Davangere 38254-053-ind-iee-02.pdf - kuidfc

Davangere 38254-053-ind-iee-02.pdf - kuidfc

Davangere 38254-053-ind-iee-02.pdf - kuidfc


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY1. The Government of Karnataka (GoK) in its effort to boost economic growth in thenorthern region is implementing the North Karnataka Urban Sector Investment Program(NKUSIP) with assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The Karnataka UrbanInfrastructure Development and Finance Corporation (KUIDFC) is the executing agency (EA)responsible for implementing NKUSIP. The broad goal of the Investment Program is to addressissues pertaining to regional imbalances within Karnataka through focused urban infrastructureinvestments in 25 selected cities. The Program uses a multi-tranche financing facility (MFF)modality and will be implemented from 2006 to 2015. ADB requires the consideration ofenvironmental issues in all aspects of its operations as per its Safeguard Policy Statement(SPS, 2009). This Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) addresses components proposedunder Tranche 3 which includes sewerage components, and are based on the detailed projectreports (DPRs).2. Categorization. The project is considered Category B as per the SPS as no significantimpacts are envisioned. This IEE assesses the environmental impacts and provides mitigationand monitoring measures to ensure no significant impacts as a result of the subproject.3. Scope. Under Tranche 3 (proposed), the subproject includes construction of trunk, submain sewers with interceptors, and laterals; interconnection of existing network to the newsewerage network, construction of interceptors along the drains, rehabilitation of non-hydraulicportions of the sewerage network, and construction of a sewerage treatment plant (STP). Theobjective of the subproject is to improve environmental sanitation of the city and its residentsand minimize health and pollution risks from discharge of untreated sewage into the surroundingwater bodies.4. Implementation Arrangements. KUIDFC is the Executing Agency (EA) responsible foroverall technical supervision and execution of all subprojects funded under the InvestmentProgram. Implementation activities will be overseen by a separate Program Management Unit(PMU) in its head office at Bangalore, in coordination with its regional office in Hubli-Dharwadand four divisional offices established to supervise the implementing agencies in eachgeographical area. A team of senior technical, administrative and financial officials, includingsafeguards specialists, will assist the PMU in controlling and monitoring Programimplementation activities. The Implementing Agencies (IA) are primarily ULBs in co-ordinationwith various other agencies of GoK. Project implementation units (PIUs) dedicated exclusivelyto the project are set up in each town. The PIUs will be staffed by qualified and experiencedofficers and are responsible for the day-to-day activities of project implementation in the field,and will be under the direct administrative control of the PMU. Consultant teams are responsiblefor subproject planning and management and assuring technical quality of design andconstruction; and designing the infrastructure and supervising construction; and safeguardspreparation.5. Description of Environment. The subproject is located within the <strong>Davangere</strong> CityMunicipal Corporation (CMC) limits of North Karnataka. The subproject sites are located inexisting right of ways (RoWs) and government-owned land. There are no protected areas,wetlands, mangroves, or estuaries in or near the subproject location. Trees, vegetation (mostlyshrubs and grasses), and animals are those which are commonly found in urban areas.The components will support small, non-invasive interventions. Traffic management will be

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