IEE Haveri (23-05-09).pdf - kuidfc

IEE Haveri (23-05-09).pdf - kuidfc IEE Haveri (23-05-09).pdf - kuidfc


NKUSIP (Package I - Dharwad)Tranche I Sub-Projects in Haveri CMCInitial Environmental Examinationrequire consent from ASI.75. STP Site: The location of the sewage treatment plant is selected based on thetopography to provide for gravity flow till the disposal point. The townpredominantly slopes towards south and south eastern side and therefore theSTP site selected in the southeastern side of the town. Two alternative siteswere selected for STP on topographical considerations. Site 1, located near theYattinahalli village at about 4 km from the town was rejected considering that(i) the site is not easily accessible; (ii) the trunk sewer has to cross two streamsto reach the plant; and (iii) requires land acquisition for approach road and forlaying of trunk sewer. The Site 2, which is finally selected for STP, hasaccessibility and ideally located at about 2 km from the town and away fromhabitation areas. The STP location is shown in Map 7.NMap 7. Proposed STP Site and Surroundingi) The peak flow for ulimate year is estimated to be 9.43 MLD. It has beenestimated that the land requirement per MLD of the sewage to be treatedwith Facultative Aerated Lagoon is 0.84 acre. So the total landrequirement for the STP Site for the peak flow of 9.43 MLD for theultimate year, shall be 9.43 x 0.84 acre.ii) Approximately 19 acres of land is available with the Ministry of Health,which has been handed over to the ULB for the purpose of establishingSTP in this location.KUIDFC33WSAPL

NKUSIP (Package I - Dharwad)Tranche I Sub-Projects in Haveri CMCInitial Environmental Examinationiii) Topography of the site is predominantly flat. The soil of the site ischaracterised by clayey soil.iv) The depth of groundwater table is deep at around 40 to 50m belowground level.v) There is no development in the vicinity. Sparse development can beobserved at around 1.0 km from the Site is surrounded by agricultural fields. Due to non-availability ofirrigation facilities only rain fed crops are cultivated here. Cotton andpulses are the main crops cultivated in the area. No groundwaterextraction points such as bore wells are located with in the vicinity.vii) The site has proper access; a road passes adjacent to the site. A smallseasonal stream, Dodda Halla which is presently draining the waste waterfrom the town boundaries western side of proposed STP site. The streamruns dry for the entire year except for two to three months during themonsoon. This stream joins River Varada approximately at 16.02 km northof proposed STP site. As the stream runs through agricultural fields wherefarmers are utilizing the waste water for irrigation purpose, the waterdoes not reach the river in down stream. In the present proposal, thetreated effluent from STP is proposed to be discharged in to this stream.2. Water Supply76. Improvement at intake point of River Varada, developing Heggere Kere as animpounding reservoir, laying pipe line from River Varada to New WTP andHeggere Kere along with enhancement of distribution network in the CMC arethe proposals made under NKUSIP.77. Improvement at Intake Point of River Varada: The existing intake point inRiver Varada will be rehabilitated as the intake point during monsoon to storewater in Heggere Kere to cater city’s summer demand. There are noenvironmental sensitive issues along the intake point or neighboring.78. Developing Heggere Kere as an impounding Reservoir: The lake is sufficientenough to store 1400 ML water but has to be developed as a fresh waterreservoir. There are no significant environmental sensitive features along theproposed area.79. New Pipe Lining from River Varada to New WTP / Heggere Kere: This willinvolve lying of pipeline for 11 km length. Landuse along major part of thealignment is agricultural.3. Urban DrainageKUIDFC34WSAPL

NKUSIP (Package I - Dharwad)Tranche I Sub-Projects in <strong>Haveri</strong> CMCInitial Environmental Examinationiii) Topography of the site is predominantly flat. The soil of the site ischaracterised by clayey soil.iv) The depth of groundwater table is deep at around 40 to 50m belowground level.v) There is no development in the vicinity. Sparse development can beobserved at around 1.0 km from the Site is surrounded by agricultural fields. Due to non-availability ofirrigation facilities only rain fed crops are cultivated here. Cotton andpulses are the main crops cultivated in the area. No groundwaterextraction points such as bore wells are located with in the vicinity.vii) The site has proper access; a road passes adjacent to the site. A smallseasonal stream, Dodda Halla which is presently draining the waste waterfrom the town boundaries western side of proposed STP site. The streamruns dry for the entire year except for two to three months during themonsoon. This stream joins River Varada approximately at 16.02 km northof proposed STP site. As the stream runs through agricultural fields wherefarmers are utilizing the waste water for irrigation purpose, the waterdoes not reach the river in down stream. In the present proposal, thetreated effluent from STP is proposed to be discharged in to this stream.2. Water Supply76. Improvement at intake point of River Varada, developing Heggere Kere as animpounding reservoir, laying pipe line from River Varada to New WTP andHeggere Kere along with enhancement of distribution network in the CMC arethe proposals made under NKUSIP.77. Improvement at Intake Point of River Varada: The existing intake point inRiver Varada will be rehabilitated as the intake point during monsoon to storewater in Heggere Kere to cater city’s summer demand. There are noenvironmental sensitive issues along the intake point or neighboring.78. Developing Heggere Kere as an impounding Reservoir: The lake is sufficientenough to store 1400 ML water but has to be developed as a fresh waterreservoir. There are no significant environmental sensitive features along theproposed area.79. New Pipe Lining from River Varada to New WTP / Heggere Kere: This willinvolve lying of pipeline for 11 km length. Landuse along major part of thealignment is agricultural.3. Urban DrainageKUIDFC34WSAPL

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