Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...

Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...

Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...


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serious during dry periods of Kharif (June- August) andafter January-February when temperature increasesabove 30 0 C and can cause more than 70% mortalityof the plants. The adults are small flies and lay eggsin the unifoliate leaves that come immediately aftergermination. It punctures the leaf, lays eggs underthe leaf epidermis which turn into white spots, oftenconfused with disease. These dried ovipositionalcavities are observed within 2-3 days of germinationof seeds. The larvae mine the leaf lamina, veins, midrib,and petiole and enter the stem resulting in mortality.The incidence is high during prolonged dry spellsbetween rains, particularly in June-July months. Whenthe incidence is early and high, plants invariably die.This mortality is noticed only after 25-30 days, whenthe plants are about to flower. Any control measurestaken at that time is not useful.<strong>Management</strong>Apply neem cake 250 kg/ha immediately aftergermination. Do not delay, particularly duringkharif period.Monitor the plants <strong>for</strong> adult activities, puncturemarks and petiole mining soon after germination.As soon as a few adults are noticed hovering overthe crop, spray Acephate 75 WP @ 0.75 g/l or PNSPE4% or neem soap 1% or neem <strong>for</strong>mulation with10000 ppm Azadirachtin 2 ml/l. The botanicals getwashed away by rain and become ineffective if itrains within 1-2 days of spray.Give second spray after 12-20 days of sowing if5 leaves show petiole mining symptoms per 10leaves.neem soap 1% or neem <strong>for</strong>mulation with morethan 10000 ppm Azadirachtin 2-3 ml/l at 20 and30 DAP.Spray Acephate 0.75 ml/l or Dimethoate 30 EC @2ml per litre at 20 and 30 DAP.Leafhoppers (Empoasca kerri Pruthi)The greenish yellow nymphs and adults suck the sap.During September-October after onset of north-eastmonsoon, the pest becomes very serious causingwithering of the foliage and plants.<strong>Management</strong>It can easily be controlled by any systemic insecticideor neem soap sprays as given under okra and brinjal.Beetle feeding on cucurbit leafBean Fly (O. centrocematis)This species is specific to peas and lays eggs in thebase of the stem resulting in drying of the leaves, fromthe base. Hence, the first symptom is drying of the firstprimitive leaf at the base, which occurs after about 20days of sowing.<strong>Management</strong>Apply neem cake 250 kg per hectare to the ridgesimmediately after germination followed by spraysof pulverized neem seed powder extract 4% orRed pumpkin beetle16 <strong>Integrated</strong> <strong>Pest</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Schedule</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Vegetables</strong>

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