Iglesia Ni Cristo - Headline Gitnang Luzon

Iglesia Ni Cristo - Headline Gitnang Luzon

Iglesia Ni Cristo - Headline Gitnang Luzon


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SBMA to remit P74.5-M towns sharenews pagE 3www.headlinegl.comVOLUME II • NO. 33JULY 26-28, 2013FRIDAY - SUNDAYASSISTANCEDISTRIBUTION.Governor LiliaPineda distributesfinancial assistanceamounting toP10,000 to the 41displaced informalsettlers residingalong the ArnedoDike in CupangArayat section.With her are ArayatMayor Emmanuel“Bon” Alejandrino,Vice-Mayor RamonChangcoco, and ProvincialSocial Welfareand DevelopmentOfficer ElizabethBaybayan.--Photo by GVJJRThe Most Widely Distributed Local Newspaper in Central <strong>Luzon</strong>Foreigninvestorkeen onArayatparkBY JENNA LUMBANGMartin <strong>Ni</strong>everanagpapayat?Page 6Capitol reduces IRAdependency to 60%Tapang outto unitePampangacouncilorsBy Marna D. Del Rosario & Joey PaviaCITY OF SAN FERNAN-DO--Porac Councilor Mike Tapang,newly elected presidentof the Philippine Councilors’League-Pampanga Chapter, hasappealed for unity among the214 members of the league.Tapang, a businessman,who is on his second term ascouncilor, said “let’s show tothem that the PCL in Pampangais one of the most unifiedgroups in the country.”Tapang said the PCL willhelp Gov. Lilia Pineda and ViceGov. Dennis Pineda in their priorityprograms on health andtapang... pagE 15CITY OF SAN FERNANDO–A foreign investor has expressedinterest to develop the mothballedArayat National Park in BarangaySan Juan Baño in Arayat town.This was revealed by ArayatMayor Emmanuel “Bon” Alejandrinoin a meeting with Governorarayat park... pagE 15BY JENNA LUMBANGCITY OF SAN FERNANDO–The provincial government’s dependence onInternal Revenue Allotment (IRA) for its yearly operation decreases to60 percent because of the income-generating efforts spearheaded under theadministration of Gov. Lilia Pineda. ira... pagE 15ENVIRONMENTALARTISTS. Membersof local advocacybands perform during“Treevolution”, the4th Save the TreesConcert and VisualArts Exhibit held July20 at the KalinanganGallery in the City ofSan Fernando. Theevent was organized bythe Save the Trees Coalitionand MusikerongKapampangan.--Photo by Ric Gonzales

RIGHT BRAND. Professor Enrique Soriano III, faculty chairman of the Ateneo Graduate School of Business, delivers his lectureon “branding business” at the forum at the Mansfield Residences in Angeles City on Wednesday. --Photo by Leo VillacarlosSBMA to remit P74.5-M towns shareBy Butch GunioSUBIC BAY FREEPORT--TheSubic Bay Metropolitan Authority(SBMA) is set to release a total of P74.5million worth of revenue shares for thefirst semester of 2013 to communitiesadjacent to this premier free port.SBMA Chairman and AdministratorRoberto Garcia disclosed that thesaid figure consists of the P67.2-millionrevenue share for the first semesterand the P7.3-million 10-percentretention withheld from the revenueshare released in the first semester of2011.The funds will be disbursed on August1, he added.Garcia said these shares are intendedto supplement developmentprojects in health, education, peaceand order, and livelihood generationof contiguous local government units(LGUs).“The SBMA is continuing with itstask of attracting more investments.The more investments we generate,the more revenue share we can collectfrom corporate taxes. And these willbe forwarded to neighboring communitiesof the Subic Bay Freeport,” Garciasaid.According to SBMA Treasury Departmentrecords, Olongapo City willreceive the biggest chunk of shareswith a total of P18.12 million, whileSubic, Zambales follows next withP11.05 million. Next comes Dinalupihan,Bataan, with P9.35 million;San Marcelino, Zambales, P9.02 million;Hermosa, Bataan, P7.6 million;We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulationsto all the brethren in the Church of Christ(<strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong><strong>Cristo</strong>) in the occasion of its 99th founding Anniversary.The Church ministers led by Bro. Eduardo V. Manalo,executive minister and his predecessors have tirelesslyfulfilled the divine mission of propagating the gospeland administering the Church through 99 years ofunselfish effort and dedication.Glory be unto God!MARINO “BOKING” MORALESCITY MAYORHON. CHRISTIAN HALILICITY VICE MAYORAND CITY COUNCILORS<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>JULY 26-28, 2013news3Ateneo-Clark holds forumon branding, right businessBy Joey PaviaANGELES CITY –The Ateneo de ManilaUniversity (ADMU)Clark campus onWednesday staged abusiness forum at theMansfield Residenceshere aimed at helpingentrepreneurs improvetheir businesses.The ADMU-ClarkGraduate School ofBusiness, led by Prof.Frankie Villanueva andhis 19 students, organizedthe “Finding andBranding The RightBusiness For You” businessforum.The project wasdone in cooperationwith Smart Communicationsand the MetroClark Chamber of Commerceand Industry.Mitch Otsuru,one of the studentsorganizers,said theywere aiming to helpbusinessmen “choosethe right business forthem.”Jeff Tolentino, projectmanager of the forum,said they weretargeting young businesspeople based inthe Metro Clark area.The area is composedof Angeles City, MabalacatCity, Porac,2 arrested for rape in BataanBy Michael Cigaralateneo-clark... pagE 15MARIVELES, Bataan--Police arrested twosuspects, including a teenager, after a 22-year oldlady victim reported a rape incident that transpiredWednesday in Sitio Upper Laya, BarangayPoblacion of this town.Superintendent Melecio Buslig, the chief of policehere, identified the suspect as Jhasper Valencia,19 years old, a resident of Barangay Poblacion,and a certain Alex Simo, legal age, resident of SitioPagasa Barangay Camaya, Mariveles, Bataan.The victim, Sheryl (not her real name), a residentof Barangay Ipag of the same town, narratedto the investigation conducted by the Women andtown share... pagE 15 rape... pagE 14

