Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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LINCOLN THE UNKNOWN•73Mrs. <strong>Lincoln</strong> from an adjoining room witnessed <strong>the</strong>Her indignation was so instantaneous she madesituation exceedingly interesting for him, and he wasladies' entrance, and overheard her husband's jocose expression.<strong>the</strong>glad to retreat from <strong>the</strong> mansion. He did not return untilvery late at night, and <strong>the</strong>n slipped quietly in at a rear door.Mrs. <strong>Lincoln</strong> was violently jealous, and she had little use forJoshua Speed. He had been her husband's intimate friend, andshe suspected that he might have influenced <strong>Lincoln</strong> to runaway from his wedding. Before his marriage, <strong>Lincoln</strong> had beenin <strong>the</strong> habit of ending his letters to Speed with "Love to Fanny."But, after <strong>the</strong> marriage, Mrs. <strong>Lincoln</strong> demanded that that greetingbe tempered down to "Regards to Mrs. Speed."<strong>Lincoln</strong> never forgot a favor. That was one of his outstandingcharacteristics; so, as a little gesture of appreciation, he hadpromised that <strong>the</strong> firstshe burst out in a storm. Itboy would be named Joshua Speed <strong>Lincoln</strong>.But when Mary Todd heard itwas her child, and she was going to name it! And, what wasmore, <strong>the</strong> name was not going to be Joshua Speed! It was goingto be Robert Todd, after her own fa<strong>the</strong>r . . . and so on andso on.It is hardly necessary to add that <strong>the</strong> boy was namedRobert Todd. He was <strong>the</strong> only one of <strong>the</strong> four <strong>Lincoln</strong> childrento reach maturity. Eddie died in 1850 at Springfield—age 4. Willie died in <strong>the</strong> White House—age 12. Tad diedin Chicago in 1871—age 18. Robert Todd <strong>Lincoln</strong> died inManchester, Vermont, July 26, 1926—age 83.Mrs. <strong>Lincoln</strong> complained because <strong>the</strong> yard was without flowers,shrubs, or color. So <strong>Lincoln</strong> set out a few roses, but he tookno interest in <strong>the</strong>m and <strong>the</strong>y soon perished of neglect. She urgedhim to plant a garden, and one spring he did, but <strong>the</strong> weedsoverran it.Though he was not much given to physical exertion, he didfeed and curry "Old Buck"; he also "fed and milked his owncow and sawed his own wood." And he continued to do this,even after he was elected President, until he left Springfield.However, John Hanks, <strong>Lincoln</strong>'s second cousin, once remarkedthat "Abe was not good at any kind of work exceptdreamin'." And Mary <strong>Lincoln</strong> agreed with him.

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