money and better accommodationsmake life a little more comfortable . . . Sigh.SM PAMPANGA | Cinema 6Fast & Furious 6MTRCB Rating: PG-1312:45 PM | 3:30 PM | 6:15 PM| 9:00 PMRobinsons Starmills | Cinema 1World War ZMTRCB Rating: PG-131:00 PM | 3:30 PM | 6:00 PMRobinsons Starmills| Cinema 2After EarthMTRCB Rating: GP12:00 PM | 2:10 PMDisconnectMTRCB Rating: PG-135:00 PM | 7:30 PMRobinsons Starmills | Cinema 3Man Of SteelMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:00 PM | 3:00 PM | 6:00 PMSM CLARK | IMAXMan Of Steel in 3DMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:15 PM | 3:20 PM | 6:20 PM |9:30 PMRobinsons Starmills Cinema 4Man Of SteelMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:00 PM | 3:00 PM | 6:00 PMRobinsons Starmills Cinema 5Man Of SteelMTRCB Rating: PG-1311:35 AM | 2:25 PM | 5:15 PM | 8:10 PMRobinsons Angeles Cinema 6World War ZMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:30 PM | 3:00 PM | 5:30 PM | 8:00 PM( Cinema schedules are subject to change without prior notice.)MARQUEEMALL | Cinema 4Man Of SteelMTRCB Rating: PG-1311:15 AM | 2:20 PM | 5:25 PM |8:30 PMRobinsons Angeles Cinema 1World War ZMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:30 PM | 2:50 PM | 5:20 PM | 7:50 PMRobinsons Angeles Cinema 2Man Of SteelMTRCB Rating: PG-1312:00 PM | 2:35 PM | 5:05 PM | 7:40 PMRobinsons Angeles Cinema 3Man Of SteelMTRCB Rating: PG-132:00 PM | 4:35 PM | 7:05 PMRobinsons Angeles Cinema 4World War ZMTRCB Rating: PG-132:20 PM | 4:50 PM | 7:20 PMSAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22 - DEC. 21)You are understanding to the needs of others and are in a good position to communicate concerninggroups and society. You are very imaginative when it comes to your health, the food you eat and howyou take care of yourself. You are quick to get the picture and you may find you take an interest inhelping others see the benefits that proper care--mental, physical and such--can bring. Others mayfind you especially witty and eccentric. You may have insights or breakthroughs with regard to yourliving situation or life circumstances. A move could be in order. You are very sensitive, even vulnerablewhen it comes to expressing yourself. Periods of intense creativity enable you to go throughchanges and inner growth. There is music.SCORPIO (OCT. 24- NOV. 21)You may be very forceful in what you say and think. With all of this emotional energy, you could speakor communicate very well. You have a lot of mental drive now. Learn to use your good intuition andfeelings so that you will become more in-tune with what is most needed today. This is a great time tomake the extra effort to stretch beyond the usual daily routine and help a person. While it is difficultfor you to approach your sensitive areas, it is of great importance that you do so. A good transitionfrom work to home this evening would be some fun trip to see an award-winning rose garden orstopping to exercise at the gym or any number of other activities that pleasantly shake up the day.You enjoy time with your partner tonight.TAURUS (APR. 20-MAY 20)You are a real charmer--able to enchant others and bring them under your spell. All sorts of social interactionsare possible. A co-worker friend is about ready to have her baby and a shower is in order. Although you haveplenty of work to carry out you manage to put on a nice little shower during the lunch break. You will have helpto clean up and help this co-worker pack her things up for her drive home. At home this evening you will stillhave a couple of days before you have the kids over at your place for a birthday party. A busy but fun time .. . Certainly something that takes a rare person to carry out. Your success is remarkable. There is time thisevening for a foot massage after your nice hot bath or shower.VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEP.22)Independence, as well as anything unusual or different, is valued. You are very communicative, flexible,mental and other-oriented as you wait or serve the public today. Your smooth talking abilities, aswell as your quick wit and ready tongue, will create some positive results--high productivity. You may,however, yearn for a time that you can get away from all the busy work of late. Family outings or friendlyvisits could be planned for this upcoming weekend, perhaps a group camping expedition. There willbe a chance to understand those around you and to have a special time with someone you love. Thereare good feelings among friends and family today as well as a chance to deepen a weak relationship.A child tells a joke.