4<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>JULY 26-28, 2013EDITORIALLeaps and boundsIn celebration of the 99th founding anniversary of the <strong>Iglesia</strong><strong>Ni</strong> <strong>Cristo</strong>, <strong>Headline</strong> <strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong> is running a special tribute tothe Church that has grown by leaps and bounds starting from itshumble beginning. The INC proves that greatness could start evenfrom the most unexpected beginning; an internationally-respectedreligion that emerged from a small nation like the Philippines.This is how it all began:The <strong>Iglesia</strong> ni <strong>Cristo</strong> was first preached by the late BrotherFelix. Y. Manalo in the Philippine capital city of Manila. Its first localcongregation was established in Punta, Sta. Ana. On July 27, 1914,the Church was registered with the Philippine government.In 1915, Brother Felix Manalo, as the first Executive Minister ofthe Church, started training ministers to assist him in the propagationof the gospel. By 1918, ministers and volunteer preachers werebeing sent to provinces around Manila. In its tenth year, the first ecclesiasticaldistrict was organized in Pampanga province.Domestic growthBy 1939, the Church had already expanded to as far as IlocosNorte province in Northern <strong>Luzon</strong> to Cebu province in the Visayaswith the addition of 14 districts. It reached farther south in Mindanaoin 1946 with the establishment of a district in Cotabato. WhenBrother Eraño G. Manalo assumed overall administration in April1963, the Church had established districts in more than half of allPhilippine provinces.OverseasOn July 27, 1968, the incumbent Executive Minister officiatedat the first worship service of the Church outside the Philippines.This gathering held in Ewa Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii marked theestablishment of the Honolulu Congregation, the first overseas missionof the Church. The following month, the Executive Minister wasin California to establish the San Francisco Congregation and leadits inaugural worship service.The AmericasIn 1971, the Church set foot in Canada. In June 1987, the USMain Office (USMO) was set up in Daly City, California to assistthe Central Administration in supervising the then 11 districts of theChurch in the West.The first local congregation in Latin America was establishedin Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in 1990. The following year, the Churchreached Mexico and Aruba. From 2000 and beyond, congregationsrose in the Central and South American countries.EuropeThe first local congregation in Europe was established in Englandin 1972. The Church came to Germany and Switzerland inthe mid-70s. By the end of the 1980s, congregations and missionscould be found in the Scandinavian countries and their neighbors.MediterraneanThe Rome, Italy Congregation was established on July 27,1994; the Jerusalem, Israel Congregation in March 1996; and theAthens, Greece Congregation in May 1997. The predecessors(prayer groups) of these full-fledged congregations began two decadesearlier. Meanwhile, the mission first reached Spain in 1979.AfricaThe first mission in northern Africa opened in <strong>Ni</strong>geria in October1978. After a month, the King William’s Town Congregation, inSouth Africa was established.Asia, Australia, and OceaniaA congregation was organized in Guam in 1969. In Australia,congregations have been established since mid-1970s.The Church first reached China by way of Hong Kong, and Japanthrough Tokyo also in the 1970s. Missions have also opened in Kazakhstanand Sakhalin Island in Russia.In Southeast Asia, the first congregation in Thailand wasestablished in 1976 and missions have already been conductedin Brunei since 1979. In addition, there are also congregations inVietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia.(Source: http://incmedia.org/inc/history.html)HEADLINE <strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong> is a Daily Regional NewspaperGeneral Manager: Atty. Gerome n. TubigEditor-in-Chief: albert lacanlaleLayout Artist: JP ManalangReporters: CHARLENE CAYABYAB /MARNA D. DEL ROSARIOAdministrative Staff: sherylin l. riveraMarketing Head: ELAINE MAPILESMarketing/Circulation: Marlo francoPhotographer: Leo villarcarlosPublisher: I.N.I. NewspaperEmail: headlinegitnangluzon@gmail.comWebsite: www.headlinegl.comDISCLAIMER: Views expressed by columnists are theirown and do not necessarily reflect the editorial position ofHEADLINE <strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong> or its internetwebsite: www.headlinegl.com. The publisher does not knowinglypublish false information and may not be held liable for theviews of its columnists exercising their right to free expression.All rights reserved. Subject to the conditions providedfor by law, no article or photograph published byHEADLINE GITNANG LUZON may be reprinted orreproduced, in whole or in part, without its prior consent.Office Address: 2nd Floor, U2 Building, MacArthurHighway, Dolores, City of San Fernando, Pampanga, 2000Tel. Nos. (045) 435-0938On this day in 1775, the U.S.postal system is established by theSecond Continental Congress, withBenjamin Franklin as its first postmastergeneral. Franklin (1706-1790)put in place the foundation for manyaspects of today’s mail system. Duringearly colonial times in the 1600s,few American colonists needed tosend mail to each other; it was morelikely that their correspondence waswith letter writers in Britain. Mail deliveriesfrom across the Atlantic weresporadic and could take many monthsto arrive. There were no post offices inthe colonies, so mail was typically leftat inns and taverns. In 1753, BenjaminFranklin, who had been postmaster ofPhiladelphia, became one of two jointpostmasters general for the colonies.He made numerous improvementsto the mail system, including settingup new, more efficient colonial routesand cutting delivery time in half betweenPhiladelphia and New York byhaving the weekly mail wagon travelboth day and night via relay teams.Franklin also debuted the first ratechart, which standardized deliverycosts based on distance and weight.In 1774, the British fired FranklinThe INCOn July 27, 1914, the<strong>Iglesia</strong> ni <strong>Cristo</strong> registeredwith the government of thePhilippines. INC has sincebecome the largest independentchurch in Asia