Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...

Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...

Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...


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Seedlings dip in Trichoderma @1% suspension <strong>for</strong>10 minutes be<strong>for</strong>e transplanting.Drenching of Trichoderma @ 1% suspension after15 days of transplanting and repeat at 15 daysintervals if required.Maintain proper drainage and aeration in the field.Balanced dose of fertilizers includingmicronutrients is effective <strong>for</strong> reducing thedisease.Drenching of Carbendazim @ 0.1% near collarregion is a costly control measure and moreoverensures the status of previously appliedTrichoderma during use of Carbendazim.Sclerotinia Rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)SymptomsInfection takes place on leaves, twigs, flowers andfruits. Water soaked lesions develop and the infectedtissue macerated by the pathogen. Plants start dyingfrom apical portion because primary infection alwaystakes place on flowers leading to rotting of adjoiningplant parts. Soft, wet, water soaked rotting of stem,leaves, fruits and flowers are observed followed bywhite fungal growth over it. Later on after drying ofthe entire portion of pith and fruits it is converted in tocompact mycelial mat followed by hard sclerotial body.These sclerotia become black after drying. Infection onlower portion of main stem results in complete wiltingof brinjal plant.Green manuring in June and July followed by soilapplication of Trichoderma @ 5 kg/ha soon afterploughing of the sunhemp.Crop debris and infected plant parts should becarefully cut along with some healthy part andcollected <strong>for</strong>m the field in the morning. Theseshould be burnt without shattering and falling ofsclerotia in the field.Spray Carbendazim @ 0.1% soon after flowering.Alternate spray of Mancozeb @ 0.25% at 8-10 daysinterval of Carbendazim spray.Dense planting should be avoided to reduce theshade and humidity in plant canopy.Collar Rot (Sclerotium rolfsii)SymptomsThe first symptom of disease is observed as soft tissuenecrosis of bark of the stem near soil line. White,cotton like and silvery mycelium growth is clearlyvisible on the affected portion. Fungal growth wasalso found just below the soil surface. Later on whiteto light brown mustard like sclerotia is observed onthe same portion. Progressive dropping and yellowingor wilting of the entire plant is observed. Sometimeplants collapse soon after infection. The disease issoil borne where pathogen survives in the <strong>for</strong>m ofsclerotia.Wilting and fungal structuresWhite rot on twig Stem rotting by sclerotinia<strong>Management</strong>Crop rotation with flooded rice is beneficial <strong>for</strong>reducing the soil inoculums.Summer ploughing in such a way that surface isburied deep.<strong>Management</strong>Carefully select crop rotation with cereals, corn,sorghum and millets because the pathogen ishaving broad host range.Remove all the weeds particularly dicot from field.Avoid use of infected farmyard manure, soil,compost, etc. in the field.DISEASE MANAGEMENT/BRINJAL29

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