KMWEEP-EA Final Report June 3 2008.pdf - kuidfc

KMWEEP-EA Final Report June 3 2008.pdf - kuidfc

KMWEEP-EA Final Report June 3 2008.pdf - kuidfc


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KARNATAKA MUNICIPAL WATER PUMPING IMPROVEMENTS IN SIX TOWNSENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT AND PREPARING ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLANFINAL REPORTD-5 Potential Environmental Impacts and Mitigation MeasuresThe audit for environmental impacts is broken down into four categories, coinciding with theimplementation phases of the project:Location ImpactsThe location of recommendations for energy efficiency is at existing pumping stations. Thepumping stations for Allipur well as Moka scheme are located within agricultural and barren land.Except for Gandhinagar Booster Pumping Station there are no settlements in close proximity ofthe Pumping stations. The ambient environmental conditions were observed to be free from anykind of pollution. Since the existing environment is a built environment, no land acquisition isexpected and recommendations would be carried on the same locations, no location impacts areconsidered likely.Impacts due energy efficiency recommendationsAs the recommendations are more of upgrading existing systems with technologically superiormechanical and electrical components, no impact is anticipated. Moreover most of therecommendations like surrendering of excess contract demand, increasing pf values are policyand efficiency level decisions and are unlikely to have any environmental impact.Implementation/ Construction ImpactsMost of the recommendations proposed at Moka and Alipur scheme pumping stations arecurrently being implemented by KUWSDB under Improved Water Supply Scheme (IWSS) andAugmented Water Supply Scheme (AWSS) and no impacts are likely. The recommendation forenergy efficiency do not envisage any further construction works and unlikely to have any impact.Operation and Maintenance ImpactsDuring operation phase there are likely to be non-significant and reversible impacts in the projectarea which are likely to affect the workers. These include high noise and vibrations level, wastedisposal of maintenance related materials and safety for workers from likely accidents.1. Impact due to noise and vibrations level: The pumping stations are expected to be operated allthrough the day. Since there are no sensitive locations or settlements at the locations of the allpumping stations, very minimal impact is envisaged. However the noise and vibrations might leadto nuisances to workers. The pumping equipments have high noise levels in the range of 80 - 95dB (A) depending on the type of machinery used, which can affect the personnel operating themachines. The workers in general are likely to be exposed to an equivalent noise level of 80 to 90dB (A) in an 8-hour shift, for which all precautions should be taken into consideration.Mitigation MeasuresMitigation measures are suggested for workers and pumping machineries. Since the pumpingmachinery has been already installed and in operations no specific engineering noise controlmeasures would be applicable. Implementation measures are suggested for protection of workersfrom high and continuous noise. Full mitigation for noise impact is not expected.Mitigation for workers would include• The operator and worker areas for sitting or resting shall be located away from pumpingmachinery locations• Workers shall be provided with noise protection measures like Personal ProtectiveEquipment (PPE) such as earmuffs (over-the-head)49 World Bank

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