andthe largest religious organizationthat originated inthe Philippines. To date, theINC’s congregation is over5,600 in 98 countries.As in the past, we can expectthat the INC will be celebratingits 99th foundinganniversary with meaningfuland relevant programsand activities for the welfareof humanity. I call it a practiceand putting of the Wordinto action of goodness andbenevolence.In terms of its charitableand noteworthy activities,its aid organization,the Felix Y. Manalo FoundationLingap sa Mamamayan,has conducted a number ofmedical and dental missionsin Metro Manila and otherplaces, especially marginalizedcommunities. It haslikewise been active in givingout relief goods duringtimes of needs of our lessfortunate brothers.The INC has also foundits way in the Guinness Bookof World Records last yearwhen its members conductedvarious humanitarian missions.Indeed, the INC practiceswhat it preaches andits sincerity in doing charityworks redounds to the benefitand welfare of other people.Thus, the INC flock hascontinuously grown since itsestablishment 99 years ago,evidencing INC’s religiousrighteousness and its contributionto our society. TheINC members are widely recognizedto be the most disciplinedand most respectfulto their religious beliefs. Its99th founding anniversary,I believe, is a mere prequelto its centennial celebrationcomes 2014.On behalf of the entire<strong>Headline</strong> <strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>family, our warmest felicitationon the 99th anniversaryof the INC. We salutewith pride the hierarchy andmembers of the INC for its99 long years of spreadingthe Word with great dedication.●U.S. postal system establishedJuly 26, 1775from his postmaster job because of hisrevolutionary activities. However, thefollowing year, he was appointed postmastergeneral of the United Coloniesby the Continental Congress. Franklinheld the job until late in 1776, when hewas sent to France as a diplomat. Heleft a vastly improved mail system,with routes from Florida to Maine andregular service between the coloniesand Britain. President George Washingtonappointed Samuel Osgood, aformer Massachusetts congressman,as the first postmaster general of theAmerican nation under thenew U.S. constitution in 1789.At the time, there were approximately75 post offices inthe country.Today, the United Stateshas over 40,000 post officesand the postal service delivers212 billion pieces of maileach year to over 144 millionhomes and businessesin the United States, PuertoRico, Guam, the AmericanVirgin Islands and AmericanSamoa. The postal service isthe nation’s largest civilianemployer, with over 700,000ATTY.KAPATTY. GEROME TUBIG“The INC membersare widelyrecognized tobe the mostdisciplined andmost respectfulto their religiousbeliefs”career workers, who handle morethan 44 percent of the world’s cardsand letters. The postal service is a notfor-profit,self-supporting agency thatcovers its expenses through postage(stamp use in the United States startedin 1847) and related products. Thepostal service gets the mail delivered,rain or shine, using everything fromplanes to mules. However, it’s notcheap: The U.S. Postal Service saysthat when fuel costs go up by just onepenny, its own costs rise by $8 million.--HISTORYBe heard! Send us yourcomments & opinionsmail US:2nd Floor, U2 Building, Dolores,McArthur, Hi-way, City of San Fernando, PampangaE-MAIL: headlinegitnangluzon@gmail.com

<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>JULY 26-28, 20137Isang taos pusong pagbati angnais naming iparating sa lahat ng mgakapatid sa <strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong> <strong>Cristo</strong> sa pangungunang Tagapamahalang Pangkalahatan na siKapatid na Eduardo V. Manalo sa mabiyaya atmabungang pagdiriwang ng kanilangika 99- Anibersaryo ng pagkakatatag.Purihin ang Diyos!MensaheOn the occasion of the Church’s 99th Anniversary, I would like to extendmy warmest congratulations to all the brethren in the <strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong> <strong>Cristo</strong> ledby the dynamic leadership of Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, the Church’sexecutive minister who oversees the tremendous growth of the Churchnot only in the Philippines but also around the globe.Under Ka Eduardo and his predecessors’ stewardship, the Church hasreached more than 110 countries and territories and continuously propagatingthe words of God for the salvation of mankind in these last days.To GOD be the glory!Greetings from:Tonton TorresKonsehal ng BayanGuagua, PampangaGreetings from:THELMA MACAPAGALCouncilor, Municipality of Candabaand FamilyTo all the officers and members of the <strong>Iglesia</strong><strong>Ni</strong> <strong>Cristo</strong> led by Brother Eduardo V. Manalo,the Church’s executive minister, I would liketo convey my heartfelt congratulations onthe occasion of their 99th anniversary.The brethren’s unity and the stability of theChurch are worth emulating.To God be the glory!Binabati ko po ang mga kapatid sa <strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong> <strong>Cristo</strong>sa Mabalacat City at bayan ng Magalang ng isangmaligaya, matatag at kahanga –hangang ika- 99anibersaryo ng inyong pagsilang bilang isang pinagpapalangsamahan ng tunay na mananampalataya.Ang matibay na pagkakaisa at mabilis na tagumpayng <strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong> <strong>Cristo</strong> sa pangunguna ng kapatidna Eduardo V. Manalo ay dapat pamarisan hindilamang ng sambayanang Pilipino kundi ng lahat ngmga mamamayan ng daigdig.Purihin ang Diyos!FERDINAND“DINAN”LABUNG3rd District Board MemberProvince of PampangaGreetings from:CHERRY MANALOBoard Member1st District – Pampanga

