IEE Haveri (23-05-09).pdf - kuidfc

IEE Haveri (23-05-09).pdf - kuidfc IEE Haveri (23-05-09).pdf - kuidfc


NKUSIP (Package I - Dharwad)Tranche I Sub-Projects in Haveri CMCInitial Environmental Examination80. Under Drainage component, two secondary drain links are proposed to servethe low-laying areas of Chicknan Kere area and Chouki Gunda. Thesesecondary drains will be constructed to dispose the storm water from theselow-lying areas by providing links with Dodda Halla - primary drain of Haveritown. The proposed drain will be constructed partially along the roads ofresidential areas and further extends through agricultural fields to reachprimary drain. There are no sensitive environmental features along its length.KUIDFC35WSAPL

NKUSIP (Package I - Dharwad)Tranche I Sub-Projects in Haveri CMCInitial Environmental ExaminationV. SCREENING OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTALIMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES81. Potential environmental impacts of the proposed infrastructure components arepresented in this section. Mitigation measures to minimize/mitigate negativeimpacts, if any, are recommended along with the agency responsible forimplementation. Monitoring actions to be conducted during theimplementation phase is also recommended to reduce the impact.82. Screening of potential environmental impacts is categorized into four categoriesconsidering Investment Program phases: location impacts and design impacts(pre construction phase), construction phase impacts and operations andmaintenance phase impacts.i) Location impacts include impacts associated with site selection andinclude loss of on-site biophysical array and encroachment either directlyor indirectly on adjacent environments. It also includes impacts on peoplewho will lose their livelihood or any other structures by the developmentof that site.ii) Design impacts include impacts arising from Investment Program design,including technology used, scale of operation/throughput, wasteproduction, discharge specifications, pollution sources and ancillaryservices.iii) Construction impacts include impacts caused by site clearing, earthworks,machinery, vehicles and workers. Construction site impacts includeerosion, dust, noise, traffic congestion and waste production.iv) O&M impacts include impacts arising from the operation andmaintenance activities of the infrastructure facility. These include routinemanagement of operational waste streams, and occupational health andsafety issues.83. Screening of environmental impacts has been based on the impact magnitude(negligible/moderate/severe – in the order of increasing degree) and impactduration (temporary/permanent). The following table shows the screening ofimpacts; N/T represents the lowest impact while S/P represents the highestimpact. Numerator represents the Degree of Impact and denominatorrepresents the Duration of impact.84. In case of sewerage components, no significant impacts are anticipated sincethe laying of sewer line will be along the already built up area. STP location hasKUIDFC36WSAPL

NKUSIP (Package I - Dharwad)Tranche I Sub-Projects in <strong>Haveri</strong> CMCInitial Environmental ExaminationV. SCREENING OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTALIMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES81. Potential environmental impacts of the proposed infrastructure components arepresented in this section. Mitigation measures to minimize/mitigate negativeimpacts, if any, are recommended along with the agency responsible forimplementation. Monitoring actions to be conducted during theimplementation phase is also recommended to reduce the impact.82. Screening of potential environmental impacts is categorized into four categoriesconsidering Investment Program phases: location impacts and design impacts(pre construction phase), construction phase impacts and operations andmaintenance phase impacts.i) Location impacts include impacts associated with site selection andinclude loss of on-site biophysical array and encroachment either directlyor indirectly on adjacent environments. It also includes impacts on peoplewho will lose their livelihood or any other structures by the developmentof that site.ii) Design impacts include impacts arising from Investment Program design,including technology used, scale of operation/throughput, wasteproduction, discharge specifications, pollution sources and ancillaryservices.iii) Construction impacts include impacts caused by site clearing, earthworks,machinery, vehicles and workers. Construction site impacts includeerosion, dust, noise, traffic congestion and waste production.iv) O&M impacts include impacts arising from the operation andmaintenance activities of the infrastructure facility. These include routinemanagement of operational waste streams, and occupational health andsafety issues.83. Screening of environmental impacts has been based on the impact magnitude(negligible/moderate/severe – in the order of increasing degree) and impactduration (temporary/permanent). The following table shows the screening ofimpacts; N/T represents the lowest impact while S/P represents the highestimpact. Numerator represents the Degree of Impact and denominatorrepresents the Duration of impact.84. In case of sewerage components, no significant impacts are anticipated sincethe laying of sewer line will be along the already built up area. STP location hasKUIDFC36WSAPL

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