Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...

Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...

Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...


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Phytophthora Leaf blight/Fruit RotSymptomsPhytophthora can attack leaves, roots and fruits.Sometimes sudden wilting and death of plants occurmid-season at fruiting stage. Often a number of plantsin a row show these symptoms. Commonly the diseasestrikes older plants. Stem lesions can occur at any levelon stem and an irreversible wilt of the foliage occurs.Leaves first show small dark green spots that enlarge& become bleached. Infected fruits initially developdark, water soaked patches that become coated withwhite mold and spores of the fungus and eventuallyrot. Fruits wither but remain attached to the plant.It is very difficult to manage this disease once thepathogen becomes established in a field. Pathogeninfects fruits during prolonged period of rainfall, highhumidity, over-crowded plants and high nitrogen.Staking of plant reduces the disease infection..Rotation, water management and drainage arethe cultural methods.Avoid over cropping and high nitrogen.Leaf Curl Complex (CMV and Gemini Virus)SymptomsChilli leaf curl complex is mainly due to CMV andgemini virus as well as mites and thrips. Reduction insize of leaves, shortening of veins, puckering, mottlingof the leaves, stunting and bushy appearance of theplant are symptoms of viral infection. Conspicuousoutgrowth and prominent veins are visible on lowerside of the leaves. Downward rolling, narrowing andshortening of leaves due to mite infestation wereobserved.Phytophthora leaf blight and fruit rot<strong>Management</strong>Always use healthy and certified seeds collectedfrom disease-free area.Infected crop debris and fruits must be collectedfrom the field and burnt.Preventive sprays of Mancozeb@ 0.25% providegood control in cloudy, cold and drizzlingweather.One spray of Metalaxyl+ Mancozeb @ 0.2% is veryeffective when applied within two days of infectionbut repetitive sprays should not be given.Leaf curl symptoms<strong>Management</strong>Root dipping of the seedlings in Imidaclopridsolution @ 4-5 ml per litre of water <strong>for</strong> one hourduring transplanting.Nursery should be grown in nylon net to check thevector infestation.Seed treatment with hot water at 50 0 C or 10% trisodium phosphate solution <strong>for</strong> 25 minutes.Barrier crop of taller non-host crops like maize,bajra and sorghum.Collect healthy seeds from disease-free plants.DISEASE MANAGEMENT/CHILLI/CAPSICUM33

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