<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>JULY 26-28, 20139HAPPY 99th ANNIVERSARYto the IGLESIA NI CRISTOCongratulations to all the members of the <strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong><strong>Cristo</strong> as they celebrate the 99th anniversary of theChurch.All their success in its wide variety of undertakingsare attributed as the works of the mighty hands ofGod in these last days.The Church administration, officers and membershave all the reasons to thank, praise and celebratethe 99 years of God’s work for his chosen people.Glory be unto God!MYLYN P. CAYABYABMunicipal MayorHappy 99th Anniversary<strong>Iglesia</strong> ni <strong>Cristo</strong>Nais po naming batiin ng isang masagana at mabiyayang anibersaryo angmga Kapatid sa <strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong> <strong>Cristo</strong> sa pamamahala ng Kapatid na Eduardo V,Manalo ngayong ika-27 ng Hulyo, 2013.Hinahangaan po namin ang mabilis na paglago at pag-unlad ng <strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong><strong>Cristo</strong> hindi lamang sa Pilipinas kundi sa ibat-ibang panig ng mundo.Ang mga pangyayaring ito po ay isang katibayan ng pagtulong ng makapangyarihangkamay ng Panginoong Diyos sa kanyang mga anak .Ang pagdami ng mga kaanib na naturuan ng mga aral ng Diyos ay lubhangnapapanahon dahil nakakatulong ito sa pagpapataas ng moralidad hindilamang ng mga Filipino kundi ng mga mamamayan ng mundo.Magtagumpay nawa po kayo sa inyong adhikain na mapataas ang uri ng buhayispiritwal ng mga tao na maghahatid sa tunay na kahulugan ng pagigingisang Kristiyano.Isang mabiyayang pagbati sa pagsapit ng ika-99 anibersaryo ng <strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong><strong>Cristo</strong>!YOLANDA “YOLLY” PINEDAPunong Bayan, Bayan ng Sta. RitaAt mga Miembro ng Sangguniang Bayan

10 <strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>JULY 26-28, 2013THE MABALACAT PUBLIC MARKET--Photo by JOEY PAVIAMan nabbed for illegaldrugs in MasantolBy Marna Dagumboy-del Rosario & Froilan E. MagtotoMASANTOL, Pampanga--A 32-year oldsuspected shabu pusher was nabbed by policeauthorities in a buy-bust operation in BarangaySan <strong>Ni</strong>colas here on Wednesday.Pampanga police director, Senior SuperintendentOscar Albayalde, identified the suspectas Guillermo de Villina, alias “Tomeng”, a residentof said barangay.Investigations revealed that Villina wascaught while in the act of handing to a poseurbuyer a small sized plastic sachet of suspectedshabu.Police recovered from Villina a P500 bill(KQ207296) used by the poseur buyer during thebuy-bust operation.drugs... pagE 15WWW.HEADLINEGL.COMCONCEPCION, Tarlac--Localoperatives arrested Wednesday twosuspected carnappers who are believedto be involved in a series of motorcyclethefts in this town and othernearby areas.The two suspects were identifiedas Jerome Pancho, 18, a resident ofbarangay Sto. <strong>Ni</strong>ño here and LuisitoTolentino, 27, of barangay Sto. Domingo2nd, Capas town.Pancho was caught in the act ofdismantling the parts of the motorcyclethey stole from Jomar Manaluz,Mabalacat to reviewSM market proposalBy Joey PaviaMABALACAT CITY --ViceMayor Christian Halili on Thursdaywelcomed the planned SavemoreMarket project at the publicmarket here and stressed that thewelfare of the vendors are “of utmostimportance.”Halili said Mayor Marino“Boking” Morales had earlierinformed him of the proposedthree-storey building project ofthe giant grocery store chain affiliatedwith the SM Food RetailGroup.“My office has yet to receivea formal letter or notice about it,”he added.Halili said the SM’s plan is“good but we will make a review.”He said the city council willconsult the vendors at the Mabalacatmarket.32, a resident of barangay Alfonsohere.Manaluz reported to the policethat his motorcycle with sidecarwas stolen last Tuesday while it wasparked in front of the ImmaculateConcepcion Polyclinic Hospital.Supt. Joyce Patrick Sangalang,Concepcion police chief, immediatelyalerted his team and subsequentlyflashed an alarm of the stolen vehicle.With the help of an informer, thepolice determined the whereabouts ofthe vehicle.“If they have no complaintsand are supporting it, I will abideand approve [it],” said Halili.“We will also determine theoffers of SM and the agreementsto be forged between us,” he said.In an interview on Wednesday,Morales said the SM officialshad offered to make a threestoreybuilding at the MabalacatPublic market.He said the first floor will befor the vendors and the secondfloor will be for SaveMore.The third floor will be for vehicleparking.“It’s a very good proposal becausewe will not spend anythingfor it,” said Morales. “We will alsobe operating the first floor and wecan rent it out like what we do now.”Morales said the area of themarket is some 3,000 square meters.●Tarlac police collar 2 suspected car thievesThe suspect admitted the commissionof the crime and later pointedTolentino as his accomplice, who confessedthat he already sold the side carof the stolen tricycle.The two suspects were chargedfor violation of Republic Act 6539otherwise known as Anti-CarnappingAct of 1972.Sangalang said they are now coordinatingwith other nearby municipalitiesfor possible involvement of thesuspects following reports of missingmotorcycles in those areas. ● (PNA)Buong galak na binabati namin ang mga kapatid, ang lahat ng maytungkulin, manggagawa, ministroat ang Tagapamahalang Pangkalahatan ng <strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong> <strong>Cristo</strong> –si Kapatid na Eduardo V. Manalo samasayang pagdiriwang ng ika-99 na anibersaryo ng pagkakatatag ng <strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong> <strong>Cristo</strong> sa Pilipinas atpaglaganap nito sa mahigit 110 na bansa at anim na kontinente ng mundo.Buo din po ang aming paniniwala na ang tagumpay at kaningningan na tinatamo ng <strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong> <strong>Cristo</strong>sa kabuuan ay gawa ng makapangyarihang Kamay ng Diyos.Simula sa abang kalagayan ay narating nito ang kaluwalhatiang marapat sa Pangalan ng DakilangLumikha.Tuloy-tuloy ang paglago ng <strong>Iglesia</strong>. Masisigla at payapang namumuhay ng matuwid ang mga kaanibat kinikilala ng pamahalaan ang disiplina at pagkakaisa ng mga kapatid sa pangunguna ng Pamamahalang <strong>Iglesia</strong>.HAPPY 99th ANNIVERSARY!ROMMEL M. CONCEPCIONMayor –Sta. Ana, PampangaVICE MAYOR MEDIATRIX G. NOLASCOVice Mayor- Sta. Ana, PampangaMga Miembro ng Sangguniang BayanRHODORA C. NACPILRAMESES M. CONCEPCIONJEROME IAN S. GADDIARTHUR M. DIAZREINHART A. GUEVARRAREYNALDO Z. MONTOYARESTITUTO L. MONTOYARODOLFO C. BUANLIGA PRESIDENT ANASTACIO CALMA, JR.SKMF PRESIDENT RANIE C. CONCEPCION

