Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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Xhe Rutledge tavern was a rough, wea<strong>the</strong>r-beaten affairwith nothing whatever to distinguish it from a thousand o<strong>the</strong>rlog cabins along <strong>the</strong> frontier. A stranger would not have givenit a second glance; but <strong>Lincoln</strong> could not keep his eyes off itnow, nor his heart out of it. To him, it filled <strong>the</strong> earth and toweredto <strong>the</strong> sky, and he never crossed <strong>the</strong> threshold of it withouta quickening of his heart.Borrowing a copy of Shakspere's plays from Jack Kelso, hestretched himself out on top of <strong>the</strong> store counter, and, turningover <strong>the</strong> pages, he read <strong>the</strong>se linesBut, soft!again and again:what light through yonder window breaks?It is <strong>the</strong> east, and Juliet is <strong>the</strong> sun.He closed <strong>the</strong> book. He could not read. He could not think.He lay <strong>the</strong>re for an hour, dreaming, living over in memory all<strong>the</strong> lovely things Ann had said <strong>the</strong> night before. He lived nowfor only one thing—for <strong>the</strong> hours that he spent with her.Quilting parties were popular in those days, and Ann wasinvariably invited to <strong>the</strong>se affairs, where her slender fingersplied <strong>the</strong> needle with unusual swiftness and art. <strong>Lincoln</strong> usedto ride with her in <strong>the</strong> morning to <strong>the</strong> place where <strong>the</strong> quiltingwas to be held, and call for her again in <strong>the</strong> evening. Once heboldly went into <strong>the</strong> house—a place where men seldom venturedon such occasions—and sat down beside her. Her heartthrobbed, and a flood of color rose to her face.40In her excite-

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