Davangere 38254-053-ind-iee-02.pdf - kuidfc

Davangere 38254-053-ind-iee-02.pdf - kuidfc

Davangere 38254-053-ind-iee-02.pdf - kuidfc


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15(iv)Develop a protocol for use by the construction contractors in conducting anyexcavation work, to ensure that any chance f<strong>ind</strong>s are recognised and measuresare taken to ensure they are protected and conserved.57. Site selection of construction work camps, stockpile areas, storage areas, anddisposal areas. Priority is to locate these facilities near the subproject sites but at least 100meters away from the construction site. However, if it is deemed necessary to locate elsewhere,sites to be considered will not promote instability and result in destruction of property,vegetation, irrigation, and drinking water supply systems. Residential areas will not beconsidered for setting up camps to protect the human environment (i.e., to curb accident risks,health risks due to air and water pollution and dust, and noise, and to prevent social conflicts,shortages of amenities, and crime). Extreme care will be taken to avoid disposals near lake,water bodies, swamps, or in areas which will inconvenience the community.58. Site selection of sources of materials. Extraction of materials can disrupt natural landcontours and vegetation resulting in accelerated erosion, disturbance in natural drainagepatterns, ponding and water logging, and water pollution. To mitigate the potentialenvironmental impacts, locations of quarry site/s and borrow pit/s (for loose material other thanstones) will be assessed by CSS. Priority would be sites already permitted by MiningDepartment. If other sites are necessary, these would be located away from population centers,drinking water intakes and streams, cultivable lands, and natural drainage systems; and instructurally stable areas even if some distance from construction activities. It will be theconstruction contractor’s responsibility to verify the suitability of all material sources and toobtain the approval of <strong>Davangere</strong> CMC.59. Disposal of excess excavated materials and construction wastes. The CSS willidentify the disposal method and sites. It will be the construction contractor’s responsibility tomanage all construction wastes.C. Construction Stage60. Although construction of the subproject components involves quite simple techniques ofconstruction work, the invasive nature of work and the subproject location on the existing roadsand existing STP site will result to impacts to the environment and sensitive receptors such asresidents, businesses, and the community in general.61. Anticipated impacts are temporary, short duration, site-specific and can be reduced bymethod of working and scheduling of work. The impacts during the construction stage aregeneric to the construction activities and not expected to be significant. All construction activitiesto be undertaken at the site will be approved by PMU before start of any such activity. Hence,the EMP emphasizes on the construction impacts and necessary mitigation measures to bestrictly followed by the contractor and supervised by the Design and Supervision Consultants(DSC).62. Sources of Materials. Significant amount of gravel, sand, and cement will be requiredfor this subproject. The construction contractor will be required to:(i)(ii)(iii)The material sources permitted by government;Verify suitability of all material sources and obtain approval of PMU; andSubmit to CSS on a monthly basis documentation of sources of materials.

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