The Apocalypse - The Pathfinder by Elwin and Margit Roach

The Apocalypse - The Pathfinder by Elwin and Margit Roach

The Apocalypse - The Pathfinder by Elwin and Margit Roach


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Apocalypse</strong>Part 7Publication #209.08Pavilions of Darkness(Continued)<strong>The</strong> AntichristPavilions of DarknessWe noticed in our previous article on the Pavilions of Darkness that God hides Himselfin the most unlikely places of the universe; namely, in darkness, in dark waters, in thickclouds. <strong>The</strong>se are His secret places wherein He abides; where the hidden riches of Histreasures are held in reserve. Psalm 18:11 & 45:3, 15It is strange that the church system has taught its people to look for Him somewhere inthe heavens of outer space, rather than where the scriptures make it clear — in the pavilionsof darkness, in the dark waters of His people, in the thick clouds of His many memberedbody. And herein He will remain until the hour of the <strong>Apocalypse</strong> of Jesus Christ!Some who know the truth of the matter claim that the time of His appearing, that is, theirappearing, has come; that the dawn of the Sun’s rising has arrived, that there is nothing moreawaiting, all we have to do is to realize who we are <strong>and</strong> stop identifying with Adam. But thesad fact is, we see nothing more than what’s been in times past. For that matter, we see lessthan that which was in the past, such as in the days of the outpouring in 1948 which is knownas Pentecost, or Latter Rain. And as great as that manifestation was, it did not establish theKingdom of God in the earth. It did not to put an end to sorrow <strong>and</strong> death.What we hear can be enticing; for the words of man’s wisdom are often very convincing;but that which is claimed has had no spiritual strength, vitality, or impact. It hasn’t shaken thefoundations of the world inwardly or outwardly that we can see. <strong>The</strong>re hasn’t even been somuch as a breeze blowing through the mulberry leaves of the kingdoms of men. Ill winds arecertainly blowing, <strong>and</strong> fiercely in certain areas. <strong>The</strong>y are surging through the religious,economical, <strong>and</strong> governmental kingdoms; but the winds are not that of the manifestation ofthe sons of God, not <strong>by</strong> any stretch of the imagination. <strong>The</strong> winds that are shaking things are,no doubt, of God; but they are in no way that of the appearing, the apocalypse of our Lordcoming in holy myriads of Himself. It will come, but only to those who meet the conditions<strong>and</strong> qualify for that mighty company of overcomers. <strong>The</strong>re awaits the real demonstration ofthe Spirit <strong>and</strong> power that’s given without measure. It is then that the incomprehensibleministry of the sons of God will be seen after everything that hinders <strong>and</strong> has sealed us tightis broken <strong>by</strong> the One found worthy to do so. It is then that our carnal coverings are removed,revealing from deep within that which has lain dormant. It will come forth with vibrance to

eveal the majesty of our Lord Jesus Christ.Many of us have been with Him in those obscure places, in those thick clouds, darkwaters, even that dark cave of Adullam. For some it has been a long time; but we will notlament because we know the purpose, <strong>and</strong> we will have our day in the Sun/Son. And thebeauty is, no man or religious regime can stop its shining at the time of the <strong>Apocalypse</strong> ofJesus Christ. It is then that our Lord will be seen coming in the clouds of holy myriads OFHIMSELF to execute judgment! Jude 1:14-15. It is then that wisdom will excel folly <strong>and</strong>light will excel darkness. Ecclesiastes 2:13.To be reminded, this apocalypse will come <strong>by</strong> none other than <strong>by</strong> the might <strong>and</strong> Spirit ofour Lord Jesus. And it will certainly not be in need of special men <strong>and</strong> women to orchestrateit. <strong>The</strong>re will be no need to keep it hemmed in <strong>and</strong> bound <strong>by</strong> religious creeds, doctrines, <strong>and</strong>rituals. Men will not be able to promote it in order to let the world know that God is on themove; for as it is with the Sun, no one has to go to be told <strong>by</strong> an astro-physicist to know it isshining, <strong>and</strong> also with the wind. No one has to be told when it is blowing. We may needweather forecasters to