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Brand Identity and Logo Usage Guidelines / May 2001

Introducing theT-REX BrandThe Value of the BrandBrand identity is the most valuableasset an organization or companycan possess.The T-REX brand willbecome the “face of the project,”something very visible to thepublic.To build public awareness,consistent use of theTransportation ExpansionProject (T-REX) logo is critical. Byfollowing these guidelines, youcan help ensure that the project’sidentity is effectively established.The Transportation ExpansionProject (T-REX) branding effort,with the other elements of thepublic information program, willpositively position the project withstakeholders, helping the projectteam meet its goals andcommunicate what the projectand brand are all about.The brand also helps generate …■ …project team unity,enthusiasm and cleardirection■ …an awareness of the projectand what it means toColorado■ …differentiation from otherprojects (locally, nationally,internationally)■ …support from, and ownershipby stakeholder groups■ …an attractive projectpersonalityWhat’s In a Name?Transportation Expansion Project(T-REX) conveys the primarypurpose and benefit of the project– expansion of transportationinfrastructure and options.The name is simple, clear,understandable, and mostimportantly – memorable.The LogoIt starts with the logo…The Transportation Expansion Project has a vision and a logo to match that vision. The logowas created after meticulous research and input from many groups. The result is a logo thatsends the right messages to the public. The Transportation Expansion Project (T-REX) logo…■ is lively■ is modern, contemporary■ is cohesive■ is streamlined■ color green means “GO!”■ shows speed■ shows unity of form; integration■ is “structural”and“engineered”in appearance■ shows forward movement, linear progressionTrademark RegistrationThe brand name Transportation Expansion Project and the accompanying graphical markhave been submitted to the United States Patent and Trademark Office for nationaltrademark registration. During the approval process, the letters TM should alwaysaccompany the mark as shown in this document.Integrity of the LogoThe logo/descriptor is available as a stand-alone graphic, but can also appear with thegeographic locator.The T-REX logo should never be altered and/or modified from itsoriginal design.Logo Element PositioningThe logo elements must appear as shown, with the T-REX graphic on top, the descriptor(project name) under it, then the geographic locator at the bottom.The trademark symbol() goes in the lower right hand corner of the logo.Spacing of these elements should alsofollow the recommended guidelines.Logo Elements“T-REX” isa customgraphicDescriptor VerdanaGeographic VerdanaLocator BoldTrademarkSymbol

Approved TypefacesTypefaces are another important partof the T-REX brand identity. Our font ofchoice is the Myriad Family shown here.These fonts should be used wheneverpossible in all aspects of communication.Default TypefacesWhen system fonts are your only typeoption, acceptable substitutes are ArialBold for headlines and subheads andTimes Regular or Palatino Regular forbody copy.Fonts for headlines, subheadsand calloutsUsing the T-REX Graphic in Small AreasWhenever space for the logo is limited and legibility is a concern, use the option below.Thedescriptor, Transportation Expansion Project, has been enlarged and positioned on threeseparate lines for easy identification.T-REX Logo OptionDescriptor“T-REX” isa customgraphicVerdanaGeographic VerdanaLocator BoldTrademarkSymbolABCDEF abcdef■ MYRIAD BOLDABCDEF abcdef■ MYRIAD BOLD ITALICFonts for blocks of textCorrect Logo UsageThe logo is made up of four parts: the T-REX graphic, the descriptor (or project name), thegeographic locator and the trademark symbol ().The geographic descriptor is an optionalelement, used primarily for audiences outside of Colorado and the United States.ABCDEF abcdef■ MYRIAD ROMANABCDEF abcdef■ MYRIAD BOLD ITALICDefault fonts for MyriadABCDEF abcdef■ ARIAL BOLDABCDEF abcdef■ ARIAL BOLD ITALICABCDEF abcdef■ TIMES REGULARABCDEF abcdef■ PALATINO REGULARThe logo should not be modified in any way except to enlarge it or reduceit proportionally.About the DescriptorThe descriptor (project name), Transportation Expansion Project, should always accompanythe T-REX logo, when possible.About the Geographic LocatorThe geographic locator, Metro Denver/Colorado, should only be used on materials that willbe viewed by audiences in rural Colorado locations distant from Denver, and anywhereoutside of Colorado or the United States. This information is essential to clearly identify theproject’s location to anyone who would not be near the construction area or hear about itin the media frequently. It is not necessary for use in materials distributed in the metroDenver area, along the Front Range or in most areas within Colorado.Whenever the brand name T-REX appears in print, it should be in all capital letters.

