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visual identity guidelines

contents01 building the Sovereign brand01 building the Sovereign brand page 0102 what is a brand? page 0203 the Sovereign brand promise page 0304 delivering our promise page 0405 the new Sovereign brand page 05We are revitalising the Sovereign brand with a new focus and afabulous new design that expresses our distinctive brandpromise. This brand manual is a guide for everybody who will bepromoting, implementing and participating in any way in theSovereign brand.06 the master logos page 0607 large, primary use logo page 0808 small, secondary use logo page 1009 exclusion zones page 1110 do nots page 1211 colour page 1412 single colour executions page 1613 corporate typefaces page 1714 stationery page 1815 contacts page 22Sovereign has built a strong reputation over the last 30years which gives it many positive connotations -dependable, trustworthy, knowledgeable andexperienced. Up till now, we ‘ve had the same visuallook since our invention 30 years ago,But the market has moved on, consumers havechanged and their expectations are much morediverse. And, as you know, they are looking for a highlevel of service for which they are willing to pay.We have spent the last 6 months considering theSovereign brand, what it looks like and what itscustomers want it to be all about. It is already a strongbrand with many customers asking for it by name.It is time for a new look. We need to put moreemphasis on our sophistication and expertise, andto make Sovereign more contemporary and stylish.understand what the brand represents, can talk aboutit accurately, and maintain consistent standards. Allour dealings with customers, travel agents or suppliersmust be conducted in the same style and with thesame underlying meaning – every day.Building the brand, so that we build an even strongerdesire by our customers to buy Sovereign, will be oneof the main sources of Sovereign’s success in the future.This brand manual is a guide for everyone withinSovereign. It has two elements. Firstly, it explains thespirit of the brand. This is a guide to Sovereign’s brandpromise and what we are all part of.Secondly, it sets out the law for the visual presentationof Sovereign. These are rules, and it is important thatthey are adhered to ensure we maintain high qualityand consistency.But a strong brand is not just about what it looks like ina brochure or an advertisement. It is about giving thecustomer exactly what they believe they have beenpromised. This can be concrete things like a room witha terrace or a seaview. And it can also be ‘softer’, moreemotional, things like ‘the best advice for me’ and ‘theyalways deal with me in a very business like manner’.Everyone involved in Sovereign has a vital role to playin building the brand. It is important that we allIf we all maintain the guidelines in this manual we’vegot a great opportunity to achieve our vision – to bethe premium specialist brand.Philippa Harris Managing Director1 May 2001Sovereign brand manual 01

02 what is a brand?03 the Sovereign brand promiseA brand is much more than a logo. It is a promise to ouraudiences, both internal and external, of who we are and whatwe stand for. It’s a guarantee of the experience that people canexpect to receive from the organisation – and this promise mustbe delivered every time people come into contact with us.We have analysed what it is that makes Sovereign different andspecial and the new brand has been designed to reflect this.Our brand centres on the brand promise:“The holiday you promised yourself”.The core values at the heart of the brand are:Successful use of brands results in a positive effect –respect and loyalty. Misuse of brands results in anegative effect – cynicism and boycott. A strongbrand, which delivers its promise, promotesunderstanding and awareness, and helps build goodrelationships with the market.But strong brands are not built overnight. They taketime, investment and dedication to build and if theyare not managed properly they can be severelydamaged very quickly.What makes a strong brand?Well, think about the ones that come to mind quickly –and why that is.Disney, Coca-Cola, Nike, The Olympics, Apple, VirginAtlantic, Absolut.Our goal is to build Sovereign as a brand that is asstrong in its recall and clear in its messages, as arethese examples.Our task is to make sure that everyone involved in ourpromise not only understands the Sovereign brand,but lives up to it, and delivers that promise, day to day.• Personal approach• Richness and diversity• Partnership• High quality and service excellence.What we do• Offer a uniquely wide range of holidays• Consistent high qualityHow we do it• Hunt out and check holidays personally• Use our vast product knowledge• Offer excellent customer service• Provide a personal approach• Remain customer focused• Be sophisticated and discreetWho we are• Professional, helpful expertsWhat we stand for• The holiday you promised yourself.02 Sovereign brand manualSovereign brand manual 03