tell us when it will be a windy day in certain regions, such as whenthey forewarned Galveston, Texas that Hurricane Ike was on the way; but no one had to betold once it’s fierce breath began to blow hard upon them. And so it will be with the<strong>Apocalypse</strong> of Jesus Christ. No one knows the day <strong>and</strong> hour; but you are being told that it iscoming, <strong>and</strong> once it arrives, nobody will have to be told, <strong>and</strong> no one will have to make claimsor spin a good yarn to convince the world that it is so; for a blast of fire in the face isconvincing of itself.Moreover, as this fire-storm blows, there will be no personalities st<strong>and</strong>ing in high placesover the people of “their” churches <strong>and</strong> TV audiences. Wherever the sons of God are, therewill be the manifested Church of Jesus Christ. This Church cannot be wrangled or owned <strong>by</strong>enterprising entrepreneurs, <strong>and</strong> neither will there be in this company those seeking their ownglory. It is all Jesus Christ in those who are conformed <strong>and</strong> transformed to the express imageof their Father.Frankly, this unveiling is already dawning in the secret pavilions of people’s lives. <strong>The</strong>yare not known <strong>by</strong> the world nor <strong>by</strong> those of mainstream religion, <strong>and</strong> it is no mystery as towhy this is. <strong>The</strong>y are scattered throughout the world. <strong>The</strong>re is a h<strong>and</strong>ful here, a few there;but as a whole, they are not visibly collected together, <strong>and</strong> they are not pushing themselves tothe forefront to be seen <strong>by</strong> anyone. Yet, things are taking place with these derelicts <strong>and</strong>misfits in the secret pavilions of darkness with David, that is Jesus, in the cave of Adullam.Although st<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>by</strong>, unseen <strong>and</strong> unheard, their Comm<strong>and</strong>er is building them into a mightyarmy of soon to be glorified sons of God with which to be reckoned! <strong>The</strong>se members of thebody of Christ, like vapor particles of dark clouds, are being joined together in the Spirit oftheir Lord, awaiting the first comm<strong>and</strong>, the first charge, the first lightning bolt, His blazingword that will bring them cohesively together <strong>and</strong> send them earthbound as mighty torrentsof consuming fire. What a blazing apocalypse!Although obscure <strong>and</strong> weak, they are obedient to the call, which qualifies them to bemighty men of valor. <strong>The</strong>y await the comm<strong>and</strong> that will release <strong>and</strong> reveal them like a floodtideof fire all over the earth. <strong>The</strong> three <strong>and</strong> a half years Jesus was manifested as the Son ofGod was tremendous; but what do you suppose it will be when He comes in the clouds ofholy myriads OF HIMSELF to execute Judgment? <strong>The</strong>re will be much greater works thanwhat He did as one Son. It will bring an end to all revivals; for this will not be to revivepeople to their former estate when they were first saved, but to transform them to a new Statecalled the Kingdom of God. Religious movements as we had known will cease, along with

secular <strong>and</strong> political schemes. This is the apocalypse of Jesus Christ gathering into HimselfHis Ecclesia, the called out ones, the true assembly of the living God <strong>and</strong> His Christ! Fromtemporary tabernacles we will see this MAN moving into the Temple! No more booths,pavilions of darkness, but the glorious Temple of God wherein dwells Christ Jesus <strong>and</strong> Hisbody. And please know, this Temple is not one to be built in the l<strong>and</strong> of Israel. It is His bodyof many members. It is where He presently dwells <strong>and</strong> from where He rules <strong>and</strong> will alwaysrule.Out of weakness, like a helpless worm in a cocoon, we come forth from the confines ofAdullam, transformed <strong>and</strong> made new. God will measure out His power upon those who walkthrough the deep valley of the shadow of death, who are weakened <strong>by</strong> disease, who areweakened <strong>by</strong> hardships, or who are weakened <strong>by</strong> being overrun <strong>by</strong> varied pressures,tragedies, <strong>and</strong> deaths. Some will judge our adverse circumstances <strong>and</strong> inactive lives as beingout of the will of God; but they do not