Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...

Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...

Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...


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<strong>Management</strong>Seed treatment with bio-pesticide-Pseudomonasfluorescens @ 10 g/kg seed.Nursery bed treatment with T. harzianum @ 50 g/sq.m.Apply 2 tons of farmyard manure enriched withT.harzianum and Paecilomyces lilacinus per acrebe<strong>for</strong>e planting, along with 100-200 kg of neem orpongamia cake.Apply Carbofuran 1G @ 1kg ai/ha at transplanting.CHILLI AND CAPSICUMThrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis)Thrips are minute insects with fringed wings, seriousduring dry periods of high temperature. Both adultand nymphs suck the sap from young developingleaves. Affected leaves curl upwards along the marginand get crinkled and reduced in size. They also feedon floral parts and fruits. Fruit damage result in roughbrown patches affecting their quality and drasticallyreducing the market value.<strong>Management</strong>Apply neem cake @ 250 kg/ha to plant beds whileplanting and repeat after 30 days.Spray Acephate 75 SP@ 1.0g/l or Fipronil 5 SC @1ml/l or ethofenprox 10 EC @ 1ml/l in rotation.Spray Acephate 75 SP (0.5 gm) + pongamia oil (2ml)+1 ml sticker in one litre water after emulsifying(shaking thoroughly in a bottle).White or Yellow Mites(Polyphagotarsonemus latus)These are very minute mites and cannot be seenby naked eyes. Damage is more in hot and humidconditions. Adults and nymphs scrape terminalleaves and auxiliary shoots. As a result, leaves becomenarrow, twisted with elongated petiole. The damageis characterized by downward curling of leaves andstunted growth of plants and dropping of flowers.Yellow mite damage on capsicumFruit discolourationLeaf damage due to thrips in capsicumThrips damage on capsicum fruits<strong>Management</strong>Apply wettable sulphur 80 WP @ 3g/l or anyacaricide (directing the spray on the ventral surfaceof leaves).Spray pongamia oil (2ml/l) mixed with acaricides.Spray neem seed powder extract 4% at 10 daysinterval when the pest incidence is low. As andwhen the pest incidence increases, spray withsynthetic acaricides like Dicofol 18.5 EC @ 2.5ml/land repeat the spray after 10 days, if required.Under protected conditions spary acaricides likeAbamectin 1.9 EC @ 0.5ml/l or Dicofol 18.5 EC @2.5 ml/l or Fenazaquin 10 EC@ 1ml/l in rotationwith plant products like pongamia oil or neem oil(8-10 ml/l) or neem soap (10g/l) when the leavesstart curling down with all the precautions.INSECT MANAGEMENT/CHILLI AND CAPSICUM9

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