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Download How Buildings Grow PDF - Institute for Creation Research

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gradual. After all, the soil had remained undisturbed <strong>for</strong> many years, but then rather quickly therehad appeared a concrete covering, which also lasted a while without change, a situation which theycalled "stasis." Then, one day a "punctuation" upset the "equilibrium" and suddenly there were thesesteel rods everywhere. Just how these sudden transmutations could occur was not really clear, butthe scientists knew that one revered scientist had received a Nobel Prize <strong>for</strong> showing mathematicallyhow it was possible that a "dissipative structure" could somehow generate order out of chaos. Perhapsa tornado had caused a rapid change from soil to concrete and a later hurricane had quickly madehorizontal slabs vertical. Such rapid changes would, of course, leave no remnant intermediate stagesto look at, but that could not prove that they had not been there and done that. At least this seemedmore feasible than the idea of zillions of imperceptible changes (most of them either useless orharmful) generating a beautiful, functioning building.There was still another group of scientists, however, who felt that while natural processes (solarenergy, wind, etc.) were adequate to do all the work involved, there was still too much evidence o<strong>for</strong>ganized irreducible complexity in the building <strong>for</strong> it to have come about by chance. Unwilling to fallback on the antiquated notion of an intelligent personal designer, however, they felt that the vibrantuniverse was itself a quasi-intelligent entity which could somehow organize some of its componentsinto such relatively simple structures as an ICR building. These scientists even regarded Earth as agreat mother—Mother Nature, or Gaia, the earth goddess, or some such name—working all hernatural processes together in some mysterious way to generate a building.In any case, whether by gradual mutations, punctuated equilibrium, or cosmic consciousness, all wereagreed that natural processes had built the building. More research was needed as to the precisemechanisms involved, but there could be no question that it was all done by unaided nature. Thatdefinitely was the way it was, all the scientists agreed, and most people went along.All agreed, that is, except those "religious" scientists and their associates who had been involved inthe actual planning, had raised the funds, and then commissioned an architect and contractor todesign and build the building. And all of these testified that the planning, fund-raising, design, andconstruction had been preceded by much thought and much prayer, and that, ultimately, all creditmust go to their Creator God and Savior, who had answered their prayers.And that was really the way it really was!

inging into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" (II Corinthians10:4, 5).Member, Evangelical Council <strong>for</strong> Financial Accountability***© Copyright 2001 <strong>Institute</strong> of <strong>Creation</strong> <strong>Research</strong>. All Rights Reserved.10946 Woodside Ave. NorthSantee, CA 92071Voice: (619) 448-0900Fax: (619) 448-369file:///C|/Web%20Sites/ICR-web-old/pubs/btg-a/btg-141a.htm (6 of 6) [1/10/2003 4:15:09 PM]

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