Acts & Facts - Institute for Creation Research

Acts & Facts - Institute for Creation Research

Acts & Facts - Institute for Creation Research


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EVENTSNOVEMBER 2008NOVEMBER 6-7Mesa, AZ – ACSI ConventionNOVEMBER 6-7Sturbridge, MA – ACSI ConventionNOVEMBER 7-8Charlotte, NC – National Conference on Christian ApologeticsNOVEMBER 13-14Dayton, OH – ACSI ConventionNOVEMBER 24-25Anaheim, CA – ACSI ConventionNOVEMBER 24-25Dallas, TX – ACSI ConventionNOVEMBER 24-25Orlando, FL – ACSI ConventionNOVEMBER 24-25Washington, DC – ACSI ConventionThe Association of Christian Schools International (ASCI)holds yearly regional conventions <strong>for</strong> teachers and administrators.ICR offers seminar speakers and/or exhibits at manyof these, so we list them to let ACSI members know to visitus at their local convention. If non-members would like toattend, more in<strong>for</strong>mation and the costs involved are availableat www.acsi.org.For more in<strong>for</strong>mation on these events or to schedule an event, pleasecontact the ICR events department at 800.337.0375 or events@icr.org.New Opportunities <strong>for</strong> Spreading the <strong>Creation</strong> MessageAs we head into the busy holiday season, we rejoice in God’sprovision this year <strong>for</strong> the ministry of the <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>for</strong><strong>Creation</strong> <strong>Research</strong>. Recently, there have been new opportunities<strong>for</strong> those who wish to participate with us in spreading themessage of creation. We invite you to prayerfully consider whetherone of these options would fit the Lord’s leading in your life.If You Are a Federal orMilitary Employee…Time is running outto support ICR inthis year’s CombinedFederal Campaign!Those who serve our country can uphold theauthority and accuracy of Scripture by supportingICR’s research and educational programs.If you believe in ICR’s work and would liketo support our ministry, please prayerfullyconsider designating ICR as the charity of yourchoice. Our CFC identification number is23095, and we can be found in the “National/International” section of your local campaignbrochure. God bless your service, both <strong>for</strong> yourcountry and <strong>for</strong> Him!Attention,Stock Donors!As part of our move to Texas, the <strong>Institute</strong><strong>for</strong> <strong>Creation</strong> <strong>Research</strong> is pleasedto announce that we have recentlyestablished a new brokerage accountwith Woodbury Financial. If you areprayerfully considering a gift of stockthis year, please contact ICR <strong>for</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mationto help in the transfer. Thankyou <strong>for</strong> your support!IRA RolloverHas BeenExtendedGood news! The Emergency Economic StabilizationAct of 2008 (H.R. 1424) that was recently signedinto law included an extension of the IRA CharitableRollover, which will apply to IRA distributions madethroughout the 2008 and 2009 tax years. Individualswho are 70½ years or older can make a directcharitable contribution of up to $100,000 from theirIRAs without having to declare it as income.For those who qualify, this is an excellent opportunityto practice good stewardship and supportthose tax-exempt organizations that God has laidon your heart. For further in<strong>for</strong>mation on the IRArollover extension, please contact your financialadvisor. We would also be happy to assist you.For more in<strong>for</strong>mation on these opportunities, send an email to stewardship@icr.org, or call 800.337.0375.NOVEMBER 2008 • ACTS&FACTS7

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