04 delivering our promise05 the new Sovereign brandStrong brands are built on collaboration. Sovereign is a teamof strong individuals. The whole is greater than the sum ofthe parts.We’ve created a new look for Sovereign to revitalise the brandand communicate our positioning, proposition and personality.The new brand mark is a loose Sovereign ‘S’, inspired by airline destination maps. It expresses our invitationSo what does this mean?For our clients…• It means each client can expect to be treated as anindividual - we’ll listen to the client and do things ontheir terms• It means as far as possible we’ll say ‘yes’. We’ll doour best to sort out their needs, adding the extras,thinking ahead with them.• It means we can give a personal view of what’s in ourbrochure, someone on the team can talk from theirexperience.• It means high quality can be assumed as standard –from the first time telephone call, to being met at theairport, to getting a follow-up note on their return.• Partnership means we’ll work with each client toensure they get the holiday they have promisedthemselves.For our business partners…• It means we’ll be keeping up our scrutiny, checkingout standards and performance.• It means we’ll help them achieve the standards werequire.• It means we’ll always be scouting for new partnersand new offers to keep up the richness of our range,and the specialness of our holidays.• It means we’ll work together to give clients the bestexperience they can have - and to achieve the resultsfor all of us.And for ourselves…• It means being willing to say ‘yes’ – to clients, and tocolleagues.• It means we work in partnership with each other aswell as building partnerships with clients.• It means thinking ahead and taking a consultativeapproach.• It means we’re intelligent and take responsibilitywhen the ball is passed to us.• It means we have to share our knowledge on hotels,resorts and the business. All our personal experienceis a huge asset.• It means we have a responsibility to keep up highstandards. To listen and act on the feedback we get.And to deal with complaints (if they happen) quicklyand thoroughly.• It means we are building a relationship with ourclients that is ‘adult to adult’.• It means being aware of the contribution made bycolleagues in other parts of the company – we’re allpart of one team. It’s vital that we work well togetherand respect the contribution we each make.• If we all work really well to uphold these standards asindividuals and as a whole team then we’ll give amuch better service to our clients – so that they willgo on holiday with us again and again.‘Where do you want to go? What experience do you want to have? How can we deliver this on your terms’It is elegant and professional in design with a deliberately unrestrained character, reflecting our personality andthe sophistication of our service.We are developing a new look to reflect a similar style in all our communication.It’s distinctive, it’s sets us apart, it says we’re special.04 Sovereign brand manualSovereign brand manual 05

06 the master logosThe new Sovereign identity must always be reproduced in thecorrect form and colour.No modification can be made to the logo, as any deviation from the specified guidelines will undermine thestatus and value of the brand. Manipulating the logo is prohibited. Effects such as stretching, condensing,outlining or the addition of a drop shadow must never be used.Corner version –secondary use (LEFT)This is the secondary use S marquewhere it is NOT required to be adominant feature of the design.The S marque used here is designedspecifically for corner applicationsand is not interchangeable with thefull bleed S marque.On this version, the logotype isa fixed size and position to theS marque, as shown.There are exclusion zones around thelogo and the exact corner positioningguide must always be observed(see section 7).Full bleed version –primary use (RIGHT)This is the S marque and is the mostcommonly used version of the logo.As the preferred choice, this fullbleed version should be selectedwherever possible and used as thedominant feature of the design.On this version only, the logotypeis only restricted to the minimumsize (see section 8). Positioningcan go anywhere in relation to theS marque as long as the two elementsnever touch or overlap. It depends oneach individual application. However,it must always appear white out.Note: The exact size & positionshould always be checked withSovereign Marketing Departmentbefore printing.LogotypeThe logotype may be used on its ownin (1) positive or (2) negative form.206 Sovereign brand manual