<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>JUNE 25, 20137SONA from Page 1“We shall call for the inclusionof this campaign inthe speech of the Presidentin his SONA in July, preciselyto declare Clark asthe international gateway,”said Mayor Oscar Rodriguez,Pampanga Third Districtcongressman and RDCchairman.The RDC, in its fullcouncil meeting held lastweek in this city, expressedsupport to the proposed developmentof a twin airportsystem for both CIA and theNinoy Aquino InternationalAirport in Pasay City.The President will deliverhis third SONA at the openingof the 16th Congress.SPORTS COMPLEX REHAB from Page 120,2013.After several years, Borres said, theCLRAA will convene at Pampanga andthat the sports complex here will beused to hold the athletic meet.Borres also said thousands of athletesfrom Aurora, Bataan, Bulacan,Nueva Ecija, Tarlac, Zambales are expectedto troop to the host province.“The DepEd has chosen Pampangafor this year’s CLARAA and the mostsuitable venue is the Bren Z. Guiao ConventionCenter and Sports Complex inSan Fernando. But upon inspection ofthe structures there, we found out thatFAREWELL from Page 3BIG BRO, SMALL BRO from Page 3SONAs are overviews ofthe President’s plans to accomplishwithin the next threeyears of his administration.Rodriguez, accordingto Department of Tourismregional director RonaldoTiotuico, is eyeing the morethan 23 million populationof the North <strong>Luzon</strong> area asthe reason to be optimisticof the “twinning” move.Rodriguez said the proposeddevelopment of NAIAas well as the idea of a newairport in Sangley point inCavite would not stop thecouncil from pursuing itsappeal for the national government’ssupport to Clarkas the key international passengergateway in this partof the island.Rodriguez even suggesteda “gate-crashing” intothe meetings of three otherregional development councilsin Ilocos, Cagayan Valleyand Cordillera regions–allin the north Philippines–tosupport the proposal for atwin airport system.Businessman ReneRomero, for his part, said“we should not be botheredby the proposal of some sectorrallying for the developmentof an international airportsouth of Manila.”“They can handle themore than 27 million populationsouth of Manila while wehave more than 23 millionnorth of Manila. These figuresalone indicate the needto pursue a twin-airport system.We have a potentiallylarge market to sustain operationof an internationalgateway,” he said.Congressman-elect Joseller“Yeng” Guiao, meanwhile,also reiterated theposition of Clark InternationalAirport CorporationPresident Chichos Lucianothat “Clark has always beenconstant in its positionthat Clark should become amajor gateway, even as hecontinues to favor the developmentof our airport inManila.” ●Sources said David-Dizon will be appointed as chief of staff of Pineda.“A very kind person and a humble public servant,” said Second District Salvador “Jun” Dimson, who attended the lastsession of the 2010-2013 batch. Others who attended were Board Members Nestor Tolentino, Ricardo Yabut, Monina Laus,Crisostomo Garbo and Melchor Pingul. ●BRIGADA ESKWELA from Page 3this year’s volunteers from RP Energy. schools in Castillejos, Zambales. The told the crowd that attended the turnoverAside from the lack of classrooms, principals told us that the paints andceremonies.local school officials are faced with painting materials are among the least “We try our best to help where wedamaged chairs and blackboards, peltingdonated, and are the most costly mate-can make a difference. Kids can nowwall and roof paints, uncut grasses rials they need,” Chan said.play and learn sports, the parents andin the campus and broken windows, According to Roderick Raguine, the schools will have a venue for theiramong others.officer-in-charge of Kinabuksan High social functions while the local governmentNo one understands this more than School in Barangay Cawag, Subic, “thecan bring together the commu-Olongapo City School superintendent DepEd’s implementation of the K-12 nity to discuss how they can help eachJesus Ferrer. “We are happy that privatesystem meant more students com-other,” Chan said.organizations like RP Energy are ing into the public education system More than just a sports venue, theregular partners in our local Brigada stretching our current inventory of basketball court is also a place whereEskwela program. Their participation equipment.”the community can come together andis important because the Department Last summer, RP Energy, together share moments.of Education (DepEd) has limited resourceswith school and barangay officials