underst<strong>and</strong> the basic principle, when we are weak Heis strong. You see, Jesus became poor that we, His body, might become rich, <strong>and</strong> as webecome poor in spirit, the kingdom of heaven becomes ours.We do remember, don’t we, that in order for Jesus to become the Lion of the tribe ofJudah, He had to be led in humility as a sheep to the slaughter? (Acts 8:32). And before allmen could drink of the River of Life, He had to empty Himself. He divested Himself ofpower <strong>and</strong> authority so He could come forth with greater power <strong>and</strong> authority in holymyriads of Himself. In death, He ceased from the Father’s works so greater works could bedone <strong>by</strong> those of His corporate Body. He sounded no call to arms to his followers. He didnot call legions of angels to defend Him in His most crucial hour. He opened not His mouth.Rather than arraying Himself in glory, He submitted to the humility of being stripped naked<strong>and</strong> beaten. Rather than taking His rightful place upon earth’s regal throne, He relinquishedit to endure the anguish of being nailed to a rugged cross. Not a likely seat of the RoyalMaster. But rather than taking His position as the King of kings, He divested Himself <strong>and</strong>became the servant of all. <strong>The</strong> richest man in the universe became the poorest of all, havingno place to lay His head or call His own. In death, he had no hallowed mausoleum toenshrine His pierced body. He was not laid in repose where the bodies of men of honor arecommitted. No eternal flame was lit for Him. A tomb had to be borrowed for His burial. AtHis birth, a stable was borrowed for His delivery, <strong>and</strong> the animal’s feed-trough took theplace of a goose-down bed, symbolizing that His body would feed the nations of the world.He was not born in the midst of great men who would marvel at His majesty, but among thebeasts of burden. <strong>The</strong>y were his companions in birth, <strong>and</strong> throughout his life, such were alsohis friends. What a wonder to say the least! Out of Darkness where He was hidden cameforth the Mystery of the ages — <strong>and</strong> that Great Light shined in a dark world! <strong>The</strong><strong>Apocalypse</strong> of God’s firstborn Son!He was crucified in the weakness of flesh as the son of man, but "He was declared to bethe Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of holiness, <strong>by</strong> the resurrection fromthe dead." Romans 1:4. Men destroy their enemies <strong>by</strong> killing them; but Jesus destroyed hisenemies <strong>by</strong> dying for them, <strong>and</strong> even at their own h<strong>and</strong>s. He set the precedent for every sonto follow. Go thou <strong>and</strong> do likewise.It doesn’t make sense to the natural mind that one must die to live, weep before he canlaugh, know sorrow to be filled with joy, to be humiliated to be lifted up, to become naked tobe clothed upon, to know darkness to come forth as light. What a paradox! To the naturalmind it doesn’t make sense. But God’s mind is not natural!Seeing, therefore, that Jesus became weak <strong>and</strong> suffered the death of the cross that we

could live, can we expect it to be different with us? Are the servants greater than theirMaster? Not at all. Paul spoke of this difficult road that we must walk: "That I may knowHim, <strong>and</strong> the power of His resurrection, <strong>and</strong> the fellowship of His sufferings, being madeconformable unto His death; If <strong>by</strong> any means I might attain unto the resurrection of thedead" Philippians 3:10-11.After we are conformed to His death, what comes next? Resurrection, of course! Forthat is the principle of life. A seed must fall into the ground <strong>and</strong> die before it can sprout as aplant <strong>and</strong> live. We have fallen into the carnal ground of our minds <strong>and</strong> bodies, <strong>and</strong> as theplantings of the Lord, we too shall rise out of obscurity <strong>and</strong> live.We have long vaunted the fact that we are the anointed sons of God; but ourunderst<strong>and</strong>ing of this anointing may have been lacking. We had assumed it was theanointing of life <strong>and</strong> power, the anointing to rule <strong>and</strong> reign, the anointing to do exploits <strong>and</strong>to raise the dead, <strong>and</strong> this is not altogether wrong. For God hath wrought us for the selfsamelife <strong>and</strong> power of Jesus. However, He not only made