<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>JULY 26-28, 2013Gov wants local officials taught of new COA rules11By Elaine MercadoCITY OF SAN FERNANDO--GovernorLilia “Nanay” G. Pineda wants allelected officials from the province, municipalitiesdown to the barangay level toundergo orientation seminar on the newguidelines of the Commission on Audit(COA) to lend integrity and transparencyin their government transactions.“This is to ensure the accuracy andtransparency of the official governmenttransactions being signed and undertakenby the local executives in the province,towns and villages in the implementationof projects and programs for thebenefit of the Kapampangans. At parahindi na pabalik-balik at paulit ang mgakinakailangang requirements at dokumento,”Pineda said.Teresita Geguinto, provincial COAauditor, made a brief orientation Wednesdayon the new guidelines of the commissionto shed light on the documents andrequirements they are asking in everygovernment transaction.By Michael CigaralGeguinto said the COA plays a veryimportant role in ensuring openness andfrugality in the use of public funds as italso leads to more honest utilization ofpublic funds.It can be noted that the role of theCOA is important in ensuring that corruptofficials are not allowed to squanderpublic funds.The brief orientation was attended byGovernor Pineda, Provincial AdministratorAndres Pangilinan, Jr., all departmentheads of the Capitol and the provincialengineers.Pineda said she acknowledges the vitalrole of the COA in the prevention andelimination of corruption in the deliveryof services and her program of good governanceand transparency.The governor said she learned a lotfrom the orientation and vowed to abideby the rules and standard procedures beingimplemented by the commission.“If you have nothing to hide, you havenothing to fear. Instead, you will appreciatethe good intention of the COA as they‘Kapihan’ tackles Dinalupihan disaster preparednessDINALUPIHAN, Bataan--Ina bid to inform thecitizens directly on disasterpreparedness, the PhilippineInformation Agency-Region3 conducted its flagship program“Kapihan ng Mamamayan”at the DinalupihanCivic Center in this townyesterday.Officials from the Officeof Civil Defense-Region3 and the Bataan ProvincialDisaster Risk Reduction andManagement Office orientedthe residents and local officialsfrom the flood-pronebarangays of Padre Dandan,Pentor and Bonifacio.Aside from the informationcampaign, PIA alsobrought services like freehealth consultation andmedicine from the BataanGeneral Hospital; free massagetherapy from TechnicalEducation and Skills DevelopmentAuthority; and, haircutfrom the Armed Forces ofthe Philippines.Meanwhile, pupils fromPadre Dandan Day CareCenter participated in storytelling,fun games and feedingprogram brought by theSoroptimist International ofthe Philippines-Bataan. ●only want government transactions fair,just and transparent. That’s what I want–good governance,” Pineda said.The governor encouraged all localgovernment officials to follow the rulesand regulation and requirement of thecommission for clean and honest to goodnessgovernment operations.The provincial administrator said hewill see to it that the provincial governmentwill work in accordance with thelaw and guidance of the commission.The provincial COA auditor assuredthe provincial executives that she willcooperate, observe and guide the departmentsof the Capitol on proper implementationof government transaction toensure the integrity and credibility of theprojects and programs which entail theuse of public funds.The governor and COA want to includecitizens participation in the auditprocess such as non-government organizations,media, business chambers,among others in various aspects of thegovernment business process.DRUGS from Page 10The governor said she wants the COAto train the local chief executives andtheir employees on procurement rules,implementation of budgets, disbursements,basic accounting and educationaround financial reports.“I know that the implementation ofthe reforms being pushed by the COA isa huge challenge to all local governmentofficials but this is doable and possibleunder the ‘Tuwid na Daan’ of PresidentBenigno Aquino III and the provincialgovernment is ready to follow his reformagenda and program on good governance,”Pineda said.She said that there is a need to putin place a culture of integrity in the localgovernment units to be able to sustain thereforms.The governor said the culture of integrityis truly a formidable and inclusiveprocess. It requires the active cooperationand involvement of all stakeholders.“As local government officials, ourultimate responsibility is to lead by example,”she added. ●Albayalde said Villina has been under surveillance for allegedly sellingillegal drugs in this town.The suspect is now detained at the Masantol Police Station and appropriatecharges was filed in court against him.In a related development, Olongapo City police personnel arrestedIsamel Biay, 45, a resident of Barangay Calapacuan, Subic, Zambales,and Christian Ignation, 33, a of Barangay Sta. Rita, Olongapo City.The two were arrested at about 8:30 p.m. in a drug buy bust operationin front of the Half-Moon Beach along the National Highway inBarangay Kalaklan, Olongapo City.Authorities were able to buy the illegal substance from the two suspects,police said.During a body search, the police were able to discover three moresachets containing shabu.Police said the suspects were brought to the Olongapo City PoliceStation 1 for proper further investigation and disposition. ●Happy 99th Anniversary<strong>Iglesia</strong> ni <strong>Cristo</strong>In behalf of the people and elected officials of Candaba,I would like to convey my sincerest congratulations toall our brethren particularly in my town and most especiallyto Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, executive ministeron the occasion of the 99th Founding Anniversary of the<strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong> <strong>Cristo</strong>.The Church administration is continuously admonishingthe brethren and the officers to lead and live righteouslives, to remain obedient to God’s will, steadfast infaith and love the brotherhood for them not to lose theopportunity to receive God’s grace of salvation.To God be the Glory!!RENE ESTACIO MAGLANQUEMunicipal Mayor, Candaba, Pampanga

