IEE Haveri (23-05-09).pdf - kuidfc

IEE Haveri (23-05-09).pdf - kuidfc IEE Haveri (23-05-09).pdf - kuidfc


NKUSIP (Package I - Dharwad)Tranche I Sub-Projects in Haveri CMCInitial Environmental ExaminationTable 15.been selected sufficiently away from the habitation and along with provisionfor development of a buffer zone along the site boundary which is not expectedto have any impact on existing environment or surroundings. In the proposedwater supply scheme laying of new raw water pipe line has been suggestedfrom River Varada to Heggere Kere. The proposed pipeline is not passingthrough any environmentally sensitive areas.Screening of ImpactsDuration of ImpactMagnitude (Degree of Impact)Negligible(N) Moderate(M) Severe(S)Temporary(T) N/T M/T S/TPermanent (P) N/P M/P S/P85. The following tables provide the potential environmental impacts andTable 16.mitigation measures of all components proposed under NKUSIP in Haveri.Impact DescriptionLocation impactsContamination ofgroundwaterresources due toleaching of wastestabilization ponds.Loss of amenity andodor nuisance toneighbors.Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures of Sewerage SystemSignificanceof the ImpactN/PThis may notbe significantas thegroundwatertable is deep ataround 40 to50 ftM/PNewlydevelopingresidentialareas arelocated at 1000m. Futureexpansion oftown may beconsideredMitigation MeasuresImplementationResponsibilityN/a. N/a N/aDevelopment ofphysical separationand visual screenaround the facilitywill address thisimpact. A bufferzone in the form oflandscaping andearthwork shall becreated around theSTP.CMC HaveriPreliminaryCostingPart of DesigncostsDesign ImpactsDischarge ofpartially treatedsewage will havepotential to pollutethe agriculturalfields.N/PThe treatedsewage may beused forirrigation.However, thismay not besignificant astreatment willbe designed toThe sewage retentionperiod shall be fixedconsidering seasonalclimatic variations.The effluent from theSTP shall beconfirmed to thefollowing standardsof discharge forinland surface waterdisposal:CMC HaveriPart of DesigncostsKUIDFC37WSAPL

NKUSIP (Package I - Dharwad)Tranche I Sub-Projects in Haveri CMCInitial Environmental ExaminationImpact DescriptionNuisance due toleakage /overflowing ofsewers.Nuisance due tomosquito breedingand bad odours fromSTP.Pollution due toimproper sludgedisposal methods.Sludge removal fromthe ponds may bedone once for every 2or 3 years,depending on thesludge generation.ConstructionImpactsInconvenience toaccess business,residential and otherimmediate facilitiesSignificanceof the Impactmeet inlandsurface waterdischargestandardswhich isstringer thanirrigationstandards.N/PM/PNewlydevelopingresidentialareas arelocated at 1000m.Consideringthe futureexpansion ofthe town,mitigationmeasure maybe required.M/PQuantity ofsludgegenerationwill not beconsiderable.Contaminatedwork areamay causehealthhazards.M/TThe access forbusiness andMitigation Measures• BOD < 30 mg/l• Suspendedsolids < 100mg/lRegular maintenancewill nullify theimpact. Usage ofappropriatemaintenanceequipment wouldsubstantially reducethe maintenancetime.Development ofphysical separationand visual screenaround the facilitywill also address thisimpact. A buffer zonein the form oflandscaping andearthwork shall becreated around theSTP. To avoid/reducemosquito breeding,the banks of pondsshall be kept clear ofgrasses bushes, etc.Safe sludge handlingmethods shall beemployed. Personalprotection equipmentsuch as gloves, boots,shall be provided tothe workers. Sludgeshall be dried indrying beds before itsdisposal in low-lyingareas.A sludgemanagement planshall be prepared.During constructionperiod, planks /makeshift pathwaysshould be providedImplementationResponsibilityCMC HaveriCMC HaveriCMC HaveriHeadContractorPreliminaryCostingPart of DesigncostsPart of DesigncostsPart of O & McostsPreparation ofsludgemanagementplan (consultanttime: oneperson week)Part ofconstructioncost.KUIDFC38WSAPL

NKUSIP (Package I - Dharwad)Tranche I Sub-Projects in <strong>Haveri</strong> CMCInitial Environmental ExaminationImpact DescriptionNuisance due toleakage /overflowing ofsewers.Nuisance due tomosquito breedingand bad odours fromSTP.Pollution due toimproper sludgedisposal methods.Sludge removal fromthe ponds may bedone once for every 2or 3 years,depending on thesludge generation.ConstructionImpactsInconvenience toaccess business,residential and otherimmediate facilitiesSignificanceof the Impactmeet inlandsurface waterdischargestandardswhich isstringer thanirrigationstandards.N/PM/PNewlydevelopingresidentialareas arelocated at 1000m.Consideringthe futureexpansion ofthe town,mitigationmeasure maybe required.M/PQuantity ofsludgegenerationwill not beconsiderable.Contaminatedwork areamay causehealthhazards.M/TThe access forbusiness andMitigation Measures• BOD < 30 mg/l• Suspendedsolids < 100mg/lRegular maintenancewill nullify theimpact. Usage ofappropriatemaintenanceequipment wouldsubstantially reducethe maintenancetime.Development ofphysical separationand visual screenaround the facilitywill also address thisimpact. A buffer zonein the form oflandscaping andearthwork shall becreated around theSTP. To avoid/reducemosquito breeding,the banks of pondsshall be kept clear ofgrasses bushes, etc.Safe sludge handlingmethods shall beemployed. Personalprotection equipmentsuch as gloves, boots,shall be provided tothe workers. Sludgeshall be dried indrying beds before itsdisposal in low-lyingareas.A sludgemanagement planshall be prepared.During constructionperiod, planks /makeshift pathwaysshould be providedImplementationResponsibilityCMC <strong>Haveri</strong>CMC <strong>Haveri</strong>CMC <strong>Haveri</strong>HeadContractorPreliminaryCostingPart of DesigncostsPart of DesigncostsPart of O & McostsPreparation ofsludgemanagementplan (consultanttime: oneperson week)Part ofconstructioncost.KUIDFC38WSAPL

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