in-Raguine said that they plan toto rehabilitate all the schools,” augurated a multi-purpose, covered use the multi-purpose covered courtFerrer explained.basketball court in Cawag for the community’sas their venue for physical educationAside from volunteers, RP Energyyouth and barangay activities. classes, but he stressed, “we will alsoalso donated paint and painting materials“We do not have the funds for such hold seminars, trainings, and gradua-to all of Olongapo City’s 39 schools. big projects. I sought the help of RP Entionexercises. Now, we can invite the“We also gave the same to 38 ergy, and they graciously consented,” a community to be part of the learningschools in the town of Subic and 10 smiling Arthur Garcia, village chief, experience of our students.” ●several, or almost all of the facilitieshave to be rehabilitated. So we coordinatedwith the Department of PublicWorks and Highways and the RDC forthe improvements,” said Borres.DPWH engineers, in coordinationwith the Provincial Engineer’s Office,estimated the rehabilitation costsamounting to P87 million.“Many have to be totally renovatedlike the swimming pool, the conventioncenter itself, the badminton courts andother areas like the parking which reallyhave not been maintained for manyyears. As of now, we have no timetableDOLE-3 Regional DirectorRaymundo G. Agravantereported to Labor SecretaryRosalinda Dimapilis-Baldozthat the DOLE and AFABhave successfully enrolled15 FAB locators, including 12of its subcontractors/serviceproviders, through a signingof a memorandum of understanding(MOU) into theDOLE’s breakthrough “BigBrother – Small Brother,”concept the Kapatiran Wise-TAV Program.Director Agravante,together with DOLE-3 AssistantRegional DirectorGeraldine Panlilio and AFABChairman Atty. DeograciasCustodio, along with otherDOLE/AFAB officials, ledthe MOU signing with owners/managers/companyrepresentatives of the abovementionedFAB locators andsubcontractors/service providers.The FAB locators, whoare the “Big Brothers” enrolledin the KWT Program,include Almatech ManufacturingCorp., Bahrain FiberglassInternational Co. Ltd.,Composite Design, D.I. DawnPatrol Manufacturing Corp.,Dong-In Entech K1, EastCam Tech Corp., Edge SoftGood Solution Inc., MedtecsInternational, Mitsumi PhilippinesInc., MountaineeringInstruments, Su Style Inc.,Universal Weavers Corp.,Warrensburg ManufacturingInc., Essilor ManufacturingPhilippines Inc., and ChungChiang Enterprises.Meanwhile, the subcontractors/serviceproviders,who are the “Small Brothers”in the program on the otherhand, include Jepar ManpowerServices, KISA Inc.,Karpa II Security Agency,MMA Competent, AbellineHuman Resources, Inc., SunEast Mariveles MPC, ArowanaHuman Resources Inc.,St. Moritz, Sumisetsu Phils,Inc., Kingstar Security, DSPyet on works since funding will haveto be sourced out,” an official from theDPWH said.For his part, RDC-3 chair MayorOscar Rodriguez said he and his fellowcouncil members, along with First DistrictCongressman-elect Joseller “Yeng”Guiao will immediately meet with GovernorLilia Pineda on the request of DepEd.“May pondo naman tayo at hindimagiging problema ito. But we still haveto meet with Governor Pineda on thissince the sports complex, as I know, isunder the jurisdiction of Capitol,” saidRodriguez. ●Manpower and General Services,and Optimum SecurityServices Inc.Of the 15 locators enrolledin the KWT Program,Essilor Manufacturing PhilippinesInc., and Chung ChiangEnterprises, togetherwith their respective subcontractorsnamely MMACompetent, Abelline HumanResources, Inc., and OptimumSecurity Services Inc.officially received their Certificatesof Compliance fromthe DOLE for being the pilotenrollees to the programsometime in early May.According to DOLEBataan Field Office head,Leilani Reynoso, the KWTProgram, which is result of aseries of meetings, consultations,and trainings involvingall concerned stakeholders,will benefit more than 7,797direct-hired workers of allenrolled locators and morethan 6,792 contractor-workersof its respective subcontractors/serviceproviders.