12 <strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>JULY 26-28, 2013MESSAGEOn the occasion of the Church’s 99th Anniversary, I would like toextend my warmest congratulations to all the brethren in the<strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong> <strong>Cristo</strong> led by the dynamic leadership of BrotherEduardo V. Manalo, the Church’s executive minister who overseesthe tremendous growth of the Church not only in the Philippinesbut also around the globe.Under Ka Eduardo and his predecessors’ stewardship, the Churchhas reached more than 110 countries and territories and continuouslypropagating the words of God for the salvation of mankindin these last days.To GOD be the glory!Greetings from:NESTOR TOLENTINOBoard Member4th District - PampangaIsang karangalan na mabigyan ng pagkakataon na batiin ang mgakapatid sa <strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong> <strong>Cristo</strong> sa pangungunan ni Kapatid na EduardoV. Manalo, tagapamahalang pangkalahatan sa pagsapit ng ika-99na anibersaryo ngayong ika-27 ng Hulyo, 2013..Buo ang aming paniniwala na ang Panginoong Diyos ang mayhawak sa <strong>Iglesia</strong> at ang mga tagumpay nito ay gawa ng KanyangMakapangyarihang Kamay.Kasama ng mga opisyal at mga mamamayan ng San Luis, binabatinamin kayo ng isang maligayang pagdiriwang ng inyong anibersaryo.Ang Diyos ay purihin!Pagbati mula kay:VENANCIO “ASYONG” MACAPAGALMayor- San Luis, PampangaLEONARDO S. SALAS, JR.Vice MayorAt mga miembro ng Sangguniang BayanWe send our greetings to all the brethren in theChurch of Christ (<strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong> <strong>Cristo</strong>) on the occasion ofits 99TH founding AnniversaryThe <strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong> <strong>Cristo</strong> has reached the glorious statureas the Church under the leadership of Brother EduardoV. Manalo, executive minister, and remains in God’smerciful hand and keeps on receiving His grace andsovereign guidance and this can be attested by the continuedsuccess in its mission and expansion in the wholeworld.With all the remarkable achievements of the <strong>Iglesia</strong>ni <strong>Cristo</strong>, our brethren have all the reason to rejoice its99th founding anniversary.TO GOD BE THE GLORY!CRISOSTOMO GARBOBoard Member, 1st District – PampangaKRIZZANEL “WIN-WIN” GARBOCouncilor – Mabalacat City

14 JULY<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>26-28, 2013REV-UP CREEK from Page 2“Sagip Sapang Balen” movement, saidthat the participation of the residentsalongside the creek is vital for the successof the program.“A clean-up drive is a mere ‘janitorialapproach’. It will only be successfulif the lead agents are the peoplewho live along the creek,” said BishopDavid.Mayor Edgardo Pamintuan, on theother hand, challenged the city’s villagechiefs especially those barangaystraversing the Sapang Balen Creek, toremain keen in monitoring their respectiveclusters.“This is a more intensified approachfor our environmental program.It is about time to encouragePHILHEALTH from Page 2RUGBY from Page 2will compete for charitable causes.Ronaldo Tiotuico, chief of the Departmentof Tourism in Central <strong>Luzon</strong>(DOT 3), said the players, some of themfrom Hong Kong, are scheduled tomount their Charity Golf Tournamenton September 6 at the Mimosa Golf andCountry Club.Tiotuico said the annual event wasinitiated by the Pot Bellied Pigs of HongKong. He said the event is meant togenerate some P6 million in donationsfrom well-meaning international companysponsors and charity auctions inorder to help assuage the plight of disadvantagedchildren in Angeles Cityincluding the development of the gameof rugby in the Philippines while at thesame time contribute towards the generationof more visitor arrivals into thecountry.RAPE from Page 3Children Protection Desk of Marivelesmunicipal police station, that on thenight of the incident, she was with herfriends, including the suspects, havinga drinking spree at the house of suspectSimo.When the victim was on her wayhome, she was accompanied by theeach Angeleño to actively do their parttowards the regeneration of SapangBalen,” said Pamintuan.The City Environment and NaturalResources Office (CENRO) reportedthat 14.32 tons of wastes along the10.89-kilometer stretch of the creekwere collected.This was made possible throughthe conduct of 14 successful SapangBalen clean-up drives during Pamintuan’sprevious term.In the new Sagip Sapang BalenRehabilitation Project, partners, suchas government and private organizations,will be encouraged to adopt aspecific portion of the creek wherecleaning and monitoring will be done.During the last three years of gaming,the Pot Bellied Pigs headed by itspresident, Alun Grassick from Scotland,assisted by Ross Bendix, wasable to raise an amount of more thanUS$50,000 each year for their charitablecauses.Among their beneficiaries includeClark Rugby Club, Philippine RugbyFootball Union Development Fund andthe Visayas Rugby Football Union.They also support medical projectslike providing medicines and vaccinationsfor hundreds of children acrossthe country.The group is continuously solicitingcontributions from companies that supportthe development of the rugby game.Proceeds go to events like engagingstudents from various schools in <strong>Luzon</strong>and Visayas in training clinics – eitherIn the barangay level, values formationas well as awareness and informationcampaign about the city’s ordinancesconcerning Republic Act 9003or the Ecological Solid Waste ManagementAct will be pursued.Community environmental policeunits will also be assigned to secureand protect the creek from possible litterers.For his current term, Pamintuanseeks to strengthen his environmentaladvocacies and has included in hisContract with the Angeleños (CWA)2013 the establishment of eco-parksalong the banks of the creek and thecreation of the Sapang Balen CreekManagement Council. ●touch rugby or full contact.Feeding programs are also heldin each clinic. They also sponsor children’seducation in Thailand and havesponsored yurts in Mongolia for theChristina Nobel Foundation.A portion of the proceeds from allkitsales goes to the club’s designatedcharities.DOT-sponsored prize packagessuch as roundtrip air tickets to Boracayor Davao including “More Fun” ecobagswill be up for grabs during theclub’s charity auction.The event’s main sponsors are Tannerde Witt, DHL and Overgaard andis supported by Holiday Inn-Clark,the Angeles City Government, PAF inClark, and the DOT, including AngelesCity Water District and Mabalacat CityWater District. ●suspects but, instead of bringing her totheir house, suspects brought her at thehouse of Valencia and allegedly rapedher.After the incident, suspects broughther home and left.The next day, the victim reportedthe incident to the Mariveles PNP stationthat resulted to the arrest of thesuspect Valencia. Simo remains at largeand is now subject of the police’s manhuntoperation.Arrested suspect is now under custodyof Mariveles police office while acase for rape is being readied againsthim and Simo. ●Program (4P’s) of the national government.“Angeles City has a very good track record asfar as PhilHealth is concerned. It gives its constituentsthe assurance that they are well protectedby the program,” said Torres.Torres added that, compared to previousadministrations, Mayor Edgardo Pamintuanyielded the most number of enrollees covered bythe insurance benefit.The cash transfer was received by Pamintuan.Apart from the families identified by theNHTS, Pamintuan enrolled 21,000 Angeleñofamilies during his first term.For accredited health providers, particularlythe Rafael Lazatin Memorial Medical Center(formerly Ospital ning Angeles), a premium contributionof P36 million has already been paidby the PHIC for the two-year effectivity of themembership.In the 2013 midyear report, PHIC alreadyrecorded a P31 million premium contributionfor the hospital which, Torres said, could expandand increase as the year ends.Pamintuan said that the grant is “a goodmanifestation of a city which places the healthcareof its constituents as an utmost priority.”He then asked the PHIC to expand the insurancecoverage to accommodate more Angeleñosin the coming years saying that “health isnecessary for economic growth.”“We need to look into the immediate needsof the Angeleños while we are still yearning fora stable and progressive economy for our country,”Pamintuan said.“Nowadays, aside from education, healthand social services should also be a focus for thepeople to feel that they are being cared about bytheir government,” he added.Under the National Health Insurance Actof 2013, PHIC, national government agencies,local government units (LGU’s), including allnon-government organizations, shall ensure theaccessibility of universal quality health care forFilipinos.For the next three years, Pamintuan eyes anexpanded health insurance coverage in the cityin coordination with PHIC and the city’s genderand development department. ●Happy 99th Anniversary <strong>Iglesia</strong> ni <strong>Cristo</strong>!To all our brothers and sisters in the <strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong> <strong>Cristo</strong>,especially to Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, church’sexecutive minister, we would like to convey ourwarmest congratulations as you celebrate the 99thFounding anniversary of the Church.The Church has spanned the globe, reaching morethan 110 countries and territories in six continents,with a membership consisting of 104 differentnationalities.For the Church and the Filipino people, theseremarkable accomplishments are works of God.Glory be unto God!!!EDUARDO GUERREROMayor - Floridablanca

<strong>Headline</strong>15<strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>JULY 26-28, 2013IRA from Page 1First District BoardMember CrisostomoGarbo, chairman of thecommittees on ways andmeans and appropriationof the Sangguniang Panlalawigan,said the province’sIRA dependencyis 20 percent lower comparedwith that of previousadministrations.IRA is the local governmentunit (LGU)’s share ofrevenues from the nationalTAPANG from Page 1solid waste management.Thirteen out of the 15 members ofTeam Tapang, including the top Poraccouncilor, emerged as winners in lastWednesday’s PCL election held at theHeroes Hall here.Tapang won the PCL presidency bya margin of 31--with 90 as total votescast for him--over his closest rival,outgoing PCL president and City ofSan Fernando Councilor Ralph DanielHenson, who got 69 votes.Other officials elected from TeamTapang are Vice President Cesar Lagman(San Luis); Secretary GeneralJohn Susi (Lubao); Treasurer Jeff Luriz(Arayat); Auditor Cha cha Simbillogovernment.Garbo said, in 2010,upon assumption to officeof Pineda, the province’sbudget was P1.1 billion; thefollowing year, it reachedP1.4 billion; and, currently,this soared to P1.7 billion.For this development,the board member citedthe collective effort of theexecutive and legislativebodies to come-up witheffective measures andstrategies to increase theincome of the province.Majority of the localincome of the provincecomes from the quarry operationswherein the collectionof the provincialgovernment environmentand natural resources office(PG-ENRO) increasedto P842 million during thefirst term of the Pineda administration--thehighestin the history of the quarryindustry.There is also noted increasein the Real PropertyTax (RPT) collection, creditedto the implementationof the integrated taxationmanagement system (I-TAX) on some of the townsin the province. The provincialgovernment targetsP500 million yearly fromRPT collections once I-Taxis fully-implemented to allmunicipalities and cities. ●(Candaba); and, Business-manager –Dwight Morales (Mabalacat City).Among the board of directors whoemerged winners from Tapang’s ticketare Rey Lapid, Ronnie Capulong, AngelDavid, Roan Reyes, Renato Gopez,Jocelyn Ong and Ferdinand Velasco.Public Relations