Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown

Lincoln, the unknown


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38• LINCOLN THE UNKNOWNand family back to Illinois. But before leaving town he confessedsomething to Ann Rutledge that almost stunned her.However, she was young and she loved him, and she believedhisstory.A few days later, he set out from Salem, waving good-by toAnn and promising to write often.<strong>Lincoln</strong> was postmaster of <strong>the</strong> village <strong>the</strong>n. The mail arrivedby stage-coach twice a week, and <strong>the</strong>re was very little of it, forit cost from six and a quarter cents to twenty-five to send aletter, depending on <strong>the</strong> distance it must travel. <strong>Lincoln</strong> carried<strong>the</strong> letters about in his hat. When people met him <strong>the</strong>y wouldask if he had any mail for <strong>the</strong>m, and he would pull off his hatand look through his collection to see what he had.Twice each week Ann Rutledge inquired for a letter. Threemonths passed before <strong>the</strong> first one arrived. McNeil explainedthat he had not written sooner because he had been taken sickwith a fever while crossing Ohio, and had been in bed for threeweeks — part of <strong>the</strong> time unconscious.Three more months passed before <strong>the</strong> next letter came; andwhen it arrived it was almost worse than no letter at all. Itwas cold and vague. He said that his fa<strong>the</strong>r was very ill, tha<strong>the</strong> was being harassed by his fa<strong>the</strong>r's creditors, and that he didnot know when he would be back.After that Ann watched <strong>the</strong> mail for months, hoping for moreletters which never came. Had he ever really loved her at all?She had begun now to doubt it.<strong>Lincoln</strong>, seeing her distress, volunteered to try to find Mc-Neil."No," she said, "he knows where I am, and if he doesn't careenough to write to me I am sure I do not care enough to haveyou try to find him."Then she told her fa<strong>the</strong>r of <strong>the</strong> extraordinary confessionthat McNeil had made before he left. He had admitted that hehad been living under an assumed name for years. His realname was not McNeil, as every one in New Salem believed, butMcNamar.Why had he practised this deception? His fa<strong>the</strong>r, he explained,had failed in business, back in New York State, andhad become heavily involved in debts. He, being <strong>the</strong> eldestson, had, without disclosing his destination, come West tomake money. He feared that if he used his right name, his familymight learn of his whereabouts and follow him, and he

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