“Your presence todayclearly demonstrates yourstrong commitment with ourgoal ensure that your organizationsare complaint withlabor standards and safetyand health standards, whichwill give employees certaintythat their welfare is being safeguardedand given priority bytheir employers, which in turn,will significantly make themproductive,” Custodio said.Custodio added, “Itis also an opportunity forthe FAB to have attractiveworld class locators thatpursue as certain degreeof compliance. The closerwe become the first LaborStandard Compliant Zone,the better for employeesand employers. We arevery grateful to everyonewho shares the same goalas ours in the pursuit ofsustenance of harmoniousrelationships here at theFreeport zone.” ●MAGBALAWE from Page 5Pasikan nang pasikan masikanUran a kabud mesikanUran manuranUranMinaMiminaUran paina painaUran-uran, meina, meinaMilalu na ina, mamanuran maynaLintik-lintik mamagpatik-patikAnting utik-utik, lintikPapatik, lintikLintikTikOUTGOING from Page 1District congressman-elect Joseller “Yeng” Guiao.During Monday’s flag-raising ceremonies,Guiao, Second District Board Member Olga FrancesDavid-Dizon, Ex-Officio Board Member KrizzanelGarbo and Third District Board Member MoninaLaus were given certifications.Represented by colleagues in the ProvincialBoard were Third District Board Members RollyMacalino and Trina Dizon and Second DistrictBoard Member Teresito Lingad.SP Secretary Luis Rivera disclosed that the SP--then presided by acting Vice Governor Cris Garbo--had recently unanimously passed a resolution citingGuiao for his “political conviction” and “utmostdedication” in pushing for good governance.Rivera, provincial officials and workers attendedMonday’s flag-raising ceremony at the Capitoland the simple ceremonies for the outgoing SPmembers. The event coincided with the 50th birthdayof provincial administrator Atty. Andres “Jun”Pangilinan.The officials thanked Governor Lilia Pineda,provincial government employees and their constituentsfor the support, and said they are not biddinggoodbye but will continue to serve Pampangain their private capacities.Guiao, who presided over the SP’s last session,said: “I am not leaving Pampanga but just expandingmy services as your representative to Congress.I will continue to coordinate with Capitol on beneficialprograms for Kapampangans just like I did inmy term as vice-governor for three past governors.I have no regrets and if I were to do it again, I wouldreturn to Capitol.”Guiao worked with four governors, includingincumbent Pineda, in his 12 years stint at the Capitol.He won as member of the SP in 2001 and laterbecame vice governor for three straight terms.Having completed his three straight terms asvice governor, Guiao ran for First District congressmanand he won.In his speech, Guiao said there were “conflicts” with three governors he had worked with but hewill not hesitate to do the same things if given thesame situation as when he was vice governor andboard member during the stints of former governorand now Sen. Manuel “Lito” Lapid (1995 to 2004),former Gov. Mark Lapid (2007 to 2010) and formerpriest-turned-governor Eddie Panlilio.Guiao described as “fruitful years” his workingexperience with Pineda, who was not able to attendMonday’s ceremony due to flu. He said there was“harmonious relationships with Pineda allowingthe quick and effective delivery of basic services.”Guiao stood his ground after he exposed thealleged anomaly in the collection of quarry incomeduring the stints of Lapid and his son, Mark.“We are collecting an average of P1 milliondaily now under Pineda compared to a total of P10million collected once in one year,” said Guiao, referringto the administrations of the Lapids.Art Punzalan, head of the Provincial Environmentand Natural Resources Office (PENRO),disclosed that they are set to collect “about” P800million when the first term of Gov. Pineda ends onJune 30. Then Gov. Eddie Panlilio’s highest collectionin one year was P606 million, said Punzalan.Punzalan said they had exceeded their target ofP770 million. ●TESDA from Page 3pointed out Zulueta.Eastwoods wastapped by TESDA-Bataan as one of itstraining providers.According to BillyJoe Santiago, graduateof the programwith the course ComputerTechnician,the training, thoughshort, has been a bighelp because he cannow accept serviceson computer repair.TESDA-Bataanhead Grace Castillosaid she hopes theprogram will be repeatednext year as italso gives chance tothe youths to becomenationally certifiedworkers.●

