Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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6I n March, 1837, two years after Ann's death, <strong>Lincoln</strong> turnedhis back on New Salem and rode into Springfield on a borrowedhorse, to begin what he called his "experiment as a lawyer."He carried in his saddle-bag all his earthly possessions. Theonly things he owned were several law-books and some extrashirts and some underwear. He also carried an old blue sockstuffed with six-and-a-quarter-cent and twelve-and-a-half-centpieces—money that he had collected for postage before <strong>the</strong>post-office "winked out" back in New Salem. During this firstyear in Springfield, <strong>Lincoln</strong> needed cash often, and he needed itbadly. He could have spent this money and paid <strong>the</strong> Governmentout of his own pocket, but he would have felt that that wasdishonest. So when <strong>the</strong> post-office auditor finally came aroundfor a settlement, <strong>Lincoln</strong> turned over to him not only <strong>the</strong> exactamount, but <strong>the</strong> exact coins he had taken in as post-masterduring <strong>the</strong> preceding year or two.The morning that <strong>Lincoln</strong> rode into Springfield, he not onlyhad no cash reserves of his own; but, to make matters worse,he was eleven hundred dollars in debt. He and Berry had lostthat amount in <strong>the</strong>ir ill-fated grocery venture back in NewSalem. Then Berry had drunk himself to death and left <strong>Lincoln</strong>to shoulder <strong>the</strong> obligations alone.To be sure, <strong>Lincoln</strong> didn't have to pay; he could have pleadeddivided responsibility and <strong>the</strong> failure of <strong>the</strong> business and havefound a legal loophole of escape.48

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