Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...

Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...

Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...


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<strong>Management</strong>Summer ploughing to desiccate the bacteria andhost.Soil solarization in nursery bed to avoid seedlinginfection.Rotation of nursery seedbed and main field.Seed should be collected from disease free plants.Seed dipped in streptocycline solution @ 100 ppm.Adopt intercropping of urd and mung as mulchesto prevent rain splash.One spray of Streptocycline @ 150-200 ppmfollowed by one spray of Copper Oxychloride @0.2% in afternoon.Use tolerant line of tomato like LE-415.One spray of copper oxychloride @ 0.3% afterfifteen days of antibiotic application.Bacterial Speck (Pseudomonas syringae pv.tomato)SymptomsIt is characterized by absence of chlorotic halo aroundspot, crusty and comparatively larger spots. Sometimeyellow halo is observed in this Pseudomonas species. Thespots are necrotic, circular to roughly circular. As the fruitapproaches the pink stage, the tissue around the spotretains its green colour longer than normal. Small blackspots appear on leaf, petiole, pedicel, and pedunclewhile irregular, elongated lesions appear on stem.Bacterial speck is favoured by cool, moist, weather andtemperature range between 15 and 25 0 C. Generally,disease is observed in winter season when fruit startsripening.<strong>Management</strong>Seed dipping in Streptocycline solution @ 100ppm.Summer ploughing to desiccate the bacteria andhost.Seed should be collected from disease free plants.One spray of Streptocycline @ 150-200 ppm inafternoon.One spray of Copper Oxychloride @ 0.3% after 10days of antibiotic application.Leaf Curl Complex (Virus-transmitted bywhite fly as well as by mechanical injury)SymptomsDisease appear in severe <strong>for</strong>ms during the month ofSeptember to November. Leaves show downwardrolling, curling, twisting and chlorosis. Plants showstunting, shortening of internodes, bushy appearance,no flowering and fruiting at later stage of virusinfection. Sometimes leaves show light and dark mottlesymptoms. Since geminivirus and TMV both virusesare involved in most of the infection, there<strong>for</strong>e it givesmixed infection of leaf curl complex in kharif tomato.Tomato leaf curl complexBacterial speak on leaves<strong>Management</strong>Removal of weed host from field near surroundingareas.Root dipping in Imidacloprid solution @ 4-5 ml perlitre of water <strong>for</strong> one hour during transplanting ofthe seedlings.DISEASE MANAGEMENT/TOMATO27

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