Officer (PRO) JeddalynDalusung (Apalit) and board directorArthur Diaz were the only winnerscoming from the other parties.Tapang earlier vowed to step downfrom his post should he fail to deliverwhat is expected of him by his peers.Tapang assured his fellow townand city councilors that he will serve asthe voice and conduit of Pampanga legislatorsin the Provincial Board.He also said that his salary fromthe Sangguniang Panlalawigan will behanded to the funds of the PCL.A total of P276,000 was allocatedfor the annual budget of the PCL. As ofpress time, Henson said only P50,000remains at the coffers of the league.Part of Team Tapang’s platform isto construct a website for PampangaCouncilors’ League (PCL) where anybodycan access and view of the legislators’activities and legislation and othertopics concerning the league.Other provinces and regions, hesaid, have their own links where theiractivities are posted. ●ARAYAT PARK from Page 1Lilia G. Pineda recently.Alejandrino said he is negotiating with a foreigninvestor for a possible public-private partnership(PPP) to develop the full potential of thepark as main tourist destination in Central <strong>Luzon</strong>and make it competitive to other regions.With this, Alejandrino asked the support andguidance of the provincial government for the realizationof the investment and development planfor the national park.Together with Vice Mayor Ramon “Monching”Changcoco and other officials, Alejandrinopresented the investment potentials of the nationalpark to Pineda.Alejandrino said that with the potential ofArayat National Park, it could be developed intoan eco-tourism destination in the province.The mayor expressed his intention to get themanagement of the park from the Department ofEnvironment and Natural Resources Office.“The potential of the Mt. Arayat NationalPark to be a tourist attraction in the region is verybig. It has its own waterfalls. There are old treesand wild life here that will draw the interest of naturelovers,” he said.He said that this development plan also entailsthe preservation of Mt. Arayat as a whole.Alejandrino said they have stopped the illegalactivities that harm the mountain’s environs andits wild life.With this, Pineda declared support to the advocacyof the local chief executive to develop thepark and protect Mt. Arayat at the same time.Pineda added she will help the mayor in theresettlement of the informal settlers who are livingin the park. ●TOWN SHARE from Page 3 ATENEO-CLARK from Page 3San Antonio, Zambales, P6.57 million; Morong, Bataan,P6.44 million; and Castillejos, Zambales, P6.36 million.The LGU shares are derived from two percent of thefive percent corporate taxes paid by Subic Bay Freeportregisteredenterprises from January to June 2013. Theother three percent of the taxes paid are remitted directlyto the national government through the Bureau of InternalRevenue (BIR).The SBMA began releasing the shares directly toLGUs after a new tax collection scheme was implementedin August 2010 by the agency to ensure the prompt releaseof shares to the local communities. ●Magalang and the businesses atthe 4,500-hectare Clark Freeport.The speakers were Prof. EnriqueSoriano III, faculty chairmanof the Ateneo GraduateSchool of Business, and Dr. AlbertBuenvaje, dean of the AteneoGraduate School of Business.Enrique, turnaround adviserof the Asia and Eastern Europe,spoke about “branding” businesses.Buenvaje discussed about“finding a business.”Enrique stressed the importanceof branding, citing as an examplethe Starbucks Coffee Company.He said the Starbucks gets thesame coffee beans in Indonesiabut earns “600 times” from sellingit compared to other coffee makerssuch as McDonalds and Nescafe.Enrique said Starbucks ChiefExecutive Officer Howard MarkSchultz had made a bold movewhen he said earlier that “Starbucksis not the coffee business.”He added that, for Schultz, beingat Starbucks “is a coffee experience.”Enrique said passion and differentiationis important in branding.“It’s not enough that you aregood. You must be different,” headded. ●Congratulations to all our brethrenin the <strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong> <strong>Cristo</strong> on the occasionof their 99th Founding Anniversary.The Church under Brother Eduardo V. Manalo,church’s executive minister remains steadfast in theservice to God and humanity as it keeps on receivingHis grace and sovereign guidance.Its magnificent houses of worship which serve asPhilippines’ distinct landmarks and even abroad and theunprecedented expansion of the Church beyond Philippineshore are manifestations that the brethren in the<strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong> <strong>Cristo</strong> also remain in the merciful hands of God.TO GOD BE THE GLORY!DANTE TORRESMunicipal Mayor, Guagua, Pampanga

VOLUME II • NO. 33 • JULY 26-28, 2013 • FRIDAY - SUNDAYMESSAGEWE send our heartfelt congratulations to all the brethren in the <strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong> <strong>Cristo</strong> on the occasion of its 99th foundinganniversary.With the phenomenal progress of the Church in the Philippines and in the whole world, its Church administration hasnever been remiss in its duty to exhort its members toward spiritual maturity.Most of the lessons preached twice a week by ministers and evangelical workers to all Church local congregations allover the world address a wide variety of issues and concerns such as family, brotherhood, righteous living, salvation,sin, youth, among others.These enable the members to overcome obstacles on their sojourn toward the Holy City.The Church administration is continuously admonishing the brethren and the officers to lead and live righteous lives,to remain obedient to God’s will, steadfast in faith and love the brotherhood for them not to lose the opportunity toreceive God’s grace of salvation.All the success of the <strong>Iglesia</strong> <strong>Ni</strong> <strong>Cristo</strong> in its wide variety of undertakings are attributed as the works of the mighty handsof God.Lilia G. PinedaGovernorDennis “Delta” G. PinedaVice Governor

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