07 large, primary use logoTwo versions of the Sovereign identity exist. A ‘full bleed’version and a ‘corner’ version, both of which have different uses.Full bleed version – larger size(shown at its 100% size – A4)The full bleed version is for large use or ‘primary’ items. Two variations of this version have been created – onefor large (normal) use and another for small use. Both have minimum size restrictions which must be obeyed.Full bleed version –larger size (RIGHT)For reproduction at A6 (105x148mm)or larger, this version must be used.Its optimum line thickness (1pt) iswhen it is used at 100% (A4).The minimum size at which it can beused is 50% – see sample (1) below.If it is to be reproduced at less than50%, the smaller version (left) shouldbe used.Full bleed version –smaller size (LEFT)For reproduction at less than A6, this‘smaller’ version must be used. It hasbeen modified so that when used at100% (A6), the line thickness is thesame as the larger version at A4 size.Minimum size samplesIllustrated below are sample areasof both the large (1) and small (2)version when used at their minimumsize of 50%. This shows the thicknessthe lines appear.Note: If either version is reproducedat less than 50%, the lines that makeup the S marque are at risk ofbreaking up or filling in.1Full bleed version – smaller size (shown at its 100% size – A6)208 Sovereign brand manual

08 small, secondary use logo09 exclusion zonesThe corner version has a different set of restrictions.It is intended for smaller use or ‘secondary’ items. This version has maximum AND minimum size restrictionswhich must be obeyed.The Sovereign identity requires space around it in order tomaximise its presence and standout.A protective area or exclusion zone around the logo prevents the encroachment of any graphic elementsMaximum and minimum sizesWhen used at 100% (2), the linesthat make up the S marque have athickness of 1pt – this is the optimumweight. However, it can be increasedto a maximum of 150% (1) ordecreased to a minimum of 50%(3) without losing its clarity.Any percentages outside theseboundaries are not permitted.interfering with the integrity of the brand.1.5N1.5N1N1N1Maximum size – 150%Corner versionFor this version, exclusion zonesshould be calculated by taking the‘N’ from the Sovereign logotype andusing its height to calculate thedistance from the edges of the logoto the boundary of the exclusion zone.Note: There are no exclusion zonesfor the top and left side of the logoas these areas are what will be thecorner of the document. See howto calculate exact cornerpositioning below.16mm2Optimum size – 100%Full bleed versionThe exclusion zone for this version isthe point at which the graphic bleedsoff the page. No other graphicelement can be placed within thisparameter except for the white outversion of the logotype.1.5N2.5N1NMinimum size of logotypeThe minimum size that the logotypeONLY can be used at is 16mm.3Minimum size – 50%1NLogotypeWhen using the logotype on its own,the exclusion zone should be one ‘N’all round.Using these calculations willproduce correct positioning andallow ample bleed.10 Sovereign brand manualSovereign brand manual 11

10 do notsThe Sovereign identity must maintain a consistent appearanceand consequently never deviate from the logos shown insections 5.4SOVEREIGNSOVEREIGN4 Other typefacesThe Sovereign typeface is integralto the logo and has been speciallydrawn to complement S marque.It must never be replaced with anyother typeface.The following examples illustrate some of the things you must never do.11 Background shapesNever contain the Sovereign logoor logotype within a shape .5NEWSNEWS5 Additional wordsNever add words to the Sovereignlogo or logotype.66 Bands around the logoNever surround the Sovereign logoor logotype with a keyline border.22 Background coloursNever put the Sovereign logo orlogotype on a different colouredbackground. The only colourspermitted for backgrounds are white,black (only in the mono version), andthe corporate colours shown insection 10 – ‘Colour’.NB: In instances where the Sovereignlogo is being applied across FirstChoice Group applications, pleasefirst check with Sovereign MarketingDepartment before printing.77 Incorrect positioningBoth versions of the logo have apositioning specification. Neverignore these specifications so thatthe S marque doesn’t bleed off at thecorrect areas.33 Logo coloursNever change the colours of the Smarque or the logotype. The onlycolours permitted are the corporatecolours shown in section 10 –‘Colour’, or for black and white use,see section 11 – ‘Single colourexecutions’88 S marque angleThe angle of the S marque CAN beused at a rotation of 90º CCW onlyas an option if desired eg. seecompliment slip (section 14 –Stationery). Do not use anyother angle.12 Sovereign brand manualSovereign brand manual 13

