Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...

Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...

Integrated Pest Management Schedule for Vegetables - National ...


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<strong>Management</strong>Under Open Conditions:Effective management can be done by adoptingmarigold as trap crop.Giving sprays of Ha NPV @ 250 LE /ha at 28,35 and42 days after transplanting.Mechanical collection and destruction of boredfruit at periodic intervals (3-4 times) brings downthe borer incidence to less than 2 per cent.Under Protected Conditions:SprayHa NPV at 250 LE/ha + 1% jaggery alongwith sticker (0.5 ml/litre) during evenings whenthe larvae are young.For grown up larvae spay Indoxacarb 14.5 SC @ 0.5ml/l or Thiodicarb 75 WP @ 1g/l.Serpentine Leaf Miner (Liromyza trifoliiBurgess)The tiny, metallic fly punctures the leaf lamina andfeeds on the oozing sap. It lays eggs on the outermargin of leaves. Within 2-3 days, whitish maggotshatch out of these eggs and start mining the leavesand pupate in 6-10 days. Pupation takes place inthe soil and occasionally on the leaf surface itself.Typical serpentine shaped tunnels are <strong>for</strong>med in theleaf lamina indicating the path of feeding by themaggots.Leaf miner damage on tomato leaves<strong>Management</strong>Often the incidence starts from nursery itself.Hence, remove infected leaves at the time ofplanting or within a week of transplanting.Apply neem cake to furrows (open)/beds(polyhouse) @ 250 kg/ha at planting and repeatafter 25 days.Spray neem seed powder extract 4% or neem soap1% at 15-20 DAPS.In open conditions, if the incidence is high, removeinfected leaves and spray Triazophos 40 EC (1ml)mixed with 7.5 g neem/l.Under protected conditions avoid frequentspraying of synthetic pesticides. At the most,one spray of Deltamethrin 2.8 EC @ 1ml/l orCypermethrin 25 EC @ 0.5 ml/l or Triazophos 40 EC@ 2ml/l may be given, if required.Whiteflies (Bemicia tabacii)Whitefly is a well-known vector, which transmits tomatoleaf curl virus. It has piercing and sucking mouthpartand both nymphs and adults feed on lower surfaceof the leaves causing de<strong>for</strong>mation of young leaves.Whiteflies also excrete honeydew, causing sooty mold.Under protected conditions whiteflies become morepersistent, which require extensive managementpractices as mentioned below.<strong>Management</strong>Use virus resistant hybrids.Raise nurseries in seedling trays under nylon netsor polyhouses.Spray Imidacloprid 200 SL (0.3ml/l) orThiomethoxam 25 WP (0.3 g/l) in nursery at 15days after sowing.Remove the leaf curl infested plants as soon asdisease symptoms are expressed. This helps inreducing source of inoculums of the disease.Drench the base of the seedlings with Imidacloprid200 SL (0.03ml/l) or Thiomethoxam 25 WP (0.3 g/l)be<strong>for</strong>e transplanting. If protreys are used <strong>for</strong> raisingnursery, drench the protreys with the chemicalsone day be<strong>for</strong>e transplanting.After transplanting give need-based sprays ofImidacloprid 20 SL (0.3ml/l) or Thiomethoxam25 WP (0.3 g/l) at 15 days after planting and donot repeat after fruiting stage as this may leaveharmful residues in fruits.4 <strong>Integrated</strong> <strong>Pest</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Schedule</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Vegetables</strong>

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