us for the selfsame life, but also theselfsame death. We see this anointing when the woman anointed Jesus with a preciousointment from an alabaster box, <strong>and</strong> the anointing was on behalf of HIS DEATH <strong>and</strong>BURIAL, <strong>and</strong> Jesus said what she did was good! (rf. Matthew 26:7,10,12).Can we say the same concerning our own anointing? Has it been unto death? That’s adifficult one; but don’t we want the power of resurrection in our lives? <strong>The</strong>n let us receivethe anointing of not only life, but that of death as well. We are not m<strong>and</strong>ated to enjoy it, butwe can endure it as our Lord before us "...who for the joy that was set before Him enduredthe cross, despising the shame" Hebrews 12:2. We will, therefore, rejoice for the joy that isset before us while being swept over <strong>by</strong> the shroud of death <strong>and</strong> we descend into hell. Itsdominion of darkness will <strong>and</strong> has embraced us sorely, this is sure, yet it can neither hold nordestroy us! But after it has worked its purpose, we shall turn <strong>and</strong> comm<strong>and</strong> it! We shallascend with power <strong>and</strong> dominion over death, hell, <strong>and</strong> the grave.Moreover, when we hear these words <strong>by</strong> the Spirit of revelation, we can say: "Mostgladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may restupon me." With confidence, we will know that God’s grace is sufficient; for our strength ismade perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9. Truly, God has chosen the foolish things ofthe world to confound the wise, <strong>and</strong> hath chosen the weak things to confound they who aremighty. 1 Corinthians 1:27. <strong>The</strong>refore, my friends, if you happen to be among those whoare acquainted with the bitter waters of grief, <strong>and</strong> the lonely pavilions of darkness, take heart— you will shine on the morrow as He comes in the holy myriads of Himself to executejudgment!<strong>The</strong>re are various ways that God brings judgment. Some of those ways are <strong>by</strong> His righth<strong>and</strong>; <strong>by</strong> Christ being manifested in His word <strong>and</strong> in His saints of glory, bringing people to agodly sorrow that works repentance unto salvation. One, I am sure, will be much morepronounced, the apocalypse of Jesus Christ <strong>and</strong> with the sons of God. Other forms of judgmentare <strong>by</strong> His left h<strong>and</strong>. This judgment may entail rogue rulers, enemies of the State, wars, worldclass bankers, failing economies, terrorism, wars, <strong>and</strong> countless other circumstances beyondman’s control.<strong>The</strong> AntichristWith the present political <strong>and</strong> economical situations of this nation, many are veryconcerned. Millions have been gripped <strong>by</strong> fear. <strong>The</strong>y feel that all might be lost: homes, jobs,retirement, even their freedom. Some are saying that the greatest depression the world has

ever known is on the horizon. Some have a degree of hope <strong>by</strong> believing the president-electhas the answers. He is looked upon as their savior — a black man riding from the east upon awhite horse to save the day. Some are too busy with games <strong>and</strong> entertainment to have thoughtabout him one way or the other. Many are in such a stupor from drugs <strong>and</strong> alcohol addictionthat they can’t think at all. While others believe this mysterious man who came out ofobscurity is not their savior, but the antichrist.<strong>The</strong> notion could be equally applied to numerous U.S. presidents, not to mention manycabinet members <strong>and</strong> Supreme Court justices, as well as those who occupy the halls ofcongress; yet not in the sense of what is commonly thought about the antichrist. According tothe Bible, <strong>and</strong> I am sure to the surprise of many, there is no such thing as "the antichrist";that is, not as it has been so commonly taught, <strong>and</strong> with such rigor that most people assume itis a primary tenant of faith that is rooted deeply in scripture. But there are no scriptures onwhich to base this presumption when the scriptures are taken in context <strong>and</strong> the greaterpicture is seen.Even so, with this being one of the foremost thoughts in so many minds since theelection, Barack Obama seems to be the closest man so far to fit that infamous character’sassumed image. None of the other