SHOWBIZVOLUME II • NO. 10 • JUNE 25 2013 • TUESDAYKris Aquino sa Tarlackakandidato?Hindi pa solido angplano ni Kris Aquino sapagpasok sa politicson 2016.Gusto raw niyakasi, sakaling pasukinniya ito, ’yung talaganghandang-handasiya at gusto niya aysa lokal na posisyonmuna at hindi agadsenador o vice presidenttulad ng mga napapabalita.In fact, kung sakali raway sa Tarlac niya gustongtumakbo na as we all knoway hometown ng kanyangyumaong inang si Pres.Cory Aquino.“Kasi gusto ko talagangmay body of accomplishmenteven if it’s just 3or 6 years. Sa pag-iikot kokasi, sa nakikita ko, you canreally do a lot in asmaller environment.’Yung pilotprogram mo, naparang napakitamo na nagawamo dito, so bakakaya mong gawinsa lahat.“Kaya ngabilib ako sa mgataong nagsimulabilang SK (SangguniangKabataan), ’yung lahat talaga,napagdaanan. Kasikailangan ’yun, eh. Ako naniniwalaako sa ganu’n.“My dad started as asmall town mayor, si PNoystarted as a congressman,’yung sa mom ko naman,that’s an event that is historical,that only happensonce in a millennium.“So, ’yun. Parangganu’n. So titingnan kokung ano ang ganap. Perothankful ako na ang damingmga kaibigan kongmayors and gobernador nain-offer sa akin talaga nakung gusto kong mag-OJTsa kanila,” she said.Actually, say ni Kris aypinayuhan na raw siya nggovernor ng Tarlac na frienddaw niya na maging observerdaw muna siya sa Tarlac.“Sabi niya, ‘O Kris, ifyou’re serious about Tarlac,give a month to Tarlac.Tingnan mo.’ Tama naman.It was generous ofhim kasi last term niya.“Sinabi niya sa akin,kung gusto mo talaga,umikot ka, tignan mo, immersemo sarili mo fromthe barangay level all theway to the municipal, to thecity, to the province.“Sabi niya, e-embracenaman ’yan ng Tarlac andkung ’yun daw ang gustoko to start my political careerthere, it’s so importantto have a hands-on knowledgeat mag-aral ako. So,’yun ang balak ko.”Madali raw kumandidatopero paano namandaw kung hindi niyakayang panindigan.Kaya kailangandaw munaniya talagangmaghanda.kcconcepcionKC does the‘panther walk’Pinag-usapan sa Internet ang sexy entranceni KC Concepcion sa Huwag Ka lang Mawawalasa pilot week noong nakaraang linggo.Sa eksena kasi ay nakasuot siya ng seductivered gown, very sexy with her cleavage exposed,very pretty at habang naglalakad siya (in slow motion)ay may sexy music sa background. Sabihinpa, panalo ang nasabing scene!Sa Twitter ay tinanong siya na kung may tsunamiwalk, ano naman daw ang tawag sa “walk”na ginawa niya sa serye at sagot niya, “the pantherwalk”.Ginagampanan ni KC ang papel na Alexissa HKLM at first time niya to play kontrabidakaya bago pa man ang first appearance niya lastWednesday night ay nag-tweet siya na kinakabahandaw siya.Turned out na wala naman siyang dapat ikakabadahil mukhang nakaka-relate naman angmga manonood sa kanyang karakter.May nag-tweet pa ngang malalim daw angpinaghuhugutan ni Alexis at masakit naman dawtalaga na ipagpalit ka ng mahal mo.Anyway, kung sa serye ay naghahabol si KCsa lalaki, say niya, siyempre, in real life ay hindinaman daw niya gagawin ito.“Kaya nga ito challenge sa akin, kasi si Alexis,talagang hindi niya maiwan si Eros (Sam Milby),hindi niya maiwan ang taong mahal niya. Siguro’yun ang pinagkaiba namin.“Bilang KC, masasabi ko talagang may ginagawasi Alexis dito na hindi dapat tularan ngmga kababaihan,” tumatawa niyang say nangmakatsikahan namin siya recently.Willie Revillameowner of a newP25-M na Rolls RoyceUSAP-USAPAN sa motoring at showbiz world ngayon na tinalbugan pani Willie Revillame ang boss niya sa TV5 na si Manny Pangilinan.Paano raw, after you, Willie, lang ang drama ni MVP dahil nagmukhaitong gaya-gaya sa pagbili ng mamahaling Rolls-Royce sa ’Pinas.Una nang nabalita na si Willie ang kauna-unahang customer ngbagong bukas na Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Manila. Pangalawa lang siMVP.Sa ulat nga ng isang motoring site, dumalo raw ang TV host-comediansa gabi ng appointment ceremony ng official Rolls-Royce dealershipsa ‘Pinas nu’ng nakaraang linggo at ang mismong ghost unit na naka-displayang mismong binili ni Willie sa halagang P25 million… lang naman.Sabagay, kilala si Willie na mahilig sa luxury cars.Katunayan, may koleksyon ito ng mga mamahaling kotse at minsanpa ngang nadawit sa diumano’y pagbili ng isang hot car na Ferrari.Pero sey ni Willie that time, tinest drive lang niya ang Ferrari.Well, natuto na nga siguro sa nasabing insidente ang komedyante. Atleast ngayon, sa legit car dealer siya nakipag-deal, ‘no?willie’s new Rolls-Roycedring the appointmentceremony night.Claudine Barretto biktimang domestic violence?Pinag-uusapan sabuong showbiz yung pasasa namamagang pisngi niClaudine Barretto na naipostsa isang internet site.Although agad binura yungpicture, maraming netizensang nakakita at nai-save ito.Haka-haka tuloy, biktimasi Claudine ng domesticviolence na ibig sabihin, batterredwife siya ni RaymartSantiago.Pero siyempre, tahimikang kampo ni Claudineabout this, puro opinyonlang muna ang lumalabas.When she finally opensher mouth, tiyak na maguguluhanang publiko.At this point though,marami ang naniniwalangnapagbuhatan ng kamay niRaymart si Claudine.WILLIEREVILLAMEclaudinebaRretto

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