11 colour1. Primary palette – Pacific blue12431234567PANTONE COLOUR PROCESS COLOURS % MONITOR COLOURS %50% 2747 C50, M40, K5 R123, G121, B17850% 2747 C50, M40, K5 R123, G121, B178100% 2985 C72 R73, G186, B21470% 2747 C70, M55, K6 R77, G80, B15570% 2985 C50 R127, G207, B22670% 2985 C50 R127, G207, B226100% 2747 C100, M79, K9 R14, G32, B127Colour plays an important part in shaping customer perceptions7of Sovereign. A primary and secondary colour palette havebeen created.56The primary palette, ‘Pacific Blue’ is the main version used on all stationery (below and 1 opposite). The secondarypalette consists of three further colour combinations, ‘Sunset Orange, Dolphin Grey and India Red’ (2, 3 & 4respectively, opposite). These colours are available for use on the full bleed version of the S marque ONLY, or canbe used as an accent, or highlight colour for literature. The secondary colour palette must only be used onstationery and any other applications must first be checked with Sovereigh Marketing Department beforeprinting. Shown here are the two Pantone ® colours of each colourway, plus the breakdowns for ‘four colour2. Secondary palette – Sunset Orange12341234567PANTONE COLOUR PROCESS COLOURS % MONITOR COLOURS %50% 152 C19, M15, K2 R199, G196, B22150% 152 C17, K19 R172, G193, B199100% 116 M15, Y94 R255, G217, B1470% 152 M36, Y70 R253, G164, B63100% 116 M15, Y94 R255, G217, B14100% 116 M15, Y94 R255, G217, B14100% 152 M51, Y100 R25, G125, B0process’ and ‘RGB’ (for monitors).756173. Secondary palette – Dolphin Grey1234567PANTONE COLOUR PROCESS COLOURS % MONITOR COLOURS %20% 2747 C19, M15, K2 R199, G196, B22150% 5425 C17, K19 R172, G193, B19970% 5425 C24, K27 R143, G171, B17720% 2747 C19, M15, K2 R199, G196, B22160% 5425 C20, K23 R157, G182, B18850% 5425 C17, K19 R172, G193, B199100% 5425 C34, K38 R105, G138, B146234561234567PANTONE COLOUR PROCESS COLOURS % MONITOR COLOURS %123456770% 2985 C50 R127, G207, B22650% 2747 C50, M40, K5 R123, G121, B17870% 2747 C70, M55, K6 R77, G80, B15570% 2985 C50 R127, G207, B226100% 2985 C72 R73, G186, B21450% 2747 C50, M40, K5 R123, G121, B178100% 2747 C100, M79, K9 R14, G32, B1274. Secondary palette – India Red131234567PANTONE COLOUR PROCESS COLOURS % MONITOR COLOURS %70% 171 M36, Y48 R252, G165, B10850% 200 M50, Y33, K8 R231, G119, B11970% 200 M70, Y46, K11 R223, G70, B8170% 171 M36, Y48 R252, G165, B10870% 171 M36, Y48 R252, G165, B10860% 200 M66, Y39, K9 R227, G94, B99100% 200 M100, Y65, K15 R212, G1, B38246714 Sovereign brand manual5Sovereign brand manual 15