supposed antichrists had such charisma as to comm<strong>and</strong> aworld-wide following, nor were they worshiped so greatly. Other figures of days gone <strong>by</strong>who were tagged as this man of infamy include Henry Kissinger, Anwar Sadat, Pope JohnPaul II, John F. Kennedy, <strong>and</strong> Ronald Reagan to mention a few; but none have taken centerstage <strong>and</strong> have been so gloriously arrayed as this young man. It is no small wonder that hehas so polarized the people with either being seen as the savior or the antichrist. He certainlyis a very interesting individual to say the least. And I have no doubt about it; he has beenraised up to serve God’s purpose that no other could fill, whether for good or evil. Moreover,as His sovereign plan unfolds — I believe those of the world will first be affected withwonder. <strong>The</strong>y will then be astonished, <strong>and</strong> later on, stunned, if you please!But let us back off a bit <strong>and</strong> scan this idea of the antichrist a little more closely <strong>by</strong> seeingwhat the scriptures have to say about it. <strong>The</strong>re are only four verses that use the word: "Littlechildren, it is the last time: <strong>and</strong> as ye have heard that *(the) antichrist shall come, even noware there many antichrists; where<strong>by</strong> we know that it is the last time." "Who is a liar but hethat denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is *(the) antichrist, that denieth the Father <strong>and</strong>the Son. 1 John 2:18, 22. "And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come inthe flesh is not of God: <strong>and</strong> this is that spirit of *(the) antichrist, whereof ye have heard thatit should come (Grk, is come, present tense); <strong>and</strong> even now already IS it in the world." 1John 4:3. "For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christis come in the flesh. This is a deceiver <strong>and</strong> an *(the) antichrist." 2 John 1:7.Since each verse contains the definite article, the or of the, does this mean that theantichrist is one specific man of the future who will be the devil incarnate <strong>and</strong> who willdeceive <strong>and</strong> rule the entire world? Not <strong>by</strong> any means! For the context of these verses in noway suggests such an idea.Let us, therefore, take into consideration the context:"Little children, it is the last time (Grk. hÇra, hour): <strong>and</strong> as ye have heard that theantichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; where<strong>by</strong> we know that it IS thelast time (hÇra, hour). <strong>The</strong>y went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been ofus, they would have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest

that they were not all of us.But ye have an unction from the Holy One, <strong>and</strong> ye know all things. I have not writtenunto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, <strong>and</strong> that no lie is of the truth.Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is *(the) antichrist, thatdenieth the Father <strong>and</strong> the Son."1 John 2:18-22. <strong>The</strong> antichrist(s) were the ones John wastalking about at that time which he called the last hour. He was not remotely talking about2,000 years or so down the road, <strong>and</strong> neither was he mistaken about what he was saying.Namely, that the antichrist was the same as the many antichrists <strong>and</strong> that they were alreadyon the scene. He was saying that the many antichrists were they who went out from them,they were not of them, if they had been, they would have continued with them, but they wentout so they could be revealed for who they really were — the antichrist. And whoever deniesthe Father <strong>and</strong> the Son, he is the antichrist."Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: becausemany false prophets are gone out into the world. Here<strong>by</strong> know ye the Spirit of God: Everyspirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: Ye are of God, littlechildren, <strong>and</strong> have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in theworld. <strong>The</strong>y are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, <strong>and</strong> the world heareththem. We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us.Here<strong>by</strong> know we the spirit of truth, <strong>and</strong> the spirit of error." 