KMWEEP-EA Final Report June 3 2008.pdf - kuidfc

KMWEEP-EA Final Report June 3 2008.pdf - kuidfc

KMWEEP-EA Final Report June 3 2008.pdf - kuidfc


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KARNATAKA MUNICIPAL WATER PUMPING IMPROVEMENTS IN SIX TOWNSENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT AND PREPARING ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLANFINAL REPORT• To prevent long term health implications Regular annual health checkups for the workersshall to be taken up.• Noise monitoring shall be taken up at the pumping station locations.Noise Mitigation techniques for pumping machinery would include:• Regular maintenance of pumping machinery shall be taken up as per specifications of themanufacturer.• Vegetation planting 4 around periphery boundary of pumping stations shall be taken up.2. Generation of waste and disposal: Periodic maintenance of the pumping equipments, electricalpanels and pump house structure might lead to generation and storage of waste like oil, scrap,electrical equipments and grease. Although the quantity of the waste generation is not substantial,due care needs to be taken for disposal.Mitigation Measures• Different types of waste shall be segregated and stored in different containers to enhancereuse or recycling of materials and their proper disposal• Record of type, amount of wastes generated, recycled and disposed (including thedisposal sites) shall be maintained in separate register• The disposal shall not be done at sensitive locations, natural water bodies or nearsettlements. Waste like oil, grease/lubricant, metal scrap and building debris should bedisposed off to designated dealers or designated locations with prior approval from therespective Municipal engineers.3. Operational Health and Safety of workers: Specific impacts in this phase include hazards tohealth and safety of workmen working in the pumping station. The following occupational healthissues may be encountered during pumping activities:• Physical hazards in pumping operations may be related to handling of large, heavymaterials and machine parts; accidents related to heavy mechanical movement; injuriesdue to machinery accidents; and injuries due to falls from elevation (e.g. high platforms,ladders, and stairs).• Electrical and fire hazards related to shocks, fires due to faults in electrical panelsMitigation Measures• Occupational health and safety 5 provisions and implementation should be included in O&MContract of pumping stations.• Occupational Health and Safety Plan for workforce should be implemented for protectionagainst physical, electrical and fire hazards with due provision of appropriate protectiveequipments and gears to workers on the site.• Training for workers on handling potential site emergencies, dangers, including potentialhealth effects4 Guidelines suggested and indicative tree/shrub list has been given in Annexure E5• Operational Health and Safety precautions in India are covered under The Factories Act, 1948. This is not a regulatoryrequirement for pumping stations as they would not come under the purview of the aforesaid Act. The pumping station couldadhere to relevant health section (Chapter-III section 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18 and 19) and safety (Chapter-IV Section 21, 22,28, 38 and 40) guidelines suggested in The Factories Act, 1948 with subsequent amendments. Occupational Health andSafety Instruction to be a part of O&M are given in annexure -C25 World Bank

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