Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...

Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...

Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...


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Biological: Ground beetle is a good predator andestablishing grassy refuse strips in onion crop willenhance the beetle population and reduce the maggotpopulation.they can cut off the radical be<strong>for</strong>e the plants becomeestablished.Chemical controlApplication of Pirimiphos Methyl or Deltamethrinat 2ml/lit.Fipronil 80WG (@25 g ai/kg) and Cyromazine (75WP @ 50 g ai/kg), an insect growth regulator asseed treatment were recommended.Army Worms (Spodoptera exigua, S.litura)and Helicoverpa armigera HubnerThis pest occurs sporadically on onion grown <strong>for</strong> seed.Larvae feed inside the stem and move upward to reachthe base of the umbel at early stages of flowering.Subsequently it invades the umbel and feeds onseeds. Arka Niketan was least attached.Infestation of pest on umbelClose up of pest<strong>Pest</strong> <strong>Management</strong>Pheromone traps can be placed at 125 cm heightand dispenser should be regularly replaced <strong>for</strong>effective trapping.NPV and Bt can also be employed <strong>for</strong> control ofthe pest.Insecticides like Cypermethrin, Quinolphos,Acephate, etc. can be used if infestation is more.Bulb Mite (Rhizoglyphus robini Claparede)This pest infests the bulbs by penetrating the outerlayer of tissue. The plants wilt and rot as opportunisticfungi and bacteria gain entry inside the bulbs. Bulbmites can reduce plant stands, stunt plant growth, andpromote rot of bulbs in storage. On seeded onions,Mite infested bulb<strong>Management</strong>Decaying cole crops, especially cauliflower, mayharbour very high bulb mite populations in thefield.Avoid planting successive onion or garlic crops.Flood irrigation or heavy rains may reduce mitelevels in the soil.In garlic, sow clean seed cloves.Hot water treatment of seed garlic be<strong>for</strong>e plantingmay reduce mite infestationSoil drenching with Dicofol at 2 ml/1 or soilapplication of powdered sulfur effectively reducethe mite population considerably. Fumigation withMethyl Bromide @16 g/m 3 <strong>for</strong> 3 h or 10 g/m 3 <strong>for</strong> 6 his recommended <strong>for</strong> control of mobile phases ofthe mite in stored garlic.Eriophyid Mite (Aceria tulipae Keifer)Garlic plants infested with mite show symptoms likestunting, twisting, curling and yellow mottling andreduce the plant stand as well as yield. Mites alsoattack the stored garlic bulbs. Most of the mites arelocated at the basal portion of cloves and make themdry and desiccated.Mite is capable of transmitting viruses such as wheatyellow streak mosaic virus in wheat, garlic mosaic virusand onion mosaic caused by Allium 1 virus.20 <strong>Integrated</strong> <strong>Pest</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Schedule</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Vegetables</strong>

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