1 John 4:1-6.Again, we have the same scenario. <strong>The</strong> plurals, many false prophets <strong>and</strong> they who areof the world, are synonymous to the singular he who was at that time not of God <strong>and</strong> couldnot hear what the apostles were saying <strong>by</strong> the Spirit of Christ. Nowhere do these versessuggest the antichrist would be coming two or three thous<strong>and</strong> years later."For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ iscome in the flesh. This IS a deceiver <strong>and</strong> an (the) antichrist." 2 John 1:7.John was equating the singular <strong>and</strong> plural as being the same, <strong>and</strong> the context was nodifferent in this verse than it was with the others. It was for that time period, for that day, forthat hour, <strong>and</strong> he was not saying that the many deceivers were a man called the antichristtwo thous<strong>and</strong> years later.<strong>The</strong> apostle was referring to people who denied Jesus had come in the flesh of Hisphysical body. Neither did they believe the Spirit of Jesus Christ had come in the flesh of Hismany-membered body, nor did they confess or manifest His Spirit in their own lives, as aconfession suggests.Paul also wrote about a man that many think is the same notorious antichrist. He calledhim the man of sin, the son of perdition that Daniel the prophet spoke of who would sit (Grk,kathizÇ, seat, settle, hover) in the Temple of God (2 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians 2:3-4). And Jesus referredto the man in Daniel’s prophecy as well, who was called the abomination of desolation.(Matthew 25:15). Neither Daniel, Paul, nor Jesus were referring to someone in our day; butthis man was for that time, a Roman general whose name was Titus. He desolated the city ofJerusalem, then opposed <strong>and</strong> exalted himself above God <strong>by</strong> destroying the Temple thatrepresented the very presence <strong>and</strong> power of Israel’s God. This was an act of setting himselfup as God. It was a declaration to the world, especially to the Jews, that there was no godgreater than the self-exalted Titus Flavius Vespasianus who later became the emperor ofRome. This was the abominable man of that hour for the Jews. It was their last hour, <strong>and</strong> itended in 70 A.D. He fulfilled the prophecy of Daniel, Jesus, <strong>and</strong> Paul.Let us note that the Temple that was destroyed will never be rebuilt as it has been

supposed <strong>by</strong> many. You see, when God destroys anything, especially that which has to dowith the Old Covenant, He does not set out to rebuild it. With the New Covenant having beenestablished <strong>by</strong> Jesus, the new Temple of God became His many-membered body. He does notdwell in buildings made <strong>by</strong> human h<strong>and</strong>s, not even one in Jerusalem that men want to buildin order to help pave the way for Him to come again. <strong>The</strong> fact is, He has much betteraccommodations wherein He is already dwelling — His body of many members, His body ofmany mansions, that is, His body of many abodes. So let the Muslims have the Dome of theRock where the Temple once stood. God doesn’t need it, Jesus doesn’t need it, <strong>and</strong> neither dowe! We are secure where we are in Him, <strong>and</strong> He in us.Satan <strong>and</strong> all who are one with him are deceivers. <strong>The</strong>y appear as light but are not of thelight. It is impossible for them to confess, or manifest the light, the anointing, the Christ.<strong>The</strong>y are the opposite, or instead of Christ. <strong>The</strong>y are actors, imposters. Again, they are theantichrist(s).<strong>The</strong>re is a many-membered body of Christ, <strong>and</strong> there is a many-membered body thatmakes up the antichrist (not one man). This antichrist is comprised of all the religioussystems <strong>and</strong> people who are void of the Spirit of Christ. <strong>The</strong>y are also those who may beembraced as secular saviors, those who embody the political ideals that people look to fortheir safety, prosperity, <strong>and</strong> welfare. You see, in the same manner that those of the body ofChrist are inspired <strong>by</strong> the Spirit of Christ Who makes blind eyes see, the body of theantichrist is inspired <strong>by</strong> the god of this world who blinds eyes that could see.Antichrist, from the compound Greek word, anti-christos. Anti means, opposite of orinstead of, <strong>and</strong> christos means anointed. <strong>The</strong> Antichrist is principally the