12 single colour executions13 corporate typefaceThe single colour variation is a representation of the colour logosin one colour only – black.Among the most important elements of the Sovereign identityis the corporate typeface.Where possible you should always use the 2 colour version of the Sovereign logo (see section 11) but a black lineversion is available for use when your production process means you cannot reproduce 2 or 4 colour. You willprobably need this version for newspaper work and other one colour applications.The primary typeface is Dialog, a distinctive typeface available in various weights from an extensive family.It’s simplicity and modernity suggest values of functionality, quality and modernity. Illustrated here are a fewsamples from the family.100%KBackground colour100%KDialog lightABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 ()&?!” ’,.;:@#£%25%K50%K100%K100%K30%K70%KDialog boldABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 ()&?!” ’,.;:@#£%Dialog condensedABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 ()&?!” ’,.;:@#£%25%K40%K 50%K 20%K 50%K 40%KLike the main full bleed colourversion of the S marque, larger andsmaller variations are available. Thesame guidelines apply to these (seesection 7 – Larger, primary use logo).Dialog condensed - boldABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 ()&?!” ’,.;:@#£%Dialog italic - lightABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 ()&?!” ’,.;:@#£%Dialog italic - boldABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 ()&?!” ’,.;:@#£%Manipulating the typeface is prohibited.Effects such as stretching, condensing,outlining or the addition of a dropshadow must never be used.The minimum point size used shouldbe 6/7.5pt. This would be suitable forsign offs at the bottom of letterheadsand the back of brochures for example.16 Sovereign brand manualSovereign brand manual 17

14 stationeryThe Sovereign stationery elements are designed to be as clearand functional as possible.1 Sovereign logo type100% Pantone 27472 AddressDialog light, 8.75/11.6pt,space after – 2mm, 100% Pantone 30610mm20mm20mm7.5mm6mm11.5mmThey are the first point of contact that many people will have with us and therefore must promote the Sovereignbrand in an appropriate manner.5.5mmPhilippa HarrisMANAGING DIRECTORGroundstar HouseLondon RoadCrawleyWest SussexRH10 9SRT 01293 457771F 01293 457777M 0771 319 2466E philippa.harris@sovereign.comwww.sovereign.com1 Sovereign logo type100 % Pantone 27472 NameDialog light, 8/10.8pt, 100% Pantone 3063 Job titleDialog light, capitals, 8/10.8pt, Pantone 3064 Full bleed logo – smaller sizeWhite out of 100 % Pantone 27475.5mm3 Full bleed logo – larger sizePantone 27474 Letter textDialog light, 9.5/14pt, 100%K5 Registered office detailsDialog light, 6.25/7.4pt, 100% Pantone 30615mmGroundstar HouseLondon RoadCrawleyWest SussexRH10 9SR107mmT 01293 457770F 01293 457777E info@sovereign.com20mmwww.sovereign.comDear Sir/Madam,Si meliora dies, ut vina, poemata reddit, scire velim, chartis pretium quotus arroget. scriptor abhinc centum qui decidit,inter perfectos veteresque referri debet an inter vilis atque novos. Excludat iurgia finis, est vetus atque probus, centumqui perficit. Quid, qui deperiit minor uno mense vel anno, inter quos referendus erit. Veteresne poetas, an quos etpraesens et postera respuat aetas.Iste quidem veteres inter ponetur honeste, qui vel mense brevi vel toto est iunior anno. Utor permisso, caudaeque pilosut equinae paulatim vello unum, demo etiam unum, dum cadat elusus ratione ruentis acervi, qui redit in fastos etvirtutem aestimat annis miraturque nihil nisi quod Libitina sacravit.Yours sincerely,Katy Lobo-GuerreroSovereign is a division of First Choice Holidays & Flights Ltd. Registered Office: First Choice House London Road Crawley West Sussex RH10 9GX Registered in England No 14502566.5mm6.5mm39mm1234Back (reduced size)1243518 Sovereign brand manual 19 Sovereign brand manual 20 Sovereign brand manual

15 contactsIf you need any advice or have any further questions please usethe contacts listed below.Katy Lobo Guerrero,Marketing Communications ManagerSovereignGroundstar HouseLondon RoadCrawleyWest Sussex RH10 9SRT 01293 457779F 01293 457777E Katy.lobo@sovereign.comGlazer LimitedT 020 7221 2595F 020 7221 2667E design@glazer.co.uk22 Sovereign brand manual

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