Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...

Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...

Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...


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<strong>Management</strong>Sow Indian mustard as a trap crop.Spray neem seed powder extract @ 4% or neemsoap 1% or pongamia soap 1% thoroughlycoverage to the crop canopy.Install light traps (3-4 with 60 or 100 Watt bulbs /acre) to control adults. For one acre plot use 3-4light traps (60 or 100 Watt bulbs) by hangingabove a bucket half filled with water. Alternatively,hang the bulb above a gunny bag (slating below)smeared with grease or oil. Illuminate the bulbs <strong>for</strong>full night. Adults of DBM will get attracted to lightand get trapped in the water/oil. Use the light traps<strong>for</strong> 3-4 days <strong>for</strong> effective control of DBM adults.As this pest has developed resistance against manyinsecticides, use of effective insecticide currentlyavailable in market is essential.Follow the detailed IPM package as given at the endof the section of pests of cruciferous vegetables.The adults migrating from neighbouring plots areto be controlled by using light traps spraying anaffective insecticide.Leaf Webbers (Crocidolomia binotalis Zeller)The moths lays eggs in clusters of 40-100 on leafsurface, which hatch in 5-7 days. Young larvae feedgregariously and later web the leaves together andfeed within. This results in rotting of cabbage headand cauliflower curds. The larval period lasts <strong>for</strong> 25-20days while pupation occurs in soil, which varies from15-40 days.<strong>Management</strong>Collect and destroy egg masses and gregariouslarvae.Spray any contact insecticide on the foliage whenthe larvae are observed.Spray neem seed kernel extract 4% or pulverizedneem seed powder extract (NSPE) 4%.Stem Borer (Hellula undalis Zeller)The adult moths lays eggs singly on leaves, the hatchedlarvae mine the leaves along side veins. The grownup larvae bore into stems preventing head initiation,which results in multiple shoots and multiple head<strong>for</strong>mation.<strong>Management</strong>Spray the seedlings with an effective contactinsecticide be<strong>for</strong>e planting followed by one morespray at 10 DAP, particulary <strong>for</strong> summer and kharifcrop (March-July).Spray pulverized Neem Seed Powder Extract(NSPE) 4%.Aphids (Brevicoryne brassicaeLinn,Myzus persicae Sulzer )Aphids suck the sap, devitalize the plants affectingthe quality of head or curds and become severe whencontract insecticides are sprayed regularly. Directfeeding on young growth leads to wilting of plants.Early attack may lead to stunted growth. Symptomsof viruses transmitted by B. brassicae include mosaic,chlorotic and necrotic lesion on leaves. M. persicae isthe most important aphid virus vector.Leaf webber damage on cabbageMyzus persicaeBrevicoryne brassicaeINSECT MANAGEMENT/CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES (Cabbage, Cauliflower, etc.)13

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