spirit of thereligious, political, <strong>and</strong> economic systems of the world. It is that which takes the place ofJesus Christ! Anything that exalts itself as a solution to the pollution (as our late friend,Stacy Wood used to say) is instead of Christ. It is a pretense! It is something that can suggesta supreme answer to the question of extreme problems. It is a deceiver. It is also, of course,anyone who rises in self-exaltation to be a superior guide for people when it is Christ who isto be the principle guide. <strong>The</strong> antichrist is not a political leader, although many of the rulersof the kingdoms of men are certainly antichrists.People have voiced their grave concern about Barack Obama being our president, <strong>and</strong>they believe he is the antichrist. It may be noted that most of our presidents <strong>and</strong> politicianshave been deceivers (antichrists) in one fashion or the other. How else could they have beenelected? Even at that, they were playing into the h<strong>and</strong> of God, of course, they didn’t know it.A deceiver is one who transforms himself into an angel of light. He is, therefore, antilight,or instead of light, darkness, a lie. He is an antichrist. <strong>The</strong> world is full of them, <strong>and</strong> Ido not doubt that the people will suffer greatly in the days to come. However, we should notbe shaken over it.For, you see, "God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, <strong>and</strong> of love, <strong>and</strong> of asound mind" 2 Timothy 1:7, <strong>and</strong> Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give untoyou: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither letit be afraid." John 14:27.Moreover, "This matter is <strong>by</strong> the decree of the watchers, <strong>and</strong> the dem<strong>and</strong> <strong>by</strong> theword of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth inthe kingdom of men, <strong>and</strong> giveth it to whomsoever He will, <strong>and</strong> setteth up over it thebasest of men." Daniel 4:17.Are you still unconvinced that it is God, <strong>and</strong> not the people or the electoral college who

place the person of His choosing in office: "Let every soul be subject unto the higherpowers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance (Grk. diatag‘, arrangement,institution) of God." Romans 13:1-2. Man, oh man! That’s a hard one! It does appear thatthere will be a flood of unprecedented hardships <strong>and</strong> evil to sweep over this nation <strong>and</strong> theworld as the Psalmist wrote: "<strong>The</strong> floods have lifted up, O LORD, the floods have lifted uptheir voice; the floods lift up their waves." Psalm 93:3. However, let us not forget that "<strong>The</strong>LORD sitteth upon the flood; yea, the LORD sitteth King for ever." Psalm 29:10.So what is there to fear? Even if this man is a cunning serpent <strong>and</strong> brings the U.S. to herknees, as many believe will happen — the most High, the Lord rules this kingdom. It maybe true that God’s plan is to use a chastening rod called Barrack Hussein Obama; <strong>and</strong> if so,can we not say, Praise God; for is this not one of the things that will set the stage for theapocalypse of Jesus Christ <strong>and</strong> His many-membered body?Perhaps <strong>by</strong> the Spirit of Christ we can say it; but it’s a little difficult in the natural. Onethe other h<strong>and</strong>, Obama may prove to be one of the best presidents this nation has ever had. Ihope this is the case. We will see. Even if that comes to be so, one thing is sure, neither thisman nor any other man or woman nor political party is the solution to this mountain ofpollution. It is like our dear friend <strong>and</strong> co-laborer in Christ, Preston E<strong>by</strong>, said: "Adam is theman who made this mess, so Adam is not the man who is going to get us out of it." You see,man has spent 6,000 years bringing us to this point of degradation, <strong>and</strong> he can only make itworse. <strong>The</strong>re is only one man who has the answers, actually: He is the answer, <strong>and</strong> that manis Christ Jesus in the body of holy myriads of Himself. This body is being raised up to be thesolution to the pollution! Praise God! What an hour! What an apocalypse!To be continued...<strong>Elwin</strong> R. <strong>Roach</strong><strong>The</strong> <strong>Pathfinder</strong> g PO Box 4004 g Alamogordo, NM 88311-4004

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