Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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LINCOLN THE UNKNOWN•89Whigs had already done: he attacked <strong>the</strong> President for havingstarted "a war of rapine and murder, a war of robbery and dishonor,"and declared that <strong>the</strong> God of heaven had "forgotten todefend <strong>the</strong> weak and innocent, and permitted <strong>the</strong> strong bandof murderers and demons from hell to kill men, women, andchildren and lay waste and pillage <strong>the</strong> land of <strong>the</strong> just."The capital paid no attention whatever to this speech, for <strong>Lincoln</strong>was <strong>unknown</strong>. But back in Springfield, it raised a hurricane.Illinois had sent six thousand men to fight, as <strong>the</strong>y believed, for<strong>the</strong> holy cause of liberty; and now <strong>the</strong>ir representative wasstanding up in Congress and calling <strong>the</strong>ir soldiers demons fromhell, and accusing <strong>the</strong>m of murder. In a rage, excited partizansheld public meetings and denounced <strong>Lincoln</strong> as "base" . . ."dastardly" . . . "infamous" ... "a reasonable guerilla" ... "asecond Benedict Arnold."At one meeting resolutions were adopted declaring that neveruntil <strong>the</strong>n had <strong>the</strong>y "known disgrace so black." . . . "Such blackodium and infamy heaped upon <strong>the</strong> living brave and illustriousdead can but excite <strong>the</strong> indignation of every true Illinoisan."The hatred was so bitter that it smoldered for more than adecade; and when <strong>Lincoln</strong> was running for <strong>the</strong> Presidencythirteen years later <strong>the</strong>se denunciations were again hurled at hishead."I have committed political suicide," <strong>Lincoln</strong> confessed to hislaw partner.He dreaded to go back home now and face his resentfulconstituents; so he tried to secure a position that would keephim in Washington, and maneuvered to secure an appointmentas Commissioner of <strong>the</strong> Land Office, but he failed.Then he tried to have himself named Governor of <strong>the</strong> Territoryof Oregon, with <strong>the</strong> hope that he might be one of <strong>the</strong> firstsenators when it came into <strong>the</strong> Union, but he failed in that too.So he returned to Springfield and his dirty law office. Oncemore he hitched up Old Buck to his ramshackle buggy, andagain he started driving over <strong>the</strong> circuit of <strong>the</strong> Eighth JudicialDistrict—one of <strong>the</strong> most dejected men in all Illinois.He was determined now to forget all about politics, and devotehimself to his profession. He realized that he had nomethod in his work, that he lacked mental discipline; and so,to train himself to reason more closely and to demonstrate aproposition, he bought a geometry and carried it with him ashe rode <strong>the</strong> circuit.

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