Approved Logo Colors TypefacesAcceptable Logo Versions■ Whenever possible, the logo should bereproduced in color; green and black.■ The T-REX colors should never bealtered.Black with green outlineon white or light color■ The acceptable variations in colorusage are shown here.■ When using the logo in black andwhite applications, the branddescriptor and/or geographic locatorshould always be solid black.■ The T-REX logo mark should appearas solid black with its outline andcenter graphic as a 40% tint of black.Black with white outlinereversed out of greenBlack with white outlinereversed out of blackOne color – black with40% tint outline

Approved Clear-Space Typefaces RequirementsIncorrect UsageThe T-REX logo must be set in an areaclear of imagery and typography.Thisarea should surround the T-REX logoand be no smaller than the height of theinset graphic (“ ”).DO NOT:Change theproportionsViolation of this space impairs thevisibility and impact of the logo.The“graphic rule”is a minimum requirement,more clear space is always desirable.Clear-Space:Same Size asGraphic in LogoDO NOT:Box logo into twobackground colorsDO NOT:Combine with anyother elementsFLASHApproved Size Restrictions TypefacesThe logo can be used in a variety of sizes,as long as it is enlarged or reducedproportionately. The minimum size is1.25”wide.DO NOT:Change logo colorsMinimum size for print = 1.25”DO NOT:Change typefacesTRANSPORTATION EXPANSION PROJECTDO NOT:Place logo against alow contrast color ordistracting background

Color PaletteAnother important element of theT-REX identity system is the consistentuse of color.T-REX GreenT-REX OrangeT-REX BlueT-REX BlackTo the right, you will find a recommendedcolor system. Use of this color paletteensures a universal standard for the T-REXPANTONE® 369CProcess:65C 0M 100Y 5KRGB:33R 57G 10BWEB: 339900PANTONE® 151CProcess:0C 43M 87Y 0KRGB:100R 43G 0BWEB: FF6600PANTONE® 2995CProcess:100C 10M 0Y 0KRGB:2R 56G 75BWEB: 0099FFPANTONE® BlackProcess:20C 0M 0Y 100KRGB:100R 100G 100BWEB: 000000brand regardless of its application.T-REX RedT-REX YellowT-REX OliveT-REX PurplePANTONE® 485CProcess:0C 100M 90Y 0KRGB:95R 13G 9BWEB: CC3333PANTONE® 1235CProcess:0C 12M 76Y 0KRGB:100R 65G 0BWEB: FFCC00PANTONE® 385CProcess:0C 0M 87Y 56KRGB:46R 83G 13BWEB: 339900PANTONE® 527CProcess:80C 95M 0Y 0KRGB:30R 15G 59BWEB: 660099Contact InformationWhile this document offers the basicsregarding the proper and improperusage of the Transportation ExpansionProject logo and brand identityelements, it may not answer all yourquestions or concerns. Please contactus directly for personal assistance or toobtain digital logo files or printedgraphics. Digital files are available invarious versions and formats. You mayalso obtain graphics on our Web site atwww.trexproject.com. Or contact theT-REX Public Information Office and askfor Toni Gatzen at 303-820-5277 or AmyFord at 303-820-5236.1-877-539-TREXwww.trexproject.com© 2001 Transportation Expansion Project and the T-REX logotype are trademarks ofthe Colorado Department of